Favourite Walks and Rambles

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

Thanks for that Ian..... Noted!
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

Good day for an outing for the boots today. Usual escape route via the gates in the Weets direction. Walmsgate, Westgate, Moorgate, Folly Lane up past the stables then into the fields below Standridge and the stile in the top corner by Lower Standridge. Down the field and through the gate, down to the bridge over Gillians Beck and up the hillside then through to Lane Bottom. Up and out onto the moor climbing on the path through the heather and bracken, bear right an up to the stile at the top of the moor. Over the stile back into rough pasture passing the small herd of Belted Galloways who are grazing here today, over the bridge on another upper tributary of Gillians and down the field to exit at the stile back onto Folly at Higher View. We continued up to the top of Folly and on past Duckpond Farm and our friendly giants. Across the field to the stile out onto the moor noticing that the broken hinge on the gate that I reported has been sorted by Toms footpath team. Right here and over open access moorland to exit and join the upper end of the ridge path to Weets summit. Past the cairn and the beacon site and over to the trig. No more than 5 minutes on the bench as the stiff Eastern wind was biting and even penetrating the layers. We returned via the ridge path and back down to Standridge retracing our steps down into town. Wall to wall sunshine but held cooler by the East wind, OK as long as you were moving, as Wendy mentioned elsewhere the ground was firm, partly frozen with only the odd soft bit in the usual claggy places. Usual gear base layer, light fleece and windproof top, lined walking pants, fingerless gloves and knitted beanie, plenty warm enough as long as you didn't stand still to long. just short of 5 miles in 1 hour 52 mins. A few other folk on the hill mainly on the ridge path but one guy coming up with a couple of dogs via the Northern route off Brown Hill or The Edge.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

No exams to do yesterday so it was out into the fields after lunch. Sally went for a walk in the morning as she had an appointment in the afternoon. I togged up after lunch and went out via Parrock and Calf Hall and at t he top of the lane left into the fields. Plenty of boots an wellies before me here as I crossed the buttercup field. Out onto the lane and up to Hollins Farm. I was the first on this route yesterday, completely virgin fields with 4 - 6 inches of snow. I doglegged across the field and onto the bridle path. The only tracks I saw were from a hare which saw loping about at the bottom of the field, he seemed to be enjoying the snow like me. I turned right at the bottom to make my way back towards New House through the fields parallel to Brogden Lane, it started snowing heavily by the time I got to the first field. No other boots here either so I made my way up hill to the stile and into the next usually boggy field. It was fairly easy going but the snow had drifted to nearly a foot deep on the Eastern side of the slope. The snow and wind was directly in my face coming down the hill, visibility virtually gone and I missed the stile as I could not see the tree that I normally aim for coming off the hill. A quick re-track when I realised I had overshot. Down under the trees to the small pond in the corner of the old orchard, left over the beck to the stile in the corner and the path down to the stables. Back via Priory Way and Valley Gardens. I was white when I got home but the snow had just stopped. All my normal layers but with my cagoule as an extra today,plenty warm enough and I had to open the arm vents on the top layer at one point. Just short of 3 miles, half in virgin snow, lovely. :smile: Thick Pea and Ham Soup with dumplings for tea, just the job.


Sent home early today so will probably be out again this afternoon.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

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This afternoons walk after more snow took us out via the stables and up to Cow Pasture. Wind was whipping up the snow on the climb up the field to the farm and stock holding. We went up the side path and onto Hollins then up past the old Limekiln workings. Over the beck and stile an out onto Dark Hill. Wind blowing the snow into some deep drifts up here, (knee depth) as we climbed up to the new board walk and the wall stile beyond. Sheep path although you couldn't see it out onto Edge Lane, I say lane we couldn't see that either, the drifts had more or less obliterated it at the top end. We made our way down into the bottom then climbed up to join the top of Esp Lane at Moor Close. Not before misjudging the first rung of the cattle grid on the bridge over the beck and my foot going down the side of the grid, I was at the side and could fortunately grab a convenient post to stop myself sinking further, nothing bust so we came down Esp Lane. All fine and dandy on the top stretch but nearer the bottom it became increasingly treacherous and I managed to fall twice over about 100 yards. The lane was surfaced with tarmac for most of it's length through the summer and the combination of a perfectly smooth surface with compacted snow and the slope conspired to my undoing. Even my Vibram soles didn't help here. Again no damage but difficult to get up again on the compacted surface. Down Town Head and Westgate, round Parrock and home. I fell again on Commercial Street, same deal compacted snow in front of the garages. A tad colder and a stiffer breeze on the higher bit's, same gear as yesterday and plenty warm enough, covered in snow when we got home but warm and dry on the inside. 2.5 miles or so but felt further as it's a lot harder going in deep snow.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

I'm not back out round the lanes and footpaths just yet but Sally is still walking. Last week (Thursday I think) she went out via Cow Pasture and then crossed Hollins Lane taking the path past the old Lime Kiln workings onto Dark Hill. The stone stile there was totally blocked by a large branch that had fallen from the adjacent tree. She mentioned it to me when she got back and I popped it on the LCC reporting site. I got an email yesterday from Tom Partridge who leads the Pendle Countryside access team to say that they had attended and cleared the obstruction. Nice to know that there are still some areas of the council that are working efficiently. Tom and his team are a shining example. :smile: :good:
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

I often think the same thing Ian. Considering the swingeing cuts they are doing a good job.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »



First walk out post op with my boots on and no orthosis device. I took my walking poles and used them when I was out in the fields. I found that my boots force me to pick my right foot up so I only have to think about stepping heel first and away we go. I do a stepping exercise for precisely that so it looks like it is working. :smile:

Out via the stables end of Priory Way then out into the fields, up to Cow Pasture and back down Calf Hall Lane, Parrock, Butts and home. Not the fastest I have done it but the most precise in walking action, didn't always have to look at my feet either, I got poked in the stomach for that when I was in hospital, well suited with today's foray. :yahoo:
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Wendyf »

Great stuff Ian!
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

Good news Ian! As for looking at boots, remember my old drill sergeant, stomach in, chest out, back straight and head up!
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

Indeed Stanley and easy enough to say when both your legs work as intended a bit more difficult when one leg has had practice of going awol for 20 years or more. My turned out foot is much improved but I still have to make a concious effort to step with it straight. I was happy with the fact that I could stride heel first even with my boots on, certainly nowhere near as flexible as my trainers but was better than expected.

Remember me mentioning that the physios automatically spot everyone's faults in gate or stature when out on the street. They all said that they could spot anyone that had been in the forces a mile off, in the main they are the only ones walking straight!
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

It's been noted by others. I am told "You don't walk like an old man". I check every morning when I set off on my early walk, it gets to be habit.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

Back to normal this morning, my favourite walk round Valley Gardens. Half an hour of very gentle exercise and deep breathing clean air. I am certain this is good medicine.....
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Wendyf »

We had an enjoyable walk this morning following an old favourite route from the top road down past Fiddling Clough and into Earby coming out behind the Youth Hostel. Back up Standridge Clough Lane to the top of the hill. It's just under 3.5 miles but quite a climb on the return journey.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

I heard a piece on R4 yesterday advocating going on 'park runs' and it struck me that we do a park run at least once a day but at walking pace. Must be the best exercise their is.....
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

Park Runs are a recognised organised excersise regime and in a lot of cases are the only health activity that a lot of people have access to. Family orientated as well which allows more people to take part, good initiative.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

Here is my furthest walk without any aids 15 weeks post op. A nice day so I popped my boots on, no carbon blade support and no poles. I went out into the fields via the stables, down and over the stream and then up to Cow Pasture. I went up through the stock holding yard and the path up onto Hollins Lane. I was going to go the full length of the lane up onto Esp Lane but had started to tire. I can tell when I need to give up as the two vastus muscles either side and above the knee were allowing my right knee to try to go backwards! These are the muscles that I do my knee bend and hold exercises for and when they tire I have to slow down. So I elected to come back down through the buttercup field onto Calf Hall. I felt that I had recovered a bit by the time I got to the cattle grid so I extended the walk slightly by going up Pickles Hipping to Town Head and then back home via Westgate and Walmsgate. I was ready for a brew when I got back. It was steady going in the fields with the ground partly frozen and a light covering of snow. I was pleased that I could get round without any additional aids and no tendency to trip with my right dropped foot. :biggrin2:


I will have to do many more of these to get back to some kind of normal.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Wendyf »

Well done Ian. It's tiring walking in snow, even just a light covering.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

"I will have to do many more of these to get back to some kind of normal."
Put that thinking out of your head Ian, it will come. The amazing thing is that you have done the walk, you have nothing to prove!
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

I don't know what you mean there Stanley. My comment is not disheartening just realistic. I realised that I had a job on my hands the day after my op when I found that my leg didn't work at all. I had been warned that this may be the case on my first consultation so plenty of time to think up a plan. I'm just executing that now, steady away. I think I will progress a bit faster when the weather is good enough to get back on my bike. In the meantime I am intending to creep up on Weets trig a bit at a time. Dark Hill and Edge Lane is my next target, literally onwards and upwards. :biggrin2:
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

I meant that you don't need to push it, it will come.....
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

Stanley wrote: 01 Feb 2019, 03:33 I meant that you don't need to push it, it will come.....
Actually you do. If you want a better result. In the first few days after my operation when my right leg was totally non functional. I was scooped up by the neuro physio's. The first pep talk, I was told that even if I received no treatment or guidance from them, I would recover (after a fashion). Your brain will compensate enough to get you moving again, complete with turned out ankle with an additional dropped foot, misaligned scapula and the knock on to my hips. Your brain does not do correct posture as a matter of course that has to be forced on a mature body and relearned. It comes naturally when you are on the infant learning curve. The trick in my situation is to retrain new neuro paths by endeavouring to hold correct posture. For me this means consciously thinking about every step I take with my right foot and endeavouring to place each step correctly at the same time keeping my foot straight. You are right in that it will come in time but you definitely do need to push it.

To this end, I extended my walk yesterday. We exited via the Parrock and went up Calf Hall Lane then through the buttercup field over on to Hollins Lane. Up the concessionary path at the side of the old Limekiln workings and out onto Dark Hill. Up to my favourite stile and onward to Edge Lane. Down to Moor Close and Esp Lane then over the fields again to Moorgate by Billycocks old house. We returned via Townhead, Westgate and Walmsgate. Just shy of three miles this time, ground semi frozen in the fields and I would have done better with my poles on the uneven ground, I don't yet have full strength in my right ankle and tend to go over in the ruts. Daft as it sounds, having to think about walking is extremely tiring and I was proper ready for a sit down when we got back. A good walk though, my furthest and highest and Endomondo tells me it is my best so far in 2019. :smile:

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Tizer »

You've already reached what would be my comfortable maximum on the flat on a good day! It's my shortness of breath that holds me back now and slopes are difficult. In this cold weather my rapid breathing adds to the problem. Lactic acid builds up quickly in my leg muscles and they get too painful and weak to continue. If I go very slowly I can go further but that raises the problem of `Can I get back again?' :smile:
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

I find uphill easier for walking although the stamina hit gets me at the moment. Pre-op I could do a Weet's circular three times a week with 20-30 mile bike rides in-between. I need to get back up to six miles or so with a hill in the way and that will do me. Won't come without effort though. Good thing is that we are heading for Spring and Summer so lots more opportunity for longer walks and back onto my bike. Can't just sit at home and "let it come" as Stanley says, I would end up walking proper bent which is not an option I choose. :smile:
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