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Posted: 10 Nov 2017, 08:05
by Stanley

When I think of our earliest ancestors and how they lived I often use the Australian Aborigines as a reference point. Their way of life has survived into the modern era, together with similar populations in other remote parts of the world. I have a soft spot for cultures that survive for tens of thousands of years in a landscape without damaging it. One aspect of their lives which particularly interests me is their diet because this is the root of our modern nutrition. They had to find edible material and eat it. They did this by leading a nomadic life and constantly foraging. Over millennia they stored up knowledge of what was available and safe and they can survive in a landscape where we would die of starvation. In addition to things like fruit, berries and seeds which we would recognise they valued roots because they knew they were nutritious, to them they satisfied their hunger longer. They also ate small animals or carrion and a particular favourite was the Witchetty Grub, the fat juicy larvae of a moth which could be found on decaying wood. In short they were omnivorous because they couldn't afford to turn their noses up at anything edible.
Leaping forward to the modern era, this aborigine behaviour is at the roots of our diet, we eat almost everything edible although some of us would turn our noses up at Witchetty Grubs and insects! We can afford to be a bit picky because the developed world is incredibly food rich. We have built up farming systems and transport abilities which make the modern supply chain from field to shop and supermarket so efficient. This caters for all our needs and whilst I have my reservations about some modern foods, on the whole I am very grateful. This appreciation is strengthened by the fact I was reared under rationing in WW2 and can remember what shortages were like.
I can't remember when I first became aware that some people wouldn't eat meat because they objected to animals being killed. I could understand this but used to wonder if they wore leather shoes, swatted flies and put mouse traps down. Some went beyond being 'vegetarian' and embraced 'Veganism' which is the rejection of all animal products. I believe that everyone should be allowed to go to hell in their own way and good luck to these people, I don't have to join them. However I do object to being criticised because I eat what is, historically, a 'normal diet'.
Of late, with the revelation that cattle are major producers of the gas methane, I am told that I am promoting global warming and incidentally contributing to starvation in the world because feeding animals and eating them is inefficient. Evidently I should be eating the grass instead! I refuse to go on this guilt trip which I believe is basically misguided. I've run out of space, next week I'll tell you why.


Anyone for Witchetty Grub butties?


Posted: 18 Jun 2022, 04:03
by Stanley
The subject of food sources is getting more and more a matter of debate. We may be looking much more closely at this matter shortly!


Posted: 25 Dec 2023, 04:54
by Stanley
Worth reading and thinking about on this day of consumption!