HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

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HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by semah »


Researching decendants of the Hartley family - especially James Hartley who was born about 1858 in Barrowford. He married Ellen (Born Foulridge) and they had children Ann born 1883 and James born 1881. James was Innkeeper at the 'White Wall Inn' Burnley Road on the 1881 Census. Looking for marriage of his son James (Born 1881). I think his sister Ann married into the Simpson Famly.

Any help much appreciated.

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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by PanBiker »

Hi Semah and welcome to the site.

Have you tried using the site search at the top right of the forum pages?

Entering Hartley brings up quite a few references on here. We do have one or two members who I think are also researching or belong to that family name. We also have quite a few very active genealogists who no doubt will be along in time.
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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by semah »

Thanks PanBiker - will try the search facility

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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by Wendyf »

Sorry I cant help Semah. I had a look on Ancestry but there are too many James Hartley's in the area! Have you looked for him on the 1911 census? There is a James married to Martha living on Leaf Street, Nelson who was born in Colne in 1881.
I'll ask my fellow volunteer at Colne Library who is a bit of a Hartley expert.
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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by semah »

Thanks Wendy ...much appreciated
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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by Stanley »

Researching Hartleys round here is like Williams in Wales. There were too many of them!

Early 16th C.
[From ‘Martons Both’ by David Nelson at al. P. 11. ‘At the beginning of the 16th century the de Martons were forced to sell a sizable amount of land to the North of West Marton to Walter Gledstone whose grand daughter Ellen married an Anthony Hartley (gave a sundial to Marton church in 1714) By this marriage, the Hartleys came into possession of land which passed to Anthony’s grand daughter, another Ellen, who married Danson Roundell and the land passed to them in 1745. Danson’s son, Richard commissioned John Carr of York to build Old Gledstone Hall. [The stable block survived the demolition in the 1930s when New Gledstone was built] Richard died in 1773 but the work was finished by his brother the Rev. William Roundell who inherited the estate.

Warner, History of Barnoldswick, p. 37. Notes that Alexander Hartley was one of 67 people fined [probably for non-attendance] on September 23 at The Manorial Court for Barnoldswick.

Christopher Hartley of Barnoldswick married Margaret Knowles of Bracewell at either Bracewell or Barnoldswick in 1612.

In an indenture of 1640 which appears to be the conveyance of Barnoldswick Corn Mill together with land, mansion, various orchards and all rights pertaining from Laurence Halstead of Sonning and John Hartley of Barnoldswick Coates to George Halstead of Hage [sic]. Dated 20/11/1642/3. [Charles 18 so either the date or the regnal year is wrong]

George Hartley is mentioned as a mercer in Barlick in 1723. Pedigree goes back to the Hartleys of Admergill.

Nathaniel Hartley mentioned as being a yeoman of Barnoldswick in a will of 20/01/1773 in Doreen Crowther papers [will refers to Moor House Farm, Barnoldswick]. On 14/05/1740 he married Ann Pollard of Salterforth. DC reckons his roots were in the Hartley family of Admergill.

Roger Hartley mentioned as freeholder and elector of Barlick in a roll of 1741

1753 land tax
James Hartley paid 8s/3 ½ d tax in 1753, Land not specified. 1757 and 1760 paid 3s/4d tax for ‘Heys’. 1756, 57, 60 paid land tax of 16s/8d for ‘Bailey’s Lands’. 1770 paid 2s/6d for ‘Heys’. 1770 paid land tax of 9s/6d, no name.

John Hartley paid land tax of £1. 1756/57 £2. 1760 £1. No address.

Nathaniel Hartley paid land tax in 1753 of 3s/8d, no address. Paid 7/4 in 1756/57/60.

Peter Hartley paid land tax in 1753 of 11s/1 ¾ d. 1756, £1-2-4. 1757, £1-1-8. 1760, 19/2. 1770, 14/4 ½ d. 1770 £1-7-0.

Roger Hartley paid land tax of 12s/0d in 1753. 1756/57/60, £1-4-0. [Was this for Kayfield? No address given]

William Hartley paid land tax for Syke House, Barnoldswick [Now Foster’s Arms] in 1753 of 10s/10d. 1756/57/60 he paid £1-17-8.

1760 land tax
John Hartley paid tax of 10s/8d on ‘Late Coulthurst Lands’. He had paid tax of 5s/0 ½ d in 1753. Paid 10/- in 1756, 57, probably for same land. Paid 10s/4d in 1756, 57, 60 different parcel. 1770 made two payments of 7s/6d and 15/-. No addresses given. 1770 John Hartley paid 12/6 land tax. No address. In 1760 John Hartley paid 6/2 tax for Greenhill, Salterforth(?). [note that this could be different John Hartleys]

Henry Hartley paid Land Tax of 5s/6d in 1770. No address given.

1770 land tax
John Hartley paid tax of 18/0 for Kayfield Farm, Salterforth. [Vicky Barritt of Kayfield says she has this name as well but farm is spelt Keyfield]

1770 land tax
A Mr Hartley paid £1-10-0 tax.

James Hartley of Admergill noted as having one share in the Leeds and Liverpool Canal in a list of 1795. [I think the shares were £100 each]

John Hartley born 27/09/1818 died 23/10/1889 aged 71. Married Mary Parker of Gisburn. Farmed at Great Todber then went to Duckpond Barnoldswick in 1864. In 1871 went to Sunnybank, Whitemoor.

Baines directory for 1822 notes Armistead Hartley as machine maker of Salterforth.

Alexander Hartley noted as elector of Barnoldswick on roll for 1835. In 1837 address noted as White Lee, Barrowford but elector of Brogden. 1841 noted as elector of Barnoldswick and Brogden, address is Barnoldswick. 1848, elector of Barnoldswick.

James Hartley elector of Barlick in roll of 1835/1848, address given as Salterforth. Elector of Brogden in 1835/37/41/48, address given as Fulshaw near Colne (in 1848 first name noted as John). Elector of Barlick, 1837and 1841, address given as Salterforth. { looks like two different James?]

John Hartley mentioned as elector of Barnoldswick in 1835/37/41. Elector of Brogden 1835, address given as Admergill. Same entry in 1837/1841/48. Elector of Salterforth in 1841, address given as Baumiers, same entry for 1837/48. [these could be different Johns]

Joseph Hartley farmer at Edge Farm noted as elector of Barnoldswick in 1835/37 and 1841.

Luke Hartley mentioned as elector of Bracewell. Address Bracewell.

Mark Hartley was elector of Salterforth, address was Hey Fold, Foulridge.

Richard Hartley, farmer of Newfield Edge [almost certainly Middop. SG] elector of Barlick in 1835/37/41.

Bernard Hartley mentioned as elector of Brogden, address given as White Lee, Barrowford. Same entry in 1841, 1844 and 1848.

Giles Hartley of Townhead noted as an elector of Barnoldswick.

Mark Hartley was elector of Salterforth, address given as Hey Fold in 1837/1841. Same entry in 1848 but address was Little Marsden. Same in 1859 address was Schofield, Little Marsden.

Frederick Hartley, in an electoral roll of 1844, was described as owner of a quarter part of two freehold farms; Higher Admergill and Burnt Moor End. His address was given as Southfield, near Colne. [John and Reuben Hartley were his co-owners. Reuben’s address given as Primrose Hill, Colne.]

John Hartley described as occupier of Admergill Farm at more than £50 per year rent in an electoral roll of 1844. [same entry in 1835]

Frederick Hartley recorded as an elector of Brogden in the roll of 1848. Address given as Pendle Forest. Reuben Hartley elector of Brogden same year, address was Colne.

Robert Hartley reported as elector of Salterforth in 1848. Address was given as Clitheroe.

Samuel Hartley noted as elector of Barlick. Address was Wapping. Same entry for 1859.

1851 census.
George Hartley of Lower Admergill, 39, farmer of 129 acres, employs one labourer. Ann, wife, 35, HLW wool. John, 11. Holmes, 8. Alice 6 months.

1851 census
Betty Hartley, Townhead, 76, head of household. Grace, daughter, unmarried, 41, HLW wool. Richard, grandson, 32, PLW cotton. James Bell, lodger, 46, HLW wool.

1851 census
Abner Hartley, 32, farmer of 18 acres at Yarlside, Bracewell. [No entry in 1841 census]

1851 census
John Collett Hartley of Bancrofts. 54, HLW cotton. Mary, wife, 49, HLW wool. Joseph, son, 18 PLW cotton. Martha, daughter, 16, PLW cotton. Ellen, daughter, 13, PLW cotton. Levi, 4. Mary, 2. Thomas Smith, son in law, 23, PLW cotton. Betty, his wife, 22, PLW cotton. Alice, niece, 1 month.

1851 census
Alexander Hartley noted in Wapping as 70 years old and a shuttle maker. Mary, wife, 56. Christopher S, 29, HLW wool. Peter, 28, HLW wool. Thomas, 26, HLW cotton. William, 22, HLW cotton. John, 20, HLW cotton. James, 17, HLW cotton. Charles, 13, HLW cotton.

1851 census
Isabella Hartley, Jepp Hill, widow, head, 72. Giles, son, 33, mule spinner. James, son, married, 32, HLW wool. Margaret, daughter in law, 31, HLW wool. James Kendle [sic], grand son, 7, scholar. Hartley Kendle, G son, 10, scholar. Richard Kendle, g son, 5, scholar. Ann Hartley, g daughter, 1. James Harrison, G son, 10, apprentice tailor. Alice Booth, Lodger, 40, factory hand.

James Hartley, son of John, born 1851, died 1921, farmed Sunnybank Farm, Whitemoor after his father John.

1851 census
James Hartley, Bond(?) Moor End, Brogden, 60, farmer of 33 acres with one man. Mary, wife, 59. William, son, 25, unmarried, ag. Labourer. Jemimah, unmarried daughter, 16, HLW wool. James, son, 13.

1851 census
Leonard Hartley of Wapping, 49, HLW wool. Alice, Wife, 42, HLW wool. Elizabeth, daughter, 29, winder. Stephen, son, 18, cotton spinner. Jane, Daughter, C spinner. John, son, 10, winder. Jeremiah, 8. Leonard, 6. Richard, 2.

1851 census.
Luke Hartley. Bracewell, 54 farmer of 154 acres with 3 labourers. Elizabeth, wife, 50. John, son, 25. William, son, 17. Nancy, daughter, 15. James, son, 13. Sarah, daughter, 11.

1851 census
Margaret Hartley of Lower Admergill, 65, annuitant. Margaret, daughter, 18, HLW wool.

1851 census
Nicholas Hartley, Bancrofts, 22, butcher. Nancy, wife, 16, PLW cotton. George, son, 3 months. [SG note: very early age of marriage, wife’s age could have been lower, big age difference, under-age sex?]

1851 census
Roundell Hartley, 42, farmed Earby Lane House in Salterforth, 10 acres. [Gledstone family?]

1851 census
Samuel Hartley of Wapping, 48, grocer. Mary, wife, 48. Midgeley, son, 24, PLW cotton. Martha, daughter, 17, PLW cotton. John, son, 15, PLW cotton. Walshman, son, 13, scholar. [mother’s maiden name?] Christopher, son, 7, scholar.

1851 census
Thomas Hartley of Hill Top [Manchester Road], 30, PLW cotton. Mary, wife, 34, PLW cotton. Mary J. daughter, 6. Elizabeth E, daughter, 4. John W, son, 2. Thomas Thornber, nephew, 13, doffer.

1851 census
Thomas Hartley of Bancrofts, 26, PLW Cotton. Hannah, wife, 22, PLW cotton. William, son, 6. John, son, 1 year.

1851 census
William Hartley, Jepp Hill, 53, Cotton Worker. Mary, wife, 56. Hudson, son, [mother’s maiden name?] 25, PLW. Ann M Sugden, married, daughter, 23, PLW. Isabella, daughter, 20, PLW. Isaac, son, 14. John Sugden, son in law, 30, PLW. Amos Sugden, grandson, 2 months.

Christopher Hartley mentioned as a shopkeeper in Barlick in a directory of 1957. Mentioned as an elector of Barlick in 1848, address given as Wapping.

George Hartley mentioned as farmer of Salterforth in a directory for 1857.

George Hartley is an elector of Brogden in the roll of 1859. Address given as Admergill Farm.

1861 census
James Hartley, 42, East Parade Colne. Cotton cloth manufacturer.

1861 census
John Hartley, Clough Brewery, Barrowford, 35. Brewer employing four men.

1861 census
Thomas Hartley of Lenches, Great Marsden, 55, manufacturer of cotton and mixed goods.

1861 census
William Hartley, toll bar collector, Thornton in Craven, 79 years.

1871 census
Records Greenwood Hartley, 46, as being a clogger in King Street (Jepp Hill?) employing 2 men.

1871 census
John Hartley, 53, Sunnybank Farm, Whitemoor, Farmer of 170 acres.

1871 census
Joseph Hartley, Bawmier Farm [Baumier] 44, farmer of 44 acres.

1871 census
Thomas Hartley, Herriff Gardens, Butts, 50, oiler in cotton factory.

Burnley Advertiser 24/06/1871. Joseph Hartley mentioned as occupier of a former warehouse on the canal bank on the site of New Coates Mill now being used as a bobbin mill.

1881 census [Colne]
John Hartley, 46, born Colne, plasterer. Mary A Hartley, wife, 45, born Colne, housekeeper. Pemberton Hartley, 17, son, Plasterer’s apprentice. Rennie Hartley, 14, son, cotton weaver. Henry Hartley, 12, son, scholar. Andaliza Hartley, 10, daughter, scholar. Fred, son, scholar.

1881 census
Henry Hartley recorded as cotton weaver living on Red Lion Street, Earby.

1881 census
William Hartley, bread baker, Red Lion Street.

Barrett’s directory 1887 records J Hartley as ‘sewing machine agent’, 9 Skipton Road.

Barrett’s directory records James Hartley as being licensed victualler of Station Hotel, Barnoldswick. Hotel also noted as a post house. Same entry for 1896/1902. Supplied 22 gallons of ale to James Nutter at 10d per gallon on July 18th 1905.

Barrett’s directory records Greenwood Hartley as clogger on Jepp Hill in Barlick.

Barrett’s for 1887 and 1896 note John Hartley as confectioner of Rainhall Road and York Street.

Barrett notes John Hartley as manager of 4 East View, Barnoldswick. Same entry in 1896.

Barrett directory records Greenwood Hartley, traveller, 1 Chapel Street, Barnoldswick.

Barrett directory notes James Hartley as farming Duckpond Farm Barnoldswick. Same entry 1896.

Barrett records Luke Hartley as butcher, 4 East View, Barlick. In a directory of 1857 he was licensee of the Cross Keys and a butcher.

Barrett records Robert Hartley as butcher of Butts Street [sic], Barnoldswick. 1896 same entry but address 16 Church Street.

1887 Barrett reports Hartley and Son as painters, Commercial Street, Barnoldswick.

1890 onwards
Various references to Hartley and Pilgrim of Colne acting as solicitors for the Calf Hall Shed Company.

In 1892 Mr James Moorhouse and Mr Thomas Henry Hartley established a successful manufacturing firm, Moorhouse and Hartley. In 1902 they dissolved the partnership and went their separate ways. Traded as TH Hartley and moved from Victoria into Brook Shed in 1908 with 408 looms weaving sateens. He was assisted by his son, Bracewell Hartley Jnr and his son in law Mr Herbert Jenkinson. Mr Hartley was a supporter of the Baptist church and for some years sat on the Parish Council. He was well known in the north of England as a poultry fancier. He retired to Lightcliffe near Halifax but returned to Earby for the last few years of his life.

John Hartley (Mosley Street, Barnoldswick) sec. Of the Calf Hall Shed Company from formation in 1889 to 15/03/1893 when George Proctor took over. Mentioned as house furnisher in 1880 in BUDC papers. In 1887/1902 Barrett describes him as cycle dealer and house furnisher of 12 Church Street. In 1896 Barrett describes him as cabinet maker at 12 Church Street. In 1890 Local Board elections his address is given as Skipton Road, occupation house furnisher.

The Earby Manufacturing Company Limited was formed in Earby in 1895 and took over a newly constructed weaving shed at Victoria Mill. One of the partners was George P Hartley. In 1910 the four storey section of the mill was stripped of spinning machinery and converted to preparation, warehousing and weaving. At this point the EM Co. had 684 looms. T this time John Hartley was the manager and salesman.

Barrett’s directory notes Greenwood Hartley as having a clogger’s business in Earby. Also on Jepp Hill, Barnoldswick.

Barrett records John Hartley as grocer and corn dealer in Kelbrook.

Report in the Yorkshire Pioneer of 29 May 1896 that ‘Messrs Hartley and Co’ had taken Grove Shed and were filling it with White’s looms.

Charles Hartley mentioned as shopkeeper in Westgate in Barrett for 1896. [Furniture shop] When Charles first started the business it operated from a building next to the Spiritualist Church at Townhead (all now demolished) and included funeral undertaking working with Duxburies. It is thought by the family that he was secretary of the Barnoldswick Friendly Society who built Club Row at Townhead. From Townhead he moved into the old Baptist chapel on Walmsgate, from there to a shop next to the Commercial Inn (now the ‘Barlick’) and after that to the premises on the opposite side of Church Street next to Redmans. The shop closed for business in 2006.

Barrett reports Luke Hartley as Farmer at White House, Earby.

Barrett reports Thomas Hartley as agent for Liverpool Victoria [insurance co] at 5 Forrester’s Buildings Barnoldswick.

Barrett reports Robert Hartley as clogger of Rook Street.

Barrett’s directory for 1896 reports that Thomas Henry Hartley of Aspen Lane, Earby was director of Moorhouse and Hartley, Cotton manufacturers, Victoria Mill.

CH 05/05/1935. Talking about Earby in about 1890/1900, the writer describes the entrance from School Lane into ‘The Grove’ owned by Mr Theakstone. In 1935 it was occupied by Bracewell Hartley.

CH 24/05/1935. Reporting on the history of Bracewell Brothers in Earby it is noted that James Hartley succeeded Thos Driver of Rawtenstall as manager.

Barrett’s Directory for 1902 reports that B Hartley and Co are cotton Manufacturers at Sough Bridge Mill.

Barrett reports George Hartley as engine tenter, living at West View, Kelbrook. [Almost certainly at Dotcliffe Mill]

Mrs J H Hartley recorded in Barrett’s directory as being a dressmaker at 8 Wellhouse Road, Barnoldswick.

Barrett records Thomas Hartley as confectioner of 11 Rainhall Road.

CH report of 24/05/1935 reports that the Earby Shed Company built a new shed [Brook Shed] on New Road Earby on land belonging to the Green End Estate, 1632 looms, tenants included T H Hartley and Co Ltd and B&W [Bracewell and William]Hartley Ltd with 408 looms each.

CH report of 24/05/1935. Mentions that Bracewell and William Hartley were brothers in law to Robert Nutter and partners with him in the new firm of B&W Hartley that started in Brook Shed in 1908 with 408 looms. Mr Bracewell Hartley married the eldest daughter of Mr Gill and the couple resided at ‘The Grove’, Earby.

Levi Turner , schoolmaster of Earby married Jane Wormwell. They moved from Earby to Intake near Sheffield but returned to Earby in 1908. Levi became schoolmaster at Church School Barlick until he retired. Jane’s mother, Mrs Sarah Wormwell was originally Sarah Hartley. [info from John Turner of Ramsbottom via OGFB site]

Manchester Royal Exchange Directory notes Albert Hartley as having looms in Long Ing. Manchester office 10 Norfolk Street. Sheeting manufacturers.

LTP. 82/HD/03. Page 1. Harold Duxbury, talking about the building of the Majestic complex in Barlick in 1914, talks about Matthew Hartley [the owner and builder]and his three sons, Freddie (painter), Rennie (plumber) and Harry (bricklayer). Later Fred Hartley was manager of the Majestic and the Plaza in Skipton. Matt Hartley also built Station Chambers, the building where the Occasion is now at the end of Albert Road, a projected swimming baths on the Croft which never succeeded because of lack of a water main and other buildings in Barlick. Eric Parker told me that Harry Hartley married Teresa who lived in a house in Ellis Street behind the Majestic in the 1960s.

[Wm Atkinson. ‘Old Barlick’] Mentions Albert Hartley at Long Ing Shed and whilst it is difficult to analyse his figures the gist seems to be that Albert Hartley had 420 looms, 274 of which were large sheeting looms. [Most looms in Barlick were narrow]

Albert Hartley reported as having 519 looms at Crow Nest.

LTP. 78/AL/03. page 4. Arthur Entwistle told me that he used to get his clogs from Bob Hartley on Jepp Hill.

Matthew Hartley member of BUDC.

Worrall’s directory notes ‘Albert Hartley Ltd (and at Crow Nest) 639 looms.

CH advertisement, 01/03/1929. Sale as going concern of 204 spring top 36” looms and 204 44” looms all by Cooper with tape machine and all usual preparation machinery at Brook Shed Earby. In the matter of the voluntary liquidation of T H Hartley and Sons. Enquiries to Proctor and Proctor, 3 Grimshaw Street Burnley. An earlier report of 22/02/1929 in the CH had said that the meeting of creditors was to take place in Manchester on March 1st 1929. [P&P acted as secretaries and accountants for almost all the cotton related firms in the district]

Ch 24/01/1930. Reported the death of William Wilkinson, a founder and stalwart of the Earby Shed Company. Bracewell Hartley represented the Brook Shed tenants and P Watson A Watson and Joe Hartley represented the Earby Manufacturers Association.

CH report 07/02/1930. Greenwood Hartley, wine merchant, of 27 Long Ing Lane Barnoldswick gives notice that he is applying for a licence to operate a wine merchant’s business at 29 Long Ing Lane.

CH 25/09/1931 reports the death of Hartley Edmondson (58) at his home Glenwyn, Brogden Lane on Tuesday morning, 6th September. Founded Edmondson Ltd at Calf Hall Shed and was a founder of Westfield Shed in 1905. He worked at one time as manager for Wilkinson Hartley at Nelson who was his uncle.

Craven Herald 29/05/1932. report of the destruction by fire of a wooden army hut used as a warehouse by Albert Hartley Ltd at Crow Nest Shed. The hut was next to the drill Hall and held ball warps and other equipment. CH report of 13/05/1932. Report of engine breakdown at Long Ing which stopped the mill. A ‘Nelson firm was doing the repairs’. Albert Hartley not affected as their shed was driven by a separate engine and drive. 29/07/1932. Report that B&W Hartley of Brook Shed Earby were going over to the six loom system. [Part of the More Looms movement that caused so much strife at the time]

CH 18/03/1932. Report of the death of Bob Hartley (80), clogger of Jepp Hill. He retired at the age of 78 and was a well known figure, smoking a cigar as he made clogs. He was born in Salterforth and moved to Barlick when he was 17. He had a by-name; ‘Bob Greenwood’ after his father Greenwood Hartley who was also a clogger and started Bob off at the age of 12 in the forge, making clog irons. Bob’s first shop was on the site of the Ivory Hall WM club in Brook Street. After a few years he moved into premises on Jepp Hill but then moved into premises owned by the Legion Club for nine years after which he reverted to his old shop on Jepp Hill and carried on there for more than 50 years. He sold clogs by post all over Britain and exported them as well. He was associated with the Ivory Hall WM club for 40 years and at the age of 70 was made a life member. He made light clogs for athletes, raced pigeons and bred dogs. His youngest son R Hartley carries on in the clogger’s shop and another son, Greenwood Hartley is a grocer down Long Ing.

CH 29/07/1932. Report of a mass meeting held by Colne and District Weaver’s Association at the Empire Cinema Earby on Sunday 24th July at which it was greed to call a general strike of Earby weavers against the wage cuts announced by the manufacturers. John Hartley of the Earby Manufacturing Co at Victoria Mill had called a weaver’s meeting on Saturday 23rd to announce the cuts.

LTP. 78/AH/12. Page 1. Fred Inman talks about Thomas Henry Hartley and Pickles shutting down at Brook Shed.

CH 04/11/1932. Report of the death of T W Hartley (77) of Springfield, Earby. He was born in Carleton and moved to Barlick at an early age. One of the founding partners who built Brook Shed, Earby.

Albert Hartley [Long Ing?] 879 looms.

CH 25/03/1938. Evidence of John Hartley: “Before the winter set in in 1889 we got work nearer home at Sough Bridge Mill which was run by the Smallpage family of Colne, the title being ‘Nathan Smallpage and Sons’. My brother was put to weaving and I was in the warehouse as a ‘lapper up’.

Albert Hartley had 300 looms at Long Ing Shed as well as the ones in Crow Nest. My understanding is that these were sheeting looms.

LTP. 78/AC/06. Ernie Roberts tells of a man called Horace Hartley who went with him for an army medical and died afterwards. Ernie said he was 6ft 2” and weighed about 16 stone. He was rejected for war service and died 6 months later.

LYP. 78/AH/15. Page 3. Fred Inman talks about the speed of closures around 1952. He mentions the closure of Bracewell Hartley’s, then trading as Hartley Wiltex under Mr Joe Hartley at Brook Shed with 400 looms. In 78/AH/08, Fred says that Bracewell Hartley was the brother of William Hartley and father of Joe Hartley. Fred considered him a nice man. [he later gave a different opinion of the son, Joe Hartley]

Greenwood Hartley died June 8th 1964. He was a member of the council 1919-1925 and 1934-1937.

Death of Miss A Hartley on December 27 1969. She was a BUDC councillor from 1951 to 1954. [BUDC year book]

Report in the BET that half the workers at R Soper Ltd, formerly Albert Hartley’s at Crow Nest, were to be made redundant. ‘Six years earlier there were more than 500 employees at Albert Hartley’ [I find this number quite surprising. SG.]

Harry Widdup told me that when Bob Hartley, the clogger on Jepp Hill, retired, he went to Blackpool and grew tomatoes.

Evidence of Bob King of Earby referring to post WW2 activities at Victoria Mill Earby that Alfred Hartley of Barnoldswick was a taper there.

No date
Hartley Street in Barlick was a row of houses on the south side of what is now Colne Road [Westgate] about 100 yards above Cavendish Street. [Rocky Road] These houses were all demolished for road widening in the late 1950s(?). Name suggests a Hartley Built them.

SCG/09 September 2006
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by semah »

Wendyf wrote:Sorry I cant help Semah. I had a look on Ancestry but there are too many James Hartley's in the area! Have you looked for him on the 1911 census? There is a James married to Martha living on Leaf Street, Nelson who was born in Colne in 1881.
I'll ask my fellow volunteer at Colne Library who is a bit of a Hartley expert.

I like the look of the James you found in Leaf Street(above) The only problem is on the 1911 Census they say they have been married for 4 years ...yet I can't match a James Hartley with a Martha. I suppose I could send for one of the childrens birth certs to get mothers maiden name..what do you think?

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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by Stanley »

Just think how handy it would have been if everyone had followed the convention of giving the first child the mother's maiden name as an extra forename.....
Stanley Challenger Graham
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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by Wendyf »

I had another look at the 1911 census last night and found that there is a Mary Hartley aged 50 living next door in Leaf Street...it could be a coincidence, but this might be James' mother and therefore not the right James.
Do you know where James was baptised? I've been thinking that Whitewalls was Colne, but was it Little Marsden?
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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by semah »

Wendyf wrote:I had another look at the 1911 census last night and found that there is a Mary Hartley aged 50 living next door in Leaf Street...it could be a coincidence, but this might be James' mother and therefore not the right James.
Do you know where James was baptised? I've been thinking that Whitewalls was Colne, but was it Little Marsden?
Hi Wendy,

On th 1881 Census James was living with his parents (his father was the Publican) at 58 Burnley Road at the White Wall Inn. James snr gives his place of birth as Barrowford, Ellen (his mother) as Foulridge and James, Gt Marsden. The Census district was Great Marsden. On the 1891 Census Ellen is a Widow living at Northumberland Street Morecambe/Poulton occupation Lodging Housekeeper, James and his sister are amongst those living there. By 1901 James is living at 74 Standish Road as a visitor, occupation railway engine cleaner. I am happy that this is our James as I have a birth (illigit) by his sister at that address in 1902 (James Alexander Lane Hartley) She had another child there in May 1907 Joseph Simpson (she married a Joseph Simpson in 1906). She also had Thomas Gerald Simpson 1910, Jack 1912, William 1922. Not sure what the connection was with the family that lived there in 1901.

Hope you can understand all that I got lost half way through!!!

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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by Wendyf »

Hi John, thanks for that, I think I grasped it!
In the 1901 census when James is living at 74 Standish Street Burnley, the head of the household, Alexander Riley, is described as a Commercial Hotel Keeper, as his his wife Martha, so it looks as if this is a lodging house. Martha (65) gives her birthplace as Foulridge. I wonder if there is a connection to Ellen?
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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by semah »

Wendyf wrote:Hi John, thanks for that, I think I grasped it!
In the 1901 census when James is living at 74 Standish Street Burnley, the head of the household, Alexander Riley, is described as a Commercial Hotel Keeper, as his his wife Martha, so it looks as if this is a lodging house. Martha (65) gives her birthplace as Foulridge. I wonder if there is a connection to Ellen?

Good idea Wendy I will follow that logic. If Martha is her sister Ann may have gone there to have the baby (James Alexnder Lane Hartley - 1902) as she wasn't married at the time.

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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by semah »


Hi Wendy I think I may have found James Hartley born 1881. On Ancestry.co - Soldiers who died in the Great War there is a:

James Hartley
Born Foulridge
died 1/5/1917
Enlisted Nelson

What do you think?

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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by Wendyf »

Well, I have got a bit involved with Alexander Riley and family today....I hope there is a connection to your Hartleys because it is quite interesting!
Alexander Riley was the son of Oates & Betty Riley of Laneshawbridge, baptised at St Barts Colne in 1827
24th April 1858 at St Barts Colne Alexander Riley, 30, clogger of Hollin Bank, Little Marsden marries Margaret Exley 24 spinster of Burnley. Alexander's father is Oates, Margaret's is given as Abner Exley.

I will have to come back to this cos I need to go and feed the hens, but it gets interesting because looking at the census returns through the years Alexander's wife changes from being Margaret to Martha between 1881 & 1891. Both give their birthplace as Foulridge, but Martha is a couple of years older than Margaret. This ties in with an Exley family in the 1841 census where the 2 are sisters, there is also a sister called Ellen.
Must go!
Just spotted that you have posted while I have been writing this John, will get back to you.
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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by Wendyf »

Hi Wendy I think I may have found James Hartley born 1881. On Ancestry.co - Soldiers who died in the Great War there is a:

James Hartley
Born Foulridge
died 1/5/1917
Enlisted Nelson

What do you think?

Not so sure about that John, why Foulridge when he was born in Gt Marsden or Colne?
Your Ellen can't be the sister of Margaret/Martha Riley, as she is 20 years too young, but she could possibly be a niece.
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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by semah »

Wendyf wrote:
Hi Wendy I think I may have found James Hartley born 1881. On Ancestry.co - Soldiers who died in the Great War there is a:

James Hartley
Born Foulridge
died 1/5/1917
Enlisted Nelson

What do you think?

Not so sure about that John, why Foulridge when he was born in Gt Marsden or Colne?
Your Ellen can't be the sister of Margaret/Martha Riley, as she is 20 years too young, but she could possibly be a niece.

Wendy - point taken. I thought Foulridge was nearer to Gt Marsden than it was. Looking further at the Great War deaths I have found a death, place of birth Barrowford, with correct date of birth ..which proves your point really. I will delve on regardless. I have ordered Cemetery records for Colne, Burnley and Nelson for those buried named Hartley.

Hope chickens are well fed
Cheers :smile:
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Re: HARTLEY James - Innkeeper 1881

Post by Wendyf »

I'll see what local records there are in the library for WW1. I can also have a look through non conformist records in the library for a marriage.
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