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Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 18 Jul 2014, 07:27
by Stanley
The BET must be looking at the forecast for the wrong area, they are forecasting 27C for today, no way with this wind! One or two spots of rain as we came back from the butcher's but no real rain. It's brightened up a bit now and the forecast looks to be on track. Very humid.... Our weather in Barlick seems to trend towards what is happening in the east, not over the hill in Lancashire. The Met Office forecast I use for Barlick seems to take account of this and is remarkably accurate.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 18 Jul 2014, 22:16
by Sunray10
The thundery weather being experienced in the country at the moment seems to be difficult to pinpoint exactly, as I notice the Beeb weather forcasters keep changing their charts every few hours. They had storms moving from the south overnight (tonight) moving in a more or less straight line, now when I look these storms are more over to the east, but then coming back towards central and western parts by early tomorrow morning. So not really sure whether we will get these thunderstorms from early to late morning? There have been some very 'spectacular lightning storms' down south, with damage caused to properties. Thunder and lightning is all very well - as long as it's a few miles away from me, and not overhead.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 04:44
by Stanley
Thundery weather is very unpredictable in Britain. We haven't had any so far and at the moment it's raining steadily. The glass was falling yesterday and is down at below 29.5" this morning. Predictably the papers are full of warnings about lightning, 3" hail stones and torrential rain but of course they are all biased towards the SE as usual. Forecast for Barlick is for heavy rain with a chance of thunder morning and evening. Steady moderate east wind until this evening when it starts to swing about. Expected high of 22C. Very growy weather, nature will love it! Once again, it looks as though we have had the best of the weather with no extremes.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 05:30
by Big Kev
Stanley wrote:Thundery weather is very unpredictable in Britain. We haven't had any so far and at the moment it's raining steadily.
There were a few rumbles earlier this morning but nothing significant

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 07:26
by Stanley
Didn't hear them Kev but there is no doubt they are about. We've had our walk in light rain but very humid, just the conditions for thunder. When I got back I decided to cool my head down and mowed the lawn. Not a pretty sight, I apologise but it could change the weather!


Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 07:46
by Wendyf
We had distant thunder & lightning for about an hour from roughly 3.30 this morning. It got close and loud enough for us to discover that Bertie is terrified of thunder...he suddenly arrived on our bed (not normally allowed) shaking and panting.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 08:48
by Stanley
Just goes to show how heavily I sleep... Luckily Jack isn't too bothered by thunder, certainly not to the stage where he gets anxious and hyper-ventilates.... Muck, the Jack Russell was terrible, she used to reduced to a quivering wreck. Big Jack on the other hand loved fireworks and thunder and lightning, he would sit for hours on the window cill just watching. Isn't it funny how they vary. I love thunder and lightning but then I was reared with explosions! My mother used to say that thunder was God's coalman delivering.....

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 04:06
by Stanley
Lovely day yesterday. Continuous light rain all day almost with no significant thunder that I heard. Just what the land and gardens needed, you could hear the grass growing! Glass is steady between 29.4" and 29.5". Forecast is for a dry, overcast day with a light west wind and an expected high of 20C. Barlick is obviously the place to be this summer.
07:25. We've had our walk and a pleasant dry and calm morning. The level of water coming over the4 Corn Mill Dam in Butts illustrates how good the rain was yesterday. Normally when it rains all day you can expect6 the flow to be high but this morning it's not much more than it was yesterday morning. A good sign, the ground was soaking up the rain as fast as it fell.
The foresters have done a tidy job in Valley Gardens. I noticed yesterday that they have been in with a stump grinder and taken out the stumps of the trees they felled last week.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 21 Jul 2014, 06:15
by Stanley
A bright sunny morning after early overcast, looks a bit watery though and there is some heavy cloud in the West. Humid and very mild, growy weather and plenty of midges about. Very pleasant walk round the town. Glass is up at over 29.6" Forecast is for a bright day with a gentle westerly breeze and a high of 21C. Yet another good day! What a summer!

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 22 Jul 2014, 04:30
by Stanley
Beautiful summer day yesterday. Sky clear and a heavy dew this morning. Glass is up again at almost 29.8" so it looks to me like another good hay day. Forecast agrees with me, full sun for most of the day, a light easterly breeze, expected high of 23C. Couldn’t be better!

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 06:33
by Stanley
Overcast, cool morning with an Easterly breeze. Nice walking conditions and the overcast is breaking up in the East. Glass is slightly higher at 29.9". Forecast is for full sun all day once the clag dissolves, moderate east wind to cool us down but still an expected high of 24C, highest this year. Bitts Beck is the best rain gauge, as you can see the flow is down to a trickle this morning. Good hay time weather!


Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 24 Jul 2014, 06:55
by Stanley

I think this scene in Valley Gardens this morning says it all. A beautiful morning with full sun, warming up already! Glass has eased back a touch to 29.8". Forecast is exactly the same as yesterday, full sun, moderate easterly breeze and a slightly higher temperature of 24C. Full summer and at the moment the forecast is for it to be even hotter tomorrow. A good day for washing the heavy cotton loose covers off the front room sofa!


Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 24 Jul 2014, 19:07
by Tizer
Here in south Somerset my car was registering 29C this afternoon and now, at about 20.00 hours I'm sitting in a room at 30C. I went to the local town and Mrs Tiz asked me to get a bottle of milk in Tesco on my way home. I went in, got a bottle, paid for it, came home and couldn't find it. Searched the car, no milk. I can remember paying for it and counting my change as I came out but can't remember anything more about it. It's too hot! That was combined with a serious computer problem this morning (now fixed) and a digital alarm clock that was reading 22.00 at about 9.00 even though it gets its time from the `atomic clock'. :surprised:

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 24 Jul 2014, 20:44
by Tripps
"A good day for washing the heavy cotton loose covers off the front room sofa!"

Thank goodness for that - At first glance I thought it was that shroud that has no pockets in it. :smile:

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 25 Jul 2014, 04:23
by Stanley
Tiz, my bedside alarm clock does the same thing. Remedy is to switch to DAB and wait for it to reset in my case.
We had a very warm day yesterday but with a nice east wind to cool us down. Glass is steady on 29.8". Forecast is for full sun all day, lighter East wind and an expected high of 25C. This will be our hottest day for a long time! Back door is open and upstairs windows so house is cooling down, works better in a two storey house than a bungalow.... Tomorrow is expected to be similar..... What a marvellous summer!
David, covers dried well and sofa looks like new. Very heavy cotton covers and usually take an age to dry....

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 25 Jul 2014, 11:14
by Tizer
The alarm clock downloads the time on every hour and it corrected itself on the next download but it makes you wonder if the man who sets the atomic clock came in late to work. :wink:

In our house we have to do the opposite in this very hot weather. It's 29C outside so we keep all windows closed to keep out hot air, and all the blinds and curtains are closed on the walls facing the sun. This gives us about 25C inside but otherwise it would be hotter in than out. Best place is out in the garden under the large Japanese maple in the shade! :cool4: The wall insulation we installed to keep us warm in winter is helping keep us cool in summer. The next step is to take the roof covering off the dormer and the hanging tiles off its walls, then fit PIR foam boards, re-hang the tiles and make a new roof cover with a top coat of the modern rubberised stuff. That will be good for both winter and summer. At times like now the dormer rooms get up to 30C even with windows closed and blinds/curtains closed but they'll be cooler after the insulation because much of the heat currently comes through the roof and walls.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 26 Jul 2014, 04:51
by Stanley
It was a hot day yesterday.... Clear skies again this morning. G;ass is again back a bit at 29.7". Forecast is for a bright day until the wind changes from East to West at about 09:00 and then overcast but still a high of 24C and no rain. Tomorrow could be a change, good! We need some rain....

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 26 Jul 2014, 20:46
by Big Kev

This was yesterday in Riva, on Lake Garda, Italy. I believe Barlick was warmer...

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 03:25
by Stanley
Clear sky at the moment and a heavy dew but cooler I think. Glass is down again at 29.6". Forecast is for bright overcast with a moderate west wind and chance of rain after 11:00. Expected high of 18C.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 04:13
by David Whipp
Heavy shower cleared things away before midnight.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 06:30
by Stanley
We've just had our walk and I realised we had had a shower in the early hours. Clouds building in the west now.... Good! My front garden needs a good soak!

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 27 Jul 2014, 06:40
by David Whipp
I just missed a good picture of the clouds rolling in, with Barlick still in the sun, half an hour ago. After the rain, it cleared to give a star filled sky. I was trying to see if the first slither of the new moon was visible; fingers crossed for tonight.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 28 Jul 2014, 04:32
by Stanley
Clear sky, coll and a heavy dew this morning. The expected rain never happened yesterday, just a half-hearted spatter at one point. Glass is on 29.6" and tending to fall. Forecast is for a bright but overcast day with light variable winds, expected high of 21C.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 28 Jul 2014, 04:47
by David Whipp
No view of new moon last night for me.

Don't know if it's Eid today or not...

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 28 Jul 2014, 08:31
by Stanley

Winter is coming! B&D are still selling coal at last winter's prices. 15 bags plus three and a half bags in the bin. Oh, and I have plenty of kindling as well!