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Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 25 Apr 2013, 03:40
by Stanley
Calm and light drizzle at the moment. Glass was slowly rising all day yesterday but has only reached 29.6". Not exciting weather......

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 25 Apr 2013, 04:41
by Marilyn
Packet away all the cushions etc from the outdoor furniture today. Summer is over.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 25 Apr 2013, 05:22
by Stanley
That's no problem here Maz. Nobody has them out! Another depressing forecast for today. Snow expected on high ground in Scotland and we never got the warmer weather the South seems to have enjoyed. 10C difference up here. It's getting boring!

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 26 Apr 2013, 05:39
by Stanley
At 04:00 this morning it was dead calm and clear with a full moon and a frost. It's raining at the moment and the sun is shining in under the cloud coming in from the west. Anybody to the East will have seen a big rainbow over Barlick. Glass is sticking on 29.5" and it looks as though we are in for another overcast day. 23C reported in London yesterday. Not fair, I doubt if we topped 10C yesterday, certainly less than that with the wind chill. I want some warm weather! (Shaved my head yesterday and did the sun dance again. I'm trying as hard as I can!)
09:30. We've had a sunny walk but that wind is still cold. Please can we have 20C+?

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 26 Apr 2013, 12:41
by Moh
Lovely day, but that wind is cold - still it is drying the washing.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 04:41
by Stanley
Same here Moh. I note that London was 10C colder yesterday and they are complaining.... Glass still nailed on 29.5" and the Sun Dance worked but I'll have to see if I can find a way of moving the wind round to the SE and calming it down!
07:45. Had our walk. That wind is bloody cold! And it has had a bit of a light drizzle. It snowed last night at Leeds and Bradford airport.....

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 07:04
by Wendyf
I can see a light covering of snow on the tops of the Bowland Fells. I'm surprised it's not snowing's only 2C outside now.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 21:26
by Sunray10
Some hail showers in Nelson today but also sunny spells. A cold day and looks like a touch of frost tonight. Cloudy with rain tomorrow morning. No real sign of Spring weather yet!

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 28 Apr 2013, 04:14
by Stanley
It was a bright and sunny day but the wind had swung back into the East and was still very cold. Glass is still nailed on 29.5". I've looked at the 5 day forecast and the wind is all over the place. No warm weather in sight but it will get slightly milder after Wednesday. No heat wave in sight! Best we can expect is 12C in the middle of the day.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 05:38
by Stanley
It was miserable out walking at dinnertime yesterday. Strong cold wind and very wetting fine drizzle. No incentive to walk for pleasure! Glass fell rapidly during the day But has risen slightly to just over 29'2" this morning. Something seems to be changing in the weather. Forecast shows the wind all over the place for the next few days but it seems to settle into the SW on Friday. Could it get slightly warmer?

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 05:35
by Stanley
Another cold day yesterday despite the sun. Shipping forecast this morning has lots of gale warnings. Forecast shows wind swinging all over the place today and it should be mainly sunny but with possibility of the occasional shower. Glass has risen to 29.7" and at the moment we have a bit of frost. Still thick knicker weather!
07:15. Back from a nice bracing walk on a clear and frosty morning. At the moment it looks like a good sunny day but that wind will tease us as it swings round literally all points of the compass.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 06:55
by Wendyf
A lovely morning and the wind has dropped for now.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 07:04
by Stanley
Try to keep track of how many times it changes direction and let us know!

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 07:23
by Wendyf
It's coming from the north west just now. (That's the advantage of being able to see a wind turbine from every window...)

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 20:05
by Wendyf
Less than an hour later the breeze had moved round to the North East, and then south, and now its a south westerly. It has been a lovely day.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 01 May 2013, 04:17
by Stanley
Bright sunny day in Barlick till afternoon when cloud thickened but no rain. I see the Daily Mail says May will be a drought month.... Glass just over 29.7" and a bit of a breeze at the moment. The East wind is losing the battle, it gets one more short spell tomorrow but after that settles into a SW wind. Could feel a bit warmer by weekend.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 02 May 2013, 04:14
by Stanley
Nice day yesterday, it actually almost got warm! Glass is steady on 29.7" and it's clear at the moment. No frost and it could be another nice day and perhaps warmer because the wind is starting to settle down in the SW.
06:30. Lovely crisp morning with a slight grass frost. Hardly any wind and clear as a bell.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 03 May 2013, 04:31
by Stanley
Wall to wall sun almost the whole of yesterday, nice! Glass fallen back to just over 29.5". More cloud at the moment. Forecast is a steady SW wind all day, temperature up to 10C and chance of a shower later in the day.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 04 May 2013, 06:05
by Stanley
Much needed rain this morning but only light and it's stopped now. Glass is down at 29.3". More showers today?
08:30. Cold wind but the sun has put his hat on.....

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 05 May 2013, 03:48
by Stanley
Mostly dull but dry with a cold wind yesterday. More wind this morning but dry. Glass risen to 29.5" so that's a hopeful sign for the Bank Holiday.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 05 May 2013, 23:01
by Sunray10
Looks like we will have some warmer, sunnier weather bank holiday Monday and also Tuesday. However its back to unsettled, cooler conditions by Wednesday, sorry about that.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 06 May 2013, 03:51
by Stanley
Calm, misty and a heavy dew. Glass is at 29.6". Could be the warmest day this year!
07:00. Back form a lovely Spring walk. Heavy dew bot calm and the sun is out. Best day this year I think. (Did the Sundance work?

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 07 May 2013, 04:53
by Stanley
Overcast but mild and dry. Glass falling back, at 29.5". Main characteristic of recent weather is how dry it's been. Shipping forecast reports a big Atlantic low heading for Ireland. Chance of some meaningful rain? Today is forecast to be fine and sun later on but the rest of the week we have a good chance of showers.

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 07 May 2013, 06:22
by Stanley
Just back from a very pleasant walk. Heavy dew, still an edge in the air but wall to wall sunshine at the moment. The birds are enjoying it.... Saw a Magpie yesterday in Valley Gardens. Do they migrate?

Re: Spring 2013

Posted: 08 May 2013, 06:15
by Stanley
It's a funny milky morning, not warm but feels to be high humidity. Glass was falling all yesterday and is still going down, it's at 29.1" at the moment. The low is evidently on its way in and we are warned of heavy rain and high winds tomorrow, perhaps an odd shower later today. Wouldn't surprise me if it hit during the night.
07:45. Very light rain falling, hardly wetting the flags as yet.