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Barlick is blooming

Posted: 17 Jul 2015, 06:47
by Stanley

As usual it took summer a long time to reach us. We live in the foothills of the Pennines and on a northerly latitude so it's expected but those biting North West winds spoiled the latter end of June didn't they! The farmers always used to count the end of the second week in June as Grass Day, the time when they could be fairly certain we'd seen the last frost, the grass was growing and it was safe to leave cattle out overnight. I don't know whether you've ever seen beasts and their young let out into the fresh air after a long winter shut up in the byre but they don't half enjoy it. Doctor Green soon gets them healthy and shiny again.... Same with us I reckon, I metaphorically kick my heels up when I can cast the Crombie off for the summer and really enjoy the light mornings.
The gardens are looking good and the drifts of flowers put down by David Whipp and his team on the Green last year have come good again though not much sign of the Poppies he was assured were in the mix. Several people have commented to me about the new flower bed in front of Forester's Buildings, I agree with them, it's a nice addition to the townscape and makes a good statement to strangers coming in from the North and East. I like the design as well, that row of timber piles reminds me of the profile of the Weets behind the town. Well done whoever was responsible.
I went into the Town Square today to get some salted peanuts from Elaine and I have to say that turning into Albert Road off Fernlea Avenue and seeing the Town Square crowded with the market and a good number of shoppers was a delight. What a good thing the market is turning out to be, The effort that has been put into populating the Town Square and making it a hub of activities is paying off. I doubt if many towns our size have such an asset and I remind you that this didn't just happen, a lot of people, mostly volunteers, are working long and hard. I don't know whether you noticed but it was recently reported that house prices in Barlick are rising faster than in similar towns in our area. Now I wonder what could be causing that.....? Worth thinking about.
I think you might have guessed that I am feeling pretty optimistic about the weather and Barlick at the moment. At times like these it's a pretty good place to live and when we feel as though we are about to be buried in bad news about terrorism, economic disasters and austerity, at least we can take heart that it's still a delight to walk round the middle of the town and meet our friends. Just as it should be. Thank you to all the volunteers and workers who make it like this.


The new flower bed, quite lovely!

Re: Barlick is blooming

Posted: 24 Jan 2022, 05:06
by Stanley
Bumped and image restored. Just as pertinent today as it was seven years ago.

Re: Barlick is blooming

Posted: 27 Jun 2023, 04:05
by Stanley
Bumped just as we come into summer again!