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Thornton Lords
Lords of the Manor of Thornton

It is not generally known that the history of this formerly extensive parish dates back to the Domesday period, when a valuation-survey of England was made in 1035 by command of William the Conqueror.
The record in the famous Domesday Book is in the following terms :—
In Torentune h b Alcolm III car ad gld;
In Eurebi h b Alcolm III car. ad gld.
In alia Eurebi Alcome II car. 7 vi b.v.
In Torentune VI cal ad gld.
In Chelbroc II car. 7 dim.
A carucate (abreviated "car") was, at that time, as much land as one team could plough in the year.
In Whittaker's "History of Craven" it is noted that the parish of Thornton "consists of the townships of Thornton, Eureby and Kelbrook, which are so many manors, though they have never been separated from earliest times, but have passed together and in succession through the families of Percy, Kyme, Munsey, Roos, Pilkington, Manners, Lister and Kay.”
In the 44th year of the reign of Henry III., another record was made for taxation purposes :
"Of the lands of Roger de Poicton, one manor in Torentune Alcolm had 3 carucates to be taxed.
"One manor in Eurebi Alcolm had 3 carucates to be taxed. One Manor in another Eurebi Alcolm had 2 carucates and 6 oxgangs to be taxed.
"Of the lands of William de Perci in Craven, two manors. In Torentune 6 carucates to be taxed. In Chelbroc 21/2 car, to be taxed."
In those records, Peter de Percy and William Kyme stand alternately towards each other as lord and vassal.
Another inquiry, called Kirkby's Inquest, was made in the 24th year of Edward I. (1296), when there were in Thornton, Eureby and Kelbroke twelve plough lands, whereof the Church was endowed with half a plough land.
Edward I. is regarded as the first truly English King, and his policy was thoroughly English. He instituted many reforms, and acted on the principle that what touches all should be approved by all. But his reign was accompanied by wars in Wales and Scotland, which occasioned heavy taxation.
In the 28th year of Edward's reign (about 1300) Phillip de Kyme alienated the manor of Walter de Munsey for £600 sterling, and in the following year Munsey obtained a "free warren" (for the breeding and preservation of game and fishing rights) together with a fair and market at Thornton, namely, a market every Thursday, and a fair for five days, namely, on the eve, day and morrow of St. Thomas the Martyr, and two days following.
The Manor of Thornton-in-Craven in the 9th year of Ed.II. was held by John de Roos. Through the several descents of this family it can be regularly traced until the first year of Edward IV., when that king granted to John Pilkington, Esq., a third part of the manor, the other two-thirds being held in dower by Margaret, wife of John, late Lord Roos.
By November 1st, 16 Ed.IV., John Pilkington, Knight, granted to the Abbey of Fowntance the advowson and patronage of the church at Thornton.
In the reign of Henry VII. the monks were ejected and the manor and advow-sons returned to their former owners.
In 1556 the manor was alienated to William Lister, and it has descended from them to their heirs and successors.
In Whittaker's "History of Craven" it is noted "that there was no consider-able family before the Listers resided here."
The founder of the family was Christopher Lister, living at Thornton, in the 13th year of Henry VIII. (1521), and was buried at Gisburn.
William Lister, his son, is supposed to have purchased the manor of Thornton from John Manners.
Matthew Lister, a grandson of Chris. Lister, attained to the highest rank in the country as a physician. He went to Oxford, where he became a fellow of Oriel College. Travelling abroad, he became M.D. at Basil, and was incor-porated at Oxford in 1605. He was introduced to the illustrious Anne, Countess of Pembroke, and by her re-commendation he became physician in ordinary to Queen Ann of Denmark, and afterwards to King Charles I. He was awarded the honour of knighthood by the King, and later he attained to the highest medical honour in his appointment as President of the College of Physicians. He resided at Burwell, Co. Lincoln, and died in 1657, aged 92 years.
Sir. Matthew Lister, his only son, died in 1670. It is recorded that he married Mary, daughter of Richard, Lord Wen-man, Co. Oxford, and he later married Susanne, daughter of Sir Alexander Temple (and widow of Sir Geoffrey Thornhurst, Co. Kent), by whom she had a daughter, Frances, married to Richard Jennings, and mother of Sarah, afterwards the celebrated Duchess of Marlborough.
Dr. Martin Lister, the celebrated zoologist and botanist, was born about 1638. He was educated under the care of his great uncle. He was appointed a fellow of the college by royal mandate, and having taken his last degree in arts he devoted himself to the study of physic. After travelling in France, he settled at York, and practised with great success. He was induced to remove to London, where, in 1709, he was appointed physician-in-ordinary to the Queen. He published many works on medicine and natural history, but his reputation is built on the "Synopsis Conchyliorum."

Frances Lister, daughter of Sir Wm. Lister, and cousin of Sir Martin Lister, married John Lambert, of Calton, who became a famous general in the Parliamentary forces under Oliver Cromwell. The marriage took place in Thornton Church, and the entry, which was as follows, was witnessed by Oliver Cromwell: "Nupt. Johnnes Lambert et Frances Lister, Sept.10,1639."
The Manor House, which was behind the present Manor House, was destroyed by the King's forces from Skipton Castle, and some of the soldiers who were killed were buried in Thornton churchyard.
Anne Lister, grand-daughter of Sir William Lister, married Sir John Kaye, Bart., of Woodsome, M.P. for the county of York, He died in 1706.
The estates of the Listers were bequeathed to the Kaye's by Christopher Lister, of Thornton, who died unmarried.
Sir John Lister Kaye, the fourth baronet, was M.P. for the City of London in 1734 and Lord Mayor of London in 1737. He died in 1739. He married Ellen, daughter of John Wilkinson, of Greenhead, near Huddersfield, and also Dorothy, daughter of Richard Richardson, M.D., of North Bierly, Co. York.
The baronetcy became extinct with the death of the very Rev. Richard Kaye, Dean of Lincoln, and the sixth baronet. John Lister Kaye, a nephew, inherited the Lister estates by will, and was created a baronet in 1812,
Sir John Pepys Lister Kaye, of Denby Grange, born in 1853, succeeded to the baronetcy in 1871.
John Wilknson Wasney was the last lord of the manor of Thornton-in-Craven, and he died in 1884, being 84 years of age. He resided at Fence End, where he was born in 1799. He entered the legal profession and WAS called to the Bar, eventually, practising at Huddersfield. He was often engaged in petty sessional and County Court practice, and for several years he held an official position under the bankruptcy laws, an office which was abolished by Sir Robert Peel's Government. Mr: Wasney was the recipient of a pension, which he retained to the end of his life. He was an ardent lover of the chase, and followed the hounds for over seventy years. His hunting breakfasts' were the delight of his sporting friends whenever the meet was in the neighbourhood of Thornton. He and his sister are especially remembered for their kindness to the aged and the poor.
He was keenly interested in the restoration of Thornton Church in 1884, which cost £l,000 and he was the donor of a beautiful stained-glass window at the west end of the Church.

The sacred edifice is built some distance from the village, like others in Craven, notably Gill Church, the parish church of Barnoldswick.
There is a tradition that the Church at Thornton was originally a portion of Barnoldswick, but there is no confirmation of this tradition.
The builder of Thornton Church was James Car, and it is also recorded that he was assisted by parishioners who "wrought wark,". i.e. contributed their labour. The building is a plain, sub-stantial structure, with a tower, choir, and two side aisles.
The restoration of the Church was carried out at the expiration of the Rev. Canon Morris's rectorship, which he had held for 51 years, and he was succeeded by his son, the Rev. L. B, Morris.
The complete list of "Rectares de Thornton" is as follows: —
1280 Wm. de Byreley.
1292 Rad de Shefeld.
1346 Tho. Barton; Presb.
1348 Tho. Alkbarwe; Acolythus
1349 Joh. de Wyfordby, Capt.
1350 Adam de Hoton:
1353 Tho. de Marnham ; Pr.
1368 Nic. de Stayngrew ; Pr.
1369 Wm. de Benyngholm; Pr,
1374 John de Aymundesby; Pr,
1397 Rowlandus Quack.
1397 Adam de Popleton.
1416 Hen. Matthew ; Presb.
1437 Wm. Wadyngton.
1476 Jac. Smethurst, Capt.
1493 Tho. Wyber; Presb,
1539 Nic. Hall, A.M.
1539 Jon. Robynson.
1581 Nic. Baldwyn, A.M.
1590 Hugo Watmough.
1623 Thos. Drake, A.M.
1623 Rich. Hooke,D.D.,afterwards Vicar of Halifax.
1668 Edmund Hough,A.M.,afterwards Vicar of Halifax.
1668 Thos. Hansom, A.M.
1699 Thos. Waynman.
1708 James Allenson
1730 Henry Elmsall, A.M.
1735 Henry Richardson, A.M.
1778 William Roundell, A.M.
1783 Henry Richardson (Currer)
1785 Josiah Fleming.
1812 Hon. Anchitel Gray, M.A.
1813 Robert Gee.
1832 Arthur Lister Lister Kaye.
1834 Lawrence Stuart Morris, M.A.
1885 Lawrence Burke Morris, M.A.
1906 Algernon Early Ayre.
1915 J. T. Tanfield.
1932 A.E. Ayre.
Mr. Ayre has returned to the scene of his former clerical labours, to the great joy of his parishioners, who hold him in very high esteem. Before coming to Thornton in 1906, he was the examining chaplain to the Bishop of Ripon, the Venerable Boyd Carpenter,
It is noteworthy how some of the rectors in more recent times were related to prominent Yorkshire families.
Henry Richardson, "an exemplary rector of 42 years," was the son of Richard Richardson, of Bierly, and Dorothy, daughter of . Henry Currer, Esq., of Kildwick Hall. His daughter, Mary, was the wife of William Roundell, of Gledstone Hal.
Henry Richardson, who took the name of Currer, married Margaret Clive Wil-son, the only surviving child and heiress Of Mathew Wilson, of Eshton Hall.
Kelbrook Church was built and en-dowed by Miss Currer, of Eshton Hall. It was consecrated on September 30th, 1839.
The vicars who have had charge of the "perpetual curacy" since that time are as follows:—
1841 Isaac Fiddler.
1846 Thomas Robert Jones.
1852 Ebenezer Howell, M.A.
1855 Charles Forge, B.A.
1860 Owen Owen.
1907 A. E. Chance.
1926 W.Mather.
The Earby Church was erected in 1907, under the direction of the Rev. A. E. Ayre, who was specially com-missioned by the Bishop of Ripon. In 1923 Earby was made into a separate ecclesiastical parish, and the vicar who holds the perpetual curacy is the Rev. J. B. Atkinson.
Prior to the erection of the imposing edifice in Skipton Road an iron church was in use near the Old Grammar School, and the services were under the charge of the rector of Thornton and his curate.
By the desire of Joseph Smith, banker, of the City of London, and a native of Thornton parish, a block of almshouses for five poor women were erected and endowed out of the residuary estate of his widow, Raphael Smith. The endowment is £2,000 in 3 per cent. Consuls.
Robert Windle, by will, before 1623, founded a free school in Thornton '{Earby) for the support of a master to teach Latin and instruct the youth within the parish. The Enclosure Act, relating to the parish of Thornton, was passed in the 59th year of the reign of King George III.
J. H.
Transcribed from the Craven Herald August 3rd 1934, written by J.Hartley.
From a collection of newspaper cuttings made by J.Hartley kindly loaned by Mrs.E. Wilkinson.

Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
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"Beware of certitude" (Jimmy Reid)
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Stanley Challenger Graham
Stanley's View
scg1936 at

"Beware of certitude" (Jimmy Reid)
The floggings will continue until morale improves!
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