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Posted: 18 Aug 2023, 19:00
by plaques
Sorry lads its back on your head time. Just as the hemoglobin results showed a decrease with each subsequent blood test Sod's law pops up and shows a Large increase taking them well into positive territory. Doctor perplexed, transfusion put on hold until more samples next week. Being referred to a Hematologist? (Blood Disorder Specialist).

A small aside. The cannula insert was now redundant.
Nurse can you take it out please. Cannula all taped up and secure.
I may pull some hairs out of your arm and it could hurt.
You're enjoying this aren't you?
Then why are you smiling? :laugh5:


Posted: 19 Aug 2023, 02:05
by Stanley
Are you in hospital Ken or travelling in from home? Funny how things like this happen at weekend and interrupt their leisure activities....
I still have everything crossed..... Hang in there!
(An increase in haemoglobin sounds good, but what the hell do I know about it. :biggrin2: )


Posted: 19 Aug 2023, 08:58
by plaques
As far as Blackburn Royal is concerned a trip to the acute care, accidents in old money, is the last thing you want to be doing. An overnight stay would probably be on a moveable bed in a corridor. The staff are run off their feet. Yesterday, Friday, we chose to travel by taxi because of the early start and the uncertainty about how long we would be there, A bag of blood takes about a hour and that is after the lab has taken their sample and worked out a recipe for you. Mrs P was getting a bit stressed out and didn't fancy having to drive home alone should the case arise. We used Pendle taxies (Nelson) at £25 per direction the collection times were spot on to the minute.

Haemoglobin are the red cells that carry oxygen round the body. My supply had dropped to about 20 yards walking on the flat or one flight of stairs. Can't fault the attention I've been getting often with reports back from Blackburn to Colne Health centre before we have arrived home.

Upwards and and onwards as they say.


Posted: 19 Aug 2023, 09:07
by PanBiker
Sounds like you are on a positive slope at the moment Ken, long may it continue.


Posted: 20 Aug 2023, 03:24
by Stanley
Thanks Ken. The fact that you are replying to queries is, in itself, positive. Best of luck, everything is still crossed and I understand Mrs P getting stressed, I would be as well if in her position. Please give her my love....


Posted: 21 Aug 2023, 02:57
by Stanley
Thinking about Ken...... :good:


Posted: 21 Aug 2023, 18:16
by plaques
Don't worry about me I'll be ll right. Just worn out with all the medication that's making me better. As mentioned before my hemoglobin count was hitting minimum. Then it had a surge upwards which buggered up the calculations. This Friday we start again. Another surprise this lunch time a District nurse called to put me on her books. Totally unexpected but welcome It seems to open up a more direct route to the doctors which can't be a bad thing. Just have to carry on being a patient patient.


Posted: 22 Aug 2023, 02:53
by Stanley
"Just worn out with all the medication that's making me better."
I know what you mean Ken, My question was always "How can anything that's so good for you make you feel so lousy"? I never got an answer....
Lovely to see you posting, all is well with the world! Hang in there, keep taking the pills and give my love to Mrs P please..... It's harder on her than you in many ways.... :biggrin2:


Posted: 29 Aug 2023, 03:36
by Stanley
Thinking about you and Mrs P Ken..... It's a week since we heard from you. Are you still with us? If you're reading this, be sure that we haven't forgotten you, just not nattering...... :biggrin2: :good:
Later.... Heard on the news but not on the web yet. Surgeons were operating on a woman in Australia to investigate a serious anomaly see in a vein. They were astounded to find an 8cm long worm.... I find that a disgusting thought!


Posted: 29 Aug 2023, 08:42
by Tizer
Stanley, the shocking thing is that the worm was in her brain!

Ken, it's good to see you posting. Your comment about the drop in haemaglobin reminds me how Mrs Tiz's mother suffered from rises in haemaglobin. Strange how these ups and downs occur. I don't know what causes it.


Posted: 29 Aug 2023, 09:31
by Cathy
:surprised: Re the worm in the woman’s brain.
They think it came from her foraging some greens.
Wash your hands and whatever you may gather.


Posted: 30 Aug 2023, 02:09
by Stanley
That sounds like good advice Cathy!


Posted: 30 Aug 2023, 04:28
by Mags
It turns out it was from python poo on the warrigal greens she picked and ate...............


Posted: 30 Aug 2023, 04:40
by Stanley
Essential Knowledge Margaret! No pythons here and I shan't be foraging for greens.... :biggrin2:


Posted: 30 Aug 2023, 08:40
by Tizer
We do get them in the UK now and then, thanks to people losing their pet snakes. :smile:
`An escaped 18ft python found its way into a Hampshire home – it’s more common than you think' LINK


Posted: 31 Aug 2023, 03:43
by Stanley
So now I can worry about that as well! Thanks a bunch Peter!
Thinking about Ken....... :good:
On a different matter.... I have a bad knee and am honest enough to recognise that whilst I can't cure it I can help it by losing weight. I have to tell you that losing weight is harder than stopping smoking after 75 years!
I took the simple approach of eating less and after ten days can report that I have lost most of my belly and about 2lbs in weight and can feel a difference already. It's also costing less, I don't need veggie or Co-op shopping this week as long as I get milk today.
I don't know whether I can stay the course, it's not easy, but I shall try.....


Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 03:47
by Stanley
Has anyone any word about how Ken is? He's on my mind......


Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 12:05
by PanBiker
Not heard anything Stanley.


Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 12:27
by Big Kev
He hasn't responded to my email...


Posted: 01 Sep 2023, 12:52
by Stanley
Very worrying..... Not like him at all.


Posted: 05 Sep 2023, 09:00
by Stanley
Still no word from Ken and Yes, I mailed him as well.
Margaret is only a week off her knee replacement operation and has been getting bloods tested this morning. She also tells me she has some AB ointment to put up her nose as she is an MRSA carrier.
Do we get that service over here? I've never heard of it before....


Posted: 05 Sep 2023, 09:33
by PanBiker
When I had my pre-op tests etc before my surgery I was provided with further information that said that I would be issued before my scheduled date with a medicated shower gel to be used before attending for surgery. As it panned out, and with my take up of a cancellation with only 16 hours notice that never happened. I had to be on site at 7 am the next day and wait to see if I had a surgery slot and acute care bed and staff for post op. Documented elsewhere on the site, I went onto the ward late afternoon. It all happened quite quickly then and I was in surgery not long after after the screening and pep talk from the anaesthetist.

I found out later that I didn't have any markers for MRSA but the shower gel or other anti bug stuff is normal procedure if you go in for surgery the normal way.


Posted: 05 Sep 2023, 19:18
by plaques
Still no word from Ken and Yes, I mailed him as well.
He hasn't responded to my email...

Thanks for all the concern. It all happened so quickly, Ms P got a telephone call from some mysterious 'Committee' There will be an ambulance in half a hour to take him to hospital, no time to arrange anything, laptop left at home.
Basically treated for heart failure, pericardium filling up with goo, Tripps will understand this.
Discharged from Blackburn Friday 1st Sept to Nelson Community hospital until late yesterday 4th Sept.

Today is the first day at home. Sat outside in the warm sunshine and dozed, still very tired, It will take me some time to read all the threads and news.

“I came through and I shall return.”


Posted: 05 Sep 2023, 19:22
by PanBiker
We have all been concerned Ken. Glad to get your update. Take care.


Posted: 05 Sep 2023, 19:30
by Tripps
Welcome back Plaques. :good: I was getting a bit concerned.

Take things easy - though from experience - you won't really need telling that.

I'm so pleased. . . . :smile: