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Re: Family Matters

Posted: 04 Jan 2022, 04:21
by Stanley
My best find was Lloyd George's copy of 'Poverty and Public Health' in Littleborough. I gave it to my friend and mentor Steve Constantine. He taught the course on the inter war years and opened my eyes.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 19 Feb 2022, 13:46
by PanBiker
Sally and Jack have gone down to pick our Ruby up for half term. She will be with us for the week. They have just set off back from Stratford. :smile:

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 20 Feb 2022, 03:44
by Stanley
Not a good afternoon....

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 20 Feb 2022, 11:57
by PanBiker
All back safe and sound by teatime. Ruby was car sick with the start stop journey but had a bit of late tea and has bounced back OK as the young one's do. We are all at Carla's this afternoon for tea. The visit was going to include a walk first but that has been sidelined, not much fun in the wind and rain. The three cousins together will be happy enough. I think Finlay will be at rugby this morning, don't know if he has a match or it will just be a session at Wharfedale.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 15 May 2022, 09:37
by PanBiker
A belting day for our Finlay today. He is playing at Keighley Cougars ground for Silsden Storm before the regular league game. :smile:

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 15 May 2022, 10:43
by Big Kev
:good: good stuff.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 15 May 2022, 10:56
by PanBiker
A big change from the 50 or so, (mainly parents) that take them and support at the local grounds. He plays for Wharfedale Juniors which is Union and Silsden Storm which is League based.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 12 Jul 2022, 09:25
by PanBiker
It would have been our Dan's 42nd birthday today. 10 years now this November since the RTA. Carla and Jack will be here at tea time for a curry, Dan loved a curry. :extrawink:

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 12 Jul 2022, 11:16
by Cathy
Being together and reminiscing, I hope you can make the best of the night together.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 12 Jul 2022, 16:31
by PanBiker
Thanks Cathy, order is in from our Jack for his choice of curry and sides, just waiting for Carla and Isla to tip up and we can get the order in. :smile:

Sally and I went for a walk this afternoon. Just a nice little jaunt round the local fields. Carla and Jack couldn't make it at the weekend when we would normally do it.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 13 Jul 2022, 02:37
by Stanley
You've reminded me, It's almost 19 years since Harry's plane crashed at Jandakot. (LINK)

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 11:01
by PanBiker
It's ten years today since our Dan died, there isn't a day goes by when we don't think of him. It will be a takeaway curry for tea tonight and probably a glass of red. Sally is going down to Stratford next weekend to see Ruby and we are hoping to have her up here between Christmas and the into the New Year. Isla and her are already planning shopping trips, they want to go to Leeds for one session.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 12:33
by PanBiker
I forgot to mention that they also want me to go to help in "the escape room" :smile:

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 25 Nov 2022, 10:32
by PanBiker
Just back from taking Sally to Skipton for her trip down to Stratford. Chief cook and bottle washer, (but no change there) for me, probably until Sunday or maybe Monday as there will be no trains to get Sally home on Saturday. She has anytime return tickets. :extrawink:

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 27 Nov 2022, 11:20
by PanBiker
Got a couple of messages this morning one from Sally on the Birmingham train and then another to say she is on the Leeds train, so she will be home today. :smile: Used the last of the loaf I made for my breakfast so I think I will have a go at some Soda Bread.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 28 Nov 2022, 08:07
by Stanley
News from Margaret. Her MRI is booked for 10AM tomorrow and then she can leave the hospital. She's going down to Busselton for a couple of days with the kids....

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 30 Nov 2022, 04:37
by Stanley
It's all worked out well in the end. All the kids are now in the house at Busselton enjoying a beach holiday in 36C temperatures before returning home next Monday.... We were only saying the other day that looking at the economic outlook here it is going to be a long time before any of us can even think about a flight to Australia. They are very conscious of this and will wring the last bit of enjoyment out of the visit I'm sure.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 22 Jan 2023, 10:53
by PanBiker
"Can you look after this for me dad?" Those were the words uttered to me by my lovely daughter Carla, must be about 20 years ago. The item in question is a six foot long bespoke settle with under seat storage that her godfather, (and my best man) Paul made for her when she was living in Barlick on Cornmill Terrace. She moved from there to Steeton to be nearer to her work in Glusburn and had nowhere to put it in the house she bought. It has lived on the wall of our back room ever since and has stored dozens of OS maps and walking gear, winter woollies etc.

Clock wound on to yesterday when we got a message that she now finally has room in her remodelled and extended house in Silsden to accommodate the piece. Ant came over in the van this morning and I got our Jack to come and give him a hand getting it out. Our house has been remodelled slightly from when it came in and it had to go out a different route and on end to negotiate the doors. All sorted and we can now have a shift round at our end. Our only problem is where do we put all the stuff we had in it!

Things you do for your kids. :smile:

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 23 Jan 2023, 04:09
by Stanley
Tell me about it Ian..... :biggrin2:
Grand Daughter Jess and her husband Muthomi are having a house built at Clitheroe and I was designated custodian of the bikes until they have moved in and have room for them. So they ended up snug and warm in my hall but as you can imagine are a bloody nuisance. Hopefully we are getting close to completion, I shall not be sorry to see them go!


Re: Family Matters

Posted: 23 Jan 2023, 04:22
by Cathy
I still have my daughter’s high school stuff, her childhood reading books and ‘bits and pieces’.
She’s 36yrs old 😂

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 24 Jan 2023, 04:29
by Stanley
No hope of a reprieve soon Cathy?

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 24 Jan 2023, 10:35
by PanBiker
I overestimated the time we took care of the settle. Not 20 years but 14 apparently! Here it is back in its owners house, Carla's new two storey extension and kitchen still a work in progress. It could have been made for that space between the kitchen and dining room. The double socket is due to go.


Re: Family Matters

Posted: 24 Jan 2023, 13:13
by Sue
Cathy wrote: 23 Jan 2023, 04:22 I still have my daughter’s high school stuff, her childhood reading books and ‘bits and pieces’.
She’s 36yrs old 😂
And mine are in their late 40s. I have just presented them with a folder each full of school reports, school photos, and primary school work books, plus GCSE course work . We are still working through the loft for more stuff. We gave Julia her box of swimming medals and trophies not so long ago. The grandchildren have just finished playing with the last of the toys, now back in the loft

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 24 Jan 2023, 13:38
by Big Kev
I have a shelf with youngest offspring's basketball related stuff, he's 34 this weekend. The only exception is the small plaque (bottom left) with the harp on it. That is P's, she won it for Irish dancing nearly 50 years ago.

Re: Family Matters

Posted: 12 Apr 2023, 14:35
by PanBiker
Seen Ruby safely installed on the Plymouth train at Leeds. It stops at Birmingham New Street where she will be picked up by her mum. 1 min late for the first train back to Skipton, made the platform but the train pulled out just as we got to the back of it. Big ask as there was only a 3 min gap between trains and they were 9 platforms apart. I don't run so it was the next one 10 minutes later, just time to get a cheese and onion pasty for lunch which we consumed on the train. :extrawink:

We were back home before 2pm.