Today I shall be Mainly...

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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »

Morning all, hope all is well with you and yours

What a miserable day yesterday, chilly and rain all day. We had to have the light on most if not all of the day. My watercolour online workshop was a success. The paints and paper more or less behaved, although I didn’t have one of the yellows and the one I did have was a bit overpowering so the final picture, for me was a little too yellow, and as you know yellow is not my favourite colour( the dreaded yellow top comes to mind !) As I was painting at the kitchen table under artificial light, I opened the back door to try to get better natural lighting. After three hours I was frozen. It was interesting where everyone came from. There was a lady from Coventry ( my eldest lives in Coventry) a gentleman from Rochdale, a lady from Grantham, where one of my friends lives ( well close by) and believe it or not, one of my friends who use to run my Thursday art group. It was a surprise as she never went to Jeremys classes and now lives in N Wales. The others were scattereed around the country. The lady from the States didn’t log in, perhaps her4.00 am alarm was too much for her !

After a very late lunch I could not motivate myself to do anything. Bob was busy tidying his workshop after finishing the rails for the railway, and after finishing lining and painting most of the walls in the old grain store, now my art room. He has run out of wood to finish the other panels on the wall, and must therefore wait for the return of DIY shops in France. Having said that our local DIY store is selling bargain boxes of disposable face masks at a special discount price for card holders. As we may need them to cross France at least , Bob took up the offer and will collect them on Monday.

Anyway, being rather apathetic in the afternoon, I did some family research for on of Bobs second cousins. Bob had been doing it whilst we have been here. I got quite involved and it was soon 6.30 pm. Time to eat before our wine tasting at 8.00 pm. This was the usual hilarious event. A nice social couple of hours. Next meeting the 16 th, we hope to be elsewhere, ie driving up from Portsmouth.

My GPs surgery got back to me on Friday afternoon via there website messaging. However the receptionist also telephoned it was about 7.45 pm here. From the time I think it was from home and the number came up as PRIVATE not the normal withheld. Anyway, apparently because of Brexit there was so e doubt as to whether prescription could be emailed which she wanted to explain, and she wanted to confirm the dosages of two substitue medications. The receptionist was lovely and we had quite a chat. Of course I then looked tge substitutes up. I didn’t like the sound of them. The one I am taking, I take for the side effects and not the main purpose of the drug ( as prescribed for me by my gastroenterology specialist ). The substitutes seemed to not have the desired side effect :laugh5: anyway I did another search on the tablets I do take that the pharmacist couldn’t find. I found the french literature and the french name, so I shall take that to the pharmacy i stead next week.

Its a dull cloudy day today, drier and warmer than yesterday. I may plant out my beetroot, and pathetic aubergine plans then I can tidy my makeshift cold frame away. I may finish the weeding and see if we can have our accidental garden fire if the wood is not too wet now. As I no longer need my art and sewing stuff that too can be tidied away for another stay. I may clean the study. I haven’t done it for a long time, pulling furniture out etc unless of course you count doing it in my dreams all night last night.

No yoga today, the teacher is still not available

So as we enter weeks 8-9 for us

Think positive, stay cheerful, keep busy, stay safe and have the best day that you can
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Morning Sue! The first thing that strikes me is that the Yellow Top seems to loom large, the sooner you either lose or finish that one the better!
Sounds as though you had bad weather yesterday, It was OK here, not all that warm but bright, dry and growy, no complaints. The cloud has broken and we are enjoying sunshine at the moment, the more the better!
As forecast elsewhere I missed the shed, I got too involved in cooking but at least that means I can forget the stove for the rest of the week, keeping the cooked food in the fridge for warming up seems to work well, my bio-security must be adequate. :biggrin2:
Second short walk now, then breakfast and a listen to Broadcasting House, they usually avoid being wall to wall virus 'news', I have to admit I am thoroughly disenchanted with the flood of justification that substitutes for real politics and news. Perhaps I am just a curmudgeonly Old Fart! That wouldn't surprise me. Apart from that all is well, I feel fine and all the family are happy. Mo sent me a video of Kahara dribbling this morning, amazing what pleases me these days! (He's teething of course but seems to be having a relatively easy passage, probably good mothering!)
So best wishes for a better day, I hope the chemist works out well and that the Great Escape happens as planned!
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »

I have toothache. I have never had toothache in my life. Now is NOT the time to have toothache. French dentist, mortgage comes to mind, apart from the obvious current problems and language issues.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by plaques »

Dentists are in short supply back in the UK. Emergencies only, if you're lucky. Can you get your hands on some antibiotics just in case its an abscess that paracetamol won't deal with?
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

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I can ask at the pharmacist, bit I doubt it. Our neighbour says the local one may be open otherwise it is the two hospitals both over 40 km away.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Big Kev »

Sue wrote: 03 May 2020, 08:20 I have toothache. I have never had toothache in my life. Now is NOT the time to have toothache. French dentist, mortgage comes to mind, apart from the obvious current problems and language issues.
It's not just a bit of dinner stuck in there somewhere. I had that once, turned out to be a bit of bacon between 2 molars. I couldn't see it or feel it, I was 'flossing' a day later and out it came...

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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »

I don’t think so. Its upper and lower jaw, left hand side, really bad when I eat and drink. I know I have a sensitive tooth there which the dentists checks each visit, and that is particularly sensitive but so are other teeth in the lower jaw. I missed my last dental appointment. It was on the day we came over here so I changed it to a week later. I am presuming it is a nerve issue, or I have been clenching my teeth. It started low level a couple of days ago, and reached crescendo after tea yesterday, and again after breakfast this morning.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Bloody hell Sue, you are in the wars! All I can do is offer an old remedy which has worked for me in the past, is there any chance of getting hold of Oil of Cloves? A nurse at Nestlé's factory once spent half an hour rubbing my gums with that after I got cold in a tooth extraction and it worked, that plus heat. A long shot but you never know.
A very old remedy was to put an actual clove in the cavity of a hollow tooth.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Big Kev »

Sue wrote: 03 May 2020, 12:21 I don’t think so. Its upper and lower jaw, left hand side, really bad when I eat and drink. I know I have a sensitive tooth there which the dentists checks each visit, and that is particularly sensitive but so are other teeth in the lower jaw. I missed my last dental appointment. It was on the day we came over here so I changed it to a week later. I am presuming it is a nerve issue, or I have been clenching my teeth. It started low level a couple of days ago, and reached crescendo after tea yesterday, and again after breakfast this morning.
Oh no! A large whisky it is then :-)

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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »

Well gin perhaps
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

How is it this morning Sue? That and earache are miserable pains.....
Definitely shed this morning and a meeting conducted over the back yard gate with Susan. She's coming to see me and pick up a cupboardful of toys that are on their second generation of kids now.

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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »

Morning all, I wish I could say all was good here, but my toothache cum jaw ache is not good
I already new about the oil of cloves thanks Stanley. As it Happens my neighbour mentioned it too and she says to get it from the pharmacist. She offered to phone the emergency dentist for me too . That is at Rennes hospital 40 km away and no way do I want to go to the hospital if I can avoid it. I shall discuss it with the pharmacist. I can’t go till late this afternoon as they are not open. Until then I think salt mouthwashes are worth a try.

This afternoon Bob is going to collect a box of approved disposable masks for us. We will have to have them to travel on public transport when we come home and possibly elsewhere. We don’t know yet. As Lockdown finishes on May 11 th we await detailed announcements this week. Macron usually makes announcements on Monday evenings. The masks, previously unobtainable for the general public go on sale by the government in France today. Bob got a special reserved offer from the local DIY store where he has a loyalty card! You can also get washable ones from the pharmacist from today for 2-3 euro. Half the price of these masks is being funded by the government . Talking of announcements, what is said will determine our departure. We may decide to uproot and run sooner than May 16 th

Yesterday I did plant out my remaining veggie plants. I don’t think they will survive but I am not worried. It meant I could clear a few things away. I also tidied up and packed my art and sewing stuff. We shall start assembling our bags and baggage in the spare bedroom over the next few days, so we are ready to leave whenever is appropriate.

Of course the event of yesterday was the completion of the railway and its inaugural run. What a perfect evening for it.

Today is on line pilates this morning and U3A french this afternoon

So trying not to think of painful dental issues I shall

Think positive, stay cheerful, keep busy, ( perhaps I should get on with cleaning that study) stay safe and have the best day that I can
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Sorry but "On line Plates" was associated immediately in my mind with the railway!
Salt is always good, I hope you get the Oil of Cloves, it definitely helps.
If you get the chance to jump the gun and bolt, take it! I think you're ready for home!
I've got the toys ready, done all my jobs and I am going to be in the shed at 07:00!
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »

The pharmacist said no to oil of cloves because there are contraindications with asthma medication. Indeed no one can offer me any help at all except take paracetamol. It has focused our minds. We shall go to the tunnel on Wednesday. As I have never seen a dentist in France this apparently also lowers my chances of seeing an emergency one....if there was one. All dentists were closed from March 26 th as they could not get PPE. As I have often said, its a common problem not confined to the UK.

Yes to salt, already thought of that one thanks. Also rubbing gums with sensodyne toothpaste
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Big Kev »

Hot water bottle? A bit of heat can work wonders.

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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Hard luck with the Oil of Cloves.... All the best for Wednesday!


We get closer to an engine, con rod is next obviously but I see the annoyingly fiddly valve gear and parallel motion looming..... :sad:
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »

Morning all

What a horrendous thunderstorm during the night and lashings of rain. I bet it has smashed my plants. We lost electricity at about 2.30 a.m and round here that means pitch dark. We used the light from my kindle so Bob could find his way to the fusebox in the kitchen, but before I got there with the light he had already gone downstairs, a risky business. We didn’t lose electricity again although the storm continued for some hours

I have not yet discovered the state of things with my teeth as my cup of tea has just arrived as if by magic. I shall continue with the treatment, salt mouth washes, paracetamol, rubbing my teeth and gums with sensodyne toothpaste. Bob will buy an analgesic gel from the pharmacist today, I am surprised they didn’t give me one. Bob has to go back for the masks today as they hadn’t arrived yesterday. Cool food and drinks seem to be the oder of the day as heat sets it off badly. So far so good with the tea. I have checked things out at home. My dentist is doing a telephone triage system for anyone who has been a client for the last two years, so that will be my first phone all on Thursday morning. We have our ticket. Its what they call an open ticket. You book a particular train but they put you on the first available one. We shall leave just after 7.00 in the morning. We will have all essentials, towels, bottle of hand-soap, hand sanitiser, paper towels, loo rolls plus lots of food and drink.

Today will be towel washing day, plus cleaning, I half packed yesterday. I changed our bedding last night and it mainly dried on the line between 6.30 and 8.00 pm. We shall have to write a list, its such a long time since we came we are struggling to remember what we brought. The new knickers will stay, don’t want to get caught out again 😂

So today

Feeling very positive, staying cheerful and keeping busy I am planning for our safe departure and travel tomorrow and staying safe today , and having as good a day as I can and better than yesterday I hope
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Sue »

It appears that the ferry may be cancelled, all sailings have gone off the website. We may have made the right decision
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Good!! :good: A good decision, fingers crossed now!
Just come out of the shed, I'll be posting in Shed matters when we have had our walk.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Cathy »

Goodness me Sue and Bob , the new word ‘Coronacoaster’ really does come into play for you two. All the best, everything crossed ‘again.’ 🍀 😊 :good:
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Big Kev »

Bartering with Wendy.

Some books for 6 eggs was a great deal for me, turned them into an omelette for lunch. I had an onion, a red pepper, a mushroom and some cheese lurking in the fridge.
It went down very well, thank you Wendy.
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Wendyf »

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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Stanley »

Old news but there is a book for Wendy sitting on my shelf here. If I'd known you were going to be in contact you could have delivered it Kev....
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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Post by Wendyf »

No contact was made, strict social distancing rules adhered to! The bag of books was hung on the garden gate by early morning, the eggs and I just happened to be passing and a contactless deal was done. In fact, Big Kev was miles away at the time. :biggrin2:
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