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Posted: 11 Aug 2018, 04:00
by Marilyn
I managed to change the bed. Threw the moldering dressing gown through the washer for good measure too. Aired the room, and all smells much better in there now... :laugh5:


Posted: 11 Aug 2018, 04:05
by Stanley
Old folk don't smell funny, just natural. It's the young ones who smell funny......
Gee thanks Tiz.......... :surprised:


Posted: 11 Aug 2018, 14:37
by PanBiker
I received my appointment today for the CT (CAT) scan of my head ordered up by the consultant. It's an evening appointment next Wednesday. The information says that the appointment could take up to two hours depending on workload within the radiology department at the time. The procedure is usually about 20 minutes but can be delayed if emergency use of the scanner is required. I know that MRI scanning is magnetic resonance imaging using a combination of powerful magnetic fields combined with radio frequency (RF) scanning techniques. I know CAT scans involve a powerful computer but had no idea what the T stands for so being the curious type I had to have a look. Patient information tells you that it stands for Tomography but not how it works.

A quick search tells me that it uses a rotational X-Ray mechanism that scans from multiple angles creating hundreds of sliced images of the target area. The images can then be processed into a 3D representation of the target area and viewed from any angle.

Here's the Wiki

CT Scan

My information says that this will be a non contrast CT scan but goes on to describe the procedure for a contrast CT scan as well. The contrast scan involves injecting a dye (usually iodine) through a cannula, this allows the scanning to show up finer detail should this be required. It says that if required, both will be done during the same session. I assume that a second contrast scan will be done, or not based on the results of the first one. The procedure is non invasive unless you need the contrast scan in which case you have to stay under observation for 15 minutes after the scan for any indications of allergic reactions to the procedure in which case treatment will be provided before discharge. Apparently adverse reactions are very rare and will always present almost immediately and certainly within the 15 minute safety window.

The scans are interpreted by the Consultant Radiologist. Results are then passed with a report to your Department Specialist Consultant who will contact within 4 weeks with another appointment to discuss or may ring directly with results as required.

So, with a bit of luck by 10pm next Wednesday I will be a bit closer to a diagnosis of what is going on. One down and one to go.


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 02:18
by Stanley
Good luck with it Ian.......


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 03:09
by Marilyn
I had an MRI of my head when I had Shingles. Your metal fillings zing for a bit afterward!

Some improvement here in that we slept better last night. Some mild improvement for both of us, but we are still coughing and dosing sore throats.. Appetites slightly better. Had a long walk near the beach today and feel better for that. Perhaps a short Nanna Nap this afternoon...


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 07:26
by plaques
If its a definitive brain scan your head will probably be held in a plastic frame to restrict any movement. Just make sure you are comfortable with your position before they set off. There's an intercom connection if you get a bit distressed but other than that its dead easy.


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 08:04
by Marilyn
I didn't have a plastic frame ( that I remember...I had a lid.) It was a bit coffin like. I had to lay very still with my eyes closed. It was claustrphobic, but I think there was a breeze blowing on my face, so that made it ok. Over quite quickly..
I had shingles in my ear canal, along the nerve on one side of my tongue and along the optic nerve of the eye.
It was said I might have loss of vision, but instead I lost a little hearing in one ear ( 30% or equivalent of industrial deafness). I had daily hearing and vision tests for some time. A good outcome - I think - I'd rather have a slight hearing loss that loss of sight. Years later, I still cannot put a cotton bud in my ear. It is just too painful. I get pain if a cold wind blows in my ear too. Weird how ones body works...

I've just had a flash...I think it was "Trigeminal Neuralgia caused by Herpes Zoster" ???? ( it was about 25 years ago!)


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 09:27
by PanBiker
Maz, my scan is CT or CAT if you will, different technology to magnetic resonance, but thanks for the heads up, Ha! :smile:

Glad you are feeling a bit better.


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 09:49
by Marilyn
Good for you. Much better.
You brought back memories though. I had to take Carbemazepine ( though I'm not sure if that is the correct spelling). I can't be bothered looking it up -I found it an evil drug and quickly resolved I would rather live with the pain than feeling like I was walking through waist deep mud every day with lead boots on. Bloody awful. I wouldn't swallow that again...ever!


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 10:13
by PanBiker
Had some little red AB's once that made me fall over backwards as they made my eyes wobble, not fun, interesting walk back round to the docs! :sad: The stuff prescribed now seems OK, I don't seem to have any of the 300 potential side effects or so listed on the sheets and as far as I am aware I am not dead which is the worst of them! I have inherited slight constipation though which I think is the statin, nowt that can't be managed with a bit of a re-jig on the intake side. :smile:


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 15:26
by Tizer
Ibuprofen used to make my mother see double. Very distressing the first time it occurred.


Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 01:50
by Marilyn
We are on the improve! Slept all night, woke up coughing with the persistent sore throat, but otherwise felt pretty darn good.
This led to a flurry of housework which depleted my energy rather too rapidly. We then had a large delivery arrive. By the time I unpacked it, dealt with foam and polystyrene, cut and folded cardboard, then vacuumed up the mess..I felt pretty beat.
I have crawled onto the bed for a short rest.
Just need to measure reserves a bit better for a few days I think ( but it was very nice to have something in the tank this morning!)


Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 01:58
by Stanley
Nana naps are good Maz......
From the sound of it, I have been very lucky! I don't think I have ever had any side effects from being dosed.


Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 03:43
by Marilyn
David is still not on a winning streak. He clenched his teeth when coughing and broke a back tooth!
( do you think we should buy a lottery ticket or something? :laugh5: )


Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 05:33
by Stanley
No! Just hang in there, it will pass! Give him my best.....


Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 02:53
by Marilyn
Feeling much better than we did, but still not up to full strength yet.
Taking care of each other and getting plenty of rest. Can't seem to stay up past 8pm, but sleeping pretty well through until 6am (then the coughing starts!)
( I can't understand why I have a mild niggling backache and my eyeballs hurt...but possibly it is from coughing! No treatment required, but it's just enough to let me know I am not 100% yet. At least the constant mild headache has gone...and the one-sided sore throat ( now that WAS annoying).


Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 03:09
by Stanley
You've had a nasty bug and it's on the mend, look after yourself.
I have a runny nose this morning......


Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 17:42
by plaques
PanBiker, how did your brain scan go? In my case I went deaf in one ear, quite an unusual condition. When they suggest a scan I knew they suspected a tumour but kept it to themselves. In all events they didn't find anything. Still trying to figure out if they meant tumour or brain! The report went to my Doctor who said " can't understand a bloody word of it, but if there had been anything wrong they would have sent for you. So take it everything is OK". Quite happy to leave it at that.


Posted: 16 Aug 2018, 02:55
by Stanley
They once thought I had a brain tumour and it was X Ray in those days. Could that be what fried my brain?


Posted: 16 Aug 2018, 06:51
by Marilyn
(Groan!) hubby has 2 antibiotics left...he started coughing again this afternoon...has his sore throat back...and is talking Hot Lemon Drinks again. Will we survive a second round?!!


Posted: 16 Aug 2018, 07:24
by Stanley
One thing I have noted is that a lot of these 'modern' viruses seem to have the ability to recur. Perhaps that's what is happening. Keep a close eye on it Maz.


Posted: 16 Aug 2018, 08:51
by Tizer
The symptoms might be recurring but the infective agent could be different. Febby's doctor said there were several different respiratory viruses on the loose at present.


Posted: 16 Aug 2018, 09:13
by Marilyn
Yes Tiz...but does he need to be hit with ALL of them?!
Gosh this is wearing...
I shall go and get the Whiskey shortly ( I had put it away days ago) and I shall make him a Hot Lemon Toddy.


Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 02:43
by Stanley
Do you put Cinnamon and honey in the toddy? If not, get him to try it.....


Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 06:11
by Marilyn
I always offer it, Stanley. He always refuses.