Favourite Walks and Rambles

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

It was too nice a day not to go for a walk today. I set off just after 1pm and went my usual route via Moorgate and up Folly Lane to Standridge. The amount of water coming down the newly cleared drain at the side of Folly as I climbed to Standridge told me that it was going to be a wet ascent underfoot. I was not wrong, the first field was saturated with surface water up to the stile at the top of the first field. Not much better alongside the Bronze Age banking so I walked on top. All the normally wet patches on the way up were very claggy and all the contributory streams and land drains to Springs Beck in the bottom were running free and noisy as I passed each of them. I kept looking back on the climb to the summit as the visibility today was fantastic. Each of Yorkshire's three peaks have snow on them, you could see well up into the higher dales as I approached the summit. Very wet on the top past the stone cairn and onward to the trig. Once round here and then I retraced my steps back to the cairn over to and through the wall for the stile to take me over the heather moor. Boggy in parts along here again as I made my way over to the stile and field above Duckpond. Through the field and time to say hello to our friendly giants.


I took the path around Duckpond and over to rejoin Folly Lane at the very top. I stopped here for a drink of water and met a guy coming up the lane. He asked me the way to the trig on Weets so I indicated the way I had just come. It transpired that he was actually making for Colne and really wanted to join Gisburn Old Road but only knew the route to and from the trig. I set him right and told him to veer slightly left after the field exit stile above Duckpond, follow the way marks and pick up the track off the moor down to Star Hall which would save him the best part of 2 miles off his route, unless of course he wanted to go via the trig, he was happy anyway. I came down the top end green lane bit of Folly to just above Higher View and then took the stile to take me over and down the moor to Lane Bottom. At the bottom of the moor I exited at Quarry Cottage and then went back into the lower pasture climbing the hillside up to the bottom of Lister Well Road. A quick dog leg down the road onto Hodge Lane then the short hop across a very boggy field to climb up to Letcliffe. I came down through the park and back home via Manchester Road.

Just over 5 miles on a glorious mid winters day.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

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A reverse route around Stock this afternoon. Out via Fernbank and across Brogden. Down to the stone bridge over Cloggers and up to the plantation, stile down onto the road and down into Bracewell. Path down to my old camping spot by the old ford and the bridge over the beck. Up the field and round into Stock hamlet. Back into the fields and down the hillside to cross back over the beck again. Into the big field ans straight on to Gilbeber. I skirted the hill here and headed directly across the field rather than going up the hill to join the bridleway at the marker post. All the fields are still saturated so some parts are heavy going. Onward to the stock moving bridge to cross the beck yet again, the approach through the next field to Broad Ing Bridge on Greeberfield was particularly wet, the lane is still flooded a little further up due to blocked drains. I had my gaiters on as I knew it would be claggy around the beck today and I was glad of them. I reckon once I got on the path up to Victory park my boots weighed about twice as much with the muck that was stuck to them. I jumped down onto a shingle bank where I used to beck jump when I was a lad and washed my boots off, no point taking half of the fields home with me.

A note on my KSB boots. They have had quite a bit of hammer since I got them, much in wet and claggy conditions. I reckon they are just about worn in now. They are living up to expectations, comfortable to the point of nearly walking on kittens as they say and they turn water as good as wellies. I have had them in water and mud nearly above the ankle and my feet have remained dry. The Vibram soles are as I remember my last pair, a lot more secure than the slip n slide on the HiTechs so all in all I am well pleased. I keep on top of them and waterproof regularly but would prefer some silicone based spray rather than the water based stuff that seems to be the norm. Your boots have to be wet to apply that, just about to do mine now while they are still damp.

4 miles, 1h 32m, sky dry, claggy and wet underfoot.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Wendyf »

You must be getting pretty fit with all this walking Ian, do you have another challenge in mind?
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

Nothing on the cards Wendy, looking forward to getting back on the bike but I may struggle with the way my shoulder is at the moment. I need to get that mended up first. I don't use it when walking unless I have to reach for a high stile.

We are hoping for a good day at some point next week so we can get a walk up Penyghent in. We will have Ruby all week and Isla for part of the week and we want to introduce them to the hill, their respective parents had both climbed it many times by their age. Ruby is 7 and Isla 6. There's a bit of Ruby's dad up there and I want to encourage her to love the hill as I and her daddy did. If we can get both the girls together for their first ascent they will egg one another on, they are best of friendly cousins most of the time and the worst enemy melt downs from either side only seem to last 10 or 15 minutes. It's an exciting ascent up the end with a nice rock climb to negotiate.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

Looks like the last good walking day for a while Ian!
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

A nice walk out in Winter sunshine this afternoon. Out over Brogden on to Bracewell and then back via Stock. Same walk as the last one I posted in the thread, route is the same so I will not bother posting the Endomondo track. Fields were a lot dryer underfoot, soft but no standing water or serious clag. It would not take much to inundate it again though. 4.12 miles, 1h 20m, 285ft ascent, 489kcal.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

I thought you might be out there Ian!
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

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Too nice a day not to be on a hill today. Set off just after dinner in glorious sunshine, cool with a bit of wind but I only needed my light Tog24 over the head fleece on and blouson windproof layer. I went my normal way up Folly and then straight to the trig on Weets summit. You could see for miles on the climb up. Little snow on the hills out to the west but plenty up in the dales. The Three Peaks all had a good covering as does Great Whernside. Going was good the ground was firm with a softened springy top where the ground frost had melted off, quite pleasant compared to the months of clag we have had. The muddy sections on the way up were still frozen so a lot easier to traverse. I met a guy who I see fairly regularly on the hill he was just behind me to the trig and we chatted for a while on the top. He was going back down the way he came as he was a bit short of time. No restriction for me so I came down the north side and then over the moor to return via The Edge and Dark Hill. I was pleasantly surprised that the boggy stile at Dark Hill Well was easily passable, there was still plenty of water but easy enough to negotiate. I came round by the old lime kiln workings which was quite busy with rabbits. Onto Hollins Lane and then a short hop to the buttercup meadow and home via Calf Hall. We have one of those neoprene buckets that are used for gardening in the back yard. Its half full off pebbles for Sally's pots then filled to the top with rainwater. We keep a brush with it and it's ideal for cleaning off our boots when we get home. Not much muck to wash off my boots today but I gave them a good soaking including the tongues so that I could give them a coat of waterproofing. 4.4 miles in about 1 hour 40 min, here is the Endomondo route and stats.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Stanley »

I use Neat's Foot Oil on my leather boots and muck doesn't stick to them.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

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That's alright then Stanley, you are not crossing the same terrain as I am though. My boots aren't leather either, but if they were. :wink:
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

My walk today would suit Wendy and Col if they wanted a slight variant around Weets. You could start from Letcliffe or better still Clough park. I went out my normal route up Westgate, past Town Head but continued on past Moorgate and Bancroft up to the junction with Tubber Hill, as short hop then onto Lane Bottoms. I followed all the way up to Quarry Cottage then out onto the heather moor. The path divides halfway up but if you take the right hand fork and carry on heading up you reach a stile in the corner of the field. Over here and then follow the wall side path, down to the bridge and over the little stream that is one of the feeders off the moor for Gillians beck. The path continues and brings you out at Higher View on Folly Lane. Left here to climb the bridleway up to the very top of Folly. Over the stile and through the field to Duckpond paying compliments to our friendly giants on the way past. Straight across the field and then a sharp right at the exit stile to take the moorland path over to Weets summit. The path emerges off the moor and joins the main route to the summit just about another 50 feet of climb. The total climb on this route is 682ft to the trig.

There was a stiff breeze on the top and I crouched down behind the trig to have my caramel biscuits that I take out with me, they give a good sugar boost to help you along. A gent approached who came up from the direction of Weets House he had just come up to the summit via Coal Pit Lane and Gisburn old track. He was doing half of the 24 mile West Craven Way. Barlick is a convenient mid point on this route which effectively traces the Boundary of West Craven. He was from Darwen and had previously completed the other half of the route a few weeks ago. Weets trig is a little off the actual route but he wanted to see the panorama from the top. I pointed out all the main dales hills that were visible to us. You could just about see as far as Whernside today, still with snow on, Ingleborough and Penyghent were a lot more prominent. Penyghent is virtually clear of snow so if the weather improves a bit more over Easter we may be able to get up there with the girls. Ruby is coming up over the holiday so hopefully it may be fit for an outing.

I came back down straight down the ridge and down onto Folly at Standridge, Moorgate, Westgate and Walmsgate to home.

4.86 miles in 1h 48min, 682ft ascent, 587Kcal earned. No rush on such a glorious late Winter but nearly Spring day.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

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A Weets circular by any other name but with a variant route at the start. This one starts and ends on Folly for the loop part of the walk but we detoured below Standridge over to Lower Standridge then down over the beck to Lane Bottoms. From here it was the same as the last one I posted, the dog leg does not realy add any more distance just a variation of scenery. It was warm out today when walking, especially when climbing. This route encompasses about 700ft of ascent in total from the Croft. We were both slightly overdressed and both ended up shedding a layer.

I have included the track just to show the variation in route. One or two people noticed out on the hill and a small group descending Lister Well when we were on the heather moor making for Higher View. Most paths and tracks are fairly dry now from the fair weather spell we have had lately. It was true to form and proper first day of Spring conditions. 4.89 miles 1h 46min 584kcal.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

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We have had our granddaughters with us this last week so have been doing outings with the girls. Not much chance (and the weather has been a bit iffy anyway) for getting out for a decent walk. I took Sally and Ruby to Skipton this morning for the train back down to Stratford. A bit of dinner when I got back and then another slight variation on Weets.

Usual way up Folly and straight up the ridge to the trig. The rain over the last few days has made the usual boggy sections on the ascent just that. The top was quite spongy too. There was a threatening rainstorm hanging around Gisburn but it seemed to be moving towards Marton with the way the wind was. One or two spots of rain in the wind but nothing more.

I tend to meet folk when I am on the top of Weets and today was no exception. I met a bloke from Wray who was visiting various summits, it was his first time on Weets. He had driven up to to Weets House in the car and just done the 400 yard stroll to the top, he was impressed by the 360 degree view though from the trig. We exchanged pleasantries and he set of back to the car.

I tipped off over the North side and down to the moor which again was quite wet in places. I was warm by the time I got down onto the moor and the sun was warm enough to shed down to my base layer T Shirt, light fleece tied round waist and windproof carried. No sheep on The Edge and a dry transit down as far as Dark Hill. Boggy stile still boggy so the bottom of the field was likely to be the same. I exited through the stile and went round by the quarry and out onto Hollins Lane. Buttercup field was likely to be wet so I went down the path to the back of Cow Pasture, continuing down the lower fields towards Fernbank. Back home via the stables, Priory Way and Valley Gardens.

No Endomondo track as I managed to cancel the tracking when my phone rang halfway down Dark Hill. The route is 4.7 miles about 1h 50mins, wet in places underfoot but a nice walk, steady breeze on the way up but sunny and calm once off the top.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Tripps »

Now that April is here - this is a good ramble.
Combination of fresh air, exercise, and culture. :smile:

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

Our afternoon walk took us out around the lanes and fields at the top end of town today. Up through town and Park Hill onto Kelbrook Road, up King Hill and onto Hodge Lane. Out onto Tubber and then a hop to the bottom of Lister Well, over into the field here and down to Lane Bottom. Every sheep in the field decided to follow us and were making quite racket as we crossed the field. Over Lane Bottom, back into the fields and on to the bridge over the top of Gillians beck, up the hill to Lower Standridge and out onto Folly Lane. Down the lane to Billycocks house at Moorgate then back into the fields over to Esp Lane. Up the lane as far as the stile above Springs then down the field, I noticed the dam looks to be silted up as I came down the field into the yard. We exited via the stile at the bottom of the yard and followed the beck down past a few of what used to be my favorite trout holes when I was a lad, down as far as Hollins Lane. We turned left here along the lane past the buttercup field and then down the path to the stock holding area at Cow Pasture. We continued down to Fernbank and returned via the Stables, Priory Way and Valley Gardens. A nice walk and it managed to keep fine all the way round despite the chance of rain, it was warm in the sun, second time I have had to strip off layers, hope for us yet, some fields boggy after the short spells of rain we have had over the last few days. Just short of 4 miles, 1h 20mins, 458Kcal, daft as it sounds 530ft of ascent on this route.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

Those nice people at Endomondo have totalled up my walks for March.


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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

Isla and Finlay with us for the last couple of days and staying over tonight so our walks each day have both been about 3 miles. Both of them ending in a park, the first out via the canal down to the locks, stopping for a brew and an ice cream and then back via Greeberfield and Victory park.

Today's walk we went up Folly and over the fields to Gillans beck then over Lane Bottom. Into the field and up to Lister Well / Tubber, Hodge Lane then over to Letcliffe for a half hour on the park. Both of them did very well, good practice for our intended Penyghent ascent when next we have Ruby. We will have all three grandchildren then for the circular so hopefully they should egg one another on. Good sign this morning when Finlay arrived, he announced that his new boots were specifically for climbing Penyghent. We tried them out anyway and they worked OK in the mud around Gillians beck. :grin:

We got them both suitably mucky today so they are going in the bath tonight before bed.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

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We had to deliver some cot quilts today that Sally had made for a friends grandchildren. Our friend lives on Manchester Road so after dropping the stuff off we went up the snicket to Letcliffe and up over the park to save walking up the road. We came back down the lane onto the road and then doglegged up to Lister Well. We walked up to just below Prospect and then took the path over the heather moor, over the beck and then out onto Folly Lane at Higher View. We continued upto the top of Folly then over to Duckpond. A right after the stile and back out into the heather. Quite wet on the ascent and the transit across the moor after last nights snow. Up past the cairn and onto the trig, it was quite windy on the top and even more so as we came down the ridge back to Folly and back into Barlick. We had stripped off a layer on the ascent but had to zip back up for the descent down the ridge. A reasonable walk with varying terrain on this route. Just short of 5 miles, not rushing 1h 49m, 633ft of climbing, 0.33L hydration and 595Kcal earned.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

I went out via the stables down Priory Way today, just had a light jacket on and got caught in the hail shower but kept most of it off me sheltering under a Hawthorn on the path up into the fields. Shower only lasted a few minutes so I continued on into the fields and took the path below Cow Pasture through the old orchard, past the little pond and on under the trees heading towards Brogden. I went up and over the hill towards Raygill, the field that was saturated during winter, it was still very wet with surface water visible in the bare patches between the grass. No movement yet on the sighting pole I have requested on this route but I know the footpaths team have it in hand. I continued on to join the bridleway that runs from Brogden up to Hollins. I went back into the field to take the corner of when the track bears to the left. Out past Hollins and down the lane towards Springs beck then onto the path up to the Springs cluster of houses. I saw one of the guys that lives in one of the conversions up there and stopped and chatted for a while. Back into the field behind the garage to climb up and out onto Esp Lane. Back down the lane to Town Head, Westgate, Walmsgate and home. Just 3 miles, not rushed, lots of wildlife to see in the hedgerows and fields. 1h 26min, nearly 350ft of climb, warm and pleasant.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

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I usually walk in the afternoon but had something to do today so I went out this morning. Parrock, Calf Hall Lane past Hopes BMX track up towards Cow Pasture and out through the buttercup meadow. I cut across to the stile in the top right hand corner of the field and then did the short hop up to Hollins. Round the front and onto the bridleway retracing my route from yesterday, down towards Raygill then a right to come back over the boggy hill. This was about the two mile mark and I have to say I was flagging somewhat, I felt wiped out! As it was only a short walk I only had water with me and unusually no sugar injection biscuits. I finished my water off to fill me up and stave off the hunger pangs. Under the trees and back via the orchard and then the path down to the stables, Priory Way, Valley Gardens and home. 2.64 miles, 55 minutes and proper ready for my dinner.

I swapped out my normal porridge this morning for cereal (Corn Flakes). Other breakfast bits the same, Yoghurt drink and a pot of tea with milk and sugar. I had the same quantity in cereal as I do in porridge (40g) but less milk in the making. I have run the numbers on my new breakfast and It's over a hundred calories short of what I normally have, I will have to increase the cereal a bit which will have the knock on of a bit more milk as well.

As mentioned, I normally walk in the afternoons when more fueled up with two meals inside. It was late morning roughly an hour before dinner. Must make note to self that my small packs of booster biscuits should always be carried regardless of duration.

No Endomondo track as it was 80% of yesterdays walk in reverse.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

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I took my normal route for Weets summit today, out via the path from Butts through to Parrock. I let a couple of young lads aged about 14 on their bikes past me on the path. They were going the same way as me up Colne Road. They were still ahead at Moorgate but I caught up and passed them just before Standridge they said they were going the same way as me. They were pushing up the first field and I was through the first stile at the top by the time they were half way up. I lost them completely by the time I was over the first ridge. Lovely and sunny and the midges were out in force wherever there was a bit of a damp patch. The usual spots were still very wet on the way up. I made it up to the trig and stopped for about 5 -10 minutes to take in the view, a bit of a breather and about half of my water to re-hydrate. You could see well up into the dales today but not quite out to the coast down the Ribble Valley.

I walked back to the wall side path and followed it down towards Weets House and then took Gisburn Old Track bridleway to come down into the valley bottom. The skylarks were singing their hearts out on the moor as I descended on the track. I continued on down until I reached the Jenny Wrens bench and stopped again here for a little more water and my snack biscuits. Another half mile down the bridleway to the junction of Stocks Lane, Brogden and Coalpit Lane running up from Hesketh. Back along Brogden past Flass House. The bike lads must have followed my route exactly, they caught me up and passed me just as I was getting back into the field to take the corner off on the lane through to Jack House, they stayed on Brogden. Back in the fields after Jack House again through to Hollins then back through the buttercup field, Calf Hall, Butts and home. 5.5 miles not rushed, just over 2 hours with plenty to see, hear and smell on a perfect Spring day, 520 ft climb on the route and a 683 Kcalorie burn as a bonus.

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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

I thought I would take a walk up Weets today seeing that is was fine. Normal way up Folly and straight up the ridge to the summit. There was a stiff cold breeze on the ascent and despite the sunshine I was glad I had put my beanie hat on. Uneventful climb, the path in the main had dried out even more since my last foray to summit on Thursday night. I went straight up to the cairn to have a look at the beacon site. What a good job Nick and his mates have done in clearing up.


A bit of scorching behind where the beacon was built but that will soon recover. You can see on this one taken from the other side how good a job the lads have done.


Onward to the trig and you can see here that more than one commemoration has taken place on the hill this week. These are additions since Thursday.


A bit breezy on the top so I didn't linger long. I came off down the steep Northern side and over the moor to the top of The Edge. I wanted to return this way to see if there has been any work done yet on the two stiles I reported to LCC. Nothing yet but I do know that Tom and the Pendle team have to get permission for vehicular access to get to the one on Dark Hill, the top side of which was fairly dry, Barlick side still a quagmire, It will always be like this as it is just below where Dark Hill Well rises. The stile itself is in good condition, it's the approach from either side that's the problem. It needs some tanalised timber pontoon squares installing. I have no doubt that it will happen eventually when resources are available and access has been granted. I returned straight down the field where there were dozens of rabbits scurrying back to cover as I came off the hill. Straight over Hollins and the buttercup field then onto Calf Hall, Parrock and home.

I'll not put the route up as it's already in the thread. This circuit of 4.5miles 682ft ascent was done in 1h 39min. Breezy on the top, a lot calmer off the side and back down the valley, cool but sun trying to get through. 535kcal, plenty for the home made meat and tatie pie with marrowfats planned for tea.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by David Whipp »

Thanks Ian.

Just a note on footpath repairs...

In the last couple of years, LCC attempted to scrap the agency agreement that the county has with Pendle. We managed to prevent this and Tom remains in post at the borough council, though a higher proportion of his work is dealing with diversions, which landowners have to pay for. This income offsets some of Tom's salary etc. (The agency agreement is once again jeopardised by actions at LCC, with lots of district's in Lancashire walking away from the residual 'streetscene' work because of funding cuts, but I'm reasonably confident we'll retain our unique arrangement in Pendle).

As a consequence of the above, the money for footpath repairs has been cut. In order to offset this, town and parish councils in Pendle were asked if they wanted to supplement the footpath funding in their area. Barnoldswick Town Council has done so. In Bracewell and Brogden, there's no parish council and the parish meeting doesn't meet. However, the area committee that I chair holds some money on behalf of the parish meeting area and has agreed to use some to supplement the money for footpaths in the parish meeting area.

All the footpaths in our area will continue to receive an enhanced level of maintenance as a result of this. This may not seem earth shattering, but it's worthwhile looking after a significant part of our highway system.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by PanBiker »

That's good news that the Town Council is subsidising the footpaths scheme David but it should not have to of course unless there was more top down funding in place to cater for it. This eroded of course by the current lords of the universe. You will be of the same mind as me in that these routes should be preserved to the best of our abilities.

You mentioned that Tom's time is being taken up more with diversion work. A case in point and nothing to do with Tom. There is a development underway down Coalpit Lane that according to my neighbour Richard has completely blocked access to one of the rights of way down into Gisburn. Richard does a lot of walking and he recently went down there and found the path fenced off with no apparent diversion in place just a notice of danger of death from the large scale solar panel installation ongoing in the fields.

I had not heard anything of this so I had a furtle on the web to see what came up. It's all documented in Ribble Valleys planning applications and is a development by Solar Parks Development 5 Ltd. The area being developed is roughly the size of 15 football pitches. Plans were submitted in 2014, there was a public debate in 2015 and they are now cracking on with the work. Apparently its a "medium" sized development, It's very well hidden on the south facing slopes about three quarters of a mile behind the village. You cant see it from the top of Weets according to Richard but I forgot to look yesterday. You can just see it when coming down Dark Hill though, it looks like two lakes in the distance.

I don't have a problem with the development itself, we have to get the energy from somewhere but if Richard is correct they have not got the diversions right. He had to track back and go over to the footpath at Bomber to continue his route. Not in Tom's remit of course as it's not on his patch. I have not reported it on LCC yet as I have not seen the problem for myself. I have no reason to doubt Richard but I need to see it to flag and report it accurately on the reporting site.

It's stuff like this that has to be kept an eye on and is just the kind of thing that could lead to loss of a defined route.
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Re: Favourite Walks and Rambles

Post by Wendyf »

I have been seeing two new "lakes" shining in the evening sun. I had wondered if it was a solar farm....either that or a stretch of water I just hadn't noticed before, which seemed odd.
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