Brand Pendle

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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Thomo »

Maybe whoever thought this one up believe that the two "Eds" will wave their magic wands and we will all live happily thereafter. In regard to the pic of the 3 shops, try and look beyond what may be a red rag to some in the centre.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Stanley »

I have, it's an empty shop, one of many in the town. Ask yourself why.....
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by David Whipp »

I note that one of the Tory attacks on Ken Hartley for campaigning against Brand Pendle and its dreadful signs is that the town council has included money in its budget for promoting Barnoldswick.

They rather miss the point that an aspect of Brand Pendle being objected to is its suppression of the identities of individual townships in the Pendle area. The townships all have proud histories, can be found on the map and are considered proper postal addresses. Why can't they accept and celebrate that Pendle is a polycentric borough? Perhaps Tardis can elaborate?
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Stanley »

So much so that even the Post Office had to face reality and give Barlick its own post code. I've always said that Barlick seceded from the union when the boundary changes tried to convince us we were in Lancashire.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by David Whipp »


This is one of the Pendle boundary signs on the A59. Not a lot wrong with it to my mind.

(I have to say I may have some bias, as it was my suggestion to use the skyline motif for the shape at the top of the sign.)
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Thomo »

Clear, concise and all that is needed, also easy to read at speed.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by David Whipp »


Earby's phantom signwriter has made good use of the white space on the sign at Wysick.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by plaques »

Well done David, I see you're intervention has resulted it being kicked down the road into the long grass. Lets hope it becomes an "aspiration" the equivalent to the "American Dream". ie: it will never happen.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Tripps »

You're all very resistant to change aren't you?

Was there any mention in the scheme for the advertisers to bear some/all of the cost of the signs? When I visited last year I commented to Stanley how wonderful the surrounding area was, having driven in from Barrowford. I said I was surprised it was not promoted more as a tourist destination. "Let's keep it to ourselves" was his response. :smile:

That said - I suppose being resistant to change, is what makes the town so interesting.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Thomo »

Its not so much a resistance to change, its the way it is sometimes done. Many of us who were born and brought up here rather prefer to be asked first when outside influences are involved. Barnoldswick has a fairly unique character compared with most of the rest of Pendle, it still retains the elements of what many would consider to be a typical small Northern Town. Here there are people from many diverse places, and it has long been so, but it is not overwhelmed or changed a great deal by their presence, they also would prefer that it stays that way. Visitors have and always will be most welcome, Barnoldswick is not so much picturesque or filled with "must see" attractions as are some places, but it functions quite well as it is. Sometimes it is easy to get the impression that any changes promoted by outsiders are not done with this Towns best interests at the forefront, good sound ideas are always welcome and will always be considered, but if we don't like these ideas, we still have the right to say so. That is how we are.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Stanley »

No mystery why Barlick is different, over 4,000 years of human activity and isolation from the main road system has had its effect. Must bump the article |I did on it....
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by David Whipp »


I think this is the only 'Lancashire' sign on the 1974 administrative boundary which has survived for any length of time. It's on the A59 near West Marton.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by David Whipp »

I'm told that a meeting yesterday to consider the two call in notices about the Brand Pendle initiative was very lively, with folk losing their tempers...

The issue now goes back for reconsideration to the Executive, which meets on Tuesday next.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Stanley »

They should recognise that Pendle is a modern construct. Brand Barlick has been about for well over 1000 years.....
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by David Whipp »

Ann Kerrigan, my colleague who attended the meeting to discuss if the Brand Pendle issue should go back to the executive, reports as follows:

Richard Smith likes the concept and will be talking to his group about it - he just didn't like the design. Also Cllr Starkie said that he thought Cllr Richard Smith was a reasonable person who he could talk to and would be interested in talking to the labour group about some land (I thought he said Lomeshaye but might be wrong) that they want to develop. He thinks that our group is pretty rubbish and was pretty abusive about Tony which I took great exception to. He said that I am a Neanderthal, well that is what he called me...

Just so that you know I told him he was deluded and breathtakingly arrogant. I think I also told him that he was unpleasant and objectionable. Anyway it was a nightmare meeting and I was so upset by it that I couldn't sleep afterwards. I think he is a very horrible man (Starkie) and just writing about this meeting makes me upset again.

As I thought, the call in was approved and Brand Pendle will now be discussed again by the Executive. Doesn't seem much of a change of heart from the Tories by the above account.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Stanley »

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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by David Whipp »

No turning back over Brand Pendle at last night's meeting of Pendle Council's executive.

Councillor James Starkie said, “It’s been extensively talked about in the media. As far as I’m concerned, we’ve done everything right. I’m staggered that the Liberals don’t want anything to do with it.”

Councillor Richard Smith (Lab) said, “I agree with this idea, but it needs all party support. I buy into the idea.”

Councillor Paul White said, “Luckily, the Labour group get it. Let’s get on with the Labour group and push it through.”
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by David Whipp »

We (my group on the council) have put down the following motion for debate at next week's full council meeting:

Pendle Council considers that:

(1) the proposals for "Brand Pendle" are inadequately thought through and
insufficiently well designed: in particular the proposed new logo is
insubstantial and meaningless, and the proposed new boundary signs too
cluttered and badly designed;

(2) the proposals for commercial sponsoring of boundary signs require
further consideration;

(3) the costs to the Council of the Brand Pendle proposals as a whole are
poorly understood; and

(4) the question needs further discussion to achieve consensus within the

The Council therefore

(5) calls upon the Executive to cease all further development of the "Brand
Pendle" scheme until after the Council elections in May; and

(6) resolves to set up a proportional all-party working group to consider the
best ways to promote Pendle and its constituent towns, to start work after
the Annual Meeting.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Whyperion »

I am never a great fan of (unneccesary) re-branding, in commerce the most successful brands to me seem to have been broadly unchanged for many years (Coke, Heinz, Kelloggs). We know Pendle is an artifical construct, as is to some extent Nelson. Barnoldswick seems to be successful because no one knows where it is. Aside from renaming the rail stations Pendle Central, West and East if the idea is to attract inward commercial investment (competing against Burnley, Blackburn and Darwen particulary ), there may be some underlying sense in more advertising the opportunities of the area, after all there is another Colne in Essex and Nelson in South Wales which could get confused with our localities. As ever in times of supposed economic restraint its the frivolities that seem to proliferate.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by plaques »

Monday 17th Feb newspaper. "Pendle council faces £1.37m budget cuts". If my domestic budget was in this sort of position I wouldn't be thinking of spending money changing signs. Or should I say deckchairs?
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by David Whipp »

plaques wrote:Monday 17th Feb newspaper. "Pendle council faces £1.37m budget cuts". If my domestic budget was in this sort of position I wouldn't be thinking of spending money changing signs. Or should I say deckchairs?
These points were made at the executive last week...

Hopefully, people will come to their senses when this is debated on Thursday.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Whyperion »

Its not only signs, letterheads, website logos , staff uniforms , etc.
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Stanley »

They must have some funny people on their focus groups......
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by Thomo »

And some of us have not forgotten how Nelson etc. kicked off when we were trying to organise the re-dedication, spoilt kids came to mind!
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Re: Brand Pendle

Post by David Whipp »

A majority of councillors saw sense last night and binned the Brand Pendle proposals put forward by Cllr Starkie and his colleagues. The resolution posted previously was passed (with a slight amendment) with the Conservatives abstaining.

Not sure what will happen to the £1,700 sign ordered for next to the M65.
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