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Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 11:33
by Stanley
As long as you remember that I am not infallible! My bible in these matters is almost always 'The Local Historian's Encyclopedia' by John Richardson. Brilliant and comprehensive.

Have a look mat this page on Bookfinder. £3 including postage.Local Historians encyclopedia

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 14:24
by EileenDavid

You are a great historian, and I now understand the fine and seized concept for the first time.


Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 26 Feb 2012, 05:44
by Stanley
"You are a great historian" A bit strong Eileen but I try to be useful. Thanks. Now go and buy the book! (Safe site run by Abe Books. I use it a lot!)

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 26 Feb 2012, 10:00
by EileenDavid
Hello Stanley

Thanks for the advise I have just ordered a copy of the book.


Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 05:55
by Stanley
I promise you won't be disappointed.

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 29 Feb 2012, 17:37
by EileenDavid
books arrived not got a look in yet as Dave thinks its superb.


Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 29 Feb 2012, 22:06
by Sunray10
I recently had recourse to go into a newsagents shop in Barlick to buy a model bus. The two ladies in there asked if I was local. I said, no, and told them I was from Nelson. But I started talking about the local website OneGuyfromBarlick - they said so whose on that, then. I told them Stanley is on. They immediately started saying how wonderful Stanley was and all the great things he had done for the town. I thought oh heck I better not say any more or I'd be there for ages. I agreed with them, off course, and then bought my model bus. When I was leaving the shop the two nice ladies were still talking about "our Stanley". I presumed its Stanley from OGFB. Now Stanley, isn't that nice. Everyone in Barlick knows you. You are revered. :thumbsup:

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 04:44
by Stanley
Couldn't possibly be me surely. I have been keeping a very low profile.

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 09:19
by EileenDavid
Hello Sunray & Stanley

Very informative I told you Stanley you are the font of all knowledge and helpful to all. The book I have now had a look at, and I am impressed. Only get it in short burst though as Dave now thinks I bought it for him. Not bothered though it will keep him quiet for ages, loves a good book does Dave.

Never been to Barnoldswick although I knew two people that had my father who used to do a lot of work there. He was a joiner and worked for James E Turner contractors to the utilities so was probably involved in putting the shuttering in so they could work on the sewers and water supply.The other one was Dick Warburton who worked for British Gas who on retirement went to live with his daughter who lived in Barnoldswick.

Always liked the name Barnoldswick has a ring to it and the photo's on this site are really good. Perhaps the next time we go to Skipton will call and see for ourselves.

Still no luck on finding Joseph Bracewell, John Higgin baptisms 1746 maybe they were baptised in Barnoldswick what do you think?


Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 02 Mar 2012, 05:59
by Stanley
Eileen, give a ring on 813527 and call in for a coffee!

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 02 Mar 2012, 07:42
by EileenDavid
Hello Stanley

Thanks for that


Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 02 Mar 2012, 08:56
by Stanley
Be still my heart!

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 03 Mar 2012, 08:57
by EileenDavid
Steady on Stanley


Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 03 Mar 2012, 22:20
by Sunray10
Stanley, it depends what you mean by "keeping a low profile". Are there any other historians called Stanley in Barlick, I doubt it. :laugh5:

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 04 Mar 2012, 04:40
by Stanley
Bugger! I may have been found out.... Thanks for letting me know, nice to think that someone is reading the articles in the BET. The editor reckons the score is about 8,000 a week and it's quite surprising where copies end up.

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 04 Mar 2012, 09:23
by EileenDavid
As well as Bracewell, Hartley and Higgin I am now looking for Crawshay and Smith who said geneaology was a hobby it becomes more a way of life.


Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 04 Mar 2012, 21:18
by Sunray10
Yes Eileen it can, if you let it, take over your life. I try to leave it to others to sort out my ancestry. Once I start trying to delve into it a long way back its gets more confusing and I end up with a headache. So many names are the same - too many Hartleys in my ancestry to know which branch they come from. :confused:

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 08:02
by EileenDavid
Hello Sunray

Thanks for the sympathy the Hartley's are a bit of a bind there are so many of them but it's like being Sherlock Holmes and so invigourating when you find another link. This site is exceptional in that the people are so friendly and helpful.


Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 10:38
by Wendyf
Morning Eileen. The only info on Newchurch in Pendle Registers in the library are from the period 1574 to 1754.

11th April 1726 Marriage of Thomas Crawshay de Roughlie & Rosamunda Blakey de Colne sepult [nupt]
26th December 1735 Henry Higgin bury'd
3rd March 1738/39 Grace Higgin buried (From the progression in the register I think this will be 1739. A note in the book explains the year was at the top of the page only)
12 Feb 1743/1744 Thomas Croshey of Rough Lee Buried. (Again I think this will be 1744)

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 12:22
by EileenDavid
Thanks for that Wendy

Are these the gravestone readings or the registers?


Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 12:35
by Wendyf
Going back to your original search for John & Joseph.
There is a John son of John Bracewell baptised 25th October 1746, but not a Joseph.
It looks as if 1746 was a bad year for the registers, in the book it states that some pages for 1746 are missing from the register.
A baptism of Susannah Hartley daughter of George Hartley of Bulhole 6th March 1743
A baptism of Susannah Hartley daughter of William 5th January 1754

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 12:38
by Wendyf
Transcription of the Parish Registers Eileen. A book published by the Lancashire Parish Register Society in 2002. Volume 154 "The Registers of Newchurch In Pendle".

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 12:51
by EileenDavid
Hello Wendy

Thanks for the information. I was hoping there may be gravestones for Henry and his wife Gace also for the Crawshey's (various spellings)

Thanks again for giving up your time


Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 08:04
by Wendyf
The book I have been getting information from in the library is available on CD from this website

Re: Joseph Bracewell/Susy Hartley/John Higgin

Posted: 09 Mar 2012, 08:55
by EileenDavid
Thanks for the info Wendy.

Does it also have the gravestone inscriptions that I need.
