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Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 08:09
by Stanley
The man who told me that was Bill Brennand who was horseman for Alf Watson at Southfield Farm on the road from West Marton to Thornton. He had spent his life with horses and knew what he was talking about so you could trust what he told you. He lived in the stable yard in a wooden hut and was with Alf's horses all the time.


Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 08:16
by Cathy
We had a blistering 41C today, so glad I didn't have to go anywhere. 36C tomorrow, I will be out and back in quick smart fashion. :cool4:


Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 08:18
by Stanley
Nothing blistering about our weather Cathy! Coldest night of the year last night, -10C in some of the Scottish Glens. Tonight could be colder.


Posted: 03 Jan 2019, 09:07
by Wendyf
No frost here this morning, there is light cloud cover.


Posted: 04 Jan 2019, 04:39
by Stanley
Yesterday was a classic case of the disadvantage of being on the cusp of two very different weather systems. We got the East coast forecast but the West coast weather. The result was we never saw the full sun, overcast all day. At 20:00 it was overcast, dry, calm and cold. First thing this morning it was the same and I've just popped me head out, no change. The glass is down a touch on 1038mb, still high. The forecast is for a re-run of yesterday, overcast and dry all day with perhaps the occasional break in the cloud. The wind is constant, light and westerly giving a high of 3C and a low of 2C, enough wind chill to keep us below freezing all day. The outlook is slightly warmer for the next four days.
The weather for our walk down to the butcher's was dry, overcast and almost calm but very cold. This is not a problem, think of what January weather could be like!
I don't know whether you have noticed but the days are lengthening, it is light earlier in the morning and on a clear day it is daylight until after 4PM. This is the best thing about this time of the year so note it and enjoy the prospect of better days to come. This good weather we are having is helping winter along nicely....


Posted: 05 Jan 2019, 05:12
by Stanley
We had the west coast weather again yesterday, overcast all day. It was still the same at 20:00. First thing this morning nothing had changed. I've just looked out and checked again, no change.... dry, overcast, calm and cold. The glass is down a touch at 1034mb. The forecast is for another overcast, dry and cold day. The constant west wind is slightly stronger raising the high slightly to 6C and the low to 4C but the wind chill will never allow us to feel warmer than 2C so it's still a matter of wrapping up warm. No real change in prospect apart from the chance of rain on Monday.
05:55. A perfect winter walk! Dry, calm, very quiet and cool, no frost. Add to that the fact I have no pain, am breathing and walking well and enjoying the clear fresh air. This is good winter weather and the longer it stays with us the better!


Posted: 06 Jan 2019, 04:25
by Stanley
Another overcast day yesterday but very good for January. At 20:00 it was calm, overcast, cold and dry. Same this morning first thing but an hour later we had very light rain, I've just looked out again and it is the same but not enough to wet the flags. The glass continues to fall but slightly faster, it's on a shade over 1030mb. The forecast is for yet another dry overcast day. The constant light WSW wind gives us a high of 8C and a low of 7C with only 1C wind chill once the day has got going. Again, this is very kind weather for January and I am not complaining! We could have some rain tomorrow but another mild day.
06:00. Another good winter walk. It was dry (The light rain stopped just as we went out), calm and mil,d for the time of year. Still 100% overcast but on the whole a perfect January morning walk!


Posted: 07 Jan 2019, 04:52
by Stanley
The feature of yesterday's weather was that there was moisture in the air for most of the day but it never developed into proper rain. At 20:00 it was overcast, calm and mild but dry. First thing this morning it was the same but the flags were damp, I've just looked outside and it is still the same. The glass is down again at a shade over 1026mb. The forecast is for another overcast day with rain from 07:00 to 14:00 but drying after that. The wind is westerly and moderate with gusts up to 45mph but mild giving a high of 9C and a low of 4C but with a wind chill of 4C all day so it will feel cold if you are in the wind.
06:00. Another perfect winter walk! It's breezy, overcast but mild and dry. The Shipping Forecast tells the story, there are gales up hurricane force in Northern waters this morning, the breeze we are getting is the fringe of the Atlantic low pressure which is generating this wild weather. No complaints on our 'winter' weather.


Posted: 08 Jan 2019, 05:05
by Stanley
Yesterday was damp and cold, the main feature was the wind that was strong enough to blow wheelie bins over. At 20:00 it was overcast and dry and very cold in the wind. First thing this morning it was overcast, cold and dry, the wind had dropped, it's still like that now. The glass is steady on 1022mb. The forecast is for a dry, clear and sunny day. The constant moderate WNW wind will give a high of 5C and a low of 0C with a significant wind chill of 4C. A better day but wrap up well! (On recent forecast experience this may be affected by us being on the cusp between West and East coast weather, it could be less sunny than forecast)
06:20. A bracing walk! Cold, dry a light breeze and a clearing sky, I saw some stars and aircraft lights. The promise of sun may turn out to be accurate!


Posted: 09 Jan 2019, 05:19
by Stanley
We got the sun yesterday, very welcome. At 20:00 it was almost clear, dry, a light breeze and cold. Same this morning first thing and no change as yet. The glass is up a bit at almost 1027mb. The forecast is for another dry day with broken cloud and some sun. The constant light WNW wind will give a high of 3C and a low of 0C. At the moment the wind chill is 4C but will be at 2C for the rest of the day. Acceptable January weather!
06:10. Another very acceptable walk. The sky is coming in clear from the NW, by the end of our walk, stars visible even in the South. A sharp frost has developed and the light NW wind is cold. However, I have seen much worse in January and this is good winter weather,
Noticeable how the days are lengthening.... a hopeful sign!


Posted: 10 Jan 2019, 05:16
by Stanley
Good winter day yesterday, cold but dry.... At 20:00 it was calm and cold, same first thing this morning and it hasn't changed. The glass is steady on 1026mb. The forecast is that apart from the chance of a shower around 07:00 we will have another dry day. The constant light westerly wind gives us a high of 6C and a low of 4C. We have a wind chill of 3C at the moment but as the wind decreases this will fall to 2C. The outlook as for similar weather for the next five days.
On a hopeful note, the first Daffodil shoots have appeared on The Green!
06:00. Another good walk, couldn't be much better for January. Overcast, dry, light breeze and cold but no frost.
The lone illuminated Xmas Tree on Pad 2 Let is still lit.......
Later, a light shower of rain at 06:50.... How do they do it?


Posted: 11 Jan 2019, 03:50
by Stanley
Short spells of fine rain yesterday but not really wet. At 20:00 it was cold, light breeze and breaking cloud. First thing this morning it was clear as a bell, brilliant stars, cold and calm, just looked out and we have a thikn overcast now. The glass is steady on a shade under 1027mb. The forecast is for a similar day to yesterday but slightly brighter, there could be light rain later tonight. The light westerly wind is constant through the day but starts to strengthen later tonight, it will give a high of 7C and a low of 6C with a wind chill that varies fro 2 to 4C depending on wind speed. No change in prospect for next five days but expect some rain tomorrow..... Next Full Moon is on the 21st..... Very often a change then.


Posted: 11 Jan 2019, 04:41
by Cathy
Nothing like that here Stanley. We have received warnings telling us that for the next week we can expect our temperature 's to range from 36C to 43C. Relief comes next Thursday with 29C. Not happy Jan! :sad:


Posted: 11 Jan 2019, 05:20
by Stanley
I think we are having an easier passage than you are Cathy! Another good walk expected this morning down to the butchers, cold but the air is lovely, a pleasure to take a deep breath. Just out of curiosity I have taken the temperature of the cold water from the tap, it's 4.4C Just imagine how nice that would be for you in the hot weather!


Posted: 11 Jan 2019, 06:01
by Cathy
Well just like we send you sunshine when the going gets tough up there, how about you send us some cooler temps and rain. :smile:


Posted: 11 Jan 2019, 07:06
by Stanley
Ah Cathy....If only.......
As I forecast, a very acceptable walk down to the butcher's. Calm and dry, the cloud has broken and we have a sharp frost, ice on cars and slippy pavements where they were wet. Despite this, a good bracing walk! The air is like wine...... taking a deep breath is lovely and so good for me.


Posted: 12 Jan 2019, 04:45
by Stanley
Occasional damp spells yesterday, the rain came in later as forecast and at 20:00 it was raining and a light breeze but mild. Same first thing this morning and no change now. The glass started falling last night and is down on 1014mb this morning. The forecast is for an overcast day with light rain at any time. The constant westerly wind is stronger, gusts up to 40mph all day giving a high of 8C and a low of 7C, very mild for January. There will be a 4C wind chill all day. The outlook is for similar weather until Thursday when it starts to get much colder.
05:40. We've had a damp and windy walk. I say damp because we were lucky, apart from the occasional light spatter the rain had abated. Butts Beck tells me that there hasn't been much rain in the night. The wind is blustery, strong enough to make you stagger in your tracks, enough to perhaps cause a bit of damage if something isn't secure.....


Posted: 13 Jan 2019, 06:40
by Stanley
The story yesterday was the wind.... I suspect the gusts reached 50mph at times and they brought in showers of light rain. At 20:00 last night it was overcast, damp and very windy. First thing this morning at 03:00 we had broken cloud, the wind was light and it was dry, however later on light rain came in, not wet enough for waterproofs but enough to cloud my glasses up. We were late out for our walk and that was the story, overcast, continual light rain and a strong gusty wind, but not as violent as yesterday. I note that the swinging metal sign on the Fountains has survived but it is still swinging and hitting the wall, definitely needs some attention!
The glass has fallen to 1007mb. The forecast is for a dry overcast day but I suspect we will have a repetition of yesterday and have periods of light mizzle. The constant west to WNW wind will be almost as strong as yesterday with gusts over 40mph. The high will be 9C and the low 3C with a high wind chill of 5C all day so it will feel cold.


Posted: 13 Jan 2019, 07:42
by Wendyf
I couldn't help but think about the runners on the Montane Spine Race last night. They run the full length of the Pennine Way non stop. Last night the leaders came through Lothersdale and over Pinhaw in the wind and rain....


Posted: 13 Jan 2019, 08:25
by Stanley
Deep joy.....
Wind and rain is still the picture here and it hasn't come light yet..... January weather!


Posted: 13 Jan 2019, 09:08
by Wendyf
It looks as if we are expecting some extremely cold conditions by the end of the month with the possibility of major snowfalls. I'm preparing to be snowed in! We have a full oil tank and a pile of logs so we will be warm. It's always the animals that are a worry, so I'm trying to stock up on food and bedding for the ponies. The freezer is full of our food and we have spare gas cylinders for the camping stove in case the power goes off...... anything else??


Posted: 14 Jan 2019, 04:27
by Stanley
Toilet rolls?
Yesterday was windy again, cold and frequent showers. Last night at 20:00 it was very windy and cold but no rain. This morning first thing it was overcast and breezy but dry, Just looked outside and it has not changed. The glass is up on 1012mb. The forecast is for a dryer brighter day with no appreciable rain until very late tonight. The constant mainly WNW wind is slightly moderated, gusts to about 30mph giving a high of 6C and a low of 5C with a 3C wind chill so wrap up warm..... Similar tomorrow but later on Tuesday the colder weather starts to take effect. Wendy could be right about later snow, some very heavy snow is moving Eastwards across the US and we often get it after them.
06:05. A good walk, dry and calm and I don't think that overcast is very thick, A suspicion of starlight or moon glow coming through. Could be the last mild walk for a while..... We shall see.


Posted: 14 Jan 2019, 06:58
by Wendyf
We always keep a good stock of toilet rolls!


Posted: 14 Jan 2019, 07:42
by Stanley
:biggrin2: :good:


Posted: 15 Jan 2019, 05:30
by Stanley
The weather cleared up nicely yesterday for Margaret's arrival. At 20:00 it was clear dry and cold. First thing this morning we had overcast and light rain, I have just looked outside, it is still overcast but the rain has ceased. The glass is steady on just below 1012mb. The forecast is for a uniformly overcast day with the chance of light rain at almost any time. The constant moderate WSW wind will give a high of 8C and a low of 7C tonight with a 4C wind chill all day. Tomorrow much colder weather will start to come in and from Thursday onwards expect colder clearer weather.
06:15. The forecast was correct. A pleasant walk in a light breeze, not cold, overcast sky but dry and the pavements are drying out. Could be a good day for walkers!