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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 02:15
by Stanley
"Will this never end"
If you mean the virus Sue, no I don't think it will. The genii is out of the bottle. If you mean the way it is being handled, it will have to change. In the end it will have to be treated like any other virus and until we have a vaccine the risk will have to be accepted for most people of working age. Crumblies like me will have the luxury of isolating and will have to do it.
As for your mouth, I think you are right in chasing it up and wish you well with it.
My back is improved this morning but I don't trust it and will have an easy day.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 06:41
by Sue
I meant the restrictions. I think the virus is here to stay and its time we were given our lives back to chose how we live them . The virus is only a killer for some people, it obviously has little effect on most. We now have medication that reduces the worse effects in many seriously ill. We can’t live like this forever hoping for a vaccine. Enough of this, I refuse to let it get me down again.

Its a damp day and forecast to remain so. How unusual ! Yesterday turned out rather nice, the rain when it came was very little. I did get my three clematis chopped down . When I went to do the fourth I noticed it had new leaves and buds. It usually flowers twice a year but I was not expecting it this year with all the bad weather. My tomatoes are coming rapidly now, so we are heading for a glut. We had the first of the big ones last night with basil a d mozzarella cheese. The basil is a shop bought potted herb, which I repotted and have managed to keep going all summer, its huge. I even had three female flowers on my summer squash plants now they are in the greenhouse. My runner beans continue to fail miserably, loads of flowers but no beans, its now too cool. They are very temperature dependent.

I spent much of the rest of the afternoon doing another two assessments on my genealogy course. That is apart from when I was trying to find out what it was Claire had found in a box in her new home. Not only did I find out ( pattern cams to drive the zig zig patterns of a Toyota sewing machine circa mid 1960s, ) but I also managed to sell them for her online. I recognised what they were as my first sewing machine, a Jones that was my Mums, had them. It was a new machine to Mum about 1966, she never got on with it, but I taught myself to sew on it, so I was given it for my 21 st.

Anyway back to the recognition. Last year I bought a 1900 Singer sewing machine to renovate, which I am still doing. I found some of the replacement parts and advice on a specialist site. I emailed this person with a picture of Claires cams, and after some discussion she came up with Toyota machine. Whilst pursuing the conversation, I sold them to her. No doubt a higher price could have been got on eBay, if they were in demand, but this saved the hassle

This morning is pilates. I have no plans at the moment, possibly I shall make the pattern for my pilates leggings. I don’t see any walking happening unless it is on dry paths somewhere, the hill paths are getting rather sodden now. Autumn is upon us. I have even packed away my lighter weight clothes, the ones that actually belong in France.

Have a good day everyone

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 08:12
by Sue
I meant to say, Stanley, the lump/abscess in my mouth burst yesterday, not nice ! Today it is smooth but sore, an open wound I suppose so it will be frequent salt washes and see how it goes. First sign of a lump and I am on the phone . I took the last antibiotic this morning.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Sep 2020, 08:15
by Stanley
That's my attitude to the virus as well Sue.
I've just had my second walk round the Green and am having my eggs and bacon. Then bed for second sleep!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 03:09
by Stanley
Getting back to normal, my back storm appears to have subsided. I have my sights set on cleaning the bend in the flue on my Morso Stove... A dirty job which involves getting down on the floor! I shall take a view very soon.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 06:31
by Sue

It was a pretty awful day yesterday weather wise . I hope today is better. After pilates I decided to make the pattern for my pilates leggings, then thought that I would look for a commercial pattern online and found one, so I shall wait for that to arrive. Instead I searched through the fabric and patterns I have and started to make a denim skirt out of a piece of denim left over from the jacket I made last year. It took some time to find a pattern that would fit the odd shaped piece I had but managed in the end. That kept me occupied for the rest of the day and will do so today also. I am going to struggle to get it to fit me but fingers crossed, with minimal seams it might.

The forecast says it should brighten up this afternoon and should be warm, hopefully we will get a bit of a walk done. We have done little since our return from Filey. Its pilates and yoga this evening and that is it for today.

Have a good day everyone

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 07:05
by Stanley
Morning Sue.... I hope you get the walk in!


Normally at this time of the morning I am posting pics from the shed. This morning is a bit different. I mentioned a couple of days ago that I had to unblock the flue on my Morso stove. Then my back struck. I decided this morning that I was OK again and instead of going in the shed I attacked the stove. This involves a lot of lying on the floor in awkward positions and reaching into the recesses of the stove. For a start off I was right about the problem, after two years of not lighting the stove the flue was full of bits that have dropped out of the liner. This bucket gives you the story, there was a lot in there!
To get at the flue you have to take the baffle out and it's an awkward and heavy piece of cast iron. I managed that but when I did the right hand firebrick cheek fell to pieces so I had to address that. Luckily I had a spare firebrick in my cupboard and so after giving the inside of the stove and the ash hole a good clean out I put the new cheek in and luckily got the baffle back in place at the first attempt.
I got a bit of junk mail and an Amazon carton and lit a fire in the grate. Complete cure, the stove is pulling well and was roaring in the flue. I was going to do a cheerful pic of the flames but by the time I got my camera out of the kitchen the fire was out! It had burned so fiercely it ate the fuel in no time.
So that's a success story and enough for one day! Now all I have to do is order a new spare cheek firebrick for stock. I'm glad I felt better and pleased that I have cured the problem. Not a single twinge from my back, just the normal problems of working in awkward positions! A successful morning, that's always nice.
[New cheek piece ordered.]

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 02:37
by Stanley
Nice mail from a lady called Katie at Morso to say she was out of cheek pieces until next week and did I want to cancel? I mailed her back and thanked her for asking and no, it was for stock so the delay was no problem.
We've reached that time of year when it is cooler but not enough to trigger any meaningful heating and I always get the impression that the north-facing front room with all its books needs what we used to call an 'airing'. So I lit a very small fire to test the stove and no problem, back to its normal good performance. Only problem was that by about 20:00 the room was up to about 21C, too warm for me and I was going to sleep so I did the sensible thing and went to bed early. This morning the stove is still hot (Only about ten knobs of smokeless fuel!) and the room feels much better. The house is back in order!
Today I am aiming for shed work but at 07:00 must do my weekly Co-op shop when there is nobody about. Otherwise a quiet day, my three short walks to keep my legs going and more reading this afternoon. It's all go isn't it!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 06:33
by Sue

Our heating has come on a couple of times this week just for a short time but then switched off again. It didn’t yesterday but it was noticeably warmer outside. Thus we sat in a warm mist nearly all day.

It was a productive day for me. I spent the morning finishing my skirt, which despite the fact that I struggled to cut it out from the amount of fabric I had, and the skimpy minimal seams I had to make, it fits perfectly. A success. I have no idea when I will wear it as I nearly always wear jeans or leggings these days, but sometimes wear a skirt in the winter with thick tights.

My second success was the dentist. I phoned at lunchtime and explained the problem to the receptionist, Max. He recognises me now when I phone and we had a laugh about it. Anyway he promised to relay my concerns to the dentist and said he would phone me back. This meant I could not walk to the bank in Rochdale with Bob, but it wasn’t pleasant out there any way . Max phoned me back at about 3.30pm . The dentist said not to worry about the abscess it is very localised and now it has burst hopefully with salt washes ( which I am now doing about every two hours) should clear eventually. However to be safe she will replace the filling of the painful tooth . I was told there was a long wait but in fact an appointment for the 22nd was offered to me. I could not take that one as we are in Northumberland so it is to be the 8 th October. Fingers crossed that rules don’t change again by then. They seem to change every few hours.

My third success was the completion of another two assessments on my genealogy course. That makes 5 out of 11. I struggled to upload some charts I had to upload on Sunday and sent a message. Last night customer service contacted me and said to send the charts as a pdf to them direct, they would then add it to the assessment and submit it for me. Very efficient I thought . So far on the course I have covered little I did not know but later lessons are about presenting researched material as reports and books, which I think will be very useful to me as I do quite a bit of research for other people.

I rounded the day off with the double session of pilates and yoga. This afternoon we are going for a walk, to collect our prescriptions at the pharmacist, thats 2 miles there, but we will return by walking uphill to Rooley Moor and dropping down into Healey Dell, all along good footpaths. The paths on the moors are now not fit to walk on. Many are under water or worse , under thick soft mud. The round trip is just over 5.5 miles. This morning Bob has his U3A online Photography group meeting. I shall potter. Pilates is late at 8.00 pm

Have a good day everyone.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 07:00
by Stanley
Morning Sue. That sounds positive with the dentist. I hope he's right about the abscess and salt water washes sound sensible to me, salt is a wonderful treatment for mouth and throat infections. When they open the tooth up to re-fill it they could well find the seat of the problem and I have my fingers are crossed for you. If your mouth isn't right it affects everything, not least enjoying food.
I've done an hour in the shed and also my weekly shop at the Co-op, only one other customer while I was in there. So that's out of the way, a bit of a breather now and then a second short walk, breakfast and post in Shed Matters.
The good news is that my back is now fine but as always I regard it with deep suspicion. I shall not be doing anything silly!


We have a con rod that has one finished end and fits the beam. This was good enough for this morning.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Sep 2020, 03:30
by Stanley
All shopping done! Only my butcher's order to phone in later. So a routine day which will certainly include more work on my con rod in the shed! (And my three short walks!)

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Sep 2020, 06:30
by Sue

Nice day yesterday, and again productive. During the morning I completed another genealogy assessment, I am more than half way through now. I also tidied the garden a little and realised that a good cut back is needed so we can appreciate the few things that are still flowering. I think I may do that today after pilates. I also tidied up the bird feeder and changed the food containers to ones that larger birds can’t attack. The big bullies, pigeons and jackdaws have been taking much of the food at dawn and making a real mess at the same time. The pigeon seems to think the water tray is some sort of toilet. This morning it was sat on the wooden arch looking rather bemused and confused. I know the
little birds are around as we can see them in the trees .

So with the garden a little tidier we did do our walk to the pharmacist and round up on to the moor. The queue at the pharmacist was not long but was slow as everyone seemed to have complicated issues. The funniest was the man collecting a prescription from the optician. They searched for it for a good five minutes but could not find it. Questioning the customer it seems the optician had said he would send it to whoever would accept it. The man assumed wrongly it would be his local pharmacist . He was told to go away and check. We then found a couple of shortcuts up on to the moor which cut out the long hard two mile uphill slog through the old council estate . It brought us out near Maxines, my sewing teachers house, so I knocked at the door and we had a long chat from half way down the drive. Having completed the walk our legs were killing us , it had taken two and a half hours to do the round trip

Julia just messaged to say that Ed s covid taste came back negative so the girls can go back to school today. He had had a funny taste in his mouth on Monday. It took ages to find a local test. They wanted him to go to Oldham from Coventry. We had a long chat with them on the phone yesterday. Oh Daddy is ok I was tod, not ill, just nasty taste in his mouth and then the conversation revolved round choosing paint to redecorate her bedroom (Eve) because its not been done since she was three and she is not a child any more (😊). Briony was back to her chirpy self, chatting 50 to the dozen. So nice to hear. I think she is on the mend. Eve has just cheered as she can go back to school. She was sad to be missing athletics yesterday. She had won year 7 cross country the day before. B has delved under the duvet but deep down I think she will be happy to go back today. I think Eve is loving high school because it is OK. The only time she went quiet on the phone was when I suggested (tongue in cheek) decorating her room was a good opportunity to tidy it. I laughed and told her thats what grandmas did, mention things that Mummys have given up on 😆. So nice to chat, wish I could go and see them, blooming restrictions !

Have a good day everyone.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Sep 2020, 07:32
by Stanley
Morning Sue, as usual I am having a breather after 2 hours in the shed. I'll post later.
You and Bob don't half do some walking! I wish I could still do the same but I know my limitations. I hear what you say about the restrictions, they don't affect me as much of course but I sympathise with you. Now for a walk! But only round the Green!

Later... I have almost finished the con rod end, it has the crank pin made and fitted and a little bit of work on it tomorrow will finish it.


Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Sep 2020, 03:54
by Stanley
Normal day hopefully and that will include shed and con rod!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Sep 2020, 07:05
by Sue

I have woken late today, as I have been awake from 2 until 5.30 am. Not like me. I tried reading a few times but it didn’t work. I now feel very groggy. However I have dance exercise at 10 and that should liven me up .

It was another productive day yesterday, after pilates I spent several hours in the garden, stopping for lunch in the middle. I had a chat with a friend who was passing and that was very pleasant, and another chat with my neighbour Sue who was also gardening. She gave me 4 small shrubs, off shoots of a larger one, so I had a bit of plant moving to do so I could get them in. The side borders look really tidy now and it has made the fuchsias stand out nicely . Bob was out dismantling the work bench in the workshop he has been clearing so later, whilst I was sitting, I did another genealogy assessment . I have 4 left to do but these cover areas I don’t know much about, so no doubt they will take longer.

Today is towel washing. The weather seems OK so hopefully things will dry. My dark load yesterday did not as it remained damp and cloudy all day. After dance exercise we are going out for lunch to our old Todmorden haunt. It will make a change. It was so we would be out when our cleaner came but she has phoned to say she is with her sister in Darlington, as they are scattering their mums ashes who died recently from terminal cancer . We have no other plans.

Have a good day everyone.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Sep 2020, 08:09
by Stanley
"However I have dance exercise at 10 and that should liven me up "
If that was me I'd be going back to bed! Different strokes....


I've had my session in the shed and finished my con rod including making this tiny pivot pin for the beam. Too close to watchmaking for comfort. Main thing is despite the faults, and there are many, it's a very good fit and will run fine for many years!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Sep 2020, 04:30
by Stanley
Routine day, usual three short walks, an hour in the shed and a visit by my carer this morning to give my feet a treat!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Sep 2020, 06:25
by Sue

Today is Bacup market followed by a bit of cleaning as Joanne didn’t come yesterday. Then it depends in the weather. The forecast is fairly good, maybe a walk or a bit of gardening

We had a good lunch out yesterday, it was a bit cool and blowy up above Todmorden, but the views are nice. We always have the same table in the corner in the window with views towards Heptonstall. It was very quiet in the pub so in the corner we felt nicely isolated. It was late in the afternoon when we got back and my final load of washing was finished. I got it on the line and despite being thick items, jeans etc they dried within the hour as the wind had really got up. Then it was a cup of tea and chill for a bit sat in the conservatory. We were watching the antics of some pigeons on the bird feeder. We have changed the feeders to small bird friendly so the pigeons and jackdaws can’t eat everything. It was quite funny watching this pigeon trying to work out how to now get at the food...which it can’t .I rounded off the day with another genealogy assessment whilst Bob went in his workshop for an hour or so

Have a good day everyone

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Sep 2020, 07:34
by Stanley
I do like your days Sue, apart from the eating out, I wouldn't be brave enough for that.
I've done a Bob and had a good hour in the shed, all to do with crankshaft making!


In fact I spent all the time making a new HSS cutter! But all necessary stuff, See Shed Matters.
I've had second walk, am having my bacon and egg and in a short while Susan will arrive to pamper my feet! That in itself ensures that this is a good day. Simple pleasures!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 03:48
by Stanley
Normal routines and shed. Did my veggie cooking yesterday and the mutton chops for later in the week are thawing as I write. All is well!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 06:39
by Sue

Busy morning yesterday. After the market we cleaned the house between us and I did my weekly boil wash. In the afternoon we opted for a short stroll (2.4km a cording to the notice) around the reservoir at Dunnockshaw ( Burnley). It was quiet, not many people around. There was a stiff breeze and one sole windsurfer enjoying the whole lake to himself. Back home I planted a tub of winter pansies bought at the market, did the ironing and cut out the pieces of the pattern for my pilates leggings. Whilst Bob was in his workshop I spent an hour practising different types of stretch seams for the leggings. I did a bit of research about it online and downloaded a book on to my kindle that had an appropriate chapter or two.

This morning is strenuous yoga followed by a soak in the bath, pedicure and manicure . I shall also change the bedding. It should dry outside as 22 degrees is forecast. Then I shall do whatever takes my fancy. I think Bob is off to the park where the model engineers are doing socially distanced track maintenance.

Have a good day everyone, its supposed to be a nice one.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 07:03
by Stanley
Morning Sue! I had the pedicure but none of your other activities (unless you count my three trips round the Green as being equivalent to Dunnockshaw.


I've had my hour in the shed and we are well on the way to having a crankshaft ready for fitting. A walk and breakfast next and then second sleep. Yes, I do coddle myself, it seems to be working!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 08:39
by Sue
That looks so good Stanley, I always think these engineered pieces look so tactile. Washer on, chilling out for an hour before yoga .

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 08:59
by Marilyn
We dropped a huge bag of DVDs and Jigsaws off to a care home ( after phoning them and found they had a small but popular DVD lending corner for their clients and many of them enjoyed jigsaws) We no longer have a DVD player, so my thoughts were the Op shop, or trying a care facility...but the care facility seemed to welcome them).
Then we did the country market, ( a hot Pastie as we walked around, because the wind coming off the sea was chilling - markets on the foreshore).
I love giving things away.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 09:21
by Marilyn
My aim in life is to have a near zero footprint by the time I die. It is a big task. I just want to live with the things I truly need or love....the rest...I am happy to part with through giving away.
I find it liberating to sort through things regularly and get rid ( often I put furniture etc on the front lawn with a “FREE” sign and they are gone in an hour.)
This is not junk I am disposing of. If it has a use to somebody, they are welcome to it.
The other part of my quest is ( of course) to not buy anything I do not need.