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Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 07 Jul 2023, 16:39
by Tripps
I've given up and got some new mugs. I think the glaze quality is a factor. I've bought more expensive Denby mugs. :smile:

Now -
I subscribed to an online Manchester newspaper called 'The Mill' last year on the recommendation of Sue - but it ended in tears. We had a difference of opinion about one of their stories and a comment I made was deleted / censored. I took a hit financially, but kept my principles intact and I seem to have survived without them.

Now eventually to the point - The story which attracted me to them was of a writer called Jack Hilton who had lived in Chadderton like me, and knew George Orwell and recommended he went to Wigan where he wrote 'The Road to Wigan Pier'

Now read on if I've piqued your interest..Jack Hilton Caliban Shrieks

Just need to wait till next March then.

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 08 Jul 2023, 02:36
by Stanley
Interesting article David although I must register a tinge of suspicion for anyone who uses the phrase 'parameters of literary modernism'. :biggrin2:

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 08 Jul 2023, 11:09
by Tripps
That didn't strike me, and meant little to me, so I asked the Chat gpt AI gadget what it meant.
Here's what it said -

You live and learn. . . . :smile:

It looks like the chap is streets ahead of me in his knowledge of literature, and the movement seems to encompass all I don't like about modern TV 'dramas'. NIce to hear of something called 'modernism' which is in fact over a hundred years old. Reminds me of the Hypermodern opening in chess which is of a similar age. Keeps a sense of proportion. :smile:

The phrase "parameters of literary modernism" refers to the essential elements or characteristics that define and shape the movement known as literary modernism.

Literary modernism is a broad and diverse artistic and literary movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly during the period between World War I and World War II. It was characterized by a radical break from traditional forms, styles, and themes of literature that had prevailed until then.

The parameters, or defining features, of literary modernism vary across different works and authors, but some common elements include:

Experimentation with form: Modernist writers often challenged traditional narrative structures and experimented with innovative techniques such as stream of consciousness, fragmentation, non-linear storytelling, and multiple perspectives.

Subjectivity and interiority: Modernist literature often focused on the inner thoughts, emotions, and consciousness of characters, exploring their subjective experiences and perceptions.

Rejection of realism: Many modernist writers rejected the conventions of realistic representation and sought to represent the complexity, ambiguity, and fragmentation of modern life.

Intertextuality: Modernist works often refer to or incorporate references from other literary texts, myths, or cultural traditions, creating layers of meaning and allusions.

Engagement with social and cultural issues: Modernist literature often reflected the disillusionment, alienation, and anxieties of the modern world, addressing themes such as the impact of industrialization, urbanization, war, and changing social norms.

These parameters are not exhaustive, and the characteristics of literary modernism can vary depending on the specific work or author. However, they provide a general framework for understanding the artistic and literary innovations associated with the modernist movement.

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 09 Jul 2023, 02:57
by Stanley
Thanks for that research David and the AI explanation makes it clear to me why I hate the phrase even though I don't know what it means. It encapsulates everything I dislike in modern authors...... :biggrin2:

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 11 Jul 2023, 10:55
by Tripps
I just stumbled across this elsewhere - or as Judge Judy - the latter day Socrates - would say "That's hearsay - Don't tell me hearsay". :smile:

Socrates: 'Before you speak, ask yourself these 3 questions'

Socrates (469 – 399 BC), the great Greek philosopher, was once stopped by an acquaintance as he passed through the markets.

“I’ve something important to tell you,” he said. “It’s about your friend.”
“That’s very kind of you,” Socrates said. “But, don’t tell me just yet. I run all information through the Three Filters Test to ascertain if I want to know it.”
The man looked somewhat puzzled as Socrates continued, “First is the filter of truth. Whatever you want to tell me, have you seen or witnessed it first-hand?”
“Umm…I actually heard it from someone,” the man said, “and, it is from a trusted source.”
“Alright. But that does not pass my first test,” Socrates added, “since you don’t know whether it’
“Not really. That’s the reason I wanted—”
Socrates interjected, “So, you want to tell me something bad about someone but don’t know if it’s true.”
“The last is the filter of utility.” He continued -
“Well, if the information is not necessarily true, it is not good, and, it is of no use,” Socrates concluded, “please, I don’t want to know about it.”

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 12 Jul 2023, 02:45
by Stanley
We would all do well to apply those three filters more rigorously! I shall try to do better.

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 13 Jul 2023, 06:33
by Stanley
The three questions.... what a timely post!
I have been listening to reports from Europe on the rise and rise of migrants moving westwards.
We have talked about this many times and I think our collective view is that this growth is to be expected and is not going to decrease. In fact the worsening state of political systems and the effects of global warming on food production. Does Sunak understand this or is he deliberately ignoring reality in order to pander to that section of the voting population he considers essential to Tory election success?

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 13 Jul 2023, 17:40
by Tripps
I drove down Sidgwick Avenue in Cambridge this afternoon. I saw a lady get out of a car on the opposite side of the road. Briefly thought I recognised her - yes it was Professor Mary Beard. Haven't seen anyone famous for ages. Quite exciting - strangely she showed no reaction at all to seeing me. :smile:

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 14 Jul 2023, 02:22
by Stanley
How exciting..... I like Mary Beard and the way she thinks......

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 15 Jul 2023, 08:46
by plaques
Pendle have now the opportunity to vote on the Local Plan. Nothing in it to cause concern BUT it embodies the Core plan that I've always objected to. ie: build far too many houses on every bit of land on the Pendle map. If voting yes means giving legitimacy to the core plan or any core plan that may replace it on or before 2030 then this looks like an underhand move to get people to vote for something they don't want. Always suspicious when Andrew Stephenson MP recommends voting yes. Until I understand it better my safe option is to vote NO.

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 16 Jul 2023, 03:20
by Stanley
Thanks for that Ken because I know you are one of the few voters who has actually read and understood the plan. On the basis of 'phone a friend', if I am asked I shall follow your lead and vote no as well.
Couldn't agree more about Moon Face.....

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 16 Jul 2023, 11:19
by Tripps
Stanley wrote: 16 Jul 2023, 03:20 Couldn't agree more about Moon Face.....
I think an argument is diminished by such terminology. He can't help what shape his face is. :laugh5:

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 16 Jul 2023, 12:30
by plaques
Tripps wrote: 16 Jul 2023, 11:19 I think an argument is diminished by such terminology. He can't help what shape his face is.
I agree that Facebook type trolling is gradually taking up more media space than is called for. Its good that people disagree and can present their argument. They call it free speech and democracy.

PS. I'm beginning to look more like my avatar as days go by. :biggrin2:

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 03:43
by Stanley
"He can't help what shape his face is."
No he can't, but I first gave him that nick name when, in the early days of the Tory hegemony it became obvious that so many of the Cabinet Members had similar features.
Dick Pollard (LINK. [I saw the third test in 1948...]) couldn't help having rugged features and build and was named 'Th'owd Chain Horse' There was never any objection to that..... I was called 'Speccy four eyes' at school, very common in those days. We grew up with by-names.... . In the LTP Billy Brooks told me about a man who worked at Long Ing Mill who fell into a cess pit one morning on his way to work and ever after that was known as 'Shitten Swimmer'. Perhaps we older generations are more cruel........

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 08:21
by plaques
On Andrew Stephenson MP. With some reluctance I may add.

Here's a man who is a staunch supporter of Brexit. Also a big follower of Boris Johnson who has been proved to be a liar and law breaker. Through the Conservative party he supports sending asylum seekers and their children to Rwanda. Watched over the decline of the NHS without a murmur. Says nothing about the injustices of the cost of living and fuel prices. Keeps quiet about the bank rate rises putting pressure on mortgage holders. Never mentions the lowering of food standards or the EU retained laws bill which will negatively affect every working persons life.
Then has the audacity to recommend vote YES to the Pendle local plan. With a track record like this would you bet on a horse he recommends

PS on a personal level he may be a very nice man.

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 17 Jul 2023, 09:44
by PanBiker
I am still waiting for a reply to my correspondence to him from around four years ago. :sad:

I am not 100% sure of how the present MP's of Pendle and the bits of Ribble Valley we are inheriting will pan out in the next General Election. Effectively the new Constituency will have two existing incumbent MP's. Maybe they should have a duel over the new territory. I would go and watch. :smile: :extrawink:

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 18 Jul 2023, 03:31
by Stanley
I marked Stephenson's card publicly shortly after he was first elected and was foolish enough to write a letter to the BET promising to be open and transparent. I responded (using my name and not anonymously) and asked him if, in the interests of transparency and honesty he would tell us what funding he and the constituency Tory Party had received from the Noble Lord Ashworth. Answer came there none and to the best of my knowledge he never wrote to the BET again. I have little doubt he marked my card then.
Ken is quite right in his list, the only ones I would add is that he never mentioned the fact that some wards (from memory I think it was Brierfield) had the worst neonatal death figures in the UK and as far as he is concerned food banks don't exist.
As Ken said, he nailed his star firmly to Johnson's coat tails and for a while it seemed to pay off he was first a Whip I think, then in charge of HS2 and later a Party Official but he has gone very quiet now.
As a constituency MP I despise him, he has done nothing for the needy people and jumped on every band wagon that passed. Before I die I would like to have another MP please..... :biggrin2:

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 18 Jul 2023, 10:11
by PanBiker
It's Pendle CLP Executive Meeting tomorrow. I will try and find out about what the deal is with existing MP's. Stuff like that is firmly on the agenda with Pendle's impending merger with Clitheroe and the surrounding area. We will have to have a new AGM, new officers and organise a completely new structure for Constituency business. Proper can of worms.

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 19 Jul 2023, 02:36
by Stanley
I still think it's gerrymandering.
Never mind, we may have reasons to be cheerful after tomorrow...... :biggrin2:

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 19 Jul 2023, 09:33
by PanBiker
Well that's the Tory driven Boundary Commission for you. Move the goalposts for the result you want.

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 21 Jul 2023, 15:14
by Tripps
Came across this yesterday - the idea of having a 'warrior' on speed dial number 5 is quite attractive.

Could come in very handy at the moment. :smile:


Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 21 Jul 2023, 20:02
by Big Kev

Something to mess with your head

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 21 Jul 2023, 23:55
by Cathy
That face image really is weird. Whoever put it together has something messing in their own head.

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 23 Jul 2023, 10:56
by Tripps
For those who yearn for the good old days when Barlick was in Yorkshire - I became aware, thanks to the Diamond Geezer blog (and nowhere else ) that today (23rd July) is Historic County Flag Day

Love the phrase - "specifically the vexillologically-obsessed local government minister Eric Pickles." :smile:

Re: 'Owt else or Any Other Business

Posted: 23 Jul 2023, 11:22
by PanBiker
Tripps wrote: 23 Jul 2023, 10:56 For those who yearn for the good old days when Barlick was in Yorkshire
Don't need to yearn it still is in Yorkshire. It is only the deluded and those that pay no heed to statute and the Danelaw bits it is built on that say different. :extrawink: