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Autumn 2016

Posted: 21 Sep 2016, 23:22
by PanBiker
Slightly early by a few hours but not as early as the meteorologists would have it. It's the Autumn Equinox when today we have equal daylight and darkness, the days will shorten in the coming weeks as we head towards Winter. For now, enjoy the Autumn and all it has to bring, post here your observations.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 22 Sep 2016, 03:32
by Stanley
We're seeing the autumn mists and shorter days already. be ready for Mother Nature's other little trick at this time of the year, the Equinoctial Gales!
Good day yesterday with light mizzle at teatime. This morning the thin scattered cloud is high and the half moon peeps through. The glass is back to 1008.5mb. The forecast is for rain until after 08:00 (not here yet!) and then a dry sunny day with a moderate SW breeze all day. Cooler, the high will be 14C.
06:50. Back in after a calm but wet walk. The forecast was spot on. Otherwise a good late September morning, it could be much worse.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 23 Sep 2016, 04:18
by Stanley
Very acceptable day yesterday and at 21:00 last night it was 60% clear with scattered high cloud and stars peeping through. The glass is up a bit at 1014.5mb. The forecast is for a dry, bright day with sunny spells. The constant SW wind starts very light but increases a bit during the day. The expected high is 16C. Quiet and very acceptable weather. I was struck yesterday by what a good day it was to be on a roof fixing an aerial!
07:00. Back after our walk to the butcher's under a clear sky on a cooler morning. It looks like a good day to drive down from Newcastle on Tyne!

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 03:17
by Stanley
Another nice day yesterday, clear sky at 21:00 and same this morning. The glass is down at just below 1009mb. The forecast is good. A bright, dry overcast day with sunny spells. There will be a constant fresh south wind and the high will be 18C. Nice!
06:35. Pleasant walk, What a good habitat Valley Gardens and Butts are for wildlife, so sheltered from most winds apart from Northerlies. This and better will do! very dark at 06:00 even tough we have an almost clear sky..... Bugger winter!

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 05:12
by Cathy
We have 17C Stanley , but its a bit nippy with overcast skies and rain, same tomorrow.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 05:46
by Stanley
18C here Cathy but we are warned that an Atlantic low will come in later today so we can expect some wind and rain.....

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 25 Sep 2016, 04:00
by Stanley
Good day yesterday but at 20:30 last night the first drops of rain were falling. This morning we have constant gentle rain, this must be the low coming in, I think it has rained all night. The glass confirms this, it was falling last night and this morning is down at 999mb. The forecast is for the rain to persist until about 06:00 and then be followed by a mixed day with some light showers but mainly bright with sunny spells. The wind is a constant moderate SW and the day on the whole will be cooler at 14C. The outlook is for more rain tomorrow.
The forecast was dead right, we went out at 06:15 when it was raining gently but it stopped and we had an almost dry walk.What caught my eye as it slowly got light was a mass of white Convolvulus on the bank of Butts Beck in Valley gardens. I didn't know it flowered so late..... getting ligh and cloud breking up as we got back at 06:45.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 04:51
by Stanley
Mixed day yesterday with sporadic showers, more wind and much cooler. Cold and clear this morning first thing, dry and a bit more cloud now I think... The glass started to rise last night and is up to 1012mb this morning. The forecast is for a different looking day. The cloud will build and by 10:00 we shall have rain which is forecast to persist all day. Overnight temperature is 9C with a constant moderate S wind which will be steady all day, rising a little. The forecast high is 12C, much lower. It's actually going to be chilly in that wind feeling more like 7C to 10C. Expect the leaves to start turning to autumn shades.....
A good early walk under clearing sky. Much cooler, an extra skin on! We may need the Gas Fairy soon.....
10:30. Just started spotting with rain..... Nothing serious yet.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 04:31
by Stanley
Later yesterday was damp with frequent light showers. At 21:00 it was warmer, dry with a moderate breeze and broken could. This morning was the same. The glass is almost unchanged at 1010.5mb. The forecast is for a dry start but then a showery morning from 08:00 until early afternoon when it will brighten up and we will have sunny spells. The wind starts as a fresh southerly but after dinner backs to the West. It will be slightly warmer than yesterday with a high of 16C.
07:00. Back after a walk in a moderate breeze bring in light rain. Not cold but chilly enough to make me glad I had a fleecy waistcoat on under my Goretex waterproof. My rain gauge in Butts tells me that despite the prolonged showers yesterday, no great weight of rain fell. Not exactly pleasant but I have seen much worse in late September.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 05:52
by Wendyf
We need some sunny spells to get hot water, I had to boil a kettle to do the washing up last night.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 04:58
by Stanley
I do that all the time Wendy, it's cheap and effective!
Good day on the whole yesterday. Noticeably mild west wind at 21:00 last night with well separated clouds. Same first thing this morning but I have just popped my head out and can't see any stars so I think the cloud is more contiguous. The glass is up at touch at 1014mb. The forecast is for a generally overcast day with a slight chance of an occasional light shower. The mild fresh wind will be SW all day and the high is better at 18C, the forecast overnight is 12C but the outlook gives this as getting cooler. Could be a lot worse!
Pleasant uneventful walk......

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 05:59
by Cathy
Ha! "Could be a lot worse". It is for us.
We have our wildest thunderstorm weather for decades.
Lots of flooding rains, huge hailstones and destructive winds possibly reaching 140kph.
Lots of public places have been closed (piers, national parks, functions cancelled etc).
Same tomorrow and 13C. Brrr...
Poor little old Adelaide :( :(

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 06:43
by Marilyn
Aye...and the power is can't cook dinner. Sitting here with candles, listening to our wind up camping radio. Might have to break out the cheese and crackers for dinner...and can't make a cuppa, so may have to open some wine!
The power is out over an extensive area and could be out for hours.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 07:02
by Wendyf
I hope the storms die down soon Maz & Cathy.
We got enough sun yesterday afternoon to heat the water enough for a tepid shower!

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 07:07
by Marilyn
Cazza...if you are out there...our wind up radio has announced that power is out to the ENTIRE STATE of South Australia.
I think that is a first.
Imagine the whole of Britain without power?!
I feel we must open the wine now in a solemn ceremony....
( hubby winding up the radio)

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 07:16
by Wendyf
Tin hats on Maz? Amazing that you can still connect to the Apple sell a wind up phone?

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 08:24
by Marilyn
D has risked life and limb to crawl out on to our deck during a thunderstorm to heat two chicken filled/ foil wrapped Turkish Rolls ( which I made earlier to have with Veg Soup), on the gas barbeque.
He is now accusing me of wrapping them too well in foil...whilst I stand at the door with a candle.
:laugh5: and it is his own fault his slippers are filling with rain, because I did tell him to change his footwear.
Fun and games...
They reckon our power will be back on in 9 hours. It went off nearly 3 hours ago.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 09:12
by Tizer
Marilyn wrote:Cazza...if you are out there...our wind up radio has announced that power is out to the ENTIRE STATE of South Australia.
And the other big news from your part of the world is that the same man has been bitten for the second time on his penis by a venomous spider! :surprised:

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 10:10
by Marilyn
I read that Tizzy.
( and find it hard that anything hung in mid air over a loo could be bitten)

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 13:53
by Cathy
11.15pm here. Just before going to bed last night - at 7pm - I texted my daughter and said "It feels like the world has stopped."
I woke at 10.45 to find the power back on. Have just read some reports and honestly it must have been like Mad Max out there while the power was out and the storm was raging.
So glad I was home, safe and sound:)

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 15:38
by Tizer
I see that some climate change deniers have already claimed `the power outage was due to South Australia’s high use of wind power or the decision to shut down coal-fired power stations in the mid-north'. But the SA premier has rejected this and said the system worked as it was designed to when the storm hit. "“What happens is the system protects itself by tripping all the generators in the system and also by severing the interconnector with Victoria,” he told reporters. “It then triggers a protocol about how we bring it back up. There are a series of back-up generators which gradually re-power the system. Once the system is balanced then power is restored. This would happen to any system anywhere in the world if they had a similar circumstance.” LINK

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 21:34
by Marilyn
We were out longer than you Cazza. Our power came on just before 2am, so we were 10 hours without.
I worry about old people trapped in electric chairs etc, unable to stand without that help. Also others that rely on electric medical equipment. Imagine having a newborn or sick child too.
I missed the street lights which provide enough light to get to the loo in the night...
More to come today they say.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 29 Sep 2016, 02:53
by Stanley
That thought occurred to me as well Maz, also what about food in freezers and fridges? Glad you are over the worst of it..... As for spiders in the dunny and Funnel Webs, lots to be said for living in Barlick!
At 21:00 last night we had a mild, moderate west wind and high scattered cloud.Same this morning, dry but perhaps a bit more cloud. There has been light rain during the night. The glass is back at 1003mb. The forecast is for a mainly dry day, overcast with sunny spells and perhaps an occasional light shower this morning. The wind is brisk and from WSW. It will be cooler than yesterday, high of 13C (Same as Cathy!) and in single figures tonight.
06:50. A bracing walk in a stiff breeze which whilst not cold in itself is strong enough to chill a body! Glad I had my A2 jacket on with a fleecy waistcoat under it.

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 29 Sep 2016, 09:23
by Cathy
We've been told to batten down the hatches again, hopefully its only for a few hours this time.
Brace yourself Victoria... And Good Luck :)

Re: Autumn 2016

Posted: 29 Sep 2016, 22:41
by LizG
Amazingly we've missed all the bad weather you had Cathy. It all slipped south of us. We've had about 6mm of rain overnight and it was a bit breezy but that's all. Thank goodness, it sounded awful.