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Summer 2014

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 23:01
by PanBiker
It's the Summer Solstice so the longest day today. Welcome to the Summer :sunny:

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 00:24
by Pluggy
Do you stay up until midnight just to change it over on the dot ?

I don't pay you enough..... :grin:

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 04:31
by Stanley
Winter is coming as the days shorten....
No dog walk report as Jack is on holiday at Susan's until dinnertime. Nippy outside and a clear sky. Glass back again to 29.8" Forecast is same as yesterday, but might come out a bit sooner. High of 18C and a gentle W wind.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 05:17
by David Whipp
Had a glance outside early doors; too much mist for a solstice pic.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 08:40
by PanBiker
Pluggy wrote:Do you stay up until midnight just to change it over on the dot ?

I don't pay you enough..... :grin:
Not really, more the logistics of having both grandchildren staying overnight, one had abandoned her own bed and was"starfishing" on my side of ours! Fell asleep in the chair and eventually made it to bed just as the dawn chorus was starting. :sleeping2:

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 22 Jun 2014, 04:28
by Stanley
That made two of us, but for different reasons. Lovely sleep last night....
Clear, calm and chilly morning with some high cloud. Glass is rising slightly, just over 29.8". Forecast is for a bright morning with a bit of overcast coming in at midday. Expected high of 19C, gentle westerly breeze all day. Looking good!
07:00. We've had a nice quiet walk on a very pleasant morning. One thing I have noticed is that despite my vision being so impaired in my right eye, I am getting some of my binocular vision back, I can judge distances better.


The wild meadow planting in the top section of Valley Gardens has come on like a house on fire in the last ten days. I'm all in favour of it.... Plenty of seeds for the birds.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 02:54
by Marilyn
Cold, wet and extremely windy. Woken several times in the night by heavy rain and wind. It was lovely being all snuggled up listening to the wind howling and the rain bucketing down.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 03:52
by Stanley
I like doing that as well Maz, particularly if there's thunder and a light show!
In Barlick it's a cool, calm, clear morning with just a few very high clouds. Glass is tending to move upwards and is on 29.9". Forecast is for a bright overcast day, expected high of 20C and a light breeze which is in the East at the moment but during the day works its way round through north to end up in the west tonight. Another good day with no extremes. Still good for gardens.... Possibly the best start and early summer I can remember.
07:00. Had a pleasant walk on a lovely morning. Sun is coming through and everything looks to be flourishing!

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 10:57
by Cathy
Oh my furry knickers, it is freezing here!! Very wintry last night and today. 150 SES call-outs. Adelaide is very windy and awash with heavy rain. 14C. More wild weather coming tonight. I reckon there will be snow in them there hills!! And it's all heading to Victoria, look out Liz!

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 12:23
by David Whipp
Awash with heavy rain, blowing a gale and 14C - sounds like a typical Barlick summer to me!

We are, however, basking in blissful temperate sunshine at the moment.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 12:24
by Pluggy
If 14C is freezing, I'd say we should have more of it here, its about overnight temperature here now. I suppose if you're acclimatised to 40+ in summer, it will feel cold.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 22:35
by LizG
Got the awful weather here now Cathy; it's freezing,wet and windy.

I can deal with the cold and the rain but I hate the wind. When we built this house we wound the driveway through 4 enormous gum trees - each about 200 years old. Over the last 3 years they have all blown over in this type of weather - all of them missed the house and the shed thank goodness but caused a lot of damage. They make an incredible sound when they hit the ground. Luckily we have a 4WD and were still able to get to the gate from the house.

Roll on summer!!!

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 24 Jun 2014, 04:22
by Stanley
Pluggy is right, lovely temperate summer here at the moment. Not too hot or humid so cool in the stone houses and comfortable sleeping at night. Glass is down slightly almost to 29.8", misty and cool this morning. Forecast is almost the same as yesterday but slightly cooler and an outside chance of a light shower. Expected high of 18C. I'm glad we haven't had the high temperatures reported almost everywhere else, lots to be said for living nearer to God than Gloria.....
Lovely early walk. Just right, cool, not humid and almost dead calm. Foliage looks magnificent everywhere you look....

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 25 Jun 2014, 06:37
by Stanley
Just back from another pleasant walk on a perfect morning. Calm, clear, warm and just a few very high clouds. Full sun. Glass steady on 29.8". Forecast is for4 a dry, overcast day with a gentle East wind and a high of 16C. Not flaming June but lovely temperate weather, perfect Barlick summer weather, no extremes and good for Mother Nature!

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 26 Jun 2014, 04:40
by Stanley
Overcast with light rain at 04:00 this morning. It's stopped raining now. Glass is down to 29.7" not a violent move but part of a trend downwards over the last three days. The forecast reflects this, an overcast showery day is expected with a light east wind and a high of 16C. We needed a bit of rain....

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 05:25
by Stanley
Light rain at 04:00, heavier at 05:30. Just off for our walk....
o7:50. Been to the butcher's and a dry walk. Glass is down to below 29.6", described this morning on the weather forecast as a 'flabby low'! Forecast is for an overcast showery day with slightly stronger east wind and an expected high of 13C. Still not bad weather....

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 04:51
by Stanley
Topcoat cooler yesterday and an overcast day with light showers. Glass is back slightly this morning, just above 29.5". Forecast is very similar to yesterday but slightly warmer and less chance of a shower. East wind is slightly less as well. Expected high of 15C.
We've had our walk (07:00) and it's a very quiet, pleasant morning. Only one thing marred the walk. Can anyone explain to me why it is such a spiffing wheeze to throw handfuls of mud at the refurbished Stream and Steam sign in Valley Gardens? I really do wonder at the mentality this betrays....

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 06:15
by Stanley
We've just got back from our early walk. Broken cloud, calm, cool and the occasional spot of rain. Still a pleasant walk and the greenery is looking great! Glass is trying to rise from 29.5" so that's a good sign. Forecast is for bright overcast until mid day when there is an increased chance of a shower. The wind is light, in the NW at the moment but during the day works it's way round to East again via north so expected high of 16C. Good weather, we seem to have escaped the violent thunderstorms that affected many further South yesterday.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 30 Jun 2014, 05:58
by Stanley
Back home after a good walk on a pleasant morning. Cool, calm, broken cloud with shafts of sunlight striking through. Glass is up slightly at 29.6". Forecast is for a bright day with some full sun. Light wind from the East and an expected high of 17C. The ground is getting very dry, only a trickle of water coming down off the moor. Nothing to worry about at the moment and I suppose we will get a spell, of rain, after all, it is the old Barlick Holidays! (It may be waiting for Susan and I going on our trip!)

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 30 Jun 2014, 06:49
by David Whipp
Shouldn't the Barnoldswick Wakes begin on the first Saturday in July? (Not to be pedantic...!)

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 30 Jun 2014, 07:07
by Stanley

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 30 Jun 2014, 09:59
by Pluggy
And here's me thinking Stanley had a downer on smilies......


Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 01 Jul 2014, 04:28
by Stanley
I have Pluggy but occasionally they are a good substitute for thanking for a post....
Cool, calm and clear at 04:00. Still clear as I write and we have full sun. Glass is up again and heading towards 29.8". Forecast is fore a bright day with a steady gentle easterly breeze and an expected high of 18C. Chance of a shower late afternoon but a fine evening.
07:15. Lovely walk on a beautiful summer's morning. We met my mates Jack and Rosie, two lovely dogs, and enjoyed the foliage down the beck.



Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 02 Jul 2014, 05:37
by Stanley
We've had our walk, shirtsleeves! It is slightly more misty than yesterday but the sun is breaking through. The glass is up again, just over 29.8". Forecast is for a bright day with more cloud than yesterday but no rain forecast. Wind is gentle and from the East but during the day will swing round via the South and strengthen until it is in the SW this evening. Expected high of 19C but signs that we are heading for an Atlantic low bringing wind and rain before weekend.

Re: Summer 2014

Posted: 03 Jul 2014, 04:57
by Stanley
Yesterday was a good temperate summer's day again. Today is forecast to be the hottest of the year in regions further South but again, it looks as though we will escape the high temperatures. The glass is dropping back towards 29.6". Forecast for Barlick is for a mainly overcast day with a chance of a shower any time until this evening. Moderate West wind and an expected high of 16C. It's dry outside at the moment and I think an early walk is indicated!
06:27. Back from our walk. Good call, mizzle drifting in on the wind and dark clouds building up, could be some rain soon.