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Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 15 Nov 2021, 20:05
by plaques
Took a walk round the Akincoats new lake , pond actually, half a mile walk took it easy, fully recovered now.
The pond is gradually filling up. The photo has a shortening effect, the island is much smaller than it appears the whole pond it about 100 yards long. I would have said metres but now we have left the EU. :thinking: (can't find the upside down thingy)
Alkincoats Lake 1 .jpg

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 15 Nov 2021, 21:22
by Wendyf
It looks huge!

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 03:13
by Stanley
Ken, it's colonupside_downcolon. The pond/lake looks wet, don't go paddling until next summer.

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 09:34
by PanBiker
Sally has just set off to meet Wendy for a walk round Pinhaw and Elslack Moor. :smile:

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 09:40
by Wendyf
I'm just heading out that way now. Not the best morning to catch the views from the tops but never mind! :smile:

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 17 Nov 2021, 03:44
by Stanley
Those two are putting us all to shame....

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 17 Nov 2021, 07:08
by Wendyf
The views from Pinhaw were limited but it was a very pleasant walk. Its very strange walking through the felled plantation above Elslack Reservoir, some trees remain but most have been cleared and the good timber removed. All that remains are huge, long stacks of branches and waste, perhaps it will be chipped eventually.

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 18 Nov 2021, 17:14
by Wendyf
No walking yesterday as I was meeting friends for lunch at the Emmott Arms in Laneshawbridge. Today was much wetter than the forecast so I took the car down to Foulridge and walked the loop to Kelbrook, Salterforth and back down the canal towpath. I was surprised by a Cormorant with a large fish in it's beak popping up out of the canal Infront of me. It gulped the fish down and disappeared underwater again before I managed to get a photo. Only a few miles left to go now!

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 03:37
by Stanley
I didn't know there were Cormorants fishing the canal Wendy.....Thanks for that!

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 07:04
by Wendyf
Stanley wrote: 19 Nov 2021, 03:37 I didn't know there were Cormorants fishing the canal Wendy.....Thanks for that!
Neither did I Stanley until it surfaced! It took me a moment to understand what I was seeing but by the time I had taken my phone out of my pocket it had eaten its fish and gone under again. I waited for it to come up but it was probably 20 yards away by the time it did and then I lost it completely.

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 10:01
by PanBiker
Sally sees them quite regularly on her walks. Here is one that works the canal at Silsden.

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 10:28
by Wendyf
It was a cormorant not a heron Ian. :smile:

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 19 Nov 2021, 12:25
by PanBiker
Sorry Wendy, didn't read your post properly. :surprised:

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 04:47
by Stanley
I suspect that a cormorant on the cut is very rare Wendy.....
But have a look at THIS. Coulkd it be the same one on holiday? :biggrin2:

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 06:57
by Wendyf
I took myself off for a walk down the Clough to Kelbrook and back yesterday afternoon which brought my mileage up to 102 miles. My knees are beginning to feel the strain but I'll carry on till the end of November and have a go at Boulsworth next week, weather permitting.

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 20 Nov 2021, 08:28
by Gloria
Very interesting Wendy, what a pity you didn’t get a photo. Bet there are some local bird watchers that would be interested in that.

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 21 Nov 2021, 04:34
by Stanley
Wendy, all quite splendid but use your head and don't attempt too much. I know that in your head you are still an agile 28 year old but I'm afraid that isn't reality!

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 21 Nov 2021, 07:01
by Wendyf
:biggrin2: I'm very careful with my old bones and I'm conscious of my lack of agility, especially over rough ground and stiles. A walking pole gives me a bit of confidence!

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 21 Nov 2021, 07:41
by Stanley
Go0od! It looks like a good day today for you.

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 04:26
by Stanley
Another good looking day Wendy!

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 07:11
by Wendyf
Yesterday Col and I had a short Sunday stroll in the sunshine. We walked from the old grammar school in Earby, across the fields to Thornton then down to Booth Bridge and back along the old bridleway. A gentle 2.5 miles because Col isn't up to anything strenuous at the moment. Today he has an appointment with the osteopath in Colne so I'm planning on getting a lift down to Bluebell and walking back home from there up Cob Lane and past the gun club.

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 22 Nov 2021, 07:50
by Stanley
Please give my best to Col.

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 23 Nov 2021, 09:44
by Wendyf
Enjoyed my walk home from down by the golf club. The views were stunning!
Today I'm meeting Sally in Barlick for a mystery walk.

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 30 Nov 2021, 08:51
by Wendyf
The last day of my November Challenge! I'd like to do a walk to finish things off though the weather isn't tempting. My OS app tells me I've walked 124 miles so far but I lost a walk completely last week when the GPS went haywire.
Col says he will drop me in Foulridge and I'll walk home from there via Salterforth and Kelbrook, well wrapped up in waterproofs!

Re: Wendy's November Challenge

Posted: 30 Nov 2021, 13:24
by Wendyf
Tis done! 130 miles completed, £350 raised for Pendle Dogs. Over and Out.