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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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Good to see this thread is almost dormant.

Something very odd happened to me early in the Covid outbreak, and in trying to remind myself of it I've been looking through this thread - right from the beginning. I haven't found it - yet - but reading the whole thing is very interesting. It will form a good homespun version of the history of the epidemic from the point of view of an ordinary punter eventually.

Good to see the contributions of those who don't post now especially chinatyke and Maz. I loved china's joke on being told that only ten could attend a funeral - "does it say anywhere where my wife will get the other nine from?"

The quest was triggered by Dr Campbell's post today. I'll say more if it's successful, and I can 'stand it up' as journalists say.. :smile:
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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Gone but not forgotten David. I still have two family members who are badly affected by the after effects.
I seem to have been remarkably lucky......(So far so good!)
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Post by plaques »

Bloody Hell I've just commented in medical matters. Sorry Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa.

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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Whatever you've done I forgive you Ken.... :biggrin2:
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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I've just watched the whole Dr John Campbell's podcast posted today. It is a long one (52 Mins) and features Dr Rosamund Jones a retired consultant paediatician. Some very disturbing information concerning the relationship between the public, the Government and the pharmaceutical industry. Well worth the time spent I'd say. For her troubles she has been reported to the CDU - Counter Disinformation Unit. I was unaware of this organisation (as were most people I'd guess ) until Dr Campbell publicised it recently. It is indeed as Orwellian as it sounds. Dr Jones says "no one has ever said what it is that we have published is wrong".

Personally I think the key to it all is the colossal amount of money the vested interest drug companies have made from the "vaccine".

PS I love her use of the word "scrimshank". :smile:

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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I had a furtle and found this because it came to mind while reading David's piece. And no, I have not spent 52 minutes on Dr Campbell's podcast.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” It’s a quote routinely attributed to Edmund Burke. But it turns out falsely so. Apparently, he never uttered these words. At best, the essence of the quote can be traced back to the utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill, who delivered an 1867 inaugural address at the University of St. Andrews and stated: “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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Stanley wrote: 07 Jun 2023, 02:08 And no, I have not spent 52 minutes on Dr Campbell's podcast.
Dr Campbell did an earlier shorter YouTube highlighting the Counter Disinformation Unit. This is a government unit that appears to be acting like George Orwell's Ministry of Truth. Although purporting to counter false information on platforms like Twitter etc. Some anonymous department has decided what is allowed into the pubic domain. It would look like any studies or reports that contradicts the government narrative particularly on health matters and Covid-19 vaccinations is closed down with mandatory instructions given to doctors and health professionals that contradict standard practice. The Counter Disinformation Unit is a UK construct but fits in with what is going on in other developed countries where big Pharma is calling the shots.
Dr Campbell's videos are highlighting a new trend which in compulsory mandates that would have only been possible in countries like Russia, China and North Korea. This development is very disturbing and wants bringing into the open as quickly as possible.

plus Tripps Campbell video.
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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Well done for posting that pre cursor link. The two go together, and I think both should have wider publicity.

I would urge all members to make the time to watch them. That Dr Rosamund Jones has the "Ring of truth" :smile:
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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I watched a video yesterday of an Australian Parliamentary committee questioning two unfortunate executives of Pfizer. Their committee system is very similar to ours - the table layout etc, and the Aussie propensity for plain talking is a good contribution to the affair.
I though I had marked it but can't find it now. I'll come back, if and when I do. It's worth watching. :smile:

They admitted that there was no pre- launch research into whether it prevented transmission, and that a batch - different to that used on the public was sent for use on Pfizer staff.

No wonder that conspiracy theories abound. :smile:

Here it is Aussie Pfizer The next questions should have been why? and what was the difference? Make of it what you will.
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Post by Stanley »

The thing that strikes me David is that I don't remember feeling deprived when we hadn't got the ability to access all this information.
What comes to mind is...
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise. :biggrin2:
(mind you.... " President Thomas Jefferson embellished that quotation with one of his own when he said, "If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?" )
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Post by plaques »

The thing that strikes me David is that I don't remember feeling deprived when we hadn't got the ability to access all this information.

Being deprived of the truth and being fed misinformation may possibly be killing millions of people. When industry and governments mislead people to manipulate situations for financial gain of the 1% then democracy goes out of the window. Big Pharma are gradually manipulating governments and regulators to push up their profits. When our own Chancellor Jeremy Hunt thinks that a country wide recession is good for the people you know that the inmates have taken charge of the asylum. Meanwhile the BofE continue to raise interest rates, the GDP flatlines and the PM goes on holiday.
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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Dr John Campbell seems to have caught up with us :smile: This is the video I watched and is worth a look. .

Aussie committee questions for Pfizer

Whatever one's view -the evasiveness, and constant repeating of a prepared 'mantra' whatever the question - much beloved by Tory politicians - must be cause for concern.
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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Mentioned in the Press today - I don't know how significant this is - several in my family have been infected recently so perhaps it's important. No doubt we will learn more in the coming days?

A new Covid variant[/b] has emerged in the UK as cases have once again started to rise.

The Eris variant, technically called EG.5.1, now makes up one in seven new COVID cases, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). Descended from the Omicron variant, the UKHSA has been monitoring Eris’ prevalence due to increasing cases internationally. It was classified as a variant in the UK on 31 July. According to World Health Organisation data, the EG.5 strain was first documented in mid-February this year.

The surge in Covid cases comes as estimated numbers jumped by almost 200,000 last month, from 606,656 predicted cases on 4 July to 785,980 on 27 July, according to The Zoe Health Study.

Eris is now the second most prevalent variant in the UK, after Arcturus which makes up almost half of all infection cases at 39.4 per cent, according to UKHSA. Officials say they are "closely" monitoring the situation as COVID case rates continue to rise.

I noted the Arcturus variant on April 13th this year but it seems to have attracted no media attention - despite forming a large percentage of current cases. I believe a continual development of new variants is a feature of this sort of infection.

First mention in the media yesterday - Arcturus. Omicron Sub variant XBB.1.16
A new variant of Covid wreaking havoc in India is already in the UK, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). The 'Arcturus' strain has caused infections in the south Asian country to soar 13-fold in the past month and has forced some states into reintroducing rules on mask wearing in public.
Also known as Omicron sub-variant XBB.1.16, the new variant is thought to be the most transmissible yet, being 1.2 times more infections than the Kraken strain (XBB1.5), according to research by the University of Tokyo. However, it is not thought to cause more severe disease.
The UKHSA has confirmed that it is present in the UK, but there are under 100 cases. The new variant has been detected in at least 22 countries, the Mirror reports.

Make of it all what you will . . . .
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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There seems to be an even newer variant in the wild. Known as the BA.2.86 or Pirola variant.
I haven't heard Dr John Campbell mention it yet, but Simon Webb of the History Debunked Youtube feed gives a link to the USA Centre for Disease Control (CDC) who say

Current Risk Assessment
Based on what CDC knows now, existing tests used to detect and medications used to treat COVID-19 appear to be effective with this variant. BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines. Scientists are evaluating the effectiveness of the forthcoming, updated COVID-19 vaccine. CDC’s current assessment is that this updated vaccine will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization. At this point, there is no evidence that this variant is causing more severe illness. That assessment may change as additional scientific data are developed. CDC will share more as we know more.

I have long wondered why a 'vaccine' which does not protect you from as disease, or prevent transmission, is classified as such. One that actually increases the chance of infection is quite a new concept. Quite how they have reached this conclusion from only nine samples / sequences I don't know.

"Transmission: With only nine sequences detected, it is too soon to know how transmissible this variant is"

Here is the link Centre for Disease Control

It's all very complicated for a 'bear of little brain' but I've made a personal decision not to worry about it at all. :smile:
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Post by Stanley »

That sound like a sensible attitude David. It's certainly the one I take in all these matters beyond my pay grade. Apart from everything else, it saves so much time! (As Hawk Eye said when Winchester complained that people took an instant dislike to him.)
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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The plot thickens regarding the Pirola variant of the Covid virus.

Just a few says after I first heard any mention of the name - we find (yesterday) that the whole UK winter 'vaccination' programme is being brought forward and will start in mid September. I recall there have been nine cases on a world wide basis.

I thought that very odd - and Dr John Campbell has had the same reaction. As is often the case he is worth listening to.
He is not allowed to dispute the 'received wisdom'. or he will be barred from Youtube, but he does a good job of getting his concerns across despite that restriction. (He seems to pronounce the name wrongly? and actually said "damp squid" for which he is marked down ) :smile:

Pirola variant
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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I listened to the news yesterday that in England the vaccination programme has been brought forward but it was pointed out that the Scottish programme starts this week (or next, I'm not certain which). That nice Scottish doctor who was so helpful during the height of the pandemic was on Today and was very helpful. He said that it was too early to make judgements about Pirola but bringing the programme forward seems reasonable.
I listened and heard nothing to alter my attitude to all vaccinations which is trust the advice and if there's one available, take it. That has served me well for almost ninety years..... :biggrin2:
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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The Pirola variant made the news yesterday - but the figures given were clearly literally incredible.

The "Eris" variant first mentioned in August seems to have disappeared. I have seen no mention of it since then.

From the Telegraph
New Covid variant Pirola ‘spreading’ in the community
First case in UK was detected last month and an outbreak in a care home in Norfolk has been reported. There have, so far, been no deaths. By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor 8 September 2023 • 11:55am
The new Covid-19 variant BA.2.86, or “Pirola”, is spreading in the community and has already caused an outbreak in a care home, the UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) has warned.
The omicron sub-variant was first detected in Denmark on July 24, and the first case was detected in the UK on August 13.
Since then, there have been 34 cases detected in England, including 28 cases in a care home in Norfolk, leading to five people being admitted to hospital. There have, so far, been no deaths.
Four cases were found in London as well as one in the North West and one elsewhere in England. Aside from the care home outbreak, none of the infected were linked and none had a recent travel history, suggesting the variant is now spreading in the community.
The UKHSA said there was no evidence that Pirola was more dangerous or would take over from the current variants circulating in Britain, but urged those who are eligible for a booster vaccine to take up the offer.

Autumn vaccines brought forward
The Department of Health and Social Care announced last week that the autumn vaccine programme will be brought forward to Sept 11 as a precautionary measure following the emergence of BA.2.86.
However, data published this week from lab studies suggest that BA.2.86 may be less contagious and less able to evade the immune system than previously feared.

In contrast and quite anecdotally, on LBC this morning Andrew Castle - (the former tennis player) just back from holiday, said he personally knew about ten people who currently were sick with Covid. He spoke about tests and what should you do if you are infected - answer - no idea. He interviewed Hugh Pennington (an emeritus professor of bacteriology) who said the best thing was to get the booster jab. He also said it would not prevent you getting infected, but it would mitigate the consequences when you did.

A caller to the station endorsed what Castle had said, and that the virus was everywhere, and commonplace now in the London area.

Take from all that what you will. :smile:
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Post by Stanley »

If and when I am offered a jab in Barlick I shall take up the offer. Until then I shall continue to avoid anywhere where humans are in close proximity to each other indoors. :biggrin2:
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

Post by plaques »

This new variant isn't exactly rampant. 28 cases in one car home (Note the vaccine doesn't stop transmission) plus four cases in London and one in the North West. Not exactly a cause for panic. I will take my chances since I'm in virtual quarantine at home.

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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Nice one Ken! :biggrin2:
I forgot to mention, I had mail from a friend yesterday saying that she had been told I had Covid. Don't know how that rumour started! I told her not to worry, I was OK.
I read the reports Ken and I agree with you, not really a cause for panic yet!
Wasn't it strange there being all those cases in one care home....
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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Spoke to my big lad on the phone last night - Both he and his wife have had Covid again. Third or fourth time - I've lost count. He was quite ill for 24 hours and had to take three days off work which would be quite unusual. Did not do a test "What's the point?"
Puts it down to children recently going back to school / nursery.
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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One of my grandchildren had it a couple of weeks ago, he was originally diagnosed with tonsillitis but a test confirmed covid. No one else in the house got it, or didn't show any symptoms.

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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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"To advise booster vaccines, as is the current case, is no more and no less than medical incompetence; to continue to do so with the above information is medical negligence which can carry a custodial sentence. No ifs or buts any longer. All mRNA vaccines must be halted and banned now."

It comes from
"Angus Dalgleish - an expert in immunology and currently Professor of Oncology at St George's Hospital Medical School, London."

Looks like the Nobel people don't agree with Professor Dalgleish. :smile:

mRNA vaccine
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Re: Coronavirus (Covid19) Corner

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Tripps wrote: 30 Sep 2023, 14:36 Should I pay any attention at all to this advice, or dismiss it?
I'm already booked, had two AZ, a Pfizer and a Moderna. Keep 'em coming :good:

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