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Posted: 07 Jun 2021, 05:43
by Stanley
Later, see THIS article on the dilemma facing the FDA over the decision whether to approve a drug that targets Amyloid Plaques, one of the causes of Altzheimer's Disease.
I heard a quote describing the modified data which is the core of the application as being like firing a shotgun at a barn and then drawing a ring round the most concentrated hits....


Posted: 07 Jun 2021, 08:10
by plaques
There are lots of conditions associated with Amyloid malfunctions many of which prove fatal with very short time scale between diagnosis and death. I think they are pushing this one because a lot of people know of Altzheimer's but tend to be ignorant of the other conditions. A very difficult condition to treat all round.


Posted: 08 Jun 2021, 04:10
by Stanley
See THIS for news that the FDA have approved the use of the drug.


Posted: 08 Jun 2021, 08:26
by Big Kev
Last of the ABs this morning, I should see my blood glucose levels drop to a more 'normal' level now...


Posted: 09 Jun 2021, 03:32
by Stanley
Good, hope they work Kev. UTIs are funny little beasties, they can survive many ABs but if the right one is used it's a miracle.


Posted: 21 Jun 2021, 12:25
by Stanley
I'm listening to the reports coming in from the commission that's looking into contaminated blood products. (LINK)
The focus today is on Treloar College in Hampshire. The treatment centre there was run by the NHS and all the clinicians have died. (One of the advantages of kicking cans down roads!)
"The inquiry has previously heard that 89 haemophiliac pupils were offered treatment onsite, of whom all were infected with hepatitis B and C, 64 contracted HIV and only 16 are still alive.
Richard Warwick, who started at Treloar in 1976, aged 11, says surviving pupils have kept their own tally, estimating there were between 120 and 130 haemophiliacs, with 72 known to have died, 31 known to be alive and the rest unaccounted for. Either way, it is a grim toll.

The suspicion is that documents have been destroyed and evidence covered up. It's a terrible story and has been described as the biggest mistake the NHS has ever made.


Posted: 23 Jun 2021, 13:23
by PanBiker
Quite a job getting an appointment at the docs at the moment. I tried ringing on Monday but the phone was permanently engaged until about 10.15 when I did get a recorded message that said the lines were very busy and it might be an idea to book online if I had the facility. I started via the app I have on my phone but then swapped to the main computer with a proper keyboard when the auto booking script more or less asked for more details than you could shake a stick at. By logging on they already have a lot of the info but I spent 20 minutes or so filling it all in and requested a chat with my own doctor, I confirmed that I wasn't having a heart attack or stroke so was told that my request would be looked at by a health professional within two days.

At 11.15 I got a call from Doctor Hare who is not my doctor but she is the senior head of the practice. I had five minutes with her and she has decided to have me in for blood tests and BP etc. Both of these checks which are normally reasonably regular for a bloke of my age have been put on hold during the pandemic so she though it a good idea to start with the bases, so I will be checked for cholesterol, liver and kidney function and the rest, results will go to my own doctor who will pick up from there. She was quite happy for me to do my own BP readings for the week and take them in when I go in on Friday. Very efficient after all the initial hoops.

I don't know how anyone goes on that does not have access to the IT and the nous to use it though.


Posted: 24 Jun 2021, 02:03
by Stanley
The only way would be to write a note and post it in the surgery letter box.
Angela Hare is good, I had to go to her once for a statement on my general condition for the Benefits Agency when I claimed sick pay for a broken wrist. She did such a good job that they called me in for interview and gave me sick pay until I retired, in other words retired over a year early.


Posted: 24 Jun 2021, 08:14
by plaques
The general practices are really struggling. The extra work and fear of covid is playing havoc with their schedules. Its all about kicking the can down the road until things pick up. Meanwhile back at the ranch Dido Harding is pushing to get in charge of the NHS where she will use her expertise in cock ups to bring the NHS to its knees. Don't think I'm joking the Tories mean business this time.


Posted: 24 Jun 2021, 09:32
by PanBiker
Stanley wrote: 24 Jun 2021, 02:03 Angela Hare is good, I had to go to her once for a statement on my general condition for the Benefits Agency when I claimed sick pay for a broken wrist.
Yes, I have had occasion to see her before and she was very efficient. I think it was during the handover from Ian Brown to Hassan.
plaques wrote: 24 Jun 2021, 08:14 Meanwhile back at the ranch Dido Harding is pushing to get in charge of the NHS where she will use her expertise in cock ups to bring the NHS to its knees. Don't think I'm joking the Tories mean business this time.
Indeed they do, she is regarded as a Cruella Deville. There are loads of petitions flying about opposing her appointment.


Posted: 25 Jun 2021, 02:59
by Stanley
Dido Harding and the NHS.... I can't begin to express my disgust at the very thought. How does this woman get these jobs? THIS is worth a read....


Posted: 25 Jun 2021, 08:03
by plaques
Boris Johnson's repeatedly stated that she would lead our WORLD BREAKING track and trace. Repeated ad nauseam from April to Dec 2020 until it became obvious that it was a load of 'dido' Then suddenly it became everybody else's fault for setting the bar too high. Never mentioned by the government or No10 its become something you don't talk about in polite circles.


Posted: 25 Jun 2021, 08:43
by Tizer
This reminds me of the post some years ago where Panbiker complained that when he worked in schools he kept catching colds and coughs from the `fester balls' of young children. So, watch out for getting close to kids! :smile:
`A&Es 'overwhelmed' by children with mild winter viruses, doctors warn' LINK


Posted: 25 Jun 2021, 09:33
by PanBiker
It was tonsillitis more often than not Peter and one that went really bad with Quinsy and landed me in hospital. I always had a bout after I had been running cables above the suspended ceilings, all sorts of nasties up there. :extrawink:


Posted: 25 Jun 2021, 12:20
by PanBiker
Just been for my blood test and all sorted very efficiently. Information for local users for surgery access. The main door is locked and you have to use the video doorbell to attract the attention of the staff. I was told to exit onto Philips Street and use the side door which of course for those who know is directly opposite the nurses room. There is another video doorbell there but Claire was already at the door to let me in. Top reception end of the surgery looked to be all in darkness so I was wondering if Claire was actually staffing the surgery on her own. I passed on my BP readings for Hassan's attention, bloods done without problem and I was shown out the same way I came in. :smile:


Posted: 26 Jun 2021, 02:51
by Stanley
Bit of a mystery to me as well Ian. I was told by the chemist that I had to contact the surgery as the prescription I got was my last. Never heard of this before so I thought I'd look at the surgery on the off chance they might be open and was met by a lady at the door who just happened to be emptying the prescription box. She took my note and said she'd deal with it. What are the doctors doing? On the phone all the time?


Posted: 26 Jun 2021, 09:26
by PanBiker
I have just realised that my appointment yesterday was actually at lunchtime when the surgery closes, I think for an hour. Good plan actually get folk in that actually have to visit while it is quiet.

Stanley, you can do all your prescription ordering and booking appointments online now as I am sure you are aware. You will have to register on the system but it can save a lot of hassle if you have the wherewithal to do it. I can do it all on my phone but defer to the main computer when it needs a full sized keyboard.


Posted: 26 Jun 2021, 09:36
by Big Kev
If you use Whitworth Chemist for regular scripts you can do it via their website apparently.


Posted: 27 Jun 2021, 03:33
by Stanley
Yes Ian, normally I do nothing. I think this break is because they want me at the diabetes clinic for a blood test. I shall hear from them shortly I think.


Posted: 29 Jun 2021, 12:10
by PanBiker
I am currently in a catch 22 situation. I got a text from Dr Hare yesterday with my blood results, she has asked me to book a repeat blood test appointment in a couple of weeks and then a follow up telephone consultation to discuss the results.

Ring surgery, recorded message, phones are busy book online.

Fine, go online, log in etc, select book appointment with practice nurse. Website says that you cant, but I press on anyway as it offers me dates. I select 15th July at 12 noon and I get a confirmation that I have been successful. :smile:

Go to book the follow up with the doctor and you cant do it online there is no option given.

Have to ring surgery, Catch 22 :sad:

I did all this before the lunchtime closing at 1pm, I will try again later.


Posted: 29 Jun 2021, 12:35
by Big Kev
I must be lucky, I got through straight away when I called a couple of weeks ago.


Posted: 29 Jun 2021, 12:56
by PanBiker
Luck of the draw I think Kev at the moment. I will try again later. Don't want to leave the telecon appointment booking till the middle of next month or it might drag on.


Posted: 30 Jun 2021, 03:04
by Stanley
No signs yet of my appointment for Diabetes Clinic, I may have to call them.....


Posted: 30 Jun 2021, 09:16
by PanBiker
Heads up if you are ringing. If you get the "better to book online" recorded message hang in there. You will have to listen to it twice and then for the options available. Hang on to speak to someone. I finally got through this morning and asked for a telephone appointment with my own doctor to follow up on my 15th July blood test. Earliest for Hassan was 2nd August, the receptionist mentioned that he was on maternity leave so I assume until the end of July. I asked if I could speak with Dr Hare earlier as it was she who asked for blood tests in the first place. I have elected for a telephone appointment with her on the 30th July. If it's like the first one she may well ring me earlier I reckon rather than a fortnight later.

I think you can book diabetes clinic appointments online Stanley, fairly sure I have seen the option when I was poking around on patient access.


Posted: 30 Jun 2021, 14:15
by Big Kev
PanBiker wrote: 30 Jun 2021, 09:16 I think you can book diabetes clinic appointments online Stanley, fairly sure I have seen the option when I was poking around on patient access.
You can Ian, they are currently available from July 13th. Fairly straightforward to book in the Patient Access app
from the services screen
Then choose your surgery (should only be one unless you're registered at multiple)
Then choose your appointment