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Posted: 12 Apr 2018, 07:54
by plaques
The problem here is that the pilot is Trump! His all background is that if anyone says "You can't do that" its like a red flag to a bull. He has already said he is prepared to fire off some missiles without consulting his own advisers. If Russia responds by attacking launch basis then Trump will..... Keep away from the man. Kick the ball in the long grass. Make as many supportive statements you like but don't commit to anything. The second World War started on such a flimsy commitment. Don't get me wrong the situation in Syria is absolutely terrible but after years and years of armed conflict another round of bombing is not going to solve this problem.


Posted: 13 Apr 2018, 02:48
by Stanley
You are quite right P. Dropping barrels of Chlorine on innocent civilians is terrible and Assad is a monster but we knew that last time and kept our heads. This is no time for jingoism. Somewhere in the background someone is tapping T May's shoulder and reminding her she and her party have slashed our armed forces to ribbons, she should listen to them. Has she looked at the condition of the fleet, the Air Force and army recruitment lately?


Posted: 14 Apr 2018, 03:59
by Stanley
See THIS. They've done it.... The US, UK and France cooperated in the attacks. Now we wait to see........


Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 02:47
by Stanley
Tiz has told me that the Russians are searching the web for people who are sceptical about what's going on and using any comments as reinforcement for their actions. I think I half knew that, I've been keeping quiet. Tiz says it's actually happening. What a strange world we are living in.
By the way, Brexit has evidently been dropped........


Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 08:47
by PanBiker
Stanley wrote: 15 Apr 2018, 02:47 By the way, Brexit has evidently been dropped........
A perfect opportunity for the second referendum before exit lobby to put their ten pennorth in. T'was on the news this morning.


Posted: 16 Apr 2018, 02:48
by Stanley
I fail to see what the objection could be to a second referendum. I have this quotation up on the wall to remind me....
"The man who never changes his mind is like stagnant water and reptiles breed in his mind" (Blake).
After all, we know a bit more about the consequences now......


Posted: 16 Apr 2018, 03:27
by chinatyke
Keep having referenda until you get the result you want? I hope not. Have you forgotten the hardships your forebears went through to prevent Britain being ruled by Germany? I've got to admit that when you look at how successful Germany is now, winning the war was a disastrous outcome for Britain. Let us not forget how the German workers toiled to rebuild their nation whilst the British labour force was hell bent on wrecking their own economy. Wake up, it's time to let the UK settle into its rightful insignificant destiny: Little Britain.


Posted: 16 Apr 2018, 05:50
by Stanley
In some ways I agree with you but your analysis of relations with Germany is superficial.


Posted: 16 Apr 2018, 07:19
by plaques
Our Prime Minister Trump has said that leaving the EU is a good move, So that's that! Forget any thoughts of a second referendum Mrs May will do has she's told.


Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 03:33
by Stanley
As he once said, he should stop interfering in the affairs of other countries and attend to the problems at home. Clue:- Comey.
The Windrush fiasco is shameful and David Lammey is spot on.


Posted: 18 Apr 2018, 03:40
by Stanley
The sad record of this government has taken a further blow with the fall out from the Windrush affair. It's generally agreed that their moral authority has been damaged and T May is being reminded of the speech she made to Party Conference as Home Secretary when she promised the Tories that the Home Office 'Would be more hostile to illegal immigrants claiming NHS and other benefits'. What you might call being caught red-handed.
This has implications for Brexit because one of the knotty problems still to be solved is the problem of long term EU residents in the UK after we exit. The EU are looking at this 'hostile' attitude and asking questions about how their citizens are going to be treated. In turn, this could have implications for UK residents in the EU.
"Safe in our hands"?


Posted: 19 Apr 2018, 03:15
by Stanley
Who'd be a Brexit negotiator..... The Lords voted to establish a customs union on Brexit, this included 24 Tory rebels. I suspect they have realised that this is the only way to solve the question if Ireland's borders......


Posted: 20 Apr 2018, 04:42
by Stanley
I see Brenda has put a word in for Chuck for the job of leader of the Commonwealth. Camshaft won't be pleased, she doesn't like hot weather or travel and official occasions. (See PE for details)


Posted: 21 Apr 2018, 04:11
by Stanley
I note that the EU have comprehensively rubbished all the UK 'plans' for dealing with the Irish border. Remember when Bruff first raised this matter long ago? Was he ever right, it is going to be one of the most fundamental factors in whatever is eventually agreed on Brexit. This alone could torpedo May's stated objective, nay, 'Red Line', to leave the Customs Union. Perhaps that's why they are keeping quiet. No news on Brexit is coming out of Downing Street, we have to rely on information via Brussels from the EU. Number Ten is too busy at the moment dealing with other matters!
If I was one of those affected by the Windrush Affair I'd be deeply sceptical about May's 'promise' to compensate. We have heard that one before, think Grenfell, flooding compensation etc. The devil will be in the detail.
THIS leaked memo from Amber Rudd to Theresa May is worth reading. She is boasting about being harder on immigrants than May was. There is a credibility gap here between what her aims were and what she is saying now that the heat is on her. Can we trust anything a politician says?


Posted: 23 Apr 2018, 05:25
by Stanley
T May is digging her heels in about moves to alter her policy on the Customs Union. If we take Ireland into consideration she and the Leave activists might be on a sticky wicket. Once again her position looks shaky. Good!


Posted: 25 Apr 2018, 06:09
by Stanley
I see the Board of Jewish deputies is very vocal in criticism of Jeremy Corbyn after their meeting yesterday. My reading of this is that they were unrealistic in their demands in wanting an ombudsman and immediate action against anyone they regard as a transgressor. What would their reaction be to demands from Labour for the same sanctions against them in the matter of anti-socialism? They are doing nothing to diminish this furore which, whilst there is some basis to the complaints in some quarters, has been stoked to a fury by the Right Wing press and the Tories. Anti-Semitism is not restricted to the Labour Party and this has all the hall marks of a witch hunt when what is needed is an effort to address historic problems largely caused by the Jewish proclivity to always hold themselves aloof as a separate race. This is their prerogative but they must accept that this is a factor and they would not welcome any external efforts to change it.


Posted: 25 Apr 2018, 08:05
by plaques
My first reading was that they had made up their mind to be anti- Corbyn before the meeting started. One of their main aims is to get Corbyn to sack Ken Livingstone from the Labour party on his alleged statement that Hitler did at one point supported Zionism. In a narrow sense this is true, Hitler did propose to move a large group of Jews to the island of Madagascar, then under German control. This move was vetoed when Britain gained control and handed it back to the French. All very complicated and I suspect if it went to court Ken Livingstone would be vindicated. If the Jewish alliance was so convinced in their argument they should take Livingstone to court themselves and then it would be settled for all time.


Posted: 26 Apr 2018, 03:05
by Stanley
I agree P. When you are a closed minority religion or cult with different norms than the rest of the world you have to be very tolerant. The Jews have plenty of valid historical reasons for being paranoid but at times they can get things out of proportion. I've always got on well with them because I respect them but have always known that if you fall out with one member of a family the rest are against you as well. The same works for other closed communities.
See THIS for a BBC report on Amber Rudd's appearance in committee yesterday. She isn't doing very well is she. In fact it would appear that she doesn't know what is happening in her department. The unions have testified that written targets were pinned on the walls of local offices and attention was directed to 'low hanging fruit'. She says that isn't how they work......


Posted: 26 Apr 2018, 07:58
by plaques
Something that has been slipped in under the radar is the trial scheme to make people show some photo identity when they vote in the coming local elections. Introduced under the guise of stopping fraudulent voting it will make it very difficult for people with no passports of driving licences to prove their identity. This idea has been employed with some success in America in stopping some of the poorer minorities from voting. Of course its nothing to do with the probability that they would have voted democrat but very handy just the same. I know from experience that my friend's wife didn't have any identity in her own name and became virtually a non-person when he developed dementia. She couldn't even access banking accounts that she herself had opened. This trend of disenfranchisement needs watching before it gets out of hand.


Posted: 27 Apr 2018, 03:51
by Stanley
I noticed that as well P. It's an insidious way of disenfranchising the 'wrong' type of voter. Anyone remember Dame Shirley and her shenanigans? (LINK)
A Rudd sinks deeper in the mire and yesterday got the kiss of death. T May said that AR has her complete confidence. The theory is of course that Rudd is a human shield for May. It won't be as simple as that but it's a factor. Notice also the warnings that the 'Windrush Generation' is a convenient label for limiting the Home Office's exposure. Other examples are coming down the line. This is far bigger than anyone has so far admitted.


Posted: 28 Apr 2018, 05:18
by Stanley
Ms Rudd's position hasn't improved. See THIS BBC report on the elusive memo that Ms Rudd says she hasn't seen.
Looking at Korea one has to wonder if Trump's 'mad dog' style of aggression has had any bearing on what is happening there. I think it was Richard Nixon in the Cold War that advocated this ploy. He may have done something effective.....


Posted: 29 Apr 2018, 21:16
by PanBiker
10pm news - Amber Rudd resigned, about time, lies on top of lies.


Posted: 30 Apr 2018, 03:03
by Stanley
I heard that as well Ian. It would have been scandalous if she hadn't. Her credibility is shattered. So much for 'having my complete confidence'.
Now the spotlight (and the heat) focusses on T May who was famously hard on immigration and deportation decisions and not only 'The Windrush Generation'.


Posted: 01 May 2018, 05:53
by Stanley
"With one bound she was free"? See THIS BBC report on the appointment of Sajid Javid as the replacement Home Secretary. I listened to his impassioned statement promising action but at the same time remembered Tata Steel and Grenfell. Top marks for presentation but let's wait and see. Significant that he was a Cameron Protégé, not a natural first choice for TM. How much control has she got?
Don't discount the latest Lords rebellion against the Brexit process. Apart from their influence on the Commons what will Brussels make of this? I forecast when she got the job of PM it would be a can of worms......


Posted: 02 May 2018, 05:43
by Stanley
THIS is worth reading. The Brexiteers are raising the stakes. In effect they are telling T May that if she doesn't stick to a hard Brexit they will withdraw support which makes her position impossible.
This is timed to coincide with today's major meeting of the Cabinet but observers doubt whether it will be a big showdown because of the local elections tomorrow. I'm not to sure about that.... Things could get very interesting. Even if they don't rock the boat, I have an idea that tomorrows results are going to be bad news for the Tories.....