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Posted: 24 Mar 2021, 09:50
by PanBiker
"Standing on the shoulders of giants" is on the edge of every issue of the technology £2 coin in the UK.


Posted: 24 Mar 2021, 10:12
by Marilyn
( in no way are we on the same wavelength then, Panbiker :good: )


Posted: 24 Mar 2021, 10:25
by PanBiker
A mere statement of fact in the usage of the quote Maz. I am with you on not trampling on anyone for your own aims. However, used in the correct context as on the edge of the coin it celebrates those scientists and engineers that have gone before. You may not completely agree with some of the methods used in earlier times but unfortunately we can't change that but we can strive not to repeat earlier failings.


Posted: 24 Mar 2021, 11:30
by Tizer
Stanley wrote: 24 Mar 2021, 05:09 Interesting that in almost every case the violence component has been triggered by the establishment trying to stop peaceful protest. When that happens, the protesters react and that's when things go wrong.
In the past, yes, but no longer so. Peaceful street protest is almost impossible now due to the `fighters' out there who seek out every proposed protest and use it as a vehicle to cause disorder and damage. They have no interest in the aims of the original protesters and only want to take advantage of the chance for violence and to force the police to have to take strong action.


Posted: 24 Mar 2021, 11:50
by PanBiker
"Rent a Mob" is alive and well. makes you wonder who is funding some of them or at least driving the agenda?


Posted: 24 Mar 2021, 13:29
by Tripps
The Speaker has just said that he thinks no MP would support 'kill the bill'

The problem is the 'bill' might refer to the bill currently going through Parliament, but also the slang expression 'The old bill' for the police. There are people in the Bristol crowd who would support both versions.


Posted: 24 Mar 2021, 16:49
by Tizer
Just seen this - it looks like Liverpool's fallen further into the mire...
`Liverpool City Council: Commissioners to oversee authority' LINK


Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 04:31
by Stanley
Poor old Liverpool......


Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 10:05
by Tizer
I like the black & white pic of the marching women - all sensibly dressed, of course! :smile:
`Coronavirus: Is it time for a new Beveridge report?' LINK


Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 16:19
by Tripps
Don't miss the Pendle Council meeting tonight at 7.00 pm.


Posted: 26 Mar 2021, 04:57
by Stanley
Do we need another Beveridge Report? No, times have changed. What we do need is for the recommendations of the first report to be put into effect, "Beveridge described slaying the "five giants on the road to reconstruction": Want, disease, idleness, ignorance and squalor.". We haven't done that yet. We have enough modern reports and policy papers. Talk of having enquiries is largely beleaguered politicians kicking cans down the road. The Dilnot report is a classic example. A plan for social care that has been totally ignored and look at the state it's in now.
What we need is action to alleviate the effects of the five giants.
Nye Bevan is a god like figure to me these days, not because he was perfect, he was a long way from that and I disagree with many of the things he said but he came from poverty in the Valleys, was a fluent and coherent speaker, had passion and having grabbed the idea of socialism as a route yo equality and justice went for it regardless of personal popularity. That's how he drove through the NHS, by being ruthless, stuffing the opponents mouths with money and achieving his goal. Let's start by safeguarding that and then move on to the other giants.
At the moment there is no sign of this happening.
I listened to Johnson speaking on the subject of Covid passports yesterday and he was incoherent. I don't think there was a single complete sentence. It's a sign of the confusion in his mind. Think back to the statement by Supreme Court Judge Brenda Hale giving the judgement on proroguing Parliament. Crystal clear logic and delivery, then contrast Johnson. He is a disgrace.


Posted: 26 Mar 2021, 09:57
by Tizer
The Brexit chickens are coming home to roost...
`UK small business and consumers run into trainload of Brexit issues: Duties, VAT and handling fees make sending even modest items between EU and Britain much more difficult' FT
`...Nearly three months after the UK left the EU’s single market, people are finding little to give them hope that difficulties in securing parcels from shops or friends across the border are easing. Many parcels are locked in customs sitting for weeks in vast warehouses near the British border waiting for checks and delivery. Some — as with Quesada’s parcel — never arrive. Others face unexpected customs duties, VAT and handling fees, leading to widespread complaints of doorstep shocks and demands from parcel handlers....Many other parcels emerge after delays of several weeks as overworked shipping companies seek to pass the goods through the new Brexit border checks. While an inconvenience for many consumers, smaller firms are finding the new red tape a serious threat to their future..'.

`Brexit: UK lost 'significant' access to EU policing data under deal, report warns' BBC
`Britain has lost "significant" access to EU policing data under the Brexit deal negotiated at the end of last year, a House of Lords report has said. It also concluded that post-Brexit law enforcement arrangements are "complex" and "untested". And peers warned it would take much longer for vital data to be passed to front-line police officers..'.


Posted: 26 Mar 2021, 11:59
by Tripps
I watched quite a bit of the Pendle Council online meeting last night. All quite civilised in contrast to the Handforth bunfight - quite disappointing. :smile:

The opening tributes to Lord Greaves were fulsome, seemed sincere, and were quite emotional for some.

The Zoom format wasn't good - or perhaps it was my handling of the software? Not all the participants could be seen at once, and most of them seemed to have turned off their video. The chairman did a good job I'd say.

I'm not across local issues, but a lot of it was tedious, and I'd say they achieved little.

Is there perhaps too much local government? Town, District, and County Councils.


Posted: 26 Mar 2021, 12:38
by plaques
Made a valiant attempt to watch as much as I could before falling into a deep coma. As Tripps says the tributes to Tony Greaves where very genuine from all parties. He will be much missed.
What to do with the land at Gib Hill seemed to be a long winded debate with more than its fare share of councilors dropping into philosopher mode. This saga is in for a long run.
My interest lay in item 8. which unfortunately I missed. most catch up tonight.


Posted: 26 Mar 2021, 16:49
by Tizer
Is this known as `doing a Farage'? :smile:
`Former SNP leader Alex Salmond launches new political party' LINK


Posted: 27 Mar 2021, 03:59
by Stanley
I agree about the problems of Brexit that are showing up more clearly now and are a sign of botched 'negotiations' done too fast in the letter stages. It becomes obvious that they are more than 'teething troubles'. This is particularly true of access to criminal data from the reports I have heard.
Alex Salmond..... not sure about Farage but having stepped back from leadership he should keep quiet and let the young blood get on with it. I think the problem is he did it too soon. He is causing great trouble now just when it isn't needed.


Posted: 27 Mar 2021, 12:49
by Tripps
Another sufferer from the modern curse - a devastating lack of self esteem. :laugh5:


Posted: 28 Mar 2021, 03:17
by Stanley
I think you're right David. He needs power from politics to validate his existence. A one trick pony.
Not a well rounded, balanced individual like us....... :biggrin2:


Posted: 28 Mar 2021, 11:25
by Tizer
I'm surprised the BBC News web site has nothing about Cameron and Greensill yet the Sunday Times front page is full of it!


Posted: 28 Mar 2021, 13:06
by Tripps
Politics or pedants' corner. Take your pick, but this is how Andrew Marr pronounced it today. :smile:


Posted: 29 Mar 2021, 03:20
by Stanley
Peter, I've heard quite a lot about it on R4 and of course in PE!
David, I don't think it really matters how you pronounce it unless you are trying to burnish your Scottish credentials!


Posted: 29 Mar 2021, 09:01
by Tizer
Stanley wrote: 29 Mar 2021, 03:20 Peter, I've heard quite a lot about it on R4 and of course in PE!
So have I but it seemed strange that the BBC web site carried nothing on it.


Posted: 30 Mar 2021, 03:47
by Stanley
"So have I but it seemed strange that the BBC web site carried nothing on it."
Peter, I too am often surprised how BBC news seems to miss some subjects completely until they become common knowledge. Perhaps the reason behind this is the stringent cuts the BBC has made of late in things like news, investigation and World Service. It used to be a giant news gathering organisation rivalling others like Reuters but things change. Perhaps it's my fault in having a free TV licence.....


Posted: 30 Mar 2021, 07:51
by Stanley
I think they might have been listening to us Peter. I'm listening to some very pointed questioning on R4 Today of the Greensill collapse.


Posted: 30 Mar 2021, 07:55
by plaques
David Cameron's relationship with the investment firm Greensill looks a bit on the murky side. Cameron has been cleared by the Lobbying watchdog so that's all right then. Link..

The Sunday Times claimed Lex Greensill was given "privileged access" to Whitehall departments under the ex-PM.

Neither Mr Greensill nor Mr Cameron has commented on the matter.

Questioned why nobody was made aware of Greensill's involvement in CLBILS loan scheme (a government scheme). The answer appears to be 'its a private matter' so you don't need to know.

So a firm that goes bust and who did business for the government lobbied by our ex-prime minister. is a private matter. Strange!!!!