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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 02:54
by Stanley
Yesterday I cooked and had my walk and a mini veggie shop after dinner. Today I shall be in the shed fitting the steam chest. The forecast looks OK so a walk and bookie watch could be on.
Lots of activity in Town Square yesterday as the BOTS stage and marquee were taken down. Should be back to normal today......

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 06:47
by Stanley


This morning I fitted the steam chest and lid to the cylinder and then made and fitted the steam and exhaust connections.
I hope Bob and Sue had a good trip back and that they are having a lie in.... :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 06:54
by Sue
We were home just after midnight. It was a lovely crossing and we managed to clear passport control in just over 30 minutes ie by 7.00 pm which wasn’t too bad considering the ferry from Spain arrived just before us. We made it to Julias in just over two hours where we had a meal, leaving just before 10.00 pm. As usual we were plagued by road works on the last leg with the junction to the M60 , off the M62 closed so we detoured through Eccles, a route we know well as we used to live in Swinton and I worked in Eccles.I also lived in Eccles when I was a student.

This morning is bright and sunny at the moment . I have pilates at 10.00 am and again this tea time at the studio. Hopefully my cough will behave itself. It flares up every now and again. We have an appointment at 2.00 pm at the mini garage to complete the finance. Yesterday I was sent a video of my new car in the forecourt as it arrived yesterday, so once finance and insurance are arranged and it has been polished etc I should be able to collect it by the end of the week. Luckily I have no post holiday washing to do , just the car to unload and put things away. Actually I think Bob unloaded most stuff whilst I made us a cuppa last night.

I have a garden full of flowers which is nice, have a good day all

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 06:54
by Sue
Yes a lie in Stanley but of course tge clocks are one hour back so in effect its the same time as usual 😊

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 07:21
by Stanley
:biggrin2: :good:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 10:14
by Stanley
Off out for my walk in full sun.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 11:19
by PanBiker
Going to our cancer support meeting at the centre this afternoon. Followed by an Aldi run I think.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Jun 2022, 12:04
by Stanley
I have just got back from my walk. I went mad and went down Church Street. Things change quickly don't they..... Cots is taking over and a man came out of what used to be the barbers at the end of Brook Street and didn't like it when I answered 'not so bad' to his enquiry how I was. Never seen him before in my life and he called me 'Young Man'. He needs to get his eyes tested.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Jun 2022, 03:05
by Stanley
I shall be doing my usual two hours in the shed and then second sleep. Not sure after that because it looks as though we might have a wet day.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Jun 2022, 06:05
by Stanley

Only one pic this morning and only an hour and a half in the shed. I realised that I had to get some paint on the castings and as it was raining I did it with a small brush on the bench. Once I had done that I more or less cancelled out any more work as I don't want chips sticking to the paint. (That's my excuse and I am sticking to it!)
Oh, and I mounted the box base on a piece of plywood ready for the next job, fitting. :biggrin2:
Now for breakfast and second sleep.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Jun 2022, 06:36
by Sue

Yes nice day yesterday but very humid . It felt much warmer than it was because of it. I tidied the garden a little and located the various bird feeders which had been dislodged from their hanging spots. I think the Jackdaws and the squirrels get a little frustrated once they become empty when we are away. I dug up several of my squash plants which were not doing well and have replanted them in pots in the greenhouse? I think it was a mixture of over wet soil and crowded out by the plants that have really taken off. I picked some of my broad beans and tied the plants back up as they were falling over with their own weight . In the afternoon we went to the Mini garage and sorted out the finance. We hope to collect the car next Monday. We were offered Friday afternoon but because of various other things happening including our usual Friday lunch/ afternoon out we decided to wait till Monday . After having waited 8 months I don’t think another few days will matter.

Today we shall visit Burnley market and our friends patisserie stall as we have a jigsaw for them to borrow. I think we may browse the shops a bit too with a possible visit to the fabric shop. Otherwise I have a bit or ironing to do, having washed a few things yesterday, and I have some sewing to get stuck in to and finish before my next session with Maxine in two weeks.

Have a good day all .

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 09 Jun 2022, 03:05
by Stanley
Sounds like a good day Sue.
Today will be another short morning in the shed, all will be revealed later... The weather looks good enough for Bookie Watch to be on later this morning.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 09 Jun 2022, 06:14
by Sue

It was lunchtime by the time we got back from Burnley market and fabric shop yesterday. I ironed in the afternoon and did a lot of the sewing backlog that I needed to do before my next session with Maxine. I did a bit of garden tidying too. This morning is art at Haslingden and this afternoon I have an appointment at 2.30 pm. Otherwise I have no plans. The weather seems OK so it could be a bit of gardening again. Bob is out this afternoon at the park as I think he is doing a boiler test for someone.

Have a good day all

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 09 Jun 2022, 06:55
by Stanley
Morning Sue.



This morning I finished attending to the painting of the castings and did a fit up ready for the Cross-head, the con rod and the valve train. But before I start on that I need a piece of oak for the base. I had to glue two pieces together and leave them cramped up for the night. By tomorrow it will be one piece and I can think about finishing it. An hour and a quarter well spent. I am well pleased.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Jun 2022, 04:01
by Stanley
I shall be chasing a nice sound oak base for the current engine. Part of that will be sharpening my plane iron and that may be a big job. Factor in as well that today is early doors shopping day at the Co-op. So not your normal day. The forecast looks good so I expect to have quite an extended walk and bookie watch!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Jun 2022, 06:02
by Sue

It was a good if cool grey day yesterday. The morning started well but by mid afternoon I was happy to be buried in my sewing using the fabric I bought on Wednesday. I can’t resist lovely cotton lawn fabric, so lovely to wear and so beautiful to sew with. Unfortunately I have far too many tops, made of this lovely fabric , to wear in our mediocre summers.

Today is u3a art followed by lunch with Wendy and Keith at the Shepherds Rest in Todmorden. It will be late afternoon when we get back, I doubt it would be wise to do any more sewing when we get back 😊🍷, so that will be our day. Bob says 19 is forecast with some sun but a sunny evening. I must get one of those summer tops out to wear😊.

Have a good day all

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Jun 2022, 06:58
by Stanley
Bob's right but watch for the wind chill Sue, it will be about -4C at times....


Not your usual morning. I want to get this base ready for use. I started by sharpening my smoothing plane iron and then cleaned the base board up using the sander. Later this morning I shall clean up and put the moulding on the base. But at the moment I'm recovering from early doors shopping and need my breakfast!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Jun 2022, 10:39
by Stanley

Here we are, one oak base finish sanded and soaking in a good dressing of raw linseed oil.
Very hot in that sun in the back yard! I was thinking about Sue gardening. I hope she has the big floppy sun hat on.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Jun 2022, 02:54
by Stanley
The base is on the bookshelf in the kitchen and the oil is fully soaked in now. This morning I can move forward with the motion work and the crosshead and slide. There's a decent forecast so a walk, some selective veggie shopping and a sit opposite the bookies are all on the cards. Such a busy life..... :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Jun 2022, 05:19
by Stanley
I have to report that I find I have no interest whatsoever in going into the shed. I have done a load of washing, put my chicken in to cook and all I want to do now is go back to bed. No problem! Nobody is driving me on and I deserve a rest so I'm going to have my breakfast and go to bed. I'll see you all later. :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Jun 2022, 06:23
by Sue

The wood work is looking nice Stanley. We had a nice lunch and a good chat yesterday and I did do a bit of sewing when we got back but not much. My towels had washed whilst we were out so hung them on the line and they were dry in no time.

This morning is Bacup market, we need a few things plus an anniversary card at the card shop. Later I shall pop down to Dunelm as we need some new bedding for France and a new summer weight duvet for there. Thats all I have planned and shall take it as it comes. Oh yes I have to draw a picture for Briony as she wants to do some art tomorrow . Have a good day all

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Jun 2022, 08:28
by Stanley
Three hours sleep later. I think that was a good choice! I'm having a pot of tea and then a walk and some specialised veggie shopping at Ghulam's.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Jun 2022, 03:37
by Stanley
I shall be strong today and go in the shed at 6AM! Unlike yesterday I have the job already mapped out in my head, work on the crosshead slide....
Looks like a good day for bookie watch and walk. There are faint signs of the weather perking up a bit..... About time!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Jun 2022, 06:35
by Sue

Dull and grey this morning, I have not looked at the forecast yet. I see the heatwave forecast does not extend very far north so the 14 degrees forecast for today is a good Rochdale summer average ! I have bedding to change and wash and a summer top to hem though I can’t see that being worn for a bit. Bob is at the park all day and are doing a fund raising session. Rides are being given for donations to the Mayors charity rather than for the usual charge . I shall no doubt keep myself busy as I usually do . Oh yes this morning I am doing some art on zoom with Briony, its the first time in weeks . I will probably chat to Eve on whats app later.

Have a good day all

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Jun 2022, 06:37
by Sue
14 degrees 45 % chance of rain, thats not perking up Stanley, thats worse than yesterday ! The long range gives 4 days at 20 -22 degrees and no rain , in the next 10 days. The rest of the time it is mainly 15 degrees and 40 +% chance of rain.