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Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 00:44
by Marilyn
It is best to know, Moh.
I didn't mind the CT scan, but the MRI was unbearable...stuck in that small's like being stuck in a drain pipe. I was in a bit of a lather by the time they pulled me out. It is so noisy in there too.
Because they were doing my lower spine, I was in the whole way. I looked at the guy who pulled me out and said "never again!"


Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 03:27
by Stanley
That's good Moh! I hope the results help you. I was a bit worried about mine because of all the nasties I have been in contact with during my life but it was clear, I wish you the same result. Big hug....
Maz. I'm lucky, confined spaces don't bother me as long as I can see the light!
I'm getting the best medicine there is today, visiting old friends I haven't seen for 25 years.....


Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 04:22
by Cathy
Hi Moh, when I had a scan I picked some favourite quiet music and kept my eyes shut. I'm sure it helped :smile:


Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 09:26
by PanBiker
My MRI lasted 30 minutes but they gave you earplugs and headphones and a visor, don't know why you get the latter? CD fed music through the headphones, yes it's noisy, but needs must. I can understand concern if you are claustrophobic but I believe there are ways and means to get around that as well for chronic cases. Never say never again, it may save your life. :smile:


Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 09:44
by Marilyn
:cool4: I didn't get any headphones! There was no music! Just me, stuck in a drainpipe...
Why couldn't they put me in feet first, with my head stuck out. Then they just have to turn the films upside down to read them.


Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 09:51
by plaques
No problem with claustrophobia probably goes back to my potholing days. They give you a panic button if you think it may be a problem. I fell asleep after I got used to the constant droning and the thump as the magnets changed direction. Just make sure you're absolutely comfortable before you set off. Just lie back and think of Britain.


Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 10:16
by Marilyn
I didn't get a button!


Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 11:06
by PanBiker
Marilyn wrote: 25 Jan 2019, 09:44 :cool4: I didn't get any headphones! There was no music! Just me, stuck in a drainpipe...
Why couldn't they put me in feet first, with my head stuck out. Then they just have to turn the films upside down to read them.
I forgot to mention the panic button that they give you. Regarding orientation in the machine, I don't know whether MRI scanning output is the same as CT but I learned something from chatting with my consultant when I saw my MRI scans for the first time. Everything is in reverse! My left hemisphere meningioma was shown in the right hemisphere of the image. I asked why this was so, even if the machine produces a reversed image it's easy enough to flip it the right way round on the computer. I was told that it has always been the case and that generations of clinicians have learned to interpret them as they are, turning images the right way round would just be confusing! My surgeon Mr Anderson said he had come across a different regime whilst working in Norway, they do flip the images, he said it took a bit of getting used to. :confused: It's one of the reason that they draw arrows on you prior to surgery, cross checked in pre-op before passing you to the surgeon to be opened up.

I think shoving you in the wrong way may just confuse matters even further, there has to be consistency somewhere, hence you go in head first regardless of which bits they are scanning.


Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 16:19
by PanBiker
I received another letter today, this time from Emma my last physio. It's a copy of her letter signing me off as I mentioned earlier in the thread. She has sent this to my GP at Barlick and Mr Anderson at LGI. A feedback questionnaire was enclosed which I have filled in and is waiting to be posted back.


Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 03:49
by Stanley
Thinking about you Moh......


Posted: 29 Jan 2019, 23:59
by Marilyn
Saw the GP yesterday. He was concerned I may be slowly developing CORD EQUINE SYNDROME. So I have been referred to a private Neuro-surgeon. Her secretary rang me last night with a whole pile of questions. I expect to hear back today because she wasn't sure if I was stable enough to wait for an appointment, or if I needed to go to the hospital for an operation.
I feel alright in myself. Still have dreadful pain, trouble walking, and trouble peeing. I'd rather be home to be honest. But I have an awful feeling I may have to pack a bag and head to the city...


Posted: 30 Jan 2019, 02:32
by Stanley
Sorry to hear that Maz but you never know they may be wrong........
Second immunotherapy yesterday and it went well. Again, no after effects at all even though this is when they expect them, after the second infusion.
Moh, you've gone quiet, how are things going........


Posted: 30 Jan 2019, 06:53
by LizG
Marilyn wrote: 29 Jan 2019, 23:59
I feel alright in myself. Still have dreadful pain, trouble walking, and trouble peeing. I'd rather be home to be honest. But I have an awful feeling I may have to pack a bag and head to the city...
Thinking of you. Sending positive thoughts.


Posted: 30 Jan 2019, 09:17
by PanBiker
Stanley wrote: 30 Jan 2019, 02:32 Sorry to hear that Maz but you never know they may be wrong........
That was the case with my spinal stenosis diagnosis which is a similar condition but proved to be incorrect. All the nervous system is an extremely complicated subject, so many interactive factions for a fully healthy physiology. Whatever the outcome Maz I wish you well, are there any online support groups? They can be very helpful when you are looking for answers.

Glad your session went well Stanley.

I was with the local nurse yesterday for a BP check, it was a little high, no surprises there for the surgery. I have a weeks monitoring sheet to show her that my spreadsheet average disagrees.


Posted: 30 Jan 2019, 11:40
by Tizer
Maz, we hope the medics can relieve your pain and improve your condition as fast as possible. :smile:


Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 03:47
by Stanley
Thinking about you Maz and Moh as well!
Still no reaction to the BCG beyond the odd unexpected ache and pain, nothing I can't handle. I am still being careful! I regard myself as being very lucky......


Posted: 31 Jan 2019, 22:08
by Marilyn
Still home and still hobbling about. Not much can be done until I reach the point where I either can't pee at all, or I become incontinent. ( perish either of those thoughts).
I'm still having bad nights. I don't know why I go to bed. I'm wearing a patch in the lounge room carpet where I pace during the night. It takes 45 mins for the quick acting pain relief to kick in, so I pace for about an hour before I head back to bed.
Thanks for your thoughts and concern. In a holding pattern at present, but I will let you know if things change.


Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 03:05
by Stanley
Relief will come when you least expect it Maz. Hang on in there! My back is having a stab at me in sympathy I think but nowhere near as bad as yours.....
Worrying about Moh.......


Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 03:53
by chinatyke
I've just had a quotation for major medical health coverage (as an in-patient only) for a 72 y.o. male.

Option 1: Cost: £3860 p.a. Excess £3600. Worldwide excluding the USA. Policy: Now Health Essential
Option 2: Cost: £5600 p.a. Excess £3900. Greater China only. Policy: BUPA Major Medical.
Option 3: Cost: £6800 p.a. Excess NIL. Worldwide excluding the USA. Policy: Allianz Worldwide Care, Diamond Prime.

In Nanning, the cost of a major operation, such as open heart surgery and valve replacement and hospital aftercare, is about £11000.


Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 06:58
by Big Kev
I consider myself lucky then. I have private medical cover as part of my salary package, apart from the bit of tax I have to pay and a £100 excess it's all covered by the company I work for...


Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 11:22
by Tizer
Stanley wrote: 01 Feb 2019, 03:05 Relief will come when you least expect it Maz. Hang on in there! My back is having a stab at me in sympathy I think..
We must both be showing sympathy with Maz - my back went last week and I was hobbling around for days. It's back to normal now but has reminded me to be careful. I'd done some house cleaning in the morning and after lunch I bent down to adjust the position of a door mat. That's all it took.


Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 13:55
by Moh
Still but in terrible pain in my shoulder& shortage of breath, I have not been dressed for a week. The nurse has changed my me dies from co-codomol & oramorph to morphine and double oromorph so we shall see.


Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 16:43
by Wendyf
I do hope your pain gets controlled Moh, thanks for updating us.


Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 20:15
by Marilyn
I had already been up twice in the night ( pacing the floor), when hubby had a dream at 5 am and woke up thinking someone had smashed a window. I assured him no-one had, as I had been laying awake trying to decide if I would get up and heat up my wheat pack/heat pack. As we were both awake, I did so, whilst half-believing hubby went round and checked all the windows. Neither of us could get back to sleep again, so decided to get up at 06.30am. It wasn't until I pulled back the bedclothes that I discovered my wheat pack/heat pack had burst. We have a bed full of wheat to clean up! :surprised:
( I don't like using the heat pack as most of my leg is numb and I worry I may burn the skin. I check it against other areas of the body before I place it near my leg)

Thinking of you Moh XOXOX


Posted: 01 Feb 2019, 23:39
by chinatyke
Marilyn wrote: 01 Feb 2019, 20:15 ...trying to decide if I would get up and heat up my wheat pack/heat pack.
Here is a tip. We get many free of charge ice packs which are used in insulated boxes to cool butter, bacon and perishable food deliveries to us. These can be re-used as heat packs to bring relief to muscle aches. Just warm them carefully in a microwave oven or in hot water.