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Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 06 Feb 2014, 05:35
by Stanley
It was overcast but dry till after 11am in Barlick yesterday, got two dry walks in. Then it started raining and was a lousy afternoon and evening. Raining this morning and wind stronger than yesterday. Glass is rising, up at 28.1" this morning after falling to below 27.6" after tea. Forecast is similar to yesterday's, dry from 06:00 to dinnertime and then more rain. Strong and gusty SW wind all day.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 07 Feb 2014, 06:52
by Stanley
Dry and calm out there this morning, no doubt the lull before another wet spell! Glass is up slightly at 28.2" but little doubt that it will fall again. Forecast is for a reasonable day with decreased West wind but Saturday and Sunday are going to be dire, back to rain and strong winds. Bad news for the SW.....

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 07 Feb 2014, 09:46
by Cathy
we have 42C for Saturday with extreme fire danger. I won't be going anywhere.

I had to cut a large branch off of one of my trees mid-week and I should really chop it up so that it will fit in my green-waste bin, see how I go... :sad:

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 08 Feb 2014, 06:08
by Stanley
Don't do anything strenuous in the heat Dearie!
Dry outside at the moment but the wind is getting up. Glass has fallen like a stone again, my dodgy barometer shows 27.7". Forecast is bad. Strong S wind forecast and heavy rain after 09:00. Must get out for a walk as soon as possible! Thinking about Tiz and my friends in Monmouth.
07:45. Back from our walk which was dry despite a heavy shower at 07:00. I took a chance and we went out without full wet weather gear and we were lucky because it cleared up. No doubt just a precursor to what we can expect later....

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 08 Feb 2014, 13:34
by Moh
Nice to see the snowdrops & crocus appearing.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 09 Feb 2014, 06:05
by Stanley
Yesterday was a far better day than the forecast suggested, dry and windy but plenty of broken cloud and patches of sunshine. Glass has dropped again slightly to 27.6", either my barometer has reached adjustment day or it's the lowest I've seen it for a long time. (I've decided to adjust it and so it's reading 28.4" now which ought to be about right. I'll keep checking against the met office figures and see how we go on, at least it looks more cheerful!) Forecast is same as yesterday, high chance of showers and strong wind all day. We'll see how it matches up to reality! Shipping forecast this morning was gales all areas apart from two.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 00:18
by Sunray10
Stanley my glass is rising at 28.9 or 978 m bars. Not sure whether mine's a bit dodgy!!

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 03:44
by Stanley
Sounds about right Ray, I think mine had slipped out of adjustment but even so it's the movement that counts. Yesterday in Barlick was breezy, showery, cold but with bright intervals. On the whole not a bad winter's day but the ground is absolutely sodden and Butts was running a banker to there must have been a lot of rain on Saturday night. Glass is up this morning and heading towards 29.9", looks about right according to the weather map. Forecast is for a dryer colder day with less wind. Not much above freezing all day.

07:50. Sharp frost and a clear sky. Bracing walk. Pavements icy and no salt on main roads at 07:30. Traffic no slower, perhaps they hadn't noticed pedestrians mincing cross the road.....

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 09:04
by Gloria
Bright, cold and crisp here, but it hasn't been cold enough to freeze the outside tap.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 05:55
by Stanley
We had a mixed day yesterday, rain after the frost and cold but not as much wind. This morning it's wet cold and miserable and the water is coming down as wet snow. Glass is hovering around 29". Forecast is for a wet day with rising winds. Wind chill temperature never gets above freezing and gets as low as -5C this afternoon. Definitely an indoor day with the stove fired up!

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 10:31
by Cathy
Sounds like it will be more fun and games tomorrow. Our winds will be blowing every which-way over the course of the day and it will be 42C. Nasty!

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 12 Feb 2014, 00:52
by LizG
I've been watching your awful weather for the last few days and feeling very sorry for you South Aussies. Still no reprieve from the hot weahter.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 12 Feb 2014, 04:22
by Stanley
I did the Spring Dance yesterday and cut my hair, it started snowing at 19:00 last night..... Glass is up slightly at 29.1" and a there is a slight Westerly breeze. Forecast is for a showery day with more snow this morning and wind rising, wind chill will not get above freezing. Deep joy!

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 12 Feb 2014, 18:56
by Gloria
The wind is horrendous tonight, we are right under the red patch on the weather map. I hate to think of the damage we could get up to in the morning.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 12 Feb 2014, 20:41
by Wendyf
I don't think we are as exposed to the winds as you Gloria, but it's still scary. We had one very strong gust just as I went out into the barn to close the top stable door...the stone slates on the roof were rattling in a very worrying way. Only a couple more hours to go and it should start to die down a bit. Hope all is OK with you in the morning.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 12 Feb 2014, 20:58
by LizG
Hope all is well with you guys today; not too much damage.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 04:42
by Stanley
I was thinking about you last night Wendy, wind peaked between 18:00 and 21:00 and was roaring across the roofs with lashing rain. Gusts of 100mph recorded on the Welsh Coast and much made of this in the news. Funny how 150mph in Scotland doesn't rate a headline in the South...
Glass fell to 28.5" yesterday but is back up a bit at 28.7" so perhaps a bit of an improvement today but another low is on its way in. Forecast is for a showery day and cold, wind chill varies between -5C and -3C. In N America another cold blast has descended from the Arctic and this is what is triggering the jet stream so no signs of any respite at the moment.
07:50. One of the few advantages of this time of the year is that it's getting light earlier. We've had our walk round the town, no obvious signs of wind damage although I suspect the roofers will be busy! What a good job I had my roof and gutters inspected and maintained before the bad weather hit... The wind is getting up again and there is snow blowing in, not heavy but it's bloody cold. Thank God for the Crombie! It comes into its own on a day like this. It is definitely going to be a fireside day, I feel sorry for those who have to work outside on a day like this....

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 08:38
by Wendyf
No damage to report Stanley, the gust I attracted by venturing into the barn measured 67 mph, and that was as strong as it got. Not sure how accurate our anemometer is though. Its still quite breezy, with sleety showers.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 08:57
by David Whipp
I've spotted a few slates off this morning, but haven't seen or heard of any major damage round here.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 09:12
by Gloria
We have no major damage, branches down but that's about it. The wind was as bad as I have ever known it. We are not far from the coast and it is all flat with nothing to stop the wind. Thankfully it is over and we are not subject to weeks of floods with this on top of it.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 13 Feb 2014, 10:35
by Cathy
Here in Adelaide we have had rain, it's been our wettest February day for 40yrs, such a change from 43C, I think it reached 30C today. Our day was described as 'from dust to mud' haha. Some areas of our state may experience flash flooding. Friday we have more rain and a chance of a storm with 23C. :smile:

Thinking of you all having to put up with very strong winds, cold and flooding.

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 05:17
by Stanley
We're all warm and dry Cathy! It was bright and breezy at 10:00 yesterday so I went to the butcher's because I reckoned it might be as good as it gets. It snowed on us but not too heavy. Glad I did it because while it isn't bad outside yet there is more chance of driving rain this morning. Glass is still at 29.1" but I expect it to fall quickly this morning as there is another low coming in and we expect some wind and heavy rain today. Forecast is for a dryish morning but from dinnertime onward the wind gets up and we expect some snow. Wind chill will be down to -5C at least this afternoon. This bout of wind and rain is expected to be worse than the last especially in the flooded areas. However, the Met Office says they can see signs of an improvement next week.....
Meanwhile, the shipping forecast is dire...... Lots of very severe gales, force ten and eleven common.
08:30. I was a bit pessimistic about the weather because its a nice bright cold morning with a moderate breeze but dry. Mind you, I think we'll see a difference later!

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 23:55
by Sunray10
Yes, I have also heard that said by the weather forcasters, both yesterday and today. They say that the weather will not be as bad next week, less stormy, but still some rain about, though not as heavy, and a bit milder by Tuesday. I will believe "it" when I see it. :surprised:

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 15 Feb 2014, 05:31
by Stanley
Not sure whether I missed something yesterday because the forecast big wind rain and snow never happened. Despite the fact that the glass fell all day and is at the moment on 28.3" it was a decent blustery day with bright intervals and the occasional shower. At the moment its a breezy morning and it's raining but not heavily. Forecast is for a wet morning with a brisk westerly breeze and brightening later. So, we must have been very lucky yesterday! Other parts of the country were not as lucky.....
08:15. Jack and I have been out and come back sharpish after a very short walk! I think I have found where the strong wind and heavy rain was! It was just taking a while getting to us. Wind, cold driving rain, thoroughly miserable. We are back indoors and will try again later in the morning!

Re: Winter 2013

Posted: 15 Feb 2014, 11:45
by Tizer
Perhaps we got all of the big wind! Besides the tree blown down in the vicarage garden we now have another in the church yard, a holm oak (evergreen oak) that must be well over 100 years old. The whole tree hasn't come down but a large branch about a foot in diameter has been torn off, thrown across the road and smashed down a high stone wall in front of a house. The thick end of the branch is now in the house's front garden and the rest completely blocks the road - it just missed two cars in the house's drive. If it had gone the other way there would have been a big hole in the church roof and wall. There'll have to be a survey now on the remaining tree to decide whether or not it's safe to leave it as is or if more will have to removed to balance the weight.