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Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 08 Jun 2012, 04:37
by Stanley
Same here, a nasty cold evening. Glass falls further to 28.8" as the low moves westwards over us. It means we miss the wind but any rain, like that falling at the moment will be persistent. Not summer weather.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 09 Jun 2012, 07:44
by Stanley
Jack and I have had a dry but gloomy early morning walk round the town. I suppose it's acceptable but definitely not summer! Glass is rising slowly as the low moves out into the North Sea and fills. 29.4" and rising. We will escape the strong winds even when we get to the periphery because it has lost most of its strength now. As for what happens later, anybody's guess.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 05:11
by Stanley
Grey neutral morning. Glass rising to almost 29.6". Not summer!

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 07:18
by cloghopper
:smile: Funny isn't it. Same down here this morning, even though the temp. is fairly warm (20C). Yesterday was hot and sunny, this morning dull and grey.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 06:00
by Stanley
Neutral but quite pleasant day yesterday. Glass is falling slightly but on 29.5". Not a lot of change about, we are still being influenced by Scandinavian lows.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 04:51
by Stanley
No change this morning. Just listening to a farmer on R4 who says that they have had 320mm of rain up to now and last year their total for the year was only 300mm.
Later, after a walk round the town. The overcast burned off and it turned into a brilliant sunlit morning. My washing is out on the line and all is well!

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 07:02
by Wendyf
A beautiful, bright, fresh morning. When I was going to let the hens out a magnificent buzzard drifted by just overhead. Hard to judge how low it was but I could see the feather patterns on its underparts! There were a couple of curlews harassing it.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 07:21
by Stanley
Just back from our walk. Dry, overcast and chilly with little wind. The glass is rising, up at 29.8" so that's encouraging. From the reports of what has been happening down the country they have solved their immediate water shortage but at the cost of flooding! I see this morning that an anonymous 'forecaster' is saying that July will see hot sunny weather in the south. Bit of a no-brainer I reckon!

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 05:10
by Stanley
It got quite pleasant with evening rain later. Glass has risen slightly but there is another powerful low moving in from the Atlantic and the forecasters are predicting even worse rain than last weekend. Looks as though Barlick might not escape as easily this time. Deep joy. Not Flaming June!

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 05:03
by Stanley
The forecasters got it right. The glass has dropped to below 29.5" and it's raining heavily. Not much wind because as far as I can see we are under the centre of the low. It started raing last night and seems to have been pretty steady. Heavier rain forecast later.... Deep Joy!

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 04:29
by Stanley
One or two bright spells yesterday after a wet morning walk but solid overcast this morning after a night of rain. Dry at the moment but glass continues to fall and is on 29.3" this morning. Another good writing day!
Later, managed a dry early walk but it's raining now and looks to be set in for the day.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 08:31
by Pluggy
The way things are going, my solar PV panels will have produced more in March than in June.........

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 09:17
by Stanley
Hard luck Plugs! Remember, the return from investments can go down as well as up.....

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 17 Jun 2012, 03:34
by Stanley
They said Sunday would be the best day.... Very dark this morning but glass has risen to 29.5" so the low is working its way out towards the North Sea. Light rain, so what's new?
Later, after a walk. It's brightening up a bit and there's enough blue sky to make a sailor a pair of trousers so that's all right....

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 04:53
by Stanley
Turned out to be a nice sunny day late into the evening. No rain overnight and glass is just over 29.7", not a violent swing so that's a good sign that the weather is becoming more settled. There is a low from France moving NE across Southern England today and there will be rain as far up as the Midlands but it looks as though we might escape the worst. The forecast is for improving weather up to Wednesday when another Atlantic low will give us rain. Lots of heat in the sun when it was out of course but tempered by the fact that as the low moved away to the east we got a NW wind off the back end of it. Flaming June is still on hold!

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 07:50
by EileenDavid
Weather still very mixed in Brittany. Saturday we had a very hot sunny day with high winds until about 8pm then we had a heavy shower for about 10 minutes then fine again. Sunday warm, humid and sunny am, then overcast and rain in the evening and into the night. This morning not ventured out yet but we have blue skies although a bit of cloud and sunshine have to see what the day brings. Eileen

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 05:29
by Stanley
Eileen the weather map showed a big patch of rain over you yesterday. We had a dull start but it got out into a nice day and was quite warm by teatime. The glass has risen slightly tol 29.8" and we are promised a good day today and tomorrow. Thursday looks dodgy, possible thunderstorms and weekend not expected to be any better. So, it's improving but not high summer yet!
Just got back from our walk, not cold, se breeze and big black clouds coming in. Very gloomy, it remains to be seen whether they unload or pass over.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 12:08
by Wendyf
Cool & windy with the odd shower this morning. I was taking my camera to take some piccys of the veg garden when I noticed that Barlick had a halo of coloured light over it like a huge rainbow. I took this photo, but it didn't come out well, you can just see the colours to the north of Barlick.
Well....I can see them anyway!

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 17:28
by Sunray10
That's a nice, colourful photo Wendy. You are lucky to live where you do such nice views. And yes I can see what you mean - it's a bit like a rainbow in the distance. :smile:

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 17:31
by PanBiker
You can certainly see the effect on the gallery version at full size. It's like living at the end of the rainbow, not found the pot yet though :smile:

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 20 Jun 2012, 03:45
by Stanley
Wendy, I think it was the mist we had early on. We had some black clouds come in early in the morning but they cleared and it was a nice day. Today has all the signs of a full-blown summer's day. Light breeze from the south, clear sky, heavy dew and the glass rising slowly, up to 29.9". However, they promise us rain for the rest of the week as another low comes in.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 20 Jun 2012, 17:32
by EileenDavid
Too hot and sunny yesterday. Today was grey and heavy and a thunderstorm this evening. Eileen

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 21 Jun 2012, 04:29
by Stanley
We started well in Barlick but it gradually clouded over and got quite gloomy by the end of the day. Glass falling back to 29.5" this morning, overcast and it looks threatening. Summer is evidently over for a day or two!
Longest day today, from here on it's all downhill! Deep Joy!

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 21 Jun 2012, 14:12
by Big Kev
It's nice out. Met Office have issued the following for NW England

Issued at - 21 Jun 2012, 11:05
Valid from - 21 Jun 2012, 15:00
Valid to - 21 Jun 2012, 23:59

Heavy, thundery showers on Thursday afternoon and evening could give torrential downpours. The public are advised to be aware of the risk of flash flooding.
The public is advised to take extra care, further information and advice can be found here: Met Office

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 22 Jun 2012, 04:17
by Stanley
Barlick (being nearer to heaven than Gloria) didn't get any of the dire weather in the warning but it was grey and slight showers for most of the day with occasional brighter spells. Grey and wet flags this morning but no great weight of rain during the night. Glass has fallen to below 29.2" during the night so my expectation is overcast and perhaps more rain than yesterday. Gardens are loving it but it's not Flaming June.