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Posted: 02 Oct 2017, 03:28
by Stanley
The occasional showers came in on schedule yesterday and at 19:30 it was dark and windy but not raining. Windy during the night and this morning but still dry first thing, it's started raining now. The glass has fallen back again to 998mb. The forecast is for a very mixed day of active fast moving weather. Rain this morning and occasional showers for the rest of the day but with breaks in the cloud giving us sight of the sun. The main feature is the wind, a constant strong SW wind all day with gusts to 50mph. Theoretically the high is 12C and the low 9C but it will never feel warmer than 8C in the strong wind chill. I think we can say that the Atlantic systems have at last won the fight against the blocking Scandinavian low and the outlook is for cooler and more active weather. The Met Office certainly learned a lesson when they missed the 1987 storm, 30 years later they have issued a blanket yellow warning of strong wind for the next 24 hours, they don't intend to be caught napping again!
05:45. We were out early this morning and have had a windy but almost dry morning walk. Only one notable thing, you'll often find owners with dogs they don't trust get out early in the morning so as to avoid other dogs. We met a couple of Alsatians on the enclosed part of the path up past the playground next to Valley Gardens and the lady who had them had difficulty holding on to their collars, she had had them off the lead. I got Jack close and under control and we kept a low profile until they were past. I don't see the joy in owning dogs that size you can't trust.....


Posted: 03 Oct 2017, 04:43
by Stanley
No heavy rain yesterday but a procession of sunny spells and light showers all day. At 20:00 it was dark, 50% cloud cover and dry with a stiff west wind. This morning first thing the wind had dropped and it was cool and damp underfoot. It's still the same now but not actually raining. The glass is well up at 1011mb. The forecast is for a dry day with occasional sunny spells. The stiff WNW wind will cool us down, 12C high and 9C low but add in a wind chill of up to 4C at times, it is going to feel chilly. Tomorrow could see the return of the wind and some heavy rain. I think it's October!
06:35. As it got lighter I realised that the sky is mainly clear and daylight will not be long arriving. The wind is more North than West and is to say the least, a bit chilly. But It's October and we could have far worse.....


Posted: 04 Oct 2017, 04:21
by Stanley
Yesterday was dry as promised but the main feature was the cold wind which tended more to WNW than West. At 20.00 last night it was dark and there was still a brisk cold wind. This morning first thing we had broken cloud, it was dry and there was still a breeze. I've just had a look outside and it is the same but the overcast looks to be 100% now. The glass rose to above 1015mb during the night but is dropping now and is just above 1012mb. The forecast is for it to start dry but by 11:00 rain will have come in and will be constant and perhaps heavy for the rest of the day. The constant WSW wind will be brisk and gusty, the high will be 11C and the low 9C with a 3C wind chill, it will never feel warmer that 8C. Looks like a cold wet day. I looked up the clock change and it is on October 29 this year.
06:00. When I went out at 05:15 I thought I felt a bit of rain in the air to we got out early on our walk. I was partly right, there is the odd spatter or rain blowing in on the brisk cold breeze. Nothing serious but rain is in the air already. A morning to get out there and back in the warm!


Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 05:29
by Stanley
The forecast was right, it turned out to be a wet windy day after late morning. Still raining at 20:00 last night and my rain gauge in Butts tells me that there has been a lot of rain in the last 24 hours. It was still raining first thing this morning and a blustery NW wind but by 05:30 when we went for a walk the wind had dropped slightly, the rain had stopped and the sky was 75% clear with lots of stars visible. It's a cold wind and the shipping forecast gave me a useful barometer check this morning when it identified the 1001mb low as being centred over us but moving rapidly to the east. The glass dropped to exactly that during the night but is rising now and at the moment is on 1006mb. The forecast is for a brighter day with clear skies and sun most of the time. There might be a light shower in the early afternoon. The main feature is the wind which, even though it has dropped to a moderate gusty breeze is constant from the NW and gives us a high of 12C and a low of 5C but with a 3C wind chill for much of the day. The weather is much more active now that the Atlantic weather has re-established itself and the outlook for the next few days is similar, cooler and always a chance of wind. In a word, it's October!


Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 04:18
by Stanley
Yesterday was as per the forecast, dry and much cooler. At 19:30 last night it was dark, dry and cool with a moderate NW wind. First thing this morning it was clear, cold and a full moon, it's the same now as I write. The glass continues to rise steadily and is just below 1019mb. The forecast is for a bright, dry clear day until noon and bright overcast after that. The light to moderate wet wind will give us a high of 11C and a low of 9C with a wind chill of at least 2C all day. The outlook for the next five days is for very similar weather with occasional light showers possible. Wrap up warm and enjoy the clear cold air! Think about those poor buggers in London breathing fumes......
06:45. Back in the warm after a bracing walk on a beautifully clear, calm morning with a full moon and daylight coming in from the east. It's cold but OK because there is as yet no wind.
My theory about improved lighting on zebra crossings might be accurate. I noticed this morning that the crossing near the butcher's had two sodium lights trained on it giving a higher standard of lighting.


Posted: 07 Oct 2017, 03:32
by Stanley
Yesterday was a dry cold day and at 19:30 last night we had a broken sky, a stiff breeze and it was dry. This morning we have thin overcast, a breeze and light mizzle, the full moon is clearly visible though the clouds but with a big halo. The glass is down at just below 1009mb. The forecast is for a good chance of rain all day until nightfall. The constant west wind will be moderate and the high is 12C and the low 9C with a 3C wind chill until nightfall when it drops to 2C. Another day for wrapping up well!
06:25. Back in from our walk. It was still mizzling when we went out but cleared almost immediately and the moon came into clear view as light broken could scudded past from the NW. The pavements were almost dry and the puddles were empty so it hasn't rained much in the night. About 20 minutes into the walk the moon disappeared and light mizzle started again wetting the pavements but five minutes later, before we got home it had stopped raining and the pavements were drying again. I suspect this is going to be the pattern for the day so make sure you have your brolly or rainproof with you!


Posted: 08 Oct 2017, 04:28
by Stanley
A light shower was never far away yesterday but no weight of rain, just drizzle bl,owing on the wind. At 19:00 last night it was dry with broken cloud and a moderate NW wind, coolish. It was clear during the night and the same first thing this morning. It's the same now but with a few scattered thin high clouds. The glass is up slightly at just below 1013mb. The forecast is for an overcast day but mainly dry, only a slight chance of light rain later. The light W/WNW wind will be constant all day with a high of 13C and a low of 11C, there will be a 1C wind chill. A quiet day with no surprises!
06:10. No complaints at all about this morning's walk. Calm, dry, cool and very quiet. Nobody at all about. The cloud is blowing across the moon on a NW wind but hasn't obscured it yet. Too early for any signs of dawn..... Things could be a lot worse!


Posted: 09 Oct 2017, 04:36
by Stanley
Yesterday turned out better than the forecast, I was drying washing outside until after 17:00. At 19:00 it was dry, almost calm and cool in a NW breeze. This morning first thing the flags were damp but it wasn't actually raining, it's the same now. The glass is rock steady on 1013mb. The forecast is a rerun of yesterday, bright overcast with an outside chance of a light shower. A constant light to moderate west wind giving us 13C for a high and 11C for a low with a wind chill of 1C all day.
06:25. A pleasant walk. Very similar to yesterday, the odd spit of rain but the cloud is breaking as it comes in from the west and the moon peeps through occasionally. It struck me this morning after a conversation with Barbara that any day in Barlick when you can hang washing out is a good one! Met one of Jack's mates, a little bull terrier bitch and although we only meet occasionally, she was all over me, delighted to see me. I've always said that if dogs and kids take to you, you are doing something right! Nice.....


Posted: 10 Oct 2017, 04:13
by Stanley
It stayed dry yesterday until about 15:00 when we had a prologued period of rain so light it was drying up as it fell. At 19:00 it was dark, overcast and calm but dry. This morning first thing we had heavy very fine rain, the sort that wets you in no time but still calm. It is still raining now. The glass is down on 1005mb. The forecast is, apart from this rain, a re-run of yesterday but drier after this rain stops in the next hour. The constant moderate west wind will give us a high of 13C and a low of 11C with a 1C wind chill. We could see a bit of sun around midday.
06:15. The forecast was right. We set off in wetting rain driven on the strengthening west wind but half an hour deter as we got near home the rain had stopped. Not too bad and Jack is feeling no pain after a good rub down. Things could be worse.
Later at 10:30. They got it wrong! It has only just come light and we have a bit of sun but until 10AM it was very wet!


Posted: 11 Oct 2017, 05:38
by Stanley
Yesterday was a wet start and a dry finish but this morning we had a blustery west wind and rain, we've had our walk and it has only just started to abate. My rain gauge in Butts tells me that there was a lot of rain during the night and the puddles are full as well! The glass is down at just under 997mb. The forecast is for rain all day, heavy until nightfall and scattered showers after that. The blustery SW wind will be constant and the high is 13C and the low 9C. That's about it! We are offered the promise of warmer weather later in the week......


Posted: 12 Oct 2017, 03:14
by Stanley
They got the forecast right yesterday! It rained all day until nightfall, a miserable day for anyone working in it. At 20:00 the sky was partially clear, it had stopped raining and there was a brisk W wind. First thing this morning the sky was clear but hazy, it was dry and a very light wind. It's the same now but a bit clearer, the moon has less of a halo. The glass is up at just below 1006mb. The forecast is for a drier, brighter day with some sun, no rain except perhaps a shower tonight around 22:00. The moderate SW wind will give us a high of 12C and a low of 11C with a 3C wind chill all day. You can leave your brolly at home but wrap up warm!
05:45. We were out early this morning under a sky with light broken cloud coming in on an increasing westerly wind. The moon and stars are still showing well through the gaps. It's cooler than yesterday, largely because of the wind. But it's dry and that's what counts at this time of the year.


Posted: 13 Oct 2017, 04:56
by Stanley
It was an acceptable mid-October day yesterday. At 20:00 it was dry, breezy and almost mild. This morning first thing it was the same as yesterday, thin haze, visible stars, dry and a light breeze. I've just had a look and we might have more overcast, hard to tell, it's certainly milder than yesterday. The glass is up slightly at 1008mb. The forecast is for a much milder day with a high chance of rain after early morning sun. The constant moderate southerly wind will give a high of 17C and a low of 14C, milder than of late. The outlook is for the milder weather to continue for a few days.
06:45. Back from the butcher's after a pleasant walk. Mild, breezy, overcast but dry. Things could be worse!
I see the Daily Express is forecasting a hurricane on Monday.... Don't lose any sleep!


Posted: 14 Oct 2017, 04:05
by Stanley
They were right again, plenty of heavy showers and prolonged rain later on. At 19:30 we had a light mild wind and an overcast sky but no rain. This morning first thing we had similar but very light rain, it's raining heavier now and still very mild. The glass is up slightly at 1012mb. The forecast is for rain to be persistent until 14:00 when it will gradually dry up but remain overcast. The constant moderate SW wind will give a high of 16C and a low of 12C but with a wind chill of 2 or 3C. Not a day for hanging washing out!
06:05. A wet walk on a dark, overcast morning with a light SW wind and constant light rain. Not a lot more to say really, if you can avoid being out in it do so!


Posted: 15 Oct 2017, 04:54
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon turned out quite nice with plenty of sun. At 19:00 last night it was dry, overcast and with a light, mild southerly breeze. This morning first thing we had a clear sky with a light mild breeze but cloud starting to come in from the south. It's the same now, plenty of stars and a bright crescent moon. The glass is down slightly at 1010mb. The forecast is for a dry, bright overcast day. The light to moderate SW breeze will be constant and the high is 16C and the low 13C with a 2C wind chill for most of the day. The shipping forecast is dominated by gales moving in from the Atlantic, they will hit Southern Ireland later today so we can look forwards to a breeze but not a hurricane as the Express forecast.....
06:35. A pleasant walk on a dry, mild, almost calm morning. That's about it. I have had much worse October walks!


Posted: 16 Oct 2017, 04:17
by Stanley
Yesterday stuck to the forecast and was overall a pleasant day. At 20:00 last night it was calm, dry and mild. It was the same this morning first thing with an even overcast. It is the same as I write. The glass is down slightly at 1003mb. The forecast is for a brief spell of rain around 9 or 10 o'clock this morning but otherwise dry, a bright day until evening when it becomes overcast. The wind starts as SE and almost calm but during the day backs to SW and increases and becomes very strong and gusty through the afternoon and into tomorrow. The high will be 19C and the low 10C.
06:10. Back from a dry, calm and mild walk. The cloud must be breaking because I saw the occasional star during the walk and as I neared home clear sight of the crescent moon.
The Shipping Forecast was instructive this morning, gales galore and for the first time to my knowledge the wind is forecast to rise to Force 12 in the Irish sea later today. Theoretically this is hurricane force. Not a good day for an Irish Sea crossing!


Posted: 16 Oct 2017, 08:53
by Tizer
As I write, the sky here in Somerset is in a deep overcast of a very strange yellow-grey colour. The wind is strong but is forecast to jump to an average speed of 50mph by lunchtime. Yesterday evening's shipping forecast for the Lundy sea area was for it to become hurricane force winds - and that area includes the Bristol Channel!


Posted: 16 Oct 2017, 09:24
by PanBiker
All the schools are shut in both the Republic and Northern Ireland, a sensible precaution I reckon.


Posted: 17 Oct 2017, 03:09
by Stanley
From the reports it was bad up the West Coast of Ireland but as far as we were concerned, just Saharan dust and wildfire smoke colouring the sky orange and a strong gusty wind. Perhaps the Met Office overcooked the weather warning for us. At 20:00 last night it was dry and breezy under a ragged sky. This morning it's breezy under an overcast sky with a bit of mizzle in the air and the flags are just damp. The glass is rising after a big dip yesterday and is on 1004mb. The forecast is for a cooler day, dry mainly and perhaps some sun later. The Yellow Warning is still in place until 15:00 this afternoon but I suspect we are getting the west coast forecast. The constant SW wind is forecast to be strong and gusty but if yesterday was anything to go by it will be a bit lighter than this. The high is 12C and the low 9C. Not a bad day considering what coastal regions have suffered. Lots to be said for Barlick weather!
06:05. A dry walk under an overcast sky with a blustery wind. It's much cooler, the Crombie wouldn't have been out of place! No wind damage beyond leaves drifted together and the odd wheelie bin blown over. The CH is on and the house felt nice and warm when we came back in.....


Posted: 18 Oct 2017, 04:40
by Stanley
The main characteristic of yeaterday's weather was that it was much cooler. At 20:00 last night it was dark, still breezy and much colder. Same this morning, it's dry, overcast and chilly. The glass rose to over 1010mb but is down now at just below 1009mb. The forecast is for a dry, bright day but overcast for much of the time. The constant ESE wind is light to moderate and will give us a high of 12C and a low of 10C with a 1C wind chill. The outlook is for the same for the next few days.
06:20. We've had a pleasant walk. Dry, light overcast, a good dew, almost calm and cool. This isn't bad weather for mid October!


Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 03:10
by Stanley
It was a pleasant day yesterday, particularly in the late morning when it was still calm with full sun. At 20:00 we had a light breeze and it was overcast but dry. This morning the flags were slightly damp but it was calm and dry with 100% overcast. The glass is down on 1000mb. The forecast is for a bright overcast and mainly dry day, with a bit of sun this morning. There is a chance of rain in the late afternoon and last thing tonight. The constant ESE wind will be light at first and moderate later. The High is 13C and the low 10C. Nothing to frighten the horses!
06:05. A cool walk under overcast that seems to be breaking up. Dry and a light SE breeze. Things could be worse.
Listening to the Shipping forecast this morning, there is a deep Atlantic Low heading in, not a hurricane just a normal autumnal storm. We can expect some stronger winds later tomorrow and through the night.


Posted: 20 Oct 2017, 06:42
by Stanley
The rain came in a bit earlier than expected yesterday and persisted all evening. It was still raining this morning until about 05:30 when it abated. The glass is down at 991mb as 'Storm Brian' moves in towards us from the Atlantic. We had a dry walk down to the butcher's, calm and mild with a broken overcast sky and a late dawn. The forecast is for an overcast day but mainly dry until 21:00 tonight when the light west wind will swing into the south and start to increase as rain comes in, tomorrow we are promised a windy day. The high will be 13C and the low 10C. What the old farmers used to call a 'brewing day'.


Posted: 21 Oct 2017, 03:23
by Stanley
The rain came in on schedule last night after a cool but on the whole, bright day. This morning there was mare wind but nothing serious, the sky was 50% overcast but good clear patches and bright stars. It's rained during the night but dry now. The glass rose slightly yesterday but has fallen again to just over 988mb as the low moves in from the Atlantic. The forecast is for the chance of a shower around 10AM but until 14:00 it will be mainly dry and bright. After dinner rain is forecast for the rest of the day. The constant south wind will be strong and blustery all day. The high is 12C and the low 9C, a bit cooler and made worse by the fact that there will be up to 4C wind chill so wrap up well!
Wendy should be sheltered slightly because it is a true South wind but even so is in for a bit of a blow. That extra 500 feet makes a lot of difference!
06:10. We are back after a damp walk. The overcast is 100% now and we've enjoyed an unscheduled period of rain, largely light but we had to shelter at one point near home as it suddenly threw a loose shower. The Shipping Forecast this morning gives a bad day for the South and west coasts with gales up to force 10 and a high Spring Tide. Inland I suspect it won't be as bad as forecast. For instance ikt's almost calm at the moment, the rain isn't driving which is a blessing!


Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 04:37
by Stanley
The wind was less than forecast but the rain came in early and as far as I can see it has rained solid since around dinnertime yesterday, still raining this morning with a blustery wind first thing and the same now. The glass fell yesterday almost down to 980mb, it has risen during the night and is on just over 994mb this morning. The forecast is simple, rain until mid-afternoon on a strong blustery W to WNW wind. A high of 10C and a low of 9C with a big wind chill until later today, up to 4C. Better off inside!
06:15. I don't normally do brisk walking and I'm not sure if I achieved it this morning but we certainly didn't dawdle! It's a cold wet morning and the wind came in gusts that roared through the trees on the Green. Butts as usual was sheltered and calm, reinforcing my theory about it being a good place for a Field System. The corn Mill dam gave clear evidence that there has been a lot of rain in the night, it's roaring white over the cill. A good morning for getting back indoors!


Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 03:28
by Stanley
The rain came in as forecast yesterday but cleared up by dinnertime, the wind was blustery and quite strong at times, cold enough to keep the CH firing all day at low level. As the low passed we got the NW wind at the trailing edge of it. Last thing at night it was dry and a bit calmer. This morning it was dry and calm with a light overcast first thing and is the same now. The glass rose slowly from dinnertime onwards yesterday as the low passed over slowly and headed out into the North Sea, this morning it's just below 1009mb. The forecast is for it to be overcast this morning with a chance of rain after 10:00 until early afternoon when it will brighten up and we might have a bit of sun. The wind is mainly southerly and light to moderate but not warm, later today it will back to SW. We expect a high of 13C and a low of 10C with a 2C wind chill all day.
06:05. A cool, calm and dry walk. That's about it apart from the cat that Jack met one of his mates, a Bedlington Whippet, twice this morning and it has set him up for the day. Nowt like happy dogs running free!


Posted: 24 Oct 2017, 05:52
by Stanley
On the whole yesterday was dry and calmer. It was overcast, calm and dry first thing but by the time we went out at 6AM it was raining steadily. The glass is down at just above 1005mb. The forecast is for an overcast showery day, possibly a bit brighter this afternoon. The light SW wind will increase to moderate and back into the west during the day giving us a high of 15C and a low of 10C and a wind chill of 3C. In short it's an October day!
Three street lamps out in Butts.... I have reported them.