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Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 08 Feb 2012, 22:27
by Sunray10
We have just had the 200 anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens 7th February 1812-2012. Dickens was born at Mile End, Portsea near Gosport on the south coast of England. The Dickens family settled in the city of London in 1822. Charles eventually wrote many famous novels that dealt with poverty, lawlessness, greed, misery and sadness. These novels were set in grimy Victorian streets and alleyways in the metropolis that was London in the mid 1800s; the many shady and oddly-named characters in his novels mirroring this very fact, but there were also some good characters too - a mixture of both good and evil. I, myself, have my own favourites amongst the many Dickens novels, but which one/ones would be your favourite(s) and which of the characters in these books still bring a smile to your face when their name(s) are mentioned - for instance Mr Bumble in Oliver Twist. Please do comment on anything that you remember about his books, and your favourites, off course ? :smile:

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 05:32
by Stanley
Pickwick Papers.

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 08:23
by Nolic
I love Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, A Christmas Carol, and David Copperfield. I think my favourite is one which is not in the usual Dickens genre - A Tale of Two Cities, my detailed knowledge of which got me through O level English Lit. Nolic

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 10:31
by Big Kev
Great Expectations, a very good read. I also enjoyed the 1946 film, with John Mills.

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 10:39
by Wendyf
David Copperfield, but that's probably because I did it for O' Level. A Tale of Two Cities is a favourite as well.

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 13:32
by Moh
Christmas Carol.

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 15:10
by Tardis

pot boilers, the lot of them

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 16:41
by catgate
During the hippy era I over heard one hippy say to the other "Do you like Dickens?"
The other replied,"Don't know...never been to one."

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 17:29
by Sunray10
Thank you, I agree with all of you about those Dicken's novels. I quite like Nicholas Nickleby and Dootherboys school. That horrid school master chap whose name escapes me at the moment ? There was a lad called Smike in that I think ?

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 17:40
by busybees
Oliver Twist wins this one for me.

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 18:58
by Sunray10
I think most people like Oliver Twist. Everyone can remember the characters in that novel / films - like Fagin, Bill Sykes, Artful Dodger, Mr Bumble, Nancy and Mr Brownlow. Here is a photo of Harry Secombe as Mr Bumble in the film Oliver Twist.

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 19:31
by Wendyf
Wackford Squeers. Wonderful name. Dotheboys Hall was said to be based on The Morritt Arms at Greta Bridge. We had a family weekend there to celebrate my parent's golden wedding anniversary back in 1995.

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 20:03
by Sunray10
Wackford Squeers that's his name - thanks Wendy. So the school was probably based on a real place, a public house !! :laugh5:

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 20:30
by Julie in Norfolk
Dombey and son for me. There was a brilliant adaptation on the BBC and I was asked about Christmas presents shortly afterward. A beautiful copy: leather bound and tissue thin paper was carefully wrapped by the aged parents and received by the arrogant young offspring. So I not only loved the story but also loved the book also. I have enjoyed all that I read, but I also enjoyed the feel and smell of this particular book. There I go again, telling my fetishes to all..... :blush:

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 23:33
by Sunray10
That's okay Julie we don't mind about hearing about your fetishes. It makes for interesting reading ! :surprised:

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 06:04
by Stanley
Wendy, you've reminded me of something. I was a regular on the road through Cowan Bridge as I trammed up to Scotland and used to read a few words of the stone plaque on the wall of the pub as I passed. My eyes must have been better then!

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 07:40
by Nolic
Talk about going off topic Comrade. You've zipped from Dickens to Bronte in the flash of an eye.
The plaque you saw in Cowan Bridge commemorates Charlotte working in the school there. She based Lowood in Jane Eyre on the school. Nolic ... bridge.asp

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 18:13
by Sunray10
Yes Nolic you are correct. Cowan Bridge is associated with The Bronte sisters and the school they went to there. I believe Tunstall is also connected with the Brontes, too. Never mind, Charlotte Bronte can get in on the act here. :laugh5:

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 18:25
by Wendyf
Talking of Charlotte Bronte & Jane Eyre I have to mention Stone Gappe in Lothersdale where Charlotte worked briefly as a governess and used as Gateshead Hall in Jane Eyre.

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 23:47
by Sunray10
The Old Curiousity Shop is another good one. I remember David Kossoff playing the father of Little Nell back in the 1960s ? There have been a few re-makes since then.

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 04:57
by Stanley
Ah, David Kossoff. One of the great old character actors.

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 21:03
by Sunray10
Bleak House is another good Dickens novel and what about Hard Times. Oh and A Tale of Two Cities. I could go on. :grin:

Re: Favourate Dicken's Novel - Do you have one ?

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 18:08
by Sunray10
Martin Chuzzlewit just springs to mind as does Mr Fuzzywig or Fezzywig - can't remember which Dickens novel he was in - anyone know ? :grin: