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Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 08:44
by PanBiker
Re-read my letter from the DVLA regarding my driving licence suspension. I find that I am now eligible to re-apply for it. Went to the post office yesterday to get the application, it will have to be a photo licence as replacement.

I have booked an appointment with Hassan my doctor as well, managed to get a slot at 9am this Thursday on a cancellation. I need him to do some strength and neurological assessment tests and get them on record. I know the DVLA will apply to the surgery and my consultant for my current condition. I have a nice glowing report from Ian Anderson from when I saw him last, I need the same from Hassan. Will have to get my photo taken as well, cant find my last passport ones, I look half dead on that anyway because you have to. I'll strike a happier pose in expectation. :biggrin2:


Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 09:02
by Marilyn
You can probably relate to what I am going to say next, Panbiker.
When the physio first visited me after the op, I was out of bed and walking about without my stick ( feeling ever so smug). She took me for a walk around hospital corridors, pointing out aspects of my incorrect gait. I had got into bad habits to compensate for the pain I had experienced walking with my disc injury for 4 months (and here was me thinking I was doing so well). Not so. Apparently I now walked like a sailor. (Oh!)
She said "now you have to learn to walk like a lady". ( :laugh5: sounds like my first mother-in-law...perhaps you have heard of her - Hyacinth Bouquet).
On Monday, I had a male physio who wasn't quite so harsh...but then... I had been getting as much practice in as I could.
Today, hubby and I went for a walk around our neighbourhood. I I thought he was going a bit fast and soon lapsed into my old coping gait to keep up)
I tried to "walk like a lady" once home, but caught sight of myself in the full length hallway mirror and thought "oh my God! Now I am walking like Poirot!"
It is so HARD to get back your normal gait. I have to think about it every step, and it is so hard!


Posted: 09 Apr 2019, 15:53
by PanBiker
Indeed Maz, I have to try and get the better of twenty years of compensation from my left leg in re-training the lost muscle memory in my right. I know when I am getting tired as my right foot tries to go awol instead of stepping straight. My degree of drop-foot doesn't help in this respect either. I have to think about every step with my right leg and aim to to put my heel down first, it's very tiring and very easy to slip into old ways particularly if I try to rush or speed up. Slowly, slowly catchy monkey is the correct mantra to adopt, I reckon you will be the same to some degree. Dave will have to slow down as Sally does with me when we are walking together, she normally has about a 4.5mph pace, I'm good at 2 on a good day at the moment.


Posted: 10 Apr 2019, 01:52
by Stanley
I'm a little bit faster than 2mph but definitely don't do brisk!


Posted: 10 Apr 2019, 07:53
by plaques
Never exceed 2mph. always have, always will, far too much to look at to go any faster. What people don't seem to understand is that in total you use the same energy whether you go fast or slow, it just takes longer to use it. The best part of a walk is leaning on a gate and looking at the scenery, who cares how long it takes.


Posted: 10 Apr 2019, 09:04
by PanBiker
Yes but it's better if you can increase your cardio vascular rate. That's why I like putting hills in the way either on foot or on the bike, they certainly see to that! We live inside the best gym in the world. My previous pace was a little over 3 mph and at best it didn't matter if I was on the flat or on a hill. I agree though that even a sedentary walk as exercise is better than non at all. I started post op with 5 metres to the toilet! Also that frequent stops to take in the view and the smell of fresh air can be beneficial if only for your mental health. You burn most calories after a decent workout however you attain the hit. :smile:


Posted: 11 Apr 2019, 02:14
by Stanley
I never think of my walks in terms of 'burning calories'. Far easier to eat less. I walk for the fresh air and the pleasure of knowing that when I go for an assessment at Airedale I shall pass with flying colours. Jack likes it as well and compels frequent stops as I never try to hurry up his investigations, they are essential to his well being. Then there is the bending to clean up......
How this morning Maz?


Posted: 11 Apr 2019, 02:56
by Marilyn
A bit of a sore start, Stanley. Eventually I managed to get that down to a more tolerable level. I note there is a lot of bruising present on the back now.
We have been for our walk and I managed the full course. It's a lovely sunny day, though a slightly brisk wind.


Posted: 11 Apr 2019, 06:41
by Stanley
Good! Don't do too much and tell Dave that I say a bit of gentle back rubbing could help by relaxing you and encouraging blood circulation.


Posted: 11 Apr 2019, 07:20
by PanBiker
Docs for me for assessment this morning then blood donors this afternoon.

Burning calories, merely stating fact. :smile:


Posted: 11 Apr 2019, 08:27
by PanBiker
Doctor is happy with me. I asked Hassan to do neurological tests on me, vision, peripheral, push me pull me, with arms and legs etc, did the legs without my orthotic. Good to go in all respects. :good: :smile:

Just have the blue nurse hurdle this afternoon now. :smile:


Posted: 12 Apr 2019, 02:34
by Stanley
And I have read what you posted Ian. The best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley!
How did Dave react Maz. Did he go for the Clarins?


Posted: 12 Apr 2019, 13:10
by PanBiker
Pulled my back, sometime yesterday I reckon, don't know how. I only walked to and from Rolls yesterday but it seemed to come on last night. Pain is right at the base of my spine. Back on the paracetamol so I can move, GRrrrr.


Posted: 12 Apr 2019, 21:34
by Marilyn


Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 01:42
by Stanley
Hard luck Ian, you won't need an operation for it!


Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 03:53
by Marilyn
...never say never...

I seem to be doing ok today. I'm trying not to jinx it though...
I can't wait until this sub cutaneous suture pops itself though as it is as tight as tight - not helped by they egg shaped dome of swelling putting pressure from underneath it. I've been rubbing Lanolin on to try to soften it. Something has to give. Nothing worse than being stitched too tight!


Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 05:28
by Stanley
I remember some so called 'self dissolving stitches' I had in my scrotum after an operation for varicocele. In the end I went to see the Practice Nurse and she was horrified when she saw them and my bruising. I went about five days on the trot and she gradually cut them and got them out, her comment was that far from being self dissolving they were more like barbed wire. They certainly felt like that. We smile at each other every time we meet, a real bonding experience!


Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 08:03
by Marilyn
Barbed Wire covers it pretty well! (Hence the Lanolin)
I have given up all painkillers beyond Paracetamol and Iboprofen now. But I do reserve the right to review that during the wee small hours if my barbed wire really annoys! Better to get some sleep than lay awake wanting to remove my own barbed wire... Hopefully it may have "given" by morning... :good:


Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 09:11
by Marilyn
Best of luck with the anaesthetic tomorrow too. It was the only bit I truly worried about. I said this to the anaesthetist ( lovely chap...held my hand...said all the right things...but still I shook under warm blankets). He said only one in a thousand anaesthetics go wrong. Or was that one in ten thousand???? I asked if he had "had" all he was due. He assured me he had. I replied that it was the best I could hope for.
I did ok. You will too, Stanley.


Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 10:35
by Cathy
Yes Good Luck Stanley, all will be well . :good:

I remember those warmed blankets... Bliss :smile:


Posted: 14 Apr 2019, 02:22
by Stanley
Thanks kids.... I shall pack my bag today and check on Jack-minding and transport..... No worries about anaesthetic, I quite like them. I always wake up in bed with women round me......


Posted: 14 Apr 2019, 09:25
by PanBiker
Good luck Stanley, you'll be reight. :smile:


Posted: 16 Apr 2019, 05:09
by Stanley
Yesterday was a good day. Susan and Mick delivered me to the ward at noon. By 13:30 I was fully prepped and ready for theatre. I was in there and going under by 14:20 and woke up in recovery at 14:50. Mr Shaikh my consultant was the surgeon and he must have been in and out like a lamplighter! Two slices of toast and two very pleasant urinations later I was getting dressed at 16:30 and Suisan was on her way to pick me up. We were back in the hutch at 17:30 and Jack came home at 20:00, he missed his sleepover.
I think the news is good, first because Mr Shaikh was in and out and no scraping for samples. I am booked in for 3 maintenance BCG irrigations in July and a cystoscopy under local anaesthetic in September so no more appointments all summer!
It looks as though I might have been very lucky and I am pleased. It couldn't have gone any better.
I shall be taking it very easily for a couple of days......


Posted: 16 Apr 2019, 06:14
by Wendyf
That is good news!


Posted: 16 Apr 2019, 06:48
by Stanley
:good: :good: :biggrin2: