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Posted: 11 Aug 2018, 14:58
by PanBiker
Glad that Bertie seems to be picking up albeit slowly. :smile:


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 02:16
by Stanley
Is he brighter this morning?


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 06:13
by Wendyf
He was back to almost normal by yesterday afternoon. I heard noises downstairs at about 2.30am and found him wandering around and wanting to go out, but he settled again after he had been outside for a pee. The painkillers he was given after his op will have worn off and he is back on his usual dose of Metacam, so perhaps he was feeling uncomfortable. I have upped his dose slightly this morning. The wound looks good, no swelling or redness. :smile:


Posted: 12 Aug 2018, 06:14
by Stanley
Good! You must have been listening for him in your sleep..... Good stockmanship!


Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 02:55
by Stanley
I was thinking about Boris when I gave Jack his morning AB. How are Dennis and Sparky going on?
Later.... we had our first full Valley Garden walk this morning. We need to get back into our routines!


Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 06:38
by Wendyf
Dennis & Sparky are doing fine thanks Stanley, there is a bit more grass for them now we have had a bit of rain. Pleased to hear that you and Jack are getting back into the old routine. There were quite a few Patterdales enjoying a day out at Trawden Show yesterday, what smart little dogs they are!
Col had an upsetting experience when he collected Bertie from the vets on Friday afternoon, which he didn't need as he was stressed out anyway! Since we first used Stanley House back in 1999 any small animal work has gone onto my farm account and I get invoiced with 30 days to pay. It has never been an issue and I'm a good payer! When Col booked Bertie in on Friday morning he was asked how he was going to pay and when he said we had an account that was fine, but he was asked again in the afternoon when he was waiting for Bertie to be brought out and the receptionist insisted he had to pay then and there. She told him the policy had changed! He wasn't happy and argued his case but felt like a criminal in front of a waiting room full of people. Eventually it was agreed that an exception would be made.
Before he got away one of the receptionists came to apologise...she hadn't realised we have what is now called a "premier" equine account, in other words we pay our bills!


Posted: 14 Aug 2018, 05:22
by Stanley
They did the same with me Wendy or rather tried to. They asked how I was going to pay and I told them the same way I had for the last 60 years as a customer, by cheque when the treatment has finished. There was no mention after that...... Whe3n I see Gillian for the last time she will give me a print out of the treatments and the bill and I will pay it.
Patterdales as 'smart'/ That's one way of describing it! I'd say domineering!
Glad to here Dennis and Sparky are doing well. They are a tribute to your stockmanship. Treasures in heaven Wendy......


Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 09:06
by Stanley
Stockmanship..... An essential part of the job is paying attention to stools, they can tell you a lot about general health. I noticed something funny about Jack's early this morning, it looked as though he was passing undigested kernels of sweet corn. In the better light on our second walk I realised that they were undigested peanuts! I remembered that I had left a few in an open bowl in the front room. I had a look as soon as I got home and sure enough, clean as a whistle! He had scoffed the lot. No harm done and I shan't do it again!
I have made an appointment to see Gillian tomorrow morning because I want her to have a look at the swelling under the main wound in his neck, I have an idea something is gathering there.... It's not bothering him and even though he can reach it he isn't scratching it. Best to have Gillian give it the once over.


Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 10:00
by Tizer
At least Jack returned the peanuts to you! :laugh5:

My cousin's Labrador, Merlin, is banned from eating meat by the vet but he'll eat anything he's given or finds. He loves all veg and fruit and will jump up to snatch apples or plums from low branches. His favourite is carrot and it's embarrassing after a snowfall because he jumps up at snowmen and pinches their carrot noses. When my cousin returns from a big supermarket visit he helps by carrying items from the boot into the kitchen, but she has to ensure he doesn't get at the food!


Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 11:36
by Julie in Norfolk
Those with a nervous disposition look away now! Buster's bowels have been the cause of consternation in this household. I may have mentioned earlier that he can fart for Britain, well the poo went from mousse to splat and I became convinced that although Sam lived for almost 14 years on a particular food, the puppy version did not suit young Buster. The thing is that if you change food, you should do it carefully to make sure what you see is relative to the change, and also you should give the change time to work.

We are now on chicken (home cooked) rice (plain and cooked) and some vegetables in for luck, added to that any fruit he can scavenge in the garden.

We have tried the raw chicken approach and when he is totally settled I will try that again.

I have a 25 kg bag of hypoallergenic kibble which are his "treats" and part of Honey's diet.

The bonus: no farting (phew, not from him anyway) and proper poo. At nearly 6 months he weighs 23 kg and has another 5 to 9 kgs to go when he is full grown.


Posted: 16 Aug 2018, 03:01
by Stanley
Managing stool is a delicate business.......


Posted: 16 Aug 2018, 09:23
by Tizer
...but of fundamental importance.


Posted: 16 Aug 2018, 09:52
by Stanley
Very clever, I appreciate that nice use of language!
We have seen Gillian and as I suspected she is of the opinion that it's perfectly natural area of inflammation round the massive wounds. The crepitation caused by air under his skin has entirely gone now and she reckons that the trachea has healed. She wants to keep an eye on him and we go to see her again on Tuesday. She might give him a different antibiotic then but we'll see. I paid the bill so far; £97-50 which I think is very reasonable. No charge for this morning. Overall she is very pleased with his rapid recovery from what was a near death injury. She was surprised by how well the wounds had healed.
I am a happy bunny but still watchful......


Posted: 16 Aug 2018, 10:00
by Wendyf
Excellent news and a very reasonable bill to say he was prescribed all those antibiotics. :smile:
Bertie is doing fine and goes back for his post op check tomorrow.


Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 02:37
by Stanley
And according to Gillian they don't charge for them! There is of course the enormous bill for the sausages I hide the ABs in.
Bertie sounds to be doing well.....


Posted: 18 Aug 2018, 04:26
by Stanley
It looks as though Gillian was right. The swelling in Jack's neck is slowly subsiding..... A very good sign and it cheers me up. We may be getting there but I shall not relax, I'll be watching him like a hawk!


Posted: 18 Aug 2018, 10:48
by PanBiker
Animals are very aware of the humans they have to look after them, particularly cats. Both of ours seem to have sensed that there is something wrong with me and tend to come for a cuddle more often. I have noticed this with Primrose most, she nestles at the side of me when I am using my laptop and I have noticed that she is purring and treading for much longer when settling down.


Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 03:10
by Stanley
Well spotted Ian, of course they do. Jack monitors the smell of my pee daily and would soon warn me if anything was wrong. He knows I am treating him as well. The swelling on the wound continues to reduce...... If you weren't aware you wouldn't notice it. I spend a lot of time in the evening gently massaging it as we sit together on the sofa...... Never discount the benefits of gentle massage!


Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 20:01
by Sue
When I had a slipped disc, I had to lie on the floor several times a day for 15 minutes. As soon as I moved to the floor my little cat ( RIP) used to come and sit next to my head as if she was guarding me. When I was better (and should I be lying on the floor for whatever reason) she never did it again


Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 02:41
by Stanley
I like that image Sue. Jack always comes up sometime during the night and sleeps next to my head. It must be an old pack instinct kicking in and in the wild dogs look after each other as to many social animals. Did you see the news item about the Orca that carried it's dead calf round for a couple of months?


Posted: 21 Aug 2018, 10:00
by Stanley
We've been to Gillian's and she is delighted with Jack, she has signed him off and said she'll tell Tony when she sees him, he didn't think Jack was going to survive and only let me bring him home to die. She is amazed at how quickly he has recovered. We agreed that it will be another three weeks before the trachea is fully healed but the inflammation is now fibrous which is just what is to be expected and she hasn't given him any more ABs. I shall not relax my vigilance.....


Posted: 21 Aug 2018, 15:35
by chinatyke
Well done Stanley and Jack. Hope you enjoy many more years together.


Posted: 21 Aug 2018, 17:28
by Wendyf
Great news Stanley, it was Tony who did Bertie's op.


Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 02:40
by Stanley
Thanks Folks......
We are lucky Wendy, we have good caring vets. Gillian has been keeping Tony up to date with his progress all the way through. I can still see the air frothing out of that wound on his throat as he breathed three weeks ago. It will be a long time before that image fades......
You get back what you put in, never a truer saying....... True for good vets as well.
By the way, people have been commenting on how well I look now. Good job my hair was already white!


Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 10:00
by PanBiker
Good news on Jack and how well you are coping Stanley.

Both our moggies are at the vets this afternoon, it's booster time. Not exactly a BOGOF but there is a small discount for a 2 in 1 appointment. :smile: