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Post by Thomo »

Having been asked for help with a couple of events to mark the Centenary of World War One, I decided that a new topic would be in Order to highlight them and hopefully get them a bit more support.
One of these is to take place at Ghyll Church on the 4th of August. The Churchwarden has sent me the following agenda:-

Thanks for those details, Peter, that explains why Robert Heap is not on my list of burials at Ghyll. Although Wilfred Henry Heap is on my list from the library. I presume they must be related, perhaps brothers or cousins.

The exhibition is just part of an open day at Ghyll Church on Monday 4th August, in view of that day being the centenary of the start of WW1. The Diocese has asked that all the churches be open on that day from at least 10a.m. to 4p.m., for reflection on the events of 100 years ago. As one of the churchwardens, I thought that it would be a good idea to have some activities going on also. I have suggested to the Parochial Church Council that the vicar have a short prayer service of reflection, inviting the Royal British Legion. I'm hoping that we will ring the bells at half-muffled at 10a.m., also at the end of the day at 4p.m. and also before any church prayers. We will display details of all those members of the armed forces who died as a result of the War and who are buried in the Ghyll cemetery and churchyard, and also escort any visitors who would like to go to the graves for quiet reflection. In addition, the library have loaned me some old exhibition material regarding HMHS Rohilla, which we will display. Also, I hope to get various contacts to loan items of militaria from WW1, for display and in the coach-house at Ghyll, offer tea and coffee without charge with a a CD of WW1 songs being quietly played in the background. Hopefully we may get some donations towards the upkeep of Ghyll Church and the churchyard. At present this is down to the 20 or so people who regularly worship there! Anyway, that's the intention. Hopefully it will come off.

Best wishes,


There is to be an exhibition in the Library beginning this month and ending in October and they are asking for help with WW1 related display materials. This morning I have added a bit more information to their records.

Working with people like this is an absolute pleasure and I will gladly do all I can to help. What still surprises me is that many of these people have come to Barnoldswick from other parts of the Country and have more enthusiasm than some of they who were born here.
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Post by Thomo »

Yesterday afternoon, Ian and I attended a meeting at Ghyll which was very useful. Work is well underway on two plans to establish the locations of the War Graves and Memorials in the Cemetery and the Churchyard. The Cemetery part is nearly sorted, the Churchyard is a different matter entirely!
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Post by Thomo »

This is a copy of what is intended at Ghyll Church on the 4th of August:-

WW1 Centenary - Commemoration at Ghyll Church.

Monday the 4th August, 2014, is the centenary of the start of W.W.1. As with most churches in the
Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales, Ghyll Church will be open for visitors to reflect on the
enormity of the events that followed and to remember the personal sacrifices made, in particular by
local Barnoldswick people.

The Church will opened at 10 a.m. with the ringing of the bells half-muffled. A short prayer service will
be held either in the Church or outside, weather permitting, at 12 noon, led by the Vicar, the Revd.
Diane Weaver, preceded by the tolling of a single bell.
During the opening of the Church, written details of those Barnoldswick persons who died from the
effects of their involvement in the war and who are buried in either the Pendle Council Cemetery at
Ghyll or the Ghyll Churchyard , will be available for perusal. In addition, visitors who wish to visit any of
the graves for quiet reflection and to pay their respects, will be directed to their locations.
There will also be a small exhibition relating to the loss of HMHS Rohilla, in respect of the members of
the crew from Barnoldswick who lost their lives in its wrecking off Whitby in 1914. In addition, there will
be an exhibition of militaria relating to the war. Light refreshments will be available in the Coach-house
with recordings of music hall songs and soldiers' songs associated with the war.
The event will close at 3p.m. with the ringing of the bells.

A further meeting at Ghyll is scheduled for 1600 tomorrow.
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Post by PanBiker »

I cant make the meeting today Peter, I'm working, let me know what happens please.
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Post by Thomo »

Will do Ian.
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At yesterdays meeting at Ghyll. it was decided that due to the scale of the display, this will now take place in the Church itself, the Coach House will do the tea and biscuits etc. For the main display, sheets of plywood will be laid across some of the pews to accommodate the lighter items, documentation of all they who are buried in the Churchyard and Cemetery from WW1 and so forth. The Rohilla display will be mounted on tables facing the base of the tower. I have often wondered what happened to the collection of WW1 memorabilia started by Doctor McMaster Glenn, I saw it in a house on Federation St. in the early 60s. It would appear that it is still with us in private hands, and some of it will be on display in the Church, this includes a WW1 machine gun and other weapons. Anyone wishing to view the grave of an ancestor will be escorted to that place if unsure of its location. Also the background music was discussed, and it wasn't until last night that I remembered that I have a CD with 3 versions of the song "The Wreck of the Rohilla" by our very own Calluna and her folk group, this may be just the thing to go with what is already planned. I cannot image a more poignant backdrop to this event than this ancient and tranquil Church setting, it will be my pleasure and honour to do what I can for them.
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It is my sincere hope that as many people as is possible will attend this event. The Church at Ghyll is a major part of our history, as are the men and women buried there from two World Wars. A warm welcome awaits they who come, and this event deserves support. On behalf of the hard working men and women who are putting this together, please come, you may be surprised at what is on offer, and come away feeling better for the effort. I am pleased and proud to have been asked to assist, and will do my best for them.
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Post by PanBiker »

Taking advantage of the fine weather this morning and ahead of the event at Ghyll. I, (assisted by Sally) distributed remembrance crosses to the Barlick lads and lassies commemorated on CWGC and family plots down in the Cemetery and Churchyard. I took the opportunity to mark other WWI casualties that are also on many family plots.

From the list of Barlikers that you gave me Peter, we managed to find them all other than the ones that are still of unknown exact location. We did full sweeps of both potential areas looking for the ones that could have been on alternative family named memorials but unfortunately did not find any of them. I will annotate individual crosses for each that we could not find and place these alongside the paths in the Cemetery and Churchyard. These will be:


Sgt. James Abraham Golding


Pte. Wifred Henry Heap
Pte. Henry Broughton
Sgt. James Hartley Crowther
Sgt. Charles Edwin Harris
Pte. Fred Windle

We did do a thorough search of the headstones in the relevant areas and did manage to turn up a couple more that I do not already have on my list. We found the following two on family markers:

William Stuart Rigby - Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI) - KIA - Somme 11/08/16 age 21

Pte. John Fort Berry - 5th Kings Own Lancashire Rifles? - KIA - France 19/12/17 age 21

I will annotate the crosses for the ones who are still missing and distribute either later today or tomorrow sometime.
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Post by Thomo »

Well done Ian, and thank you. A call from the Churchwarden today about the setup of the display, this will begin tomorrow after 1230 PM, I will be taking my stuff down about 1330. Due to security concerns, the display of weapons and medals etc. will arrive there early on Monday.
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Post by PanBiker »

I'm working until 1.00pm on Monday but will call down at earliest opportunity. I know you will have noted already about the two new finds and assume you will cross check with your sources?


Later, just checked and the two above, new to my list are already existing on the town memorial.

Can I ask what is the significance if any of the 22 names you gave me as there are quite a few more than that from WWI commemorated in the Cemetery and Churchyard?
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These are the ones known to be buried at Ghyll and do not include commemorations. In respect of the burial plan for the Churchyard, currently held by Blades Builders of Foulridge there has been no further response from them despite calls and messages being left, all I wish is to see is the plan and take photographs of it, it could hold the key to the actual layout and make the task much easier.
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Post by PanBiker »

So with the adopted decision taken not to repatriate the fallen, all in our Churchyard and Cemetery that are on your list must have been in the UK when they died. I would assume in hospitals from wounds or, as in the case of Wilfred after the cessation of hostilities but from effects inherited from the conflict. Most on the family plots are commemorations with internment on foreign field or in some cases no known resting place.
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Post by Thomo »

Quite so Ian. Most died from disease, one developed TB after being shot in the lung, one was killed in London by a bus whilst en route home on leave, one died in hospital on Orkney, one on her ship whilst on her way home, another drowned in the canal at Skipton and one after 17 years of service 13 of which were pre WW1, this was Charles Edwin Harris. His wife had died a year earlier and is also buried at Ghyll. Time now to get my stuff ready for this afternoon, Private John Lomax's medals and war badge, my Grandad's WW1 discharge certificate, my Fathers WW1 Naval Docs, a Soldiers Bible, the promo gear for the book and Heritage Weekend, the large painting of the wreck of the Rohilla Kindly on loan from Mrs Doris Haworth (Currently in Australia, and descendant of 3 of the Rohilla victims) The 12 CWGC certificates for the Rohilla Men should also be there having been printed elsewhere.
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Whilst gathering my stuff together for this, I found something very apt to display. First item is a 1915 flyer from the Overseas Club, encouraging people to send gifts to the troops through their offices. Also with his there are certificates given to schoolchildren in recognition of their efforts. These are for Alvin and Frank Lomax, the sons of Private John Lomax of Barnoldswick, No. 42425 of the Northumberland Fusiliers. His photograph, medals and war badge are in my care and will be on display. John and his family moved to Canada after the war, and using a government scheme bought 50 acres of land upon which they built a home and farm. The youngest Son, Frank died in 2012 at the age of 104. A friend of his was charged with clearing Frank's home and sent all of the items mentioned to Ken Ranson, Ken passed them to me due to the WW1 connection. Their home in Barnoldswick was No.6 Townhead.
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Post by Thomo »

Its looking good for tomorrow, and there is plenty to see. All this needs now is people from this Town to be there. I met some old friends and new ones this afternoon, they have done their best and deserve some support.
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Post by PanBiker »

I have distributed the named remembrance crosses for the ones I can't find. Sgt Golding is marked at the side of the path halfway up the Cemetery, the other five I have set up alongside the bottom path in the Churchyard.
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Post by Thomo »

Your efforts were well appreciated today Ian, and it has made the task easier for those involved. One thing that did come across however was that nearly everyone there still believes that the Barnoldswick Heritage Weekend is on the 13th and 14th of September. To clarify, that is the National Heritage Weekend, ours is a week earlier.
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Post by Thomo »

Yesterdays event at Ghyll was without doubt a success and over the course of it was quite well attended given its somewhat remote location, the first visitor was our local MP Andrew Stephenson. All of they who came were amazed by the variety of the display and the manner it which it was done. There were several visits by the local press, and more than once "this is the best we have seen" comments were heard. The Service at noon was held in the centre of the older part of the Churchyard and was attended by about 75 people. Later in the afternoon I was asked by a visitor about a Private Robert Hebden, I told him that we had a Man of this name on the Memorial, he produced an official document detailing this Mans death, his wife's name was different, at this point it appeared the we may have yet another name to add to the Memorial. Once home a quick check revealed that this was indeed the same Robert Hebden, the difference being that the name of the wife on the document was Roberts second wife, his first, Clara, having been lost when RMS Lusitania was sunk. I have passed this information to the visitor. I will post some pics later.
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