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Posted: 06 Apr 2019, 10:45
by Marilyn
At one point, he told me my headrest of the bed was two inches too high. I told him I was comfortable. That was not important - the headrest had to go down two inches.


Posted: 06 Apr 2019, 10:47
by Wendyf
Good to hear from you Maz, be nice to the poor nurse! :laugh5:


Posted: 06 Apr 2019, 11:06
by Tripps
Good to hear that it all seems to have gone well. :smile:

I think any patient that is a member of this site should have it marked in red on the front of their notes. "Member of OGFB - likely to know more than you do about their condition, and treatment" :laugh5:


Posted: 06 Apr 2019, 11:14
by PanBiker
Excellent news Maz, I concur, don't be too hard on the nurse approaching the end of their shift, they may also be at the end of their tether as well. :extrawink: All sounds promising though, best wishes for a speedy recovery. :smile:


Posted: 06 Apr 2019, 11:59
by Big Kev
Marilyn wrote: 06 Apr 2019, 10:40 Just over stimulated by an enthusiastic nurse...
Some people would pay a lot of money for that :laugh5:


Posted: 06 Apr 2019, 14:08
by Marilyn
Some people would pay a lot of money for that :laugh5:

Oh... :biggrin2: ...I am paying a lot of money for it, Big Kev!


Posted: 06 Apr 2019, 15:12
by PanBiker
I have just found a Guardian newspaper site that put up the NHS costs for different common procedures. Prices are based on 2015 so are a tad out of date and don't include all the treatment I received as some are not listed.

My doctors appointments at my local surgery, referral to the stroke unit then the scanner and AAU and my stay in LGI come to roughly £20,000 at four year old prices. They do not include the 2 weeks of Neuro physiotherapy from a team of 4 physio's whilst in LGI or the 6 weeks of home visits by my physio that followed or all the orthotics that I was issued with. I know what the orthotics cost, I have two at £150 each and two at £60 each so add another £420 for the hardware this does not include payment for the skills of the operatives that did my assessments for the same. I reckon I have cost in the region of around £25,000 to £30,000 all told since last August.

Medication given over three weeks is not included and I nearly forgot, neither is Occupational Therapy in hospital and the follow up service afterwards.

All I can say is thank god for the NHS. I'm going back to blood donors next week, least I can do is give an armful. :biggrin2:

Here is the site I used: Guardian - How Much Have I Cost the NHS

Results are not saved so you can have a go for any treatments you have had, just expand the relevant sections and pick from the lists, it totals up in the right hand column.


Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 02:20
by Stanley
Glad you are back with us Maz.....
You haven't actually said anything about the operation. How was it and what's the prognosis?
Your estimate doesn't surprise me Ian and I agree with you about the NHS. God Bless the 1945 Labour Government! What a contrast to today's shower.....


Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 03:30
by Marilyn
What can I tell you about the op? An incision in the lower back about 4 inches long...then they cut through a muscle vertically to get to bone, then drill through the bone to get into the spinal cord. The affected nerve is pushed to the side and the herniated disc and its material is pulled out of the spinal cord. The hole into the spinal cord is stitched, and the hole in the bone is glued/sealed. Then the muscle is stitched and the skin is stitched.
I am aware of the improvement already in my leg and foot. Some numbness remains in areas of the leg and foot, and my toes now tingle and itch, but are no longer numb. Have seen the surgeon this morning and she said it was a severe herniation of the disc and because I've waited so long for surgery, there was a lot of swelling in the spinal cord. That is going to take about a fortnight to reduce naturally, so it may take a fortnight to get to a place where I experience as full a recovery as I can get.
No pain in the leg now. Back is pretty darn sore, but she agreed it would be. I will probably need pain killers for the next fortnight still. While surgeon was pleased with me this morning she hinted that I am in a bit of a "honeymoon" period, where I am so darn happy that I need to appreciate I may be in quite a bit of pain in the next few days.
But I am up walking without a stick. I carry it for reassurance, but don't need it.
I have showered, dressed myself and walked the corridors...


Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 06:05
by Big Kev
Excellent news Maz, it all sounds very positive.


Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 06:06
by Stanley
That all sounds good Maz and I am sure that being mobile as much as possible is good for you. Best of luck with progress. Be patient.....


Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 07:07
by Sue
That was the same op I had Maz, its wonderful. So glad you are feeling tons better. Life and living can return to normal once more. My incision was much smaller, key hole and luckily for me I had no muscle pain indeed no pain at all. Think of all that sewing, cycling and gardening you can now do


Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 10:44
by PanBiker
All sounds good Maz, excellent news, keep popping the pills for as long as you need them. :smile:


Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 15:39
by chinatyke
PanBiker wrote: 07 Apr 2019, 10:44 All sounds good Maz, excellent news, keep popping the pills for as long as you need them. :smile:

Well done Maz (and everyone involved).


Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 16:12
by Marilyn
I'm hoping to go home later today (Monday) but the doctor felt it too early, given that I have a two hour car ride home. I think she is right...but hubby rather has his heart set on me going home. I think we are going to have to make a decision later in the morning. It's just coming up 2am and I'm not feeling that flash right now, having woken in pain, needing pain killers. If I had to make a decision right this moment, it would be no to going home...


Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 16:26
by PanBiker
Don't go home until you feel right Maz.


Posted: 07 Apr 2019, 23:58
by Marilyn
I have perked up a bit and have decided I am happy to go home. They want to give me a couple of pain killers to keep me comfy on the drive home (yes please).
It will be nice to be home. These hospital beds are not built for comfort. I think I will be better off in my own bed. And the food is much nicer at home!


Posted: 08 Apr 2019, 01:55
by Stanley
Let us know how it's going when you get home Maz. Tell Dave to avoid potholes in the road!


Posted: 08 Apr 2019, 06:39
by Marilyn
Somehow he hit every bump and pothole...
First thing I did was crawl into bed and I slept for 3 hours. Feeling a little more alive now, but I couldn't eat any lunch. I don't want any dinner either. I shall be crawling into bed in time to watch My Kitchen Rules...then it is lights out for Maz.
I will be ok tomorrow. I'm just as flat as a tack today.


Posted: 08 Apr 2019, 07:50
by PanBiker
Now you are home, don't be temped to do too much too soon. Hubby can look after himself, and you for a while. Take care.


Posted: 08 Apr 2019, 20:48
by Marilyn
Had the most fabulous night's sleep. Nine hours straight without waking.
I feel pretty good this morning...


Posted: 08 Apr 2019, 21:52
by PanBiker
Excellent Maz, still, don't be tempted to overdo it too soon. :good: :smile:


Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 02:00
by Stanley
Sounds good Maz. Take heed of Ian!


Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 02:52
by Marilyn
Well I won't be going out dancing tonight, but I am well and truly on the mend now. I feel good and have no pain beyond a mild need for painkillers.
( hopefully my bowels will come to life again now! I seem to have lost all contact with them since they started stuffing me full of painkillers. And we all know that nothing is right until the bowels are back on track)


Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 03:48
by Stanley
Opioids have that effect on me as well Maz, one of the reasons I hate them.....
David Moore once said that all we are really entitled to is a good bowel movement and a pot of tea first thing in the morning, everything on top of that is a bonus. I think he was right...