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Park Hill - Outside Toilets

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 10:52
Hi, apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong place, but I'm trying to find out if the houses up on Park Hill ever had outside toilets in the Sheds/outhouses?

I'm hoping they did, as I would like to take up the concrete floor and reinstate it at my property.

I'm hoping someone might be able to advise, as I don't want to be breaking the floor up for nothing.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Park Hill - Outside Toilets

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 11:17
by Stanley
When was the house built? Are there any outbuildings? A bit more information needed.

Re: Park Hill - Outside Toilets

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 12:59
Hi, yes, I did mention the outbuildings in my question. I'm really not sure when they were built, they are ex council houses, so I'm presuming 1940's after the war? But don't quote me on that...

Re: Park Hill - Outside Toilets

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 13:42
by Stanley
That was what I thought and so the answer is that it is safe to assume that no outside toilets existed in the original design.

Re: Park Hill - Outside Toilets

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 14:11
Not what I was hoping to hear, but thank you for taking the time to help.

Re: Park Hill - Outside Toilets

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 14:56
by PanBiker
Having had the pleasure (or not in Winter) of an outside toilet as a lad. I would ask the question, why would you want to reinstate such an institution? I doubt if it would add any value to the property.

Re: Park Hill - Outside Toilets

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 15:45
Ha ha yes I do remember them myself.

I was one of the many who built a bar in the back garden. Now I love the bar, but it can seem a trek going to the toilet in the main house. The idea was to hopefully reinstate one in the small shed, but put in some heating to make it more comfortable in those colder evenings, but never mind.