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Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Jun 2019, 02:01
by Stanley
Ian, I have round leather belting if you want it. Measure width of groove and length.....
Vacuum fluff out of the base! Then oil joints and bearings with 3 in 1 oil or similar. An aerosol can of brake cleaner from the garage is the best thing for a general clean.
Looking vaguely clean and presentable for a visit this evening by Californian friends I haven't seen for forty years.... There is some catching up to do! Will vacuum.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Jun 2019, 08:59
by PanBiker
Thanks Stanley but its more of an ornament as such and more use as a table. As well as the old Singers, Sally has two electric machines and an over-locker. The two machines are handy for when she sends one in for service. I think she still has my mums electric Singer as well, mum earned her living from dressmaking and "making up" etc. Our big Victorian sideboard used to be in the front room which was mums workroom. She used it for material and pattern storage, all her Sylko bobbins were in drawer units on the top, the two side drawers were full of machine attachments. It's a continuity thing.

Sue, seems like you may be sorted. Sally will check hers anyway, she thinks it has a metal sliding cover though, could be a later model than yours.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Jun 2019, 09:34
by PanBiker
Sally's machine is a 99K same as the first one shown on this Singer info site. First models in 1911 and continued in production until 1958. Same metal cover on the accessory tray.

Singer Sewing Machine Info

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Jun 2019, 09:50
by Marilyn
Aren't they all so very beautiful? Who could not love them?
I must take pics of my old Machine...extendable table and stool.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 13 Jun 2019, 15:48
by Sue
PanBiker wrote: 13 Jun 2019, 09:34 Sally's machine is a 99K same as the first one shown on this Singer info site. First models in 1911 and continued in production until 1958. Same metal cover on the accessory tray.

Singer Sewing Machine Info
Thanks Ian, useful site too. I am now awaiting delivery for a lid that I found on Etsy

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 14 Jun 2019, 03:37
by Stanley
Recovering from a long visit by my friends, overslept 2 hours.... They call in again briefly this morning. Much ground was covered......

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 14 Jun 2019, 07:22
by Sue
Marilyn wrote: 13 Jun 2019, 09:50 Aren't they all so very beautiful? Who could not love them?
I must take pics of my old Machine...extendable table and stool.
I had been looking for one for ages, but normally way out of my price range. This one is an absolute bargain even though it needs lots of work doing on it. Can’t wait to get started when we get home.

It rained all day yesterday so visited the Arts and Crafts house, Blackwell at Windermere, followed by Kendal Museum and art gallery. I love a bit of culture and history. This morning we will go to the Ruskin museum at Coniston to continue our January visit, then hopefully we will have a dry afternoon and we have a short walk planned. On the whole we have been lucky and not had the rain that Rochdale and indeed our home in France has had.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 15 Jun 2019, 03:17
by Stanley
Sod's Law says the weather will improve as you leave for home Sue!
I am still in recovery after two lovely visits. There will be pics! Trouble at the moment is that I have files for all Larry's pics but he is so advanced in his snapping that I can't open the files! I shall consult with Pluggy.....
So a quiet day with a bit of fish and veggie shopping.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 15 Jun 2019, 07:20
by Sue
We managed a 5plus mile walk round Coniston, past the old Hall and the lower edge of the Old Man. The sun came out for some of it. Today looks the same, a damp start followed by a drier afternoon. I was hoping for better. Julia and family are off to a family wedding ( Ed’s sister) in the Trough of Bowland. Fingers crossed it holds off. Briony will be wearing the dress and hat I recently created.

Talking of B she has had another brainwave! Last weekend she bought a dress in a car boot sale because she liked the fabric and the design. It cost 50 p. The dress is a ladies size 24 tunic!
” Perhaps grandma can get it to fit “ was the comment. Such a love and such confidence. Grandma has had ideas on how to do it! The dress arrives by post next week. I wonder what the next request will be.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 15 Jun 2019, 09:03
by Marilyn
It must be nice to feel so needed, Sue. ( the requests are only going to get harder Gran) :biggrin2:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 16 Jun 2019, 02:13
by Stanley
A deposit for her own house.... with a Granny flat so she has you on tap!
Not a lot, might render a few pics. I have cracked how to open my mate's files....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 16 Jun 2019, 07:10
by Sue
We did another long walk yesterday morning, walking to the Rydal Caverns from Ambleside and back. The rain stopped, the sun came out and the temperature hit 17 degrees the warmest day of the week. By the time we had eaten a late lunch it was nearly 3.00 pm. Our only plans were to do a little food shopping, so we decided to pack up, shop and come home rather than leave after breakfast today. Oh how nice to sleep in my own bed. We both had our best nights sleep for a week

It was a good week and although it was very cold, no warmer than 10 degrees most days we didn’t get as much rain as home. It was good walking weather as it was so cool.

Today I shall be washing and ironing and Bob will be visiting a very sick friend in Christies hospital.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 16 Jun 2019, 10:17
by Marilyn
We did a 3 hour walk instead of a bike ride this morning. My blood sugar was 6.0 when we got back ( yes...I had breakfast before we left)
Toward the end of the walk I had wished I had put my folding walking stick in my bag....but I made it without it. I really enjoyed the walk. It was a relief to find ourselves near home. Will sleep well tonight.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 02:05
by Stanley
I told you the weather would take up just as you were leaving Sue! I know what you both mean when you talk about a good sleep. I love my own bed! (PS. Stanley, it's time to wash bedding!)
That will be today's project plus veggie cooking.... And come to think, washing the net curtain from the front room and cleaning the inside of the window would be a good idea....... I shall be brave, I hate duvet covers!
(And as soon as the weather takes up the loose cover on the sofa needs a wash......)

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 06:31
by Sue
I too hate duvet covers!

Today is the monthly U3A lunch but I have a hair appointment first. This evening is art.

I spent all yesterday afternoon trying to get the fit of the sleeves right on the ladies shirt I am making. I had to completely redesign the top of the sleeves and it still took 3 attempts. The fabric is a swine, it pulls easily and stretches the more you handle it. Then just as I finished I burnt a hole in the back with my iron. I have no idea how it happened. So thinking positive it was cheap material off the market, and in making the garment I came across numerous issues, not all resolved. So I plodded on to finished the side seams so I could try it on. It fits nicely so when I see Maxine in a couple of weeks we can discuss the problems and I will make it again in some nicer material...less heat sensitive :laugh5:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 06:37
by Stanley
Hard luck Sue, these things happen in any shed!
I have washed the duvet covers and am near the end of veggie cooking. This house husband thing doesn't half take up your time!

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 07:15
by Stanley
Later.... I have been brave and hung the duvets up outside on the washing line. Could be a mistake.... They can only get wet!
I have finished cooking sausages and veggies. Now I must face putting the clean duvet covers on which are ready upstairs. But at the moment I am knackered and I think a bit of a sit down is in order. I shall have them on before we go on our second walk. :extrawink:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 18:15
by Wendyf
Over 10 years ago I bought a linen dress and jacket in a pale green to wear at my nephew's wedding. Pale green isn't my colour and though I have worn it for another wedding since then it just sits in the wardrobe year in year out. I bought some blue fabric dye at the weekend and have spent a large part of today going through various machine washing processes. I should have known, because it's happened before in the distant past when I have attempted to dye clothing, the fabric may be linen but the thread used to sew all the seams is man made and hasn't taken the colour. :nooo:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 18:21
by Big Kev
Is there too much 'stitching' to pick out and re sew with a suitable colour?

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 19:02
by Wendyf
Big Kev wrote: 17 Jun 2019, 18:21 Is there too much 'stitching' to pick out and re sew with a suitable colour?
Yes, it would mean taking it all to pieces and starting again, much too much effort! All the seams are double stitched so there are 2 lines of stitching to each seam.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 17 Jun 2019, 21:37
by Sue
Wear with was made like that, its all in the design :extrawink:

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 02:02
by Stanley
Better than a hole scorched in the back Wendy...... (Don't forget I have a book for you.....)
I had the duvets on before the walk and brought the washed ones in off the line just before I went back to bed as the first drops of rain were falling. I hung them on the bannister at the top of the stairs and they have almost finished drying. Clean sheets are such a luxury! I slept like a log then and last night.....
I am considering the lace curtains in the front room.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 04:32
by Marilyn
Clean bedding and ironed pillow cases :good: always a favourite with me too.

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 05:36
by Stanley
I agree Maz but no pillow cases for me and definitely no ironing!
I am moving towards a wash of my lace curtains in the front room and a spring clean of the window frame and glass.....

Re: Today I shall be Mainly...

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 06:36
by Sue
Marilyn wrote: 18 Jun 2019, 04:32 Clean bedding and ironed pillow cases :good: always a favourite with me too.
Me too, but such a pain to dry in wet weather. In France I can hang them over the bannister. We are in a bungalow here and have a tumble dryer but they all tie in knots! I have a clothes airer but they are too big to hang on it, i have rails in my airing cupboard but still too big. Sheets are so much easier than duvet covers to dry.

The dreaded dress has arrived for alterations for Briony. Oh dear, head scratching moment. This afternoon is the hospice shop and this evening a double pilates yoga class. I have opted for this in the new payment regime!

I am trying to get a telephone consultation with my GP following a cholesterol test after I came off the statin I was on. I have had a letter to contact them. I can only say ‘ I am trying, I am trying! ‘