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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 08:06
by Sue
Walking this morning, sewing session with Maxine this afternoon, pilates this evening. Thats it another day gone, and oh yes THE JIGSAW!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 08:17
by Stanley
I shall be pursuing my current policy of doing nothing beyond maintaining my exercise regime, looking after myself and Jack and giving my treatment the best possible chance of succeeding!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 08:46
by Wendyf
Library day today. Col has been dismissed from his jury duty after spending just 2 long, boring days sitting around waiting and not getting chosen. Haven't seen him looking so happy in ages!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 09:10
by Stanley
Good! I would have just the same reaction!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 09:23
by Marilyn
I have a friend who has been called for jury duty 5 times. I haven't been called once.
Mind you, she has been married 4 times, so has had different surnames, and had moved all around Australia ( right round at least twice), so maybe that is it...( don't know)
She didn't enjoy the last stint at all. They must have been heavy going. She can't say of course...

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 09:34
by Wendyf
He got out of a trial that was expected to last 6 to 8 weeks because he has a cystoscopy due sometime in March. Apart from that they just mustn't have liked the look of him as he kept getting rejected. :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 09:43
by Stanley
I'm feeling ridiculously satisfied because I have just vacuumed the stairs. One of my least favourite jobs. I think this is a sign of improvement.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 09:45
by PanBiker
I was called for Burnley Crown Court last year, my first time as well, always wanted the experience, careful what you wish for I would say after the event. I went for most of the week, got selected for one case then the bloke in the dock changed his plea to guilty and they dismissed the jury. I got sent home after that but not before I ran the gauntlet of selection from the pool for Preston. They took about 10 from our pool, they were just told to rock up at Preston the following day and not Burnley, warning of punitive fine and potential charge of contempt for non compliance. Apparently it's a total random selection from the electoral register you have to be nearly dead before you can be excused on medical grounds. Hard luck I suppose if you cop for it multiple times. There was one bloke in our pool who had been on the jury for a headline trial a number of years ago, he lost nearly 18 months of his life captive in hotels in Birmingham. Fed watered and paid but that's not the point. Democracy at work, we are allowed to be judged by our peers, can come at a price sometimes and not necessarily for the defendant.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 06 Feb 2019, 17:21
by Sue
Wendyf wrote: 06 Feb 2019, 08:46 Library day today. Col has been dismissed from his jury duty after spending just 2 long, boring days sitting around waiting and not getting chosen. Haven't seen him looking so happy in ages!
My experience too, I was dismissed half way through my second week, yawn yawn. I was picked once, a short straightforward case over in two hours

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Feb 2019, 04:00
by Stanley
Never had the pleasure.......
Today will be a further day of masterful inactivity!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 07 Feb 2019, 07:23
by Sue
You don’t want it Stanley!

Art this moning and yoga this evening, but I will have to see about that as I seemed to have done something to my knee when out walking yesterday

It is actually Bobs birthdaytoday but nothing special planned, next event is Saturday

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Feb 2019, 07:50
by Sue
Its done. I noticed one piece missing after taking this photo. I found it under the chair

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 08 Feb 2019, 08:34
by Stanley
Please give Bob my best wishes and remind him that it's my birthday next Thursday......

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 09 Feb 2019, 04:46
by Stanley
I think today will mainly be avoiding the violent wind and heavy rain we are experiencing at the moment!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 09 Feb 2019, 08:29
by Sue
You may be interested in this Stanley if you can get somebody to take you over there.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Feb 2019, 04:34
by Stanley
It would be nice Sue but at the moment the side effects of the BCG, though mild and supportable, are enough to limit any unnecessary activity. A nuisance but a necessary evil!
I shall definitely be back to my usual half hour walk this morning, the weather is much kinder. Apart form that, lots of reading! I shall be clued up on Thomas Cromwell when I finish the biography and in good shape for a re-read of Mantel's two novels Wolf Hall and Bring up the Bodies. Incidentally, Diarmid loves her work and he is possibly the best qualified man to judge them.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Feb 2019, 07:21
by Marilyn
I suggest you mention your back pain before having the next treatment, Stanley. ( perhaps phone them -saves travelling there to be told you had best have a break)

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Feb 2019, 07:32
by Stanley
No Marilyn, I have had back pain all my life and it's an old friend! I know how to deal with it and not let it spoil my life. I shan't let it interfere now, it's supportable.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Feb 2019, 08:35
by Sue
Its a couple of weeks off yet Stanley, you may feel up to it. I think you would enjoy the exhibition. Even I do! I love to see all the engineering pieces in various stages of production and marvel at the hand crafted lovingly made end product. Some look so tactile.

It was Bobs second birthday gathering yesterday, this time with friends at a local restaurant. It was a quieter affair than last weeks family’do’ but good all the same. In the evening Bob, my sister and myself had a fun packed challenging 3 hour game of Monopoly. We haven’t done that for years, you forget how good it is as a board game.

Today Jane will go back to Liverpool after breakfast, Bob to his model engineering group and I will tackle the final stages of my jacket.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 10 Feb 2019, 08:37
by Stanley
You're right Sue....... Glad Bob had a good birthday.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 11 Feb 2019, 04:45
by Stanley
Taking it easy, reading Cromwell and getting my brain in gear for tomorrow, my fourth BCG treatment of six.....
I shall have to ring the surgery as well, they have called me in for Diabetic Clinic and I don't think that's a good plan in the middle of immunotherapy for my cancer! My results could be all over the place!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 12 Feb 2019, 04:37
by Stanley
Surgery were in agreement, I contact them when I have finished the BCG and have recovered a bit from the after affects.
Today is the fourth treatment, Susan has the car so everything is fine apart from the fact I shall miss my daytime sleep!
Still basking in yesterday's discovery of hard evidence confirming the dam in the Parrock. It's been bugging me for years!
Wrote an article for the BET yesterday and will do another today. I always feel better when I have a cushion!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 04:55
by Stanley
I wrote two more articles yesterday before going to Airedale, no day is wasted when a thousand words have been written!
Today I shall be looking after myself, the side effects of the treatment are cumulative and increase but are supportable with care and no pain killers. So perhaps another article, there's one in my head bursting to get out! Plenty of reading..... see 'Read any Good Books....'

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 08:10
by Sue
Hope all goes well Stanley, it seems arduous.

Today is a visit to Burnley cemetery, being the 7 th anniversary of Dads death tomorrow. We shall follow our visit with a Burnley based walk for a change. This afternoon I shall go and see Maxine to adjust the fit of the sleeves of my jacket. Once the sleeves are in I only have hand sewing left and hope to finish it later this week. I have started a summer top using an existing traditional pattern but my next big designed pattern will be a lightweight shirt based on
a photograph I saw this week.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Feb 2019, 08:14
by Stanley
Sue, it's a bit like having a dose of flu.... aches and pains and lassitude but all supportable. I'm glad I am getting such good care and attention. No complaints at all!
I like that shirt, I can see why you were drawn to it......