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Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 03:09
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon eventually got to mizzle again. At 20:00 it had stopped, we had a light breeze and it was dry. During the night it was clear and we had sight of the full moon. This morning it's dry but clouded and no moon to be seen. The glass has dropped to 995mb. The forecast is for a cloudy day with heavy rain coming in at noon. The light WSW wind veers into WNW at times and gives us a high of 11C and a low of 3C with a wind chill of -3C at times. The six day outlook is for cooler mixed weather. Unsettled is perhaps the best description.


Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 06:22
by Wendyf
I stepped out of the back door to take this at about 7am.


Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 06:51
by Big Kev
Hopefully it's going to be a brighter day.


Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 10:39
by Stanley
Well, I think you both have your answer now if you are having the same weather as Barlick. I got up early after second sleep hoping to have a dry walk but no such luck, it had started raining already and hasn't stopped since.


Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 11:40
by Gloria
We’ve had heavy rain earlier but it’s eased a bit later in the morning, doesn’t look like stopping though.


Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 12:31
by Stanley
It's bated here Gloria so I am off out for a walk!


Posted: 21 Oct 2021, 02:50
by Stanley
Yesterday the rain had returned by 15:00 in Barlick. By 20:00 it was dry and breezy and the cloud was clearing. We had a good moon during the nigh but by first thing this morning we had broken cloud.and very light rain and at the moment it's still the same. The glass is down on 987mb but rising. The forecast is for this spell of rain to end before dawn and for full sun all day. The brisk NW wind is constant and gives a high of 9C and a low of 6C with a -3c wind chill. The outlook is for similarly cool weather with perhaps more chance of rain.


Posted: 22 Oct 2021, 05:23
by Stanley
Yesterday there was some light rain in the late afternoon but also a surprise spell of sunshine. At 20:00 it was breezy with light rain on the wind. A good moon during the night but first thing this morning it was cool, breezy and overcast with broken cloud. Since then we have light rain blowing on the wind. The glass leapt up yesterday and is on 1009mb. The forecast is for heavy showers this morning and cloud after that. The brisk WNW wind will gust to 35mph and our high will be 10C, the low 7C and a wind chill of as much as -4C this morning. The six day outlook is for similar weather, Cool and unsettled.


Posted: 23 Oct 2021, 03:38
by Stanley
Yesterday fooled me completely. The wind and cold rain soon ceased and we had a sunny, cold but quite pleasant day. At 20:00 it was cool and a bit damp. First thing this morning we had light rain and that's still the case. The glass has risen again and is on 1018mb. The forecast is for a cloudy but dry day. The moderate Southerly wind gives us a high of 11C and a low of 9C with a -3C wind chill at times. The six day forecast is for similar weather but a bit more variety, sun and rain.


Posted: 24 Oct 2021, 03:33
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon was cloudy but dry and cool. At 20:00 it was the same. First thing this morning we had a cool breeze and there was light rain on the wind but not enough to wet the flags, it's still the same. The glass has fallen to 1011mb. The forecast is for us to have heavy rain early morning but for it to have cleared by noon and sunny spells thereafter.
The wind is a brisk southerly and will gust to almost 40mph. The high is 13C and the low 9C with a -4C chill for much of the day. The six day outlook is for similar broken weather but not as cold as it could be for this time of the year.


Posted: 24 Oct 2021, 10:46
by Gloria
Missling here and quite cold, might light fire later.🔥


Posted: 25 Oct 2021, 03:12
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon developed into very light rain. At 20:00 it was breezy and spatters of light rain on the wind. First thing this morning it was breezy, light rain and broken cloud, you could see the moon through it. The glass is down on 1005mb. The forecast is for heavy showers with sunny intervals all day. The constant moderate SW wind gives us a high of 11C and a low of 7C with a -3C chill. The outlook is for similar weather but less sunny intervals, much heavier cloud cover.


Posted: 26 Oct 2021, 03:24
by Stanley
Yesterday stuck to the script and we had sunny intervals and showers during the afternoon. At 20:00 it was calm, mild and dry but cloudy. Same this morning, the moon could be seen as a misty light behind the clouds, it was calm and mild for the time of year. The glass is up on 1008mb. The forecast is for rain during the morning becoming just cloudy in the afternoon. The mainly SW wind is brisk, gusting to 35mph this afternoon giving us a high of 14C and a low of 13C with a chill of -3C. The six day outlook is for two more mild days and then the weather cools and becomes a bit brighter.


Posted: 26 Oct 2021, 18:12
by Big Kev
We could do with a lot more rain, the upper res, here in Foulridge, is a bit low.


Posted: 27 Oct 2021, 02:46
by Stanley
Yesterday was very mild and the breeze didn't feel cold. At 20:00 it was cloudy, a light breeze and dry. This morning we have scattered cloud lit by a bright half moon and it is mild and dry. The glass is down on 1006mb. The forecast is for rain to arrive in about an hour and persist all day. The constant brisk SW wind gusts to almost 40mph and we have a high of 15C a low of 12C and a chill reaching -4C this afternoon. Despite that the perceived temperature will be steady on 11C all day. There is a yellow warning for rain for tomorrow and Friday then the weather cools and becomes brighter and dryer.
Looking at the pic of the upper res, is my memory of a ruin in the middle that is visible at very low water being of a water mill?
Later....05:20. The first drops of rain are falling....
09:00. The rain has sputtered all morning but now seems to have made its mind up. We have continuous significant rain. I shall go to bed and have a second sleep! :biggrin2:


Posted: 28 Oct 2021, 04:29
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon was dry and quite pleasant but always a brisk wind. At 20:00 it was dry and breezy. First thing this morning it was still dry and breezy, broken cloud but enough to hide the moon. The glass is down on 1000mb. The forecast says it is raining at the moment but that's not right, there's a yellow warning for rain starting mid afternoon and lasting through tomorrow. The constant South wind is brisk and gusts to 40mph giving a high of 14C and a low of 11C with a wind chill of -4C for much of the day. The outlook is for another day like this tomorrow and then calmer, colder and brighter weather for a while.


Posted: 29 Oct 2021, 03:39
by Stanley
The rain came in dead on time at 15:00 yesterday afternoon. Apart form short breaks it hasn't stopped since. This morning it has rained heavily at times and we have significant rain as I write. The glass is down on 988mb and falling. The forecast is for rain all day, there is a yellow warning. The wind is moderate and is S or SW all day, coming in off the Atlantic and full of water. The high will be 12C, the low is 8C and we will have a -3C chill most of the day. The outlook is for cooler brighter weather with less rain and sunny intervals except for Sunday which is forecast to be another rain day.


Posted: 29 Oct 2021, 04:48
by Cathy
We had an almighty Spring Storm yesterday.
Torrential rain and a hail storm, the size of golf balls - every thing was white.
$100 M + of damage done across Sth. Aust.

It made quite a mess of my little place too 🙁.
(All cleaned up now.)


Posted: 29 Oct 2021, 04:57
by Stanley
Sorry to hear that Cathy! We don't get the extremes you do, I suppose our weather is boring but at least we don't have hail that size.


Posted: 30 Oct 2021, 04:37
by Stanley
Yesterday's rain came in bursts and despite being outside for a lot of the day I only got caught in a shower once. At 20:00 it was calm, mild and though damp, it wasn't raining. First thing this morning it was dry and overcast with a light breeze. It's still the same. The glass is on 985mb and falling. The forecast is for significant rain all day until this evening. The constant southerly wind is moderate, gusting this morning to 30mph. The high will be 10C and the low 6C with a -3C wind chill all day. The outlook is for two more wet days then dryer and brighter but overall it will be colder. This is a very mild descent into winter.
Remember to turn your clocks back one hour tomorrow night.
Later, 06:00. We have significant rain and funnily enough the wind has dropped....


Posted: 30 Oct 2021, 12:58
by Stanley
As promised the rain bated and we had showers and sunny spells, big patches of blue sky coming over. So I put my Crombie on, made sure I had a big carrier bag to put on the wet bench and went for a walk. Quite pleasant sat there on bookie watch.


Posted: 30 Oct 2021, 14:13
by Wendyf
The showers when they come are very heavy with huge drops! I just got caught out in one. :laugh5:


Posted: 31 Oct 2021, 04:00
by Stanley
Yes Wendy, they were what I call loose showers!
Yesterday the afternoon dried and brightened. At 20:00 it was calm and dry but overcast. (I noticed the moon was high in the sky to the west at 12:00 as I sat opposite the bookies....) It was breezy, dry and overcast first thing, I've looked outside and it's still the same. The glass has risen slightly to 989mb. The forecast is for heavy rain starting around 06:00 and changing from overcast to heavy showers with sunny intervals this afternoon, a re-run of yesterday. The southerly wind will be brisk and gust to almost 40mph at times. It gives a high of 11C and a low of 7C tonight with a chill of -4C for much of the day. The outlook is for colder weather, rain tomorrow but then dry and brighter.


Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 05:00
by Stanley
Yesterday afternoon started well but deteriorated later as the next wave of rain came in from the Atlantic. By 20:00 we had a strong wind and heavy rain. It was the same this morning and hasn't changed since. The glass is down on 973mb but rising. The forecast is for heavy rain until tonight when it becomes light rain. The SW wind gusts to 45mph this morning giving a high of 9C, a low of 5C and a wind chill of -5C this morning. The six day outlook is for brighter, dryer but cold weather.
[I know that looks a low reading but the pressure at Ronaldsway is 979MB and of course is always higher than us because it's at sea level. So my reading isn't a long way out, it's a very deep depression.]


Posted: 01 Nov 2021, 10:10
by PanBiker
I have the barometer app on my phone synchronised with Leeds Bradford Airport which is a bit nearer the same level as us here in Barlick.