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Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 09 Sep 2012, 05:14
by Stanley
We had another overcast day breaking out after dinner into sunshine but I noticed there were some seagulls about, never a good sign. Glass has dropped back to almost 29.5" and there are reports of high winds on the US East Coast. Our weather often follows them and it wouldn't surprise me if we were in for a bit of wind in the next few days.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 09 Sep 2012, 07:58
by cloghopper
:smile: Well, after three months heat and drought, August went out with the expected bang. It was as though somebody had thrown a switch. Fantastic sound and light show, followed by a week of unsettled thundery weather and lots of lovely rain which has freshened everything up beautifully - and I don't need to water!
Now back to normal sunny weather and a pleasant 25/27 C. But autumn is definitely in the air, with cool nights, and now dark by 19:30.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 09 Sep 2012, 21:36
by Whyperion
Breeze picked up by Midday moving quite a few loose items around.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 10 Sep 2012, 04:27
by Stanley
Tarted raining at 20:30 and it's still drizzling now. No wind as yet but glass kept falling slowly all day, down to 29.3" now. Last of the Summer Wine?

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 10 Sep 2012, 06:30
by EileenDavid
We also have rain today in Brittany. Still warm though. Eileen

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 07:05
by Stanley
I shame to say I managed my job badly this morning. An hour late getting up and I have just got back from our early morning walk round Barlick. Managed to go out just as it started raining heavily, cold rain but thankfully no wind yet. Glass has risen slightly to just below 29.5" but don't start cheering, this looks like a dull wet day with the chance of a breeze later.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 08:00
by Wendyf
Its quite windy up here this morning Stanley. I set off for my walk around the fields in weak sunshine. I love looking at Kelbrook Moor in different lights and this morning there were bits of it picking up the sun with dark grey clouds behind. I was just reaching for the pot of gold at the end of a stunning double rainbow when the rain started, so it was head down and scurry back home!
The barn is still full of swallows from second hatchings, I hope they get on their way soon, they don't half make a mess.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 12 Sep 2012, 06:24
by Stanley
That was the shower I got caught in Wendy! At about 18:00 I noticed that heavy rain was beating on the windows at the North side of the house. The wind must have swung to the NW. Raining on and off this morning and the glass is saying nothing really, rising slightly at 29.5". Seagulls still about, a bad sign in my book. I shall have waterproofs on this morning!
Later... Back from our walk, cold rain coming out of the NW. It will be a bit rough up at Lower Burnt Hill. No big wind down here yet, just enough to make it miserable outside.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 06:03
by Stanley
Much colder this morning. I note that the 100mph winds in Scotland aren't making big headlines in the South.... Glass rising towards 29.8" and dry. Could be a bit of NW breeze today.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 07:44
by EileenDavid
We have had heavy rain every night but the days are warm and sunny. Managed to sit out every day. Eileen

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 09:55
by Whyperion
Will the BBCs move of things like news and breakfast to Manchester change their view on the British weather not just being the normally fine and dry south east where half in of snow warrents 15 mins of news of its impact ?

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 03:55
by Stanley
Showers yesterday and overcast but could have been much worse. Warmer this morning and glass back a bit at 29.3". We are told we could have 50mph winds today as the effects of the deep low north of Scotland permeate down to us. Deep Joy! I hate wind!
Later, after walking down to the butcher's in Gisburn Road. The wind is getting up, blustery from the NW but warmer than of late. Spatterings of rain but we managed to get back without getting caught in a shower. Stuart lives down Gisburn way and he tells me that they had high winds last night. We are sheltered in the back streets in Barlick and I never noticed. There will be no cobwebs on our Wendy this morning!

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 09:35
by cloghopper
:smile: A deep depression sitting off our coast too this morning. Windy and stormy - a 48 hour blip in what has been mainly pleasant September weather. A real feel of Autumn in the air though. Overnight temperature 15C.(but we are at 1500 feet above sea level). Not seen it so low since April.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 05:23
by Stanley
Cloggy, we're into single figures at night now, not long till we get the first real frost. Cool, dry, clear and calm this morning. More of a nip in the air. Glass has risen to 29.6" and we could have quite a nice day for the time of year.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 06:08
by cloghopper
Another 15 C. night, but storm has passed and sun up as normal this morning. 26C. is forecast for early afternoon.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 09:43
by Tizer
Whyperion wrote:Will the BBCs move of things like news and breakfast to Manchester change their view on the British weather not just being the normally fine and dry south east where half in of snow warrants 15 mins of news of its impact ?
No chance! :grin:

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 16:33
by EileenDavid
Overcast this morning but really warm and sunny all afternoon Eileen

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 04:56
by Stanley
Nice day yesterday. Glass back slightly at 29.5" but steady. Quiet weather?

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 07:23
by EileenDavid
"Coldish" this morning but was bright and sunny. Bit overcast now but still plenty of blue in the sky. Eileen

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 08:25
by Marilyn
Lovely sunny day.
Went for a long walk. Also swept and tidied our patio....fertilised the pot plants, tidied the hanging baskets.
Went wild with the surface spray...spider season coming up.
Need to oil the wooden furniture this week...

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 05:13
by Stanley
Talked to Margaret in Perth yesterday and she'd been sitting out in the sun reading a book but grand daughter Yiota told me that the water in the pool was still too cold for swimming!
Cool, clear and calm again this morning in Barlick. Glass is steady on 29.5". Looks fairly settled?
7AM update... Just about to go out for our walk, raining steadily! That answers my 'fairly settled' question !

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 07:42
by EileenDavid
This morning very cold but plenty of blue skies and sun. Keeps going overcast but comes back sunny again. Strange weather Eileen

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 05:18
by Stanley
Cold showers with occasional shafts of sunlight. Heavy rain out of the NW hammering on the front windows at around 19:30 last night. Glad I was inside with the fire lit! Glass has fallen back slightly from 29.5" and at the moment it's raining. Looks like a similar day to yesterday but perhaps slightly wetter.
Later after our walk, dry and a bit of sun so I washed a wool blanket and hung it out in the yard as the flags were drying. 15 minutes later a shower rolled in so I've admitted defeat and hung it on the bannisters above the stairs. Looks like a re-run of yesterday, cold showers and a few sunny intervals. Beck was well up, it must have rained quite a lot last night.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 06:38
by Stanley
Cooler this morning but calm and dry at the moment. Very close to a grass frost I think. Glass is rising and is at 29.7", my guess is that a proper frost is imminent... Autumn is here Ian and it won't be long before winter is upon us.

Re: SUMMER 2012

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 07:30
by Wendyf
A lovely autumn morning, enough wind to keep the frost away.