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Post by Stanley »

How about changing the topic title to 'Today's weather' and then it never has to be changed, we can still note the solstices in the thread.
Yesterday wasn't bad until later in the morning, I hung bedding out and got it rained on. very bad drying day even inside. Last night at 20:30 it was cool, damp underfoot but not raining. This morning there has been recent rain but it is fair at the moment. The glass has plummeted overnight to almost 972mb. A very low reading, usually means gales and rain. The forecast is for serious rain until about 7AM, then scattered showers and perhaps some sunny intervals for the rest of the day with a short dry spell early evening. The wind is going to be heavier and gusty all day from the west with a high of 14C and a low of 10C. Wet weather gear indicated!
06:20. To quote the Immortal Snoopy; "It was a wild and stormy night'. We are back after a dark, wet, windy walk in full weatherproof gear. To be fair, the wind hasn't really got up yet but even so it was bad. Jack of course got soaked abut he is a brave lad, he ignores the rain and I have given him a good rub down with a rough towel so he is clean, dry and feeling no pain. It's rained a lot during the night, the puddles are full and Butts Beck is running solid and brown over the cill. The outlook for tomorrow is a rising gl;ass and a better day but keep an eye on Wednesday, at the moment the Met Office are predicting even stronger winds for us in the NW and more rain. BTW. I might have been mistaken but I thought I heard thunder over the Ribble Valley as we were getting near home.

The Title of the topic. I usually avoid executive moderator decisions but I made one this morning and changed the title which I think is better than expecting everyone to put their own up. I think the new title is an accurate description as our weather is so much at variance with the lower ground. This isn't set in stone, let me know if you would prefer something else.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Yesterday was wet! We managed a dry walk mid morning, just but it started raining again afterwards. At 20:30 last night it was 50% clear with a NW wind, dry but cool, the CH was on. This morning we have had rain in the night, the flags are wet but at the moment it's dry and I think overcast. The glass is up to 993mb. The forecast is for a dry morning except perhaps for a light shower mid morning. After dinner it will deteriorate and by evening we shall have steady rain. The wind is a constant moderate westerly until late evening when it backs to the south and could strengthen. The Met office are giving a warning of high wind for the ensuing 24 hours. The high will be 13C and the low 9C. Our spell of quiet wether appears to have ended!
Listening to the Shipping forecast, there is a very deep Atlantic low moving in fast towards Ireland and it will pass directly over Central England overnight and tomorrow. It will not be as severe over land but even so they are forecasting up to Storm Force Ten in all the relevant sea areas. We could see damaging winds.....
06:20. We set off under heavy overcast and it was raining. It was cool and contrary to the forecast, like yesterday the wind is from the NW and it was cool. As we walked round the sky cleared from the NW and it got much lighter, we saw the moon and stars! When I came back in my glasses misted up, my definition of a cool morning!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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We had a slightly better but still showery day yesterday, cool, CH was on and off all day. At 20:00 last night it was clear, cool and not raining but the flags were wet. I noticed that the glass was falling rapidly. This morning first thing it was cool and overcast and there had been a recent shower. I've just popped my head out and it's improved, the flags are drying, the sky is 50% clear with the moon visible and the wind is slightly stronger. The glass fell at one point to nearly 970mb during the night but is rising fast now and is on 982mb. The Atlantic depression moving over us west to east must be travelling fast. The forecast is for a very active day, showers and sunny spells but the main feature is a stronger west wind which could be gusty. The Met office are issuing warnings of damaging winds and heavy rain but they are a bit prone to exaggeration! The high is only 12C and the low tonight is 8C. So a day for wrapping up well! Is this the first of the equinoctial gales?
06:05. We got out early to avoid the rain. I listened to the shipping forecast before we left and it's obvious that the 'storm' passed over us last night. The further north you go the lighter the winds. No signs of any damaging wind on our walk. It's drying, the sky is clear and the wind, though cool and strong when you are exposed is not serious. The depression is out in the North Sea now and the further east you are the more chance of wind. Heavier cloud is coming in from the west.....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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The 'big wind' never happened and yesterday was quite a pleasant sunny afternoon but cool. At 20:30 it was dark, a light NW breeze and 50% clear sky, cool and dry. There has been a light shower during the night but at the moment we have a clear sky with a nice moon and it is calm and dry. The glass rose steadily all day yesterday and this morning is on 994mb and still rising. The forecast is for a bright overcast day with sunny intervals and perhaps the outside chance of a light shower this afternoon. The light to moderate WNW wind will be constant all day. The high will be 13C and the low 8C. The outlook is for much the same.
06:15. A cool, dry walk. Calm and broken cloud coming in which is gradually thickening. The wind is very light and neither Jack or I felt any pain.
One thing does intrigue me. I thought that the replacement of sodium lights with LEDs was standard. However I note that two main road lights which failed shortly after conversion, the one on Gisburn Road outside Gott's Garage and the one outside Sainty's pie shop on Skipton Road have been replaced by sodium units....
10:00. We've just had our late morning walk and it's very pleasant out there, wall to wall sun and hardly any breeze.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Yesterday was better than forecast and turned into a very pleasant afternoon with a light shower later on. At 20:30 it was fair, damp flags and a cold WNW breeze. This morning it is cool, calm, overcast and raining lightly. The glass rose yesterday and is on 1006mb. The forecast is that after early rain, ending at about 06:00 it will be a dry bright overcast day with some sunny spells later. The constant light NW breeze will hold temperatures down to a high of 13C and a low of 8C with a wind chill of up to 2C. Things could be worse but no signs of any Indian Summer!
06:40. The rain was ceasing as we went out and the sky is clearing. It's almost calm and considering how the weather is at the moment it is quite acceptable. A lot of clear sky coming down from the NW but it's over in the East.
Later in the morning. I've just walked down to B&D's in full sun and it was almost warm. It's clouding over a bit now but there is still hardly any wind.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Yesterday was much better than the forecast suggested, plenty of sun and warm when you were out in it! Last night at 20:00 the sky was largely clear, it was dry and cool and what breeze there was was from the NW, the heat was on for much of the day at low level. This morning first thing the sky was still 75% clear with a good moon and stars, some scattered cloud and a light cool breeze. I've just popped me head out and it's still dry and calm but I think we have a light overcast. The glass is up very slightly at 1007mb. The forecast is very similar to yesterday, bright overcast with sunny spells until mid afternoon when there is a chance of a spell of rain and showers. The constant light wind is out of the northerly quadrant all day and will give a high of 13C and a low of 8C, about 1C wind chill all day. The outlook is for similar weather but a bit colder tomorrow.....
06:10. A dry cool walk under an overcast sky but some encouraging clear patches to the north and east. Hardly any breeze but what there is is chilly! Noticeable that many of the Maple/Sycamore trees have gone into autumn colours and are quietly shedding leaves. Not a soul about, we had the town to ourselves....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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As forecast, we had some loose showers late in the afternoon yesterday but otherwise it was a very acceptable day. At 20:00 last night we had 50% cloud cover, it was dry but the NE wind was cool. This morning first thing it was overcast, calm and cool but dry, it's the same as I write. The glass is almost unchanged at 1008mb. The forecast is for a dry, bright overcast day with sunny spells. The constant fresh northerly breeze will give us a high of 15C and a low of 8C with an appreciable wind chill. Quiet weather and the outlook is for similar weather.
06:40.Back home after a slightly later start. There was a light mizzle as we went out but it soon vanished. Almost calm and some breaks in the cloud are coming down from the north. The litter score was 6 cans and one pizza carton. Life must be so much easier when you just drop your litter when you have finished with it!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Yesterday was dry until Kev washed his car.... At 20:00 it was cool, breezy and partially clear. First thing this morning it was the same with some stars visible but as so often happens, it appears to have clouded over but still dry. The glass is up slightly at 1013mb. The forecast is very similar to yesterday but cooler, it will be bright overcast with sunny intervals until about 17:00 when we have a good chance of showers for the rest of the day. The constant light NW wind will hold us down to 13C for a high and 8C low. There will be a 1C wind chill all day. Quiet but cool. Noticeable that the leaves are turning and some species shedding already.
06:20. A pleasant walk on a cool morning, calm and dry and the cloud is showing signs of breaking as it come in slowly from the NW. Out to the east there is lots of clear sky. The Walnut tree in Valley gardens is shedding nuts. Someone bought a large can of beer last night, took one sip and left it stood in the Pioneer car park..... Strange.....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Yesterday turned out to more cloudy than the forecast suggested and from dinnertime onwards we had a succession of light showers. At 20:00 last night it was heavily overcast, going dark early and cold. First thing this morning we had a clear sky, a mist and it was drying but cool. I've just poked me head out and there is still the odd star visible but the mist has thickened and it's colder than of late. The glass is up slightly again at 1015mb. The forecast is for a foggy start to the day clearing to give a dry bright day with plenty of sun. The temperature at the moment is 4C. The very light mainly westerly breeze will be constant all day with a high of 14C and a low of 8C. Overall it's a colder and more autumnal day. Very close to a grass frost.....
06:15. Very thick mist when we set off but by the time we got to Butts the sky was perfectly clear. As we neared home it thickened again. I suspect Wendy will have a good view of mist filled valleys when it comes light. It's colder, good job it's calm or it would have nipped my ears. As it was it got my nose running!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Wendyf »

The mist has just risen up here Stanley, so i cant see anything. Its cold though, just under 7C.
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It was down to about 4C here first thing Wendy. My CH agrees with me, the thermostat is set at 18C and I still have to wear a thick shirt in the front room which is on the North side of the house so I'm not overheating the house but it's firing at a constant low level.
I was thinking only yesterday, one of the things that many don't realise is that we are on the same latitude as Labrador and that's why we have such a difference when you get up to 500ft in the case of the town and 1000ft in your case. If you look at their inland forecast for today it's almost exactly the same as ours at the moment. I often think about this when I listen to the forecast and everyone else seems to be three degrees at least warmer than us!
Looking on the bright side (!) we will have sun very shortly, I wish you the same.....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Our mist soon cleared and you were right Stanley.



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Lovely images Wendy! It's cleared now and a very pleasant morning. Those pics say all there is to say about the early morning.....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Not as much sun as forecast yesterday but a pleasant day. I noted that the outside thermometer showed 60 in old money at 15:00. Not bad! This morning it's calm and dry but appears to be overcast, no stars visible. The glass is down a touch at 1012mb. The forecast is for early rain, overcast all day and then rain again in the evening after 17:00. The light SW wind will gradually increase to moderate and swing into the South. The high will be 17C and the low 13C, almost tropical!
06:25. Back after a dry, mild, calm walk, no sign of the rain yet but 100% overcast and no signs of light in the east yet.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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The forecast was correct and at 20:00 last night it was raining but not too cool. First thing this morning we had overcast but one large hole in the clouds directly above us. It was dry, mild and breezy, just looked out and it's the same now but no break in the cloud. The glass is down on 1004mb. The forecast is for rain to come in soon and persist until dinnertime when it will become dry for the rest of the day. The wind starts as a moderate S/SW breeze until dinnertime when it backs to the west and moderates slightly. It will be cooler on the whole with a high of 14C and a low of 7C. As the evening progresses it will gradually become clear and that may be why tonight is 7C cooler than last night!
06:15. A dry, breezy and very mild walk. The shipping forecast made it quite clear what is happening, the large Atlantic low is moving in slowly from the west and carrying the SW wind because we are at the front of it. As the centre of the low moves over us it will give us the rain but at the same time the wind will back into the west and we will have drier weather behind it. As it passes tomorrow expect the wind to back further into the north. It struck me this morning how lucky we are to be getting that clean fresh air and for it to be so peaceful at this time of the morning. I doubt if that would be true if we were. say, in London. There is much to be said for small towns getting clean air from the ocean!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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The forecast was right but the rain came in a bit later than forecast. At 20:00 last night it was overcast but dry and what wind there was appeared to be northerly. First thing this morning it was calm, dry, cool and as clear as a bell. I've just had another look and we appear to have a very thin overcast. The glass is up at a shade over 1013mb. The forecast is for a dry start with good sun for most of the morning but then after dinner a showery spell clearing up later to give a dry evening. The light to moderate southerly wind is constant all day and we shall have a high of 13C and a low of 12C. We are getting close to a morning frost.
06:45. I was mistaken earlier, the sky was still clears a bell and we had a very pleasant walk down to the butcher's on a clear, calm fresh morning with a very heavy dew. The CH is taking care of the house! No complaints at all......
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Again the forecast was correct and the rain came in on time. At 20:00 it was overcast and raining gently. This morning first thing it was dry with a light westerly breeze and broken cloud, stars visible in the gaps. At the moment it is still dry but I can't see any break in the cloud. The glass is rock steady on 1013mb, same as yesterday. The forecast is for a dry, bright, overcast day with an occasional glimpse of the sun, perhaps a shower in the late evening. The S wind is light to moderate and the high will be 16C and the low 10C. A quiet day, no surprises!
06:30. I do like my early morning walk, I don't do 'brisk' and so NICE would say I am not getting the most out of it but I do it for enjoyment, not punishment! This morning we have a light SW wind, mixed cloud with black lumps and good breaks coming through surprisingly fast, there must be more wind up there. Mild, dry and very quiet, a pleasant outing. It's just coming light. I have had worse walks at this time of year!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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It was dry yesterday but came dark early under the cloudy skies. At 20:00 it was dry and mild and the same first thing this morning. I've just looked outside and I think it's a light overcast but dry and calm. The glass is still rock steady on 1013mb. The forecast is for a re-run of yesterday but warmer with some sun this morning. It will be dry until this evening when rain is expected after 18:00. The constant moderate SE wind will give us a high of 18C and a low of 10C. It's a quite remarkable run of quiet weather......
06:35. Calm, dry, cool and dry under a clearing sky. What's not to like? The clear sky means it's light quite early and we've had a very good morning walk. Listening to the Shipping Forecast, there is a very slow moving Atlantic low pressure system trying to come in but it has hit a large high pressure system to our east and this is why the weather is so static at the moment. The effect on us is very quiet weather and the more the better!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Very little rain later in the day yesterday, very acceptable! At 20:00 it was dark early under 100% overcast but mild and dry. First thing this morning it was calm, overcast, dry and mild and it's the same now. The glass is still rock steady on 1013mb, I can't remember it being this stable ever! The forecast is for a slightly cooler day but otherwise a re-run of yesterday. Overcast all day but dry. The light SE wind will be constant all day, the high 15C and the low 12C. Very quiet weather.....
06:15. Mild, calm, dry and overcast with just a hint of mist. I've had much less pleasant walks in late September!
Later, after our morning walk. They got the forecast a bit wrong! Between 8 and 10 AM it got almost dark enough to switch the street lamps on and rained heavily. It's almost noon now and it has brightened up a bit, the mist has cleared and we have a sight of the sun.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Yesterday brightened up nicely from mid-morning onwards. At 19:30 last night it was overcast and going dark but dry. This morning first thing I think we had 100% overcast, mild, dry and calm. I've just had another look and it is unchanged. The glass is up slightly at almost 1018mb, the first time it has moved for nearly four days. The forecast is for a dry day with bright overcast and occasional sun. The constant light wind is easterly but settles to ESE from late morning onwards. The high is 16C and the low 12C. Still quiet weather and that's reflected in the shipping forecast.
06:25. It's such a pleasure to be able to walk easily, without pain and breathing well but it's even better on a morning like this. All right, it's dark but it's also mild, calm and dry with breaking cloud and as yesterday, a hint of mist in the air. Noticeable that the young maples in Valley Gardens are almost bare of leaves already. The others are perhaps waiting for frost followed by a wind.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Yesterday followed the forecast but if anything the overcast was heavier than they predicted. It was dark early last night and at 19:30 it was calm, dry and mild. It was the same this morning first thing and when we had our walk. Again, the overcast is heavy enough to delay daylight, it was dark but mild and dry. The glass is down slightly at 1015mb, a very small movement. The forecast is for a dry, bright overcast day with some sun until 18:00 when a band of significant rain will come in. The breeze is a constant moderate south easterly and the high is 16C and the low 12C. It's another quiet day moving us towards October with no pain. There is much to be said for quiet weather!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Yesterday stuck completely to the script. The Rain came in early evening and from the look of the beck in Butts it persisted all night, it was certainly overcast and raining at 03:30 when I first looked out. We've had our walk and I'm glad to say it was dry, a light breeze and a sky that was clearing from the west. It's still heavily overcast in the east and that's holding daylight up. Listening to the sipping forecast this morning was useful because it gave the overall picture. The high pressure over Scandinavia is still blocking the Atlantic lows which usually govern our weather at this time of year. However, there are some vigorous depressions out there to the west and one particularly bad one is out to the west, tracking to the NE and Iceland. This is giving some very serious gales in the Western Atlantic sea areas. The glass here reflects the protection of the Scandinavian high, it is back slightly at 1010mb. The forecast is for a dryer day than yesterday, bright overcast for most of the day with plenty of sight of the sun. The light westerly wind is in charge until later in the afternoon when it will swing into the SE. The high is 16C and the low 11C with no appreciable change in sight apart from getting slightly cooler.
I'm still intrigued by the two sodium lights at the Gisburn Road and Skipton Road junction. It struck me yesterday that they both illuminate a zebra crossing and I wonder whether this is the reason, they are a better light than the new LED lights.....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Another pleasant quiet day yesterday. At 20:00 last night it was dark, calm, dry and 50% cloud cover. This morning first thing it was the same. I've just looked outside and it's the same but with the occasional spot of rain.... The glass is back at just over 1005mb. The forecast is for a wet morning but clearing later, becoming brighter. It is a cooler day. The wind will settle into a moderate westerly and the high is 14C and the low 9C. The outlook is for a cooler trend and warnings of possible heavy rain on Sunday and into Monday.
We were back from the butcher's by 06:35. The 'rain' had arrived but was limited to light spits, not even enough to wet the flags and at 07:15 it is the same. However, there is more wind and this could easily bring heavier rain in but as yet, it's not a bad morning!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

The rain never became heavy yesterday and it cleared up to become a dry sunny afternoon but it is noticeable that the sun is losing its power as it drops in the sky. At 20:00 last night it was dark, almost clear and the light wind was cooler. This morning first thing and now as I write after our walk the sky is clear, it is dry, much cooler and I note that there is no dew, most unusual with the sky as clear as this. We had a pleasant walk but it is chilly in the moderate breeze. However the sky is clear and daylight will come early. The glass is up slightly at 1008mb but listening to the shipping forecast the Atlantic lows have started to move and we shall feel the effects over the next 24 hours. The forecast is for what looks like a day of transition. On the whole it will be clear with some sun but there are a few occasional spells of rain forecast but nothing heavy. The mainly southerly wind varies during the day from light to moderate and then easing back to light later. The high will be 13C and the low 10C. The outlook for tomorrow is for rain at the moment. The CH is on low and it looks as though shaving my head was indeed a rain dance. Sorry about that!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Bit more breeze yesterday and definitely cooler. Some scattered showers in the late afternoon and evening, it was raining at 20:00. First thing this morning we had a light breeze and very light rain, much the same now but not actually raining at the moment. The glass is falling and is down at 1002mb. The forecast has improved, the Met Office have dropped the severe rain and wind warning. It will be a cool day, an overcast morning and a spell of rain this afternoon. The wind starts light in the SE and gradually backs and strengthens during the day as it backs into the west later. It will be a fresh, blustery breeze giving us a high of 15C and a low of 11C but there will be a wind chill and it will feel like 10C or 11C for most of the day. The outlook is for colder weather but it could be a better day tomorrow in terms of sun.
06:00. We were out early and it's a mild, calm damp morning. No rain but a constant very light mizzle. Completely overcast and of course it's dark.
The only two people I saw on my walk (apart from my mate Brian and his greyhound that thinks I am the best thing since sliced bread!) was two hard faced hooded characters doing something that involved small quantities of something in Valley Gardens. Under a street lamp but not covered by any CCTV. Now of course I don't know what they were doing but from the hard faced stare I got as I walked past it was illegal and almost certainly drug-related. I just kept quiet and got away from them.... So what should I do? Not a lot of point calling the police, they would be long gone before anyone got there. What with potential rough sleepers yesterday and possible drug-takers today, early morning dog walking could be a high risk occupation!
Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
scg1936 at

"Beware of certitude" (Jimmy Reid)
The floggings will continue until morale improves!
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