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Posted: 28 May 2014, 13:44
by Moh
As we were going to the caravan I asked the eye clinic to ring me on my mobile when they had a date for my second catarach - I got home today to a letter telling me my appointment for the 30th June (which I knew nothing about) had been changed to the 23rd (last Fri.) - typical. Now it is next Thurs. 5th June.
The lady in the next caravan signed on for a kidney transplant two weeks ago, they were at the van for half term, yesterday she got a call to go to the hospital - a kidney was available!!


Posted: 29 May 2014, 05:21
by Stanley
Good luck with it Moh! How's the first one doing? Up to expectations?


Posted: 29 May 2014, 09:31
by Tizer
Maz, we had a radio documentary recently on the use of herbicides and GM varieties on soybean crops in Argentina and the possible effects on the health of locals, especially babies. A very well-balanced presentation. The locals are sure it must be the herbicide chemicals but there isn't good evidence - their government isn't making any efforts to do a study. Monsanto, who make and sell the herbicide (glyphosate) and the GM soya seed, say they are both safe. I don't believe there is any safety problem with GM soya itself and expect it's the herbicide that's at the centre of the trouble. Even then, studies of the chemical have usually failed to show any bad effects, but...can you trust the people who are using the chemical on their crops? The fields run right up to the edge of villages and they use aircraft to spray the herbicide. There's big money in growing soya in Argentina too. I'll bet the problem is due to mis-use and a `couldn't care less' attitude among the users, sadly.


Posted: 29 May 2014, 12:51
by Moh
Thanks Stanley - the eye is far better than expected, I can see better with it than I have done for years.


Posted: 30 May 2014, 04:43
by Stanley
Moh, lovely! I'm so pleased for you. I hope the second is as successful.
Tiz, misuse of pesticides etc. doesn't go away does it! I was listening to a programme about US vets who are certain that they were affected by Agent Orange as a defoliant but can't prove it because they are being forced to specify the exact date and time of exposure and match this to often non-existent military records. Remember Bhopal? There's a lot of pertinent stuff on organic chemicals in James Fergusson's 'The Vitamin Murders'.
It's not often I am cheered up by statements from the head honchos at the NHS but see this LINK for a report of support for smaller hospitals, more locally based especially in the treatment of older patients. This sounds like common sense to me. Illich once remarked that 'the conviviality of a hospital is best measured by the inverse ratio of the size of the car park'. I liked that then and still like it now....


Posted: 30 May 2014, 08:46
by Tizer
I was glad to hear the Today radio programme giving plenty of time to covering dementia, it's getting to be a big problem in our ever more complicated world. People are living longer and more of them end up in dementia but at the same time our lives get more complicated and it's harder for someone with even slight dementia to cope. We've got my father insisting it's lunchtime during the night; Mrs Tiz's father phoning to say they "won't have anywhere to live after tonight" (he'd overheard one of the nursing home staff saying she was going on holiday); my cousin (who lives here in the south-west) is visiting her son in Blackburn but has started doing very strange things and has been admitted to Queen's Park Hospital; and the lady next door to us (whose husband died on Monday) is stressed and acting strangely.


Posted: 31 May 2014, 04:03
by Stanley
I think I have been acting strangely for years....
For instance,I always keep an eye on my tongue because I know that if the hearthrug is laid on it I'm doing something wrong. (It's pink at the moment). Do remember a time when the first thing your doctor did was tell you to stick your tongue out? Arthur Morrison used to look at the web at the root of the fingers as well, I once asked him why and he said that they gave clues that could be recognised with experience....


Posted: 02 Jun 2014, 14:05
by Tardis
Another round of prodding and poking this week in Bradford


Posted: 05 Jun 2014, 14:47
by Tardis
Precisely 2 minutes of poking.

Received a positive and allowed to go away again.

No apology for the 45 minute wait


Posted: 05 Jun 2014, 17:47
by plaques
Yes, but its knowing where to poke that you pay for! or in your case to wait for.


Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 04:54
by Stanley
Arlow Guthrie and 'Alice's Restaurant' spring to mind.....


Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 12:22
by Moh
Well that is the other cararact done - very successfully, it is great to see everything clearly without glasses - although I need the cheapo ones for reading.


Posted: 09 Jun 2014, 03:57
by Stanley
Lovely Moh! So pleased it's gone all right. Now all you have to do is enjoy the view!


Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 06:08
by Stanley
See THIS for a very sensible protest against the medicalisation of otherwise healthy people, condemning them to being reliant on medication for the rest of their lives. The signatories, all experts in the field, say that the decision was arrived at by relying too much on evidence from the pharma industry which under-estimates the possible side effects and diverts attention from more pertinent strategies for improving heart health like exercise and sensible diet. Of course it also gives the manufacturers a guaranteed market and steady profits. I agree totally with all they say and I hope that this intervention will carry some weight.
08:00. Just been listening to an eminent GP on Today, she is one of the people protesting against the blanket prescription of statins. She said that she has patients complaining of various side-effects from the drug, these include muscle pain, an increase in the risk of diabetes and other problems. Her point was that when balanced against the risk of a heart attack (not death!) the benefit didn't outweigh the cost and risk. As she said, patients are not 'average' they are individuals and should be treated accordingly. I agree totally with her....


Posted: 11 Jun 2014, 11:20
by Big Kev
Made a start on the NHS' Couch to 5k in 9 Weeks (free podcast download). I'm sure I look a right plum, trotting around Barlick, in my shorts with a pair of headphones on.
I will point out it was my idea, it wasn't forced upon me. It's to hopefully negate the increase of "living through chemistry" :grin:


Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 03:33
by Stanley
Never mind what you look like Kev, you're doing something for yourself, always a good thing.
I have a bit of a problem. Over the last week I've lost about a third of my vision in my right eye. It has never been quite as good as the left one which is fine and I'm hoping it is a problem with the lens. I have to see GP first to get referred to the surgeon.... All very interesting.....
Update at 08:45. The appointment with the doctor was for Wednesday next week but I realised this morning that it's progressing so fast that by then I'd be blind in that eye, it's over half gone already. So I have rung the surgery and see him at 09:50.... Very strange to watch it happening... The circular blob has a sharp edge and some lovely rainbow colours! (Always look on the bright side....)
11:00. Things move on, lost about two thirds of vision in right eye now... I am waiting for a call from the eye surgeon at Burnley as my doctor has rung him. I have been told to wait by the phone for a call from them. Daughters are wonderful, Susan is in the starting blocks ready to take me down there and look after Jack if necessary. All very interesting but totally stupid!


Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 10:05
by Tripps
I hope things go well for you today Stanley.

I went to Addenbrookes yesterday, and whilst making the long trek down the never ending corridor to the exit I saw another chap approaching who had two sticks, and seemed to be having more problems than I was. As we crossed I made a friendly contact with 'keep going - not far now'. or words to that effect.

His reply was to bellow 'It's Jesus that keeps me going - and I hope he is helping you too'

I didn't think I could go any faster, but I swear I did. :smile:


Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 10:13
by Stanley
I think that would have had the same effect on me as well. I always remember the story about the bloke sat in his allotment admiring his veggies when the vicar popped his head over the fence. "The works of God are indeed wonderful, what a magnificent sight!" The old bloke said "Not to sure about God, you should have seen it before I started!"


Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 11:11
by Cathy
Stanley, not quite sure what your worry level about your eye problem is, hard to know by reading your words, but I wish you all the best for getting back to normal asap. Let us know.


Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 11:47
by Stanley

Thanks for asking Cathy! Selfies are always lousy but I thought you would like this one. My right eye is such a distraction that I can see better with it covered up so I got a black eye patch. I have the ear ring so all I need now is the parrot! Of course I am concerned but it won't do any good to worry. As long as the left eye is OK I can manage. I have an appointment to see the eye surgeon at Burnley General on Saturday morning and Susan is lined up for transport. Daughters are bloody marvellous! (By the way, going off what is happening at the moment I'll be stone blind in that eye before Saturday)


Posted: 12 Jun 2014, 22:53
by LizG
Fingers crossed for you Stanley.


Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 03:19
by Stanley
Thanks Liz.....
I am wary about wishful thinking but if the blob had kept expanding at the same speed it would have covered the whole of my eye this morning but if anything it has shrunk a bit....


Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 05:35
by David Whipp
Hope parrot not needed, Stanley. Good luck Saturday.


Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 06:58
by Nolic
Comrade, chin up as always. Best wishes, Nolic


Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 07:07
by Stanley
Thanks Lads.... Funny isn't it, I met one of my dog walking friends this morning and he enquired about the patch. I told him and he said he knew the problems, he is blind in his left eye after an accident. You can't tell and I never knew.... As I said somewhere else, one of the bonuses is that Alwin Simpson isn't the only one in the village now!