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Very mild yesterday. At 21:00 last night it was still mild and dry. Incidentally it was a very good drying day. First thing this morning it was calm, mild and clear, just a trace of high cloud. Two hours later it is still clear. The glass is down slightly at 1016mb. The forecast is for a bright overcast day with the chance of a very light shower at any time from late morning onwards. The wind is light and variable, it starts in the west, covers almost every point of the compass and ends in the NE giving a high of 17C and a low tonight of 12C. The outlook as drier but slightly cooler, no surprise of course we are in September!
06:10. Cooler than yesterday but mild enough for a waistcoat and shirt sleeve walk. The cloud is increasing but it's not heavy enough as yet to obscure the moon. Mist in Eastwood Bottoms. It is getting to feel like Autumn.
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100% overcast

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Yesterday was damp, never full rain but almost constant mizzle and drizzle. At 21:00 it was the same and this morning first thing the flags were sort of dry but with the same mizzle in the air. I've just had another look and it's dry now. The glass is up a touch at 1018mb. The forecast is for an overcast but dry day. The constant light wind is variable but mostly from a northerly quarter giving a high of 16C and a low of 10C tonight. The outlook is same tomorrow and a bit cooler afterwards, we could see single figures for the low. Quietly slipping into Autumn.
06:15 A quiet walk on a calm, dry, cooler morning. The overcast is 100% and thick enough to completely obscure the moon. I heard on the weather forecast that parts of Northern Ireland had sub-zero temperatures this morning.
Stanley Challenger Graham
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The forecast was right, overcast all day yesterday. At 21:00 it was calm, overcast and relatively cool. First thing this morning it was calm, cool, dry and we had broken cloud overcast blocking the light of the moon. I've just had a look and it's clear now with a brilliant crescent moon. The glass is steady on 1018mb. The forecast is for a bright dry day with plenty of sun. The wind is very light and is northerly until early evening when it starts to back into the west. This gives us a high of 16C and a low of 10C tonight. The outlook is for cooler weather with more rain. At the very least we'll have a bit more light today!
06:10. A cool, calm walk under clear skies. Not a lot to report apart from the fact that I have seen much worse in September.
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Nice day yesterday and at 21:00 it was dark, calm and dry but overcast. This morning first thing it was clear with a brilliant crescent moon, since then it has clouded over and we have had a light shower. The glass is down on 1013mb. The forecast is for a cloudy day with sunny intervals and perhaps occasional light rain. The constant westerly wind is light and will give a high of 14C and a low of 8C tonight. Not long before we have a light morning frost from the looks of it.
06:20. It was dark when we went out and overcast, no sign of the moon. However, during the walk it brightened up as clear patches came in from the west but I notice it's clouding over again. It was a cool walk but OK, I have had many worse than this! Not exciting but it looks like a decent day.
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Another good day yesterday. At 21:00 we had broken cloud, dry, a good breeze and a lot cooler. First thing this morning we had a clear sky, a light breeze and it was noticeably cooler. I've just looked out and it's the same. The glass started falling yesterday afternoon and this morning it is on 1008mb. The forecast is for a dry, bright but overcast day. The constant west wind will be moderate and gives a high of 13C and a low of 10C. I shall be wrapping up warm as I go to the butcher's, at the moment it's no better than 6C.
06:40. A bracing walk on a clear dry morning with a light wind. Actually I think it might have been a shade cooler than 6C, my hands were cold!
One sad piece of news. From time to time I have commented on the one legged border collie that was a mate of Jacks. The man who was its companion animal always took a pram with him on his walks and when he got to his limit he put it in the pram and pushed it home while his other collie followed. I saw him this morning with just one dog. The old three-wheeler had lost the use of its other leg and the only caring thing he could do was to have it put down. I told him how much I admired the way he had given the severely disabled dog a good life and that I understand perfectly the loss of having to end a life. There is a price to pay for unconditional love and we have to accept that when we take the responsibility of a dog on. We'll miss the old dog but Jack went and had a word with the other one..... I asked him if the pram was for sale..... he smiled and said no, it had been chucked in the skip, the end of an era!
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Dull yesterday and cooler. At 21:00 it was overcast, dry and a light cool breeze. This morning first thing it was dry, calm, cool and broken cloud. I've just had a look and there is no change. The glass is up a touch at 1009mb. The forecast is for a cloudy start and then from about 9AM onwards we have a wet day with plenty of rain. The constant moderate SW wind gives us 14C for a high and 12C for a low tonight. Slightly warmer.......
06:15. There was a light shower just before we went out but I ignored it and rightly so as it turned out. Overcast, damp, calm and milder than yesterday. A quiet walk but every now and then you see shadowy figures flitting about and I often wonder what they have been up to!
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The rain came in earlier than forecast yesterday and persisted. Never heavy but a wet day. At 21:00 it was dry but only just and a bit milder. First thing this morning it was still dry but broken cloud and a hint of rain in the air, I've just looked outside, it's mild, we have had a light shower and it is still mizzling. The glass is down slightly on 1006mb. The forecast is for rain all morning but brightening up after noon and becoming dry with sunny intervals. The constant moderate SW wind gives us 15C for a high and 10C for a low tonight. Quiet damp weather, not exactly Indian Summer!
06:25. A dry walk on a breezy but mild morning. Quite peasant if you allow for it being so dark!
One incident made me laugh out loud, always a good sign! I had walked up through Valley Gardens, as usual leaving Jack alone to do his thing. I never have to issue a single command, he knows what his agenda is and I let him get on with it. (I do keep an eye on him for a second delivery) I got to the Corn Mill dam and not a sign of Jack. I stood there for a minuted or two and then fished my whistle out to fetch him in but just before I whistled I looked around me. There he was behind me looking at me and wondering why I was stood there and not getting on with the job. He can be the Forest Ghost when he wants to! That's what made me laugh, only a small matter but things like that endear me to him...... (most of the time.....).
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Intermittent light drizzle yesterday but mild and that wind started rising. At 21:00 it was breezy, overcast and mild. This morning first thing it was breezy, fair and mild but overcast, it's the same now. The glass is up on 1012mb. The forecast is for a bright overcast morning with showers coming in early in the afternoon which will develop into heavier rain late tonight. The real story is the stiff and constant SW breeze all day, a bit of a change. It will give us a high of 14C and a low of 10C tonight. The outlook for tomorrow is more of the same. A more active weather system......
06:10. A quiet pleasant walk on a dry, calm and very dark morning, the street lights were still lit at 6AM.
We walked up the outside path in Butts past the playground because there are street lights on it and I can see when Jack craps. A sign of the season....
I see that Gisburn Road primary has added to the long standing posters on the railings advertising their services with a large and very bright internally lit sign facing up into the town centre. How things have changed...
Interesting conversation with the town centre window cleaner who looks after all the shop windows first thing in the morning. His old Pointer Molly went to the kennels in the sky last week and when I asked him if he was getting another pup he said no, it was only Molly that had been keeping him in the UK. The game plan is to sell the business and move to Spain. I wished him luck....
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Post by Wendyf »

Nearly 7am and it's still not fully light. A very dreary start to the day.
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Indeed, and rain to come.....
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A damp end to the day and at 21:00 we still had light rain and a stiff breeze. This morning first thing, heavy, fine rain, the sort that wets you quickly. Mild and a breeze. Just looked outside and no change. The glass is down on 1007mb. The forecast is for rain until mid-morning then brightening up and becoming dry until late tonight. The constant westerly stiff breeze will give us a high of 14C and a low of 9C. The outlook is for it to brighten up a bit over the next few days but expect some cooler weather.
06:20. It was still raining when I was getting ready for our walk. I considered testing the Trickers for resistance to water but then dismissed this and put on Wellingtons and full wet weather gear. As we set off the rain bated, good for Jack, he just got wet not soaked. The wind had dropped a bit as well and so it was quite a pleasant walk, much lighter because we set off later. It must have rained a lot during the night because Butts Beck is roaring over the cill of the Corn Mill dam, brown and wild. Possibly the heaviest flow I've seen since Spring. It could have been a lot worse!
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The forecast was correct yesterday, it brightened up in the afternoon. At 21:00 it was cool, breezy and overcast with a hint of rain in the air. First thing this morning we had cold heavy rain which has bated now but it's still a cold damp morning. I suspect we have had quite a lot of rain in the early hours. The glass is up on 1015mb. The forecast is for this early rain to cease and the rest of the day will be dry and bright with good sunny spells. The constant moderate westerly winds are moderate but not as strong as yesterday. The high will be 14C and the low 10C. The outlook is for a similar weather pattern for the next few days, remaining cool.
06:30. A dry walk on a calm morning but even now it is not daylight. The overcast is heavy but there are signs of breaks in the cloud coming in slowly from the SW. I've had worse walks but it is still cool and damp.
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It soon cleared yesterday into a bright afternoon and it was dry and breezy at 21:00 as well. First thing this morning the flags were damp but drying, the sky was dark of course but I think it's overcast. I have had another look and it's calm and even drier. The glass is steady, up slightly on 1016mb. The forecast is a rerun of yesterday, bright overcast, chance of light rain at times but sun also. The westerly wind is moderate and we can expect a high of 14C and a low of 10C tonight. Quiet weather and no sign of any change in the outlook.
06:20. When we went out the sky had cleared except for some receding cloud in the east. During the course of the walk the cloud started to build again from the west but as scattered higher cloud rather than heavy overcast. As is often the case at this time of the morning, it is calm, just a light breeze. It's cool but not cold and quite pleasant. A good start to the day......
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Odd light showers of rain yesterday but nothing heavy. At 21:00 it was angry overcast and dark early, west breeze and lots of geese flying up to Whitemoor but dry. This morning it's overcast, light breeze and spitting rain. The glass is down slightly at a shade over 1012mb. The forecast is for a rainy day, heavy at times. The wind is SW moderate and gusty giving us 13C for a high and 11C low tonight. No change over the weekend but a possible improvement next week.
06:40. It was dry when we set off for the butcher's but very heavy black cloud in the SW. By the time we were walking back we had a fine wetting mizzle and Jack got an early bath. But we met Christine in the Pioneer Car Park and Barbara near Osborne Terrace and so that brightened the morning for both of us.
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Public Service announcement: Susan cut my hair yesterday so expect a sudden cold snap!
It was a damp day yesterday, often fine wetting rain. At 21:00 it was overcast, dark early and damp but not actually raining. This morning first thing it was calm, overcast and damp but not raining, since then we have had a light shower and its spitting as I write. The glass is up slightly on 1015mb. The forecast is for an overcast day, the early morning will be dry but late morning and early afternoon expect rain. There could be the occasional sunny spell. The SW wind is constant light to moderate but a bit less than yesterday so slightly warmer. It will give us a high of 14C and a low of 12C tonight.
06:20. A dry walk under 100% overcast on a dark calm morning. That's about it.
One thing that did grab me was that as I was getting ready to go out I noticed some spots of watery blood on the vinyl of the kitchen floor. I checked that my nose wasn't bleeding and then checked Jack all over and found nothing. Then I thought about bloody thaw water from the fridge and checked but it iksn't that. What you might call a bloody mystery! Is it a poltergeist manifestation of what is on my mind at the moment.....? Spooky!
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Post by plaques »

Stanley wrote: 15 Sep 2018, 03:46 I noticed some spots of watery blood on the vinyl of the kitchen floor.
Shades of The Canterville Ghost .
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They haven't reappeared P. That's a nice story isn't it.....
The rain wasn't a problem yesterday. At 21:00 it was overcast but dry. This morning it's raining steadily. The glass is down to 1008mb. The forecast is for rain until late morning than brightening up with sunny spells. The constant SW wind will be moderate and gusty until late morning when it will start to abate giving us a warmer day, 16C high and 10C tonight.
05:45. We went out early despite the darkness because the rain was bating a bit. It ceased entirely as soon as we got out. A mild morning with a lively breeze but on the whole, pleasant. Very quiet, just one car and one pair of homegoing revellers. (In floral cotton shorts.....) As far as I can see the overcast is solid and no doubt there is more rain to come.....
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It brightened up nicely after dinner yesterday. At 21:00 it was dry, overcast and a light SW breeze. First thing this morning it was dry, a light breeze and overcast, I've just looked outside and I can see a few stars, still dry and a definite chill in the air, the CH has come on at low level. The glass is up very slightly at just a shade under 1009mb. The forecast is for a dry bright day with plenty of sun. The constant S/SW wind brings in warmer air and the high will be 19C with an overnight low of 14C. There is a yellow warning of the wind rising this evening but whilst it will become moderate and gusty it isn't the storm the Express was predicting. I think we might survive!
06:15. Calm, dry, clear and a heavy dew. Cool but not cold. Not a bad walk at all.
I forgot to mention it but the Canterville Ghost struck again yesterday morning. Three spots of watery blood. Nothing this morning. I think it has to be Jack and it's slightly worrying, makes me wonder whether he has an internal injury that hasn't surfaced yet. We'll see.
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Post by Wendyf »

I wonder how Graham (Chinatyke) is getting on with Typhoon Manghut.
Jack could have a urinary infection which is causing him to dribble a bit.
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Post by Tripps »

I was worried about him, but it seems to have hit China further North near Macao and Hong Kong. He should be OK in Nanning. Hope so. :smile:
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Post by Stanley »

"Jack could have a urinary infection which is causing him to dribble a bit." That had occurred to me as well Wendy. I am monitoring him......
No typhoon in Barlick and not even a strong wind despite the Express telling us we are all doomed, just a fresh breeze, very mild. At 20:00 last night it was dry and very mild with a light breeze. Same this morning, in old money it's 60F in the back yard. The glass is down with a bump at 992mb. The forecast is for rain to come in around 6AM and persist until late afternoon, than a clear spell and rain returning later in the evening. The wind is the same as yesterday, a constant moderate, sometimes gusty, SW which will give us a high of 17C and a low of 12C tonight.
05:50. We went out in good time, I trust the forecast of rain about now! We've had a dry breezy walk on a dry morning but a hint of rain in the air. Very mild, even in the wind. The wind is not serious and shows no sign of being so despite the yellow warnings and the gloomy prognostications of the Express. A lot of people about on foot, funny how some mornings you see the workers and others not. Barlic Bites is closed for two days for a wedding!
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Post by Big Kev »

Stanley wrote: 18 Sep 2018, 03:17 Barlic Bites is closed for two days for a wedding!
It's Mandy, the owner, getting married. All the staff are going so there's no one to open up :-)

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Post by Stanley »

Yup, I was talking to Barbara yesterday.
It started raining at about 06:30 and it's not nice out there now.....
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Again we had a brighter afternoon yesterday. At 20:00 it was overcast and breezy but dry and mild. First thing this morning the sky was crystal clear but it's clouded over now. The glass rose yesterday and is on 1000mb. The forecast is for a bright cloudy day with good sunny spells and a chance of rain around noon but brightening up again. The SW wind is at times strong with some powerful gusts, the high will be 16C and the low tonight 9C. Some more active weather!
06:10. The shipping forecast gives some good clues on the weather this morning. There are some very deep low pressure systems moving through in Northern waters giving in some places violent storms, force 11. As far south as the Isle of Man force 10 is forecast so I can believe the forecast about strong winds later. The sky is partially overcast by high cloud but there are good clear spells coming in. It's dry and mild with a light breeze at the moment and I have had worse walks!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Post by Stanley »

Yesterday was a windy day, strong enough to blow small branches and twigs out of the trees on the Green. At 20:00 it was overcast, dry and still windy. First thing this morning it was dry and overcast with a light breeze and it is still the same. The glass started to rise a bit in the afternoon and this morning it's on 1004mb. The forecast is for it to be dry and overcast until about 14:00 and then steady rain for the rest of the day. The wind starts as a moderate Southwesterly but around noon it swings into the east before becoming SW again and much more strong. The high will be 14C and the low tonight down to 7C. The outlook is for cooler and more unsettled weather.
05:55. The shipping forecast for Tyne and Humber is for Force 11, not a nice day in the North Sea. Good job Daughter Susan is safe on Shetland and not at sea! Or walk was calm dry and cool enough to make your hands feel cold. But I have had worse walks. No complaints.
10:00. We had our late morning walk and it's a lovely sunny morning with a light breeze. Difficult to envisage that the weather is brewing up and it's going to be a nasty afternoon if the forecast is right!
Stanley Challenger Graham
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