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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 May 2021, 12:11
by Cathy
Their still in love... they won’t even notice, haha 🤔

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 May 2021, 13:36
by Big Kev
It's bracing :biggrin2:

There's a lot of activity at the northern end of the prom, it's all closed off for 8 days for filming of a new Star Wars spin off that's due out in 2022.

There's some drone footage on YouTube

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 May 2021, 17:39
by Sue
Thanks for the best wishes everyone and the same to you two Big Kev :smile:

Great walk today but a but chilly and now just chilling out before we cook, eat and toast each other.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 01 May 2021, 23:15
by Marilyn
House guest announced yesterday that they were staying another night and would proceed home late today. No problem really, but we had plans for today ( visiting a Vintage Caravan gathering). Didn’t want to abandon our plans, so there will be three of us going now. Likely we will need to source a bakery lunch or similar, as guest sleeps until 11 am ( one day it was 1 pm!) and does not eat breakfast of any sort.
I don’t understand folk who sleep in until lunch time. Morning is the best time of the day. Such a waste to sleep through it! (And very odd to do it when you are a house guest I think 🤔)

Love the pic with ice creams. ( Did yours fall the cone off Big Kev? ).

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 May 2021, 02:28
by Stanley
I shall be pursuing the 10h in the shed, I was thinking that it might be a good one to give to Kahara. I can always make another for myself and the 10H is about the right size.
It's going to be a cooler day but I shall still have my walk. Apart from that I shall take it as it comes.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 May 2021, 04:25
by Marilyn
Two of our local attractions...

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 May 2021, 04:55
by chinatyke
Marilyn wrote: ↑02 May 2021, 04:25 Two of our local attractions...
Eeeh, lass, we have charabancs here!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 May 2021, 07:07
by Sue

Lovely day yesterday, if a little chilly. The same forecast today with occasional showers. We have another walk planned plus chats to the grand children in Coventry. Tomorrow is going to be a little difficult to plan as rain is forecast all day, but showers and rain are two different things so wait to see the full forecast later. Beautiful views of the river Severn yesterday . We missed the Severn bore by a day. THe bluebells around are magnificent .

Have a good day all

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 May 2021, 11:56
by Wendyf
I'm setting out electric fencing for the ponies in a fresh part of the field, they have been in the same place since November and it's looking a bit over used. I was getting close to finishing when I got caught in a hail storm which meant a quick retreat. It's lunchtime anyway. :smile: How I miss Dennis when I'm out in the field, he would have been getting excited watching me move the fencing, knowing he was heading for fresh grass. I see him everywhere out there, his spirit lingers...... :sigh:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 02 May 2021, 12:05
by Stanley
I understand that perfectly and sympathise Wendy. Anyone who doesn't understand that has never had a close relationship with an animal.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 May 2021, 03:04
by Stanley
We are promised heavy rain and high winds today so I'll take a view on walks! I don't have a dog now and am not forced to go out. Walking is still good for me even though I can't walk far but you don't die if you miss a day! I shall still be in the shed this morning.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 May 2021, 06:33
by Sue

Dryish this morning but increased rain this afternoon and windy . We have decided to go for a drive into Herefordshire to a little village where a distant great grandmother was born(1782) I want to have a walk round the church yard but I fancy the family were too poor to have any headstones. Also the headstones round here are very hard to read because of erosion and lichen covering their surface . No other plans at the moment

Have a good day

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 03 May 2021, 07:51
by Stanley

Doesn't look much but it was a rocky road to get these two sorted!

Being in the car sounds like a good idea Sue and the rain might take a bit longer to reach you. Have a good day.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 May 2021, 03:45
by Stanley
I shall be moving quietly forward with the 10H and hoping for better weather today so I can have a walk. However it's more like November than May out there at the moment.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 May 2021, 06:32
by Sue
Stanley wrote: ↑04 May 2021, 03:45 I shall be moving quietly forward with the 10H and hoping for better weather today so I can have a walk. However it's more like November than May out there at the moment.

What a dreadful day yesterday, howling gales, torrential rain all day. This morning the sun is out although it is still blowy and showers forecast . I should think my geraniums at home have been smashed by that rain but they are big enough and strong enough to recover....eventually. We did our trip out yesterday morning. Hardly a scenic drive with the rain but certainly a successful one. We found the little village of my ancestor. Village it was not, more an area of fields and occasional cottages which made my find so much more real.

The gravestones round here are mainly illegible, covered in lichen and eroded away and in some place the whole front of the gravestone has sheared off. I did not expect to find anything at all. As expected most were illegible and then I found one near to the church. The name I was looking for was GOUGH . It was the only one in the whole churchyard, and it was the right names and the right dates.

...Sacred memory of Mary wife of Richard Gough of this parish who died 9 th April 1803 aged 43 years also of Richard Gough who died 28th September 1838 aged 78 years.

These are my 5 times great grandparents. On return I spent the wet afternoon on the internet confirming these were indeed my family. I have managed to do this as far as is possible without access to parish registers which are not online. I have however seen the marriage entry and tge birth entry of their daughter, Elizabeth, my direct line ancestor some 15 years ago on a visit to Hereford record office. Further evidence comes from the name of Richards father who I believe to be Matthew and Mary’s father who I believe to be William , as Elizabeth had two sons of those names. They died young.

Here is the genealogical link to the grave
So these people are my great great great great great grandparents thus...

5x great grandparents
Richard Gough and Mary Watkins

4xs great grandparents
Elizabeth Gough and Thomas Maylard

3xs great grandparents
John Maylard and Elizabeth Deadman

2xs great grandparents
Thomas Maylard and Christiana Keighley

Great grandparents
Elizabeth Ann Maylard and John Roberts Widdup

Wilfred Widdup (Marriott) and Ellen Eliza Proctor (Nellie)

James Macgregor Marriott and Sarah Ethel Needham( Sallie)


Today will be a walk somewhere, it will be wet underfoot but hopefully not too wet otherwise

Have a good day

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 May 2021, 06:47
by Marilyn
Always brings a tingle when you can connect the dots, Sue.
I tortured my husband, dragging him around UK graveyards in the worst of weather! :laugh5:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 May 2021, 06:58
by Sue
Marilyn wrote: ↑04 May 2021, 06:47 Always brings a tingle when you can connect the dots, Sue.
I tortured my husband, dragging him around UK graveyards in the worst of weather! :laugh5:
:laugh5: it always seems to be bad weather when we do it. Like’ oh its raining, lets go round a graveyard’

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 May 2021, 07:05
by Sue
Its a year today since our Great Escape from France, well the day, the date is tomorrow

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 May 2021, 07:39
by Marilyn
Sue wrote: ↑04 May 2021, 06:58
Marilyn wrote: ↑04 May 2021, 06:47 Always brings a tingle when you can connect the dots, Sue.
I tortured my husband, dragging him around UK graveyards in the worst of weather! :laugh5:
:laugh5: it always seems to be bad weather when we do it. Like’ oh its raining, lets go round a graveyard’
He sits stoically in the drivers’s seat saying “Exactly why are we here Maz? And it looks like we need umbrellas yet again...” I always make it up to him by cooking a fabulous meal...and a glass of Red. My husband believes that if he gets wet he will catch a cold. We always cosy up later to ward off the cold.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 May 2021, 07:50
by Stanley
Glad the day worked out Sue. You can't beat a good churchyard whatever the weather!
I've had over an hour and a half in the shed and made progress which culminated in the brass bearing castings fitting the jaws on the bed.


And I have drilled and tapped for the 7BA holes in the bed.


Small steps but in the right direction. Now for the Life Scientific and second sleep. :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 04 May 2021, 08:21
by Marilyn
The other thing I like to view is Baptismal Fonts. To know your ancestor “got its head wet” right here is mind blowing.
Kind of like graves. You wonder who stood right HERE witnessing the event.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 May 2021, 03:07
by Stanley
More work on the castings for the 10H. That quiet couple of hours in the shed is so good for me. But then again so is an early morning walk. I shall have to give this some thought.....
Early doors shopping will be combined with voting tomorrow.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 May 2021, 07:05
by Sue

We had a good day yesterday, dry and sunny. We drove to Tintern abbey but couldn’t go in because we hadn’t booked online. I thought it was daft that we weren’t allowed in as the place was deserted and we were not offered the chance to book there and then on our phones. Anyway we set off on a walk instead, along the old railway path. After a mile we then went straight up the hill through the forest for two miles to Offas Dyke footpath. That was a rise of over 800 feet. As we walked through the forest we disturbed a herd of about 30 deer who ran off down the slope, faster and more sure footed than we were. We picnicked in a meadow at the top sharing the grass with a variety of small birds especially a very friendly robin. The walk along the ridge of Offas Dyke was about another mile before we dropped back down into a small village with 14 th century buildings, completing the walk back to Tintern along a very muddy river meadow. It was just over 7.00 mikes in total. We had a very welcome coffee and cake at a coffee shop which was open with out door seating. We were the only ones there at tge time. The only rain we had was a quick heavy shower whilst at Tesco later buying a few bits and pieces
This morning we are driving to view some old iron works, before driving over to Thornbury near Berkeley. We have been invited to lunch in the garden with one of the people Bob used to work with at Wilfa power station and later at Berkely power station. The above photo was taken by Bob and seen by John on facebook who contacted us. Hopefully it will stay reasonably dry, its sunny at the moment with showers forecast for the afternoon .

So thats our day, have a good one .

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 May 2021, 07:20
by Wendyf
Say hello to Berkeley for me!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 05 May 2021, 07:23
by Sue
Wendyf wrote: ↑05 May 2021, 07:20 Say hello to Berkeley for me!
Will do