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We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 18:47
by Doc
Three telesales calls within an hour of each other - All from the same company - All spoken with Asian Accents that I couldn't understand. :furious3:

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 01:54
by Marilyn
(do you mean apart from Avatars disappearing all over the place? Noticed yours was gone too, Doc)

Well...I already had a little moan about this on 'What did we have for Tea'. Went to a pub with friends last night and I was very disappointed to find all the things I would have liked to have chosen to eat, were laced with Garlic ( including the Atlantic Salmon). I cannot eat garlic, as it makes me sick.
I find this an ever increasing nuisance. I know lots of folk love Garlic, but we are rapidly becoming an over-garlicked society. Having chosen a plain old Chicken Schnitzel, I approached the buffet for veg. There was a Potato bake ( with garlic) and roasted veg medley ( with garlic) and cauliflower cheese dish ( with garlic) and guessed it...with garlic!
It is beyond belief that vegetables in particular, cannot be enjoyed for the natural taste of the vegetable alone.
( and don't these chef's know that Atlanic Salmon has such a delicate flavor that they just kill it with Garlic?)

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 03:00
by Whyperion
Its become a bit of a superfood , so everyone thinks we should have it ? Are you a undiagnosed vampire ? Though I agree the chemicals in garlic are designed to deter animals from eating it. I dont think I have got annoyed with any thing today , for a change , but then again havent been out or done much at all really.

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 04:18
by Marilyn
Possibly an undiagnosed Pendle Witch!
( just makes me throw up and gives me diabolical gut if I have been shot straight through the middle with a burning cannon ball...lasts for hours...and I tend to make my way between bed and the bathroom on all fours.)

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 04:29
by Stanley
Nothing. I haven't been up long enough for the world to get at me!
Correction. The fact that I couldn't replace my avatar!

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 09:28
by Cathy
Had a little moan yesterday. While waiting for the bus a young woman was getting a bit close and seemed indecisive about putting her bags into a trolley that was next to mine so I moved mine thinking she didn't have enough room, then she spent a good minute running her fingers thru her hair before putting it into a scrunchie (y). She got off at my stop and stood really close to me at the kerb and crossed the road with me. Walking down our road she stayed about a metre in front me all the way, I say walking but I was moving about a foot length per step because of my back, but I could'nt understand why she was too. She kept turning round to look at me, yuk, my thought was that she was planning on pinching one of my shopping bags and making a run for it!!
All very strange. I hate it when people don't give you your personal space.

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 11:00
by Tizer
Nothing annoyed me so far today (except the radio news and that's every day!) and I hope it stays that way, but I'm still recovering from everything that annoyed me during the week. We have a lot going on at the moment and one of the issues involves solicitors - we've had to ditch one solicitor because they were unbelievably slow and find another. Also I'm still having problems hung over from converting pension funds into annuities. For a start the annuities are 25% less than they would have been before the bankers did all those bad things that have since netted them big bonuses. For another it has been one of the most frustrating exercises I've been through, due to the big insurance companies making mistakes, moving too slowly and trying to divert me into policies that would benefit them with fees. I'll relate the tale on OG one day to bore you all! :wink:

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 16:28
by Whyperion
Marilyn , notice you are in Austraila , are they using the garlic correctly - maybe they are using the top green growth in error rather than the undersoil bulb ?

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 16:34
by Callunna
Probably best if I don’t contribute to this thread. Wouldn’t want to overload the new server...

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 21:47
by Doc
Callunna wrote:Probably best if I don’t contribute to this thread. Wouldn’t want to overload the new server...
Go for it Cally, and try and break the server.

Grab a brew and let rip girl :shout:

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 04:06
by Stanley
Tiz, to add to your woes and apropos something we discussed a couple of days ago, the Treasury has had another stab at you by injecting £50billion into the bond market thus lowering interest rates. I have no doubt you heard Paul Lewis discussing it at lunchtime yesterday. Commiserations from me but a fat lot of good that will do!
Only thing that disturbed me yesterday was the horrible conditions underfoot. Not worth risking a fall at my age so Jack and I were curtailed in our exercise. (I'm 76 on Tuesday in case you hadn't noticed....)

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 04:27
by Gearce
Still getting the 'Last visit' date wrong in the User information panel in the Portal

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 07:51
by Wendyf
Gearce, I believe that the "last visit" date & time records when you last logged in. If you stay logged in it doesn't reflect the times you visit.

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 23:26
by Gearce
Thanks Wendy ...... Interesting ...... On Saturday my last visit was Friday, February 10 , 2012 ...... Today my last visit was Saturday, February 11, 2012 ...... I have remained logged in since I joined ...... No big deal ...... Just thought I'd have a moan

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 13 Feb 2012, 06:33
by Gearce
About six weeks prior to Christmas 2011 I emailed the manufacturer of my computer in search of an accessory ...... A week passed without reply so I emailed again ...... Again no reply so I sent a registered letter to the Melbourne office ...... Still have heard nothing from them ...... I realise that the chances of obtaining the accessory were slim but a little courtesy wouldn't have gone astray ...... Same old story - once you have purchased a product, companies don't want to know you ...... A somewhat similar story about a NEW bagless vacuum cleaner my daughter received as a gift at Christmas ...... It didn't work properly so she took it back to the retailer who took 5 days to return it to the manufacturer and when my daughter rang the manufacturer to find out if they had received it, the answer was 'Yes' but it would take at least 5 weeks to return it ...... Still no sign of it as I write

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 13 Feb 2012, 22:42
by Sunray10
Was out in Colne this afternoon nothing really annoyed me. Nice cup of tea in the cafe then bought a few books in the charity shops. Had a look in the library. My friend who took me there in his car got annoyed by a women walking across a zebra crossing when the lights were on go. She should have waited but instead decided to walk across the busy road and hold up my friend and another car coming in the opposite direction.

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 13 Feb 2012, 23:51
by Callunna
Don't want to nitpick, but do you mean a Pelican crossing? Zebra crossings don't have lights and a pedestrian only has too put a toe on it for it to be the law that all traffic stops.

By how much were you delayed? 30 seconds? Terrible - absolutely terrible ... All pedestrians should be shot. Hanging's too good for 'em.

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 00:02
by Sunray10
Yes I do mean a Pelican crossing, thanks Callunna. :grin: It didn't bother me but my friend is very quickly annoyed by these trivial things - we were only held up 15 seconds at the most. :grin: Sounds a bit like Jeremy Clarkson creeping in !! :surprised:

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 00:35
by Bradders Bluesinger
My gripe at the moment is litter in the lane ....we are 2 miles from the nearest village .
I think someone has a drink problem ,as I keep finding (strong lager and cider )cans thrown onto the verges.
I have recovered 15 since last week , over a 3/4 mile stretch, and I can see more as I drive further afield....
They seem to appear overnight .

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 01:19
by Marilyn
Speaking of litter, it was bin day today, so bins went out last night. A street full of bins of course.
And some bright spark had to go and dump a bin bag full of household rubbish under a tree alongside my neighbours side fence.
All those bins to choose from...but nooooooo...let's just dump it under a tree in the street! So guess who had to don the marigolds and pick it up? It had split of course ( Murphy's law) and the rotting contents were covered in ants, and the whole lot stank to high heaven. You wonder where some folk keep their brains...

Bradders...sounds like a local underaged drinker having sly ones. Keep your eyes out and confront. Threaten to tell the parents. Put the wind up them.

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 10:08
by Doc
Callunna wrote:Don't want to nitpick, but do you mean a Pelican crossing? Zebra crossings don't have lights and a pedestrian only has too put a toe on it for it to be the law that all traffic stops.

By how much were you delayed? 30 seconds? Terrible - absolutely terrible ... All pedestrians should be shot. Hanging's too good for 'em.
I use to call them Belisha Beacons when I was a kid, I got knocked down once by a BCN double decker bus outside Colne's old post office, I think I was about 6 or 7 at the time. A very lucky escape all I had to show for the accident was a grazed arse and wounded pride.

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 10:33
by PanBiker
Called after Leslie Hore-Belisha who was Minister of Transport in the 30's when they were introduced.

Belisha Beacons Wiki

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 11:41
by Marilyn
Annoyed with the advertising banner.
( Doc, how can you ask for donations to OG when you have taken on paid advertising?)
My screen looks more like a fruit machine at a casino.
I am afraid 'lights are going out' at this end. I am not spending my Internet money looking at ads for goods and services.
Adored what OG once stood for...

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 12:39
by Bradders Bluesinger
What adverts ?....(now see ,em you don't)
Pah ! they went as quickly as they came .......
Tempted to insert a big Smiley , but resisted .....
Thanks Doc, if you ,as I suspect, had a hand in the extermination..

Re: We all Love A Moan, What Annoyed You Today...

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 12:56
by Doc
I was running a trial, but the absence of adverts is only temporary - they will return at some point soon.